Thursday, January 13, 2011

Feds to Pay for Some of Their Own $#!*

Cardin: Feds can now pay local stormwater fees:
The federal government can now pay local stormwater fees that will help Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts... Cardin says the law affects jurisdictions nationwide, particularly Washington, which is owed $2.4 million.

Federal officials told D.C. last year the Constitution prohibits the federal government from paying taxes levied by state and local governments. Stormwater runoff is the fastest growing source of pollution in the Chesapeake watershed and the federal government is a major landowner in the region.
I confess, I didn't see this one coming.  A long-time complaint of Washington D.C. residents has been that the Federal Government doesn't pay it's fair share of costs of supporting the city's infrastructure, since the Federal Government is immune to state and local taxes.  While I doubt that 2.4 million is a fair share, it is interesting that this is the area that they have chosen to bend on.

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