Saturday, July 1, 2023

Flotsam and Jetsam - A Big Day at the Supreme Court

 Now the reason that liberals have been trying to delegitimize the court is clear. A day after the Supreme Court ruled affirmative action, as practiced by Harvard and the UNC were illegal violations of the equal protection, the court released two new rulings, one forbidding Joe Biden's plan to mass cancel student loan debts (at a cost of nearly half at trillion), and one forbidding the state of Colorado from forcing a web designer to  provide pro-gay wedding content. Oh, and that at Christian postal worker can't be forced to work on Sunday. Whatever else you might want to say about Donald Trump and Mitch the murder turtle McConnell, we owe them a great deal of thanks for their efforts on the Supreme Court. 

We'll go to the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.30.23 for a whirlwind roundup the court related posts. Twitchy,  Laurence Tribe Writes BRUTAL Letter Trashing Justice “Wise Latina” Sotomayor, Louder With Crowder, Supreme Court rules AGAINST Joe Biden’s unconstitutional student loan bailout – here are some things to know, Am Great, Supreme Court Rules Against Biden’s Loan Forgiveness Plan, in Favor of Web Designer Who Refused to Make Same-Sex Wedding Websites, Behind The Black, A blacklisted American wins in court,  Cafe Hayek: On Today’s Ruling On Student-Loan ‘Forgiveness’, Da Tech Guy: SCOTUS Makes the Case for Trump, Dana Loesch: SCOTUS Ends Affirmative Action, Don Surber: Ending centuries of Harvard bigotry, First Street Journal: The Supreme Court destroys all chances of race-based ‘reparations’, Legal Insurrection,  Bates College Prof Reveals Inside Look at ‘the Racial Gaming of Admissions’, Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud – Video of Berkeley Law Dean Admitting To “Unstated Affirmative Action”,  Outkick, WNBA’s Natasha Cloud Says ‘Our Country Is Trash’ In Wake Of Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action Ruling, Power Line: A Case Study in ‘Progressive Fragility’ & Entitlement, Joey Mumbles does college admissions, This Ain’t Hell, The U.S. Supreme Court strikes down university affirmative action, exempting the service academies, Transterrestrial Musings, The Affirmative-Action Decision, Victory Girls, Affirmative Action Dissenters Illustrate Hypocrisy in Action, Volokh Conspiracy, SCOTUS Holds That Speech Creators (e.g., Web Designers) Can’t Be Required to Create Content They Object to and Da Fed, SCOTUS Decision Protecting Religious Liberty Provides The Perfect Ending To Pride Month,  and Affirmative Action Is Another Nonsense Leftist Position We’ve Been Conditioned To Take Seriously. Whew, but wait, there's more!

On the affirmative action ruling the Babylon Bee snarks Awkward: Supreme Court Rules Against Affirmative Action With Affirmative Action Hire Sitting Right There. PJM's Stephen Kruiser sees Clarence Thomas Flexes All Over SCOTUS Diversity Hire Ketanji Brown Jackson in Affirmative Action Opinion. At Da Caller, Liberals Outraged That Asian Students Will Finally Get A Fair Chance. PJM's Matt Margolis takes to task Elizabeth Warren: Affirmative Action Hypocrite. Mike LaChance at LI cites Insty “This ruling represents a drastic retreat in the social position of higher education” "Professor Glenn Reynolds on the Supreme Court Affirmative Action ruling." Althouse wonders Whatever happened to the affirmative action concept of "critical mass"? "From the majority opinion in the new case, Students for Fair Admission v. Harvard. . . " At Da Blaze, CNN host abruptly ends segment when guest whips out the facts about affirmative action's impact on Asian students.'

Virginia Kruta at Da Wire notes Chief Justice Roberts Accuses Liberal Justices Of Power Grab In Affirmative Action Opinion.  Herr Professor Jacobsen at LI predicts SCOTUS “gave universities a narrow opening, and Harvard just announced it’s going to drive an affirmative action truck right through it.” Dan Flynn at Am Spec, Supreme Court Sacks Affirmative Action — Here Comes the End-Around. "Chief Justice Roberts provides a playbook on how to skirt the law." At City Journal, The Next Battle Over Racial Preferences, "While the Supreme Court has swept away affirmative action, universities still intend to practice preferential admissions by using proxies for race." Da Caller, Harvard Hints At How It Will Keep Considering Race In Admissions Despite SCOTUS Ruling. Don Surber is pleased with Ending centuries of Harvard bigotry. Kenny Xu at Da Fed writes Despite A SCOTUS Victory For Fair Admissions, The Fight For Meritocracy Must Continue. At Da Caller again, Black Conservatives Praise SCOTUS Decision Striking Down Government-Sanctioned Racism. Matt Margolis, Winsome Sears Nukes Ketanji Brown Jackson's Dissent: ‘Chosen Because She’s Black’ No, she was chosen to be a black, female liberal. Jordan Boyd at Da Fed, Of Course Ketanji Brown Jackson Supports Affirmative Action. It’s The Only Reason She’s A Supreme Court Justice. Da Caller, ‘A Dagger In Our Back’: Sharpton Says ‘Right-Wing Trump Court’ Should Be ‘Resisted’. At Front Page Bruce Thornton opines, The Supreme Court Finally Gets Affirmative Action Right "Ending the blatant contradiction of America’s foundational principles." Breitbart again, EEOC Commissioner: There Will Be More Challenges to Already Illegal DEI, Corporate Race Programs After SCOTUS College Ruling. At the Free Bacon, Media Not Happy About High Court's Affirmative Action Ruling. Really? I'm shocked.

Matt Margolis,  Supreme Court Kills Joe Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Scam. At ET, Supreme Court Strikes Down Biden Student Loan Forgiveness Program. Sundance at CTH, Supreme Court Rules Biden Student Loan Forgiveness Program Exceeds Constitutional Constraints and Joe Biden Reacts to Supreme Court Restraining His Unilateral Power to Forgive Student Loans…. At Am Great, Nice Deb reports Supreme Court Rules Against Biden’s Loan Forgiveness Plan, in Favor of Web Designer Who Refused to Make Same-Sex Wedding Websites (hey, let's not get ahead of ourselves!). At CNN Ilya Somin opines on Why the Supreme Court got it right on student loans. Hat Hair's John Sexton asks What will Biden do to silence the whinging of the borrowers? (Update: Biden says SCOTUS misinterpreted the Constitution). Insty says HEH . . .  Ace, Supreme Court Rules That Biden Cannot Unilaterally Cancel Student Debt; Also Rules That Colorado Cannot Force a Website Maker to Design Wedding Sites for Same Sex Couples

Paula Bolyard at PJM, Supreme Court Sides With Christian Who Refused to Create Same-Sex Wedding Websites. Not The Bee, "You do not have to bake the cake": The Supreme Court continues its winning streak with a major victory for religious liberty. Joe Weber at JTN, Supreme Court rules with web designer in case related to LGBTQ+ rights, free speech. At Fox, Sotomayor dissent in Christian designer case makes false claim about Pulse nightclub shooting, "Justice Sonia Sotomayor erroneously says infamous Orlando, Florida, massacre was driven by anti-gay hate." PM, Supreme Court rules Christian postal worker cannot be forced to work on Sundays

At Town Hall, Carol Platt Liebau calls it A Great Day for the First Amendment long. Power Line's John Hinderacker, Supreme Court Defends Freedom of Speech. At Grabien, posted at Hat Hair, Guess what Ilhan Omar believes is behind SCOTUS decisions this week? One guess. Erick Erickson calls it The Ruthless Supreme Court. "When given the chance to step down during Barack Obama’s presidency and allow an equally liberal replacement, the Notorious RBG declined. Thanks to her lack of humility, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was replaced with 48-year-old Amy Coney Barrett by Donald Trump, tilting the court to the right for decades to come."

At Fox, Rep. Nancy Mace says Biden's cognitive decline cannot be denied: 'He shouldn't be president' "Biden wanders off set with MSNBC host still on the air after 'softball' interview." Ben Domenech at Spec World, Biden’s decline deepens in MSNBC interview "The president wandered off the set as if seeking a bowl of porridge and a nightcap. . . . Other than that, things are going pretty well." John Sexton, Document Dump: State Department releases long-delayed Afghanistan report blaming Trump and Biden for chaotic withdrawal. Of course they had to blame Trump, who'd been out of office for months. Campus reform performs an ANALYSIS: Biden 'is using our tax dollars to try to permanently skew elections' with political campus funding, expert claims. Jordan Boyd at Da Fed notes that Another Year Of Bidenflation Means More Record-Breaking Independence Day Cookout Costs. "Americans will pay 17 percent more for hamburger buns, 5 percent more for potato salad, and 4 percent more for ground beef than last year." At WaEx, Byron York wonders Could Biden actually lose the Democratic race? Capt. Ed comments, "“It just takes one courageous person,” Byron writes. It would have to be someone of standing within the party, though, and neither RFK Jr nor Williamson qualify. Newsom is a joke for reasons that we’ve covered plenty. It would likely have to be another governor, as the Senate is already precarious for Democrats as it is. But whoever comes forward would have to get past Kamala Harris and her progressive-diversity enforcers, and the Supreme Court may have made that more difficult yesterday."

At Da Blaze, RFK Jr. highlights the Biden administration's failure, stresses it's 'not that hard' to seal the border — and Trump's wall is part of the solution. ET sees Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Says He’s ‘Proud’ That Trump Likes Him, "The comment at NewsNations Town Hall came after RFK Jr. pulls out of Moms for Liberty Conference."

Sundance is pissed that the Koch Network Plans to Spend $70 Million Exclusively to Block President Trump from GOP Nomination and Visiting Zelensky Mike Pence Declares “No Room in Republican Party” for Those Who Do Not Support Ukraine War. TNP says Trump’s First Term Border Achievements Were, Frankly, Extraordinary. At WaEx, DeSantis says majority of people fleeing to Florida are registering as Republicans. At Da Caller, 2024 GOP Field Split On Ending Birthright Citizenship.

At Breitbart, James Comer claims Joe Biden Made 6 ‘Policy Decisions’ that Indicate He’s ‘Compromised’. At The Daily Fetched, “THIS WAS ORGANIZED CRIME:” Comer Reveals Foreign Payments to Biden Family Could Exceed $40M. Hey, cocaine and hookers are expensive! Sundance, ICYMI – James Comer Outlines Latest News From Hunter and Joe Biden Money Laundering Investigation. James Lynch at Da Caller reports DOJ Prosecutors Who Allegedly Refused To Charge Hunter Biden Donated To Joe Biden And Kamala Harris, Records Show. John Solomon at JTN, Pressure grows on judge to reject Hunter Biden plea deal amid evidence of DOJ interference "If I were the judge on the Hunter Biden case, I would refuse to accept the plea bargain," famed constitutional lawyer Alan Dershowitz said." Ace has a roundup, Pressure Grows for Judge to Reject Corrupt Hunter Biden Cover-Up Plea Deal; Comer: Foreign Payments to Biden Family May Have Exceeded $40 Million. At Da Fetched, Journalist Calls Secret Burner Phone Revealed In Hunter Biden Scandal; Joe Biden Picks Up

FWIW, Twitter has started blocking nonusers from seeing Tweets. It finally pushed me to make an account. 

At the Intercept, NIH Official Advised Covid Scientists to Use His Personal Email to avoid FOIA, "David M. Morens, a high-ranking official at the National Institutes of Health, told prominent scientists discussing Covid’s origins that he would delete emails." 

Da Caller claims to know Tucker’s Big New Plan Revealed. “It’s increasingly possible that the Twitter show is a top-of-funnel play for other things Tucker may soon have cooking,” Puck News’ Dylan Byers wrote. “In fact, I am told he is raising capital to launch a new company that may yet prove more influential.”

Linked at Pirate's Cove in the weekly Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup and links. The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: No Joy In Philly up on time and under budget at The Other McCain.

Culture War stuff below the line:

In The Mailbox: 06.29.23 : The Other McCain
Ace of Spades HQ The Week In Woke: The End of Pride As We Know It?
Biden Admin Used Pride Month To Plaster Christian Countries With Pride Flags, But Not Muslim Ones | The Daily Caller
Biden Admin Spends $4.6 Million in Taxpayer Cash To Fund LGBT Activism Abroad
Your tax dollars at work: Biden admin spent $4.6 million on overseas LGBTQ activism – HotAir
Michigan House passes bill that could make using wrong pronouns a felony, fineable up to $10,000 - Fox News
Federal Judge Blocks Kentucky Ban On Transgender Hormones For Kids - The Daily Wire
Transgenderism: Parents Do Not Have A Right to Physically Harm Their Children - The American Spectator 
Trans Exhibitionism Is Directly Downstream Of Redefining Marriage
Did You Notice What Was Missing From NBC News’ Piece About the Latest Pride Chant? – HotAir
Ace of Spades HQ Oh, YESSS: Dylan Mulvaney Turns On Bud Light For Not "Supporting" Him Enough Plus: "Bonus Hole!"
Ace of Spades HQ No, the Bud Light Debacle Will Not Be a Business School Case Study; It Was Elite MBA Indoctrination Put Into Practice
Analyst: Bud Light sales loss is now likely "business as usual" – HotAir
Althouse: "For a company to hire a trans person and then not publicly stand by them is worse than not hiring a trans person at all."
Tucker on Twitter, Episode 8: Mocking Admiral Levine – Twitchy
JK Rowling attacks hater over Maya Forstater settlement - Louder With Crowder
Sorority Kicks out Woman Because She's Also a Man – RedState
Just 3 Companies Are Leading The Charge In The Marxist Takeover Of America - The Daily Caller
Media Not Happy About High Court's Affirmative Action Ruling
Ed Krassenstein tries to shame Libs of Tik Tok and FAILS – Twitchy
Publisher Slaps Trigger Warning Label On Ernest Hemingway Works | The Daily Wire
Idris Elba Says The Idea Of Playing James Bond Became "Disgusting And Off-Putting Because It Became About Race" - Bounding Into Comics
Libs Demanded Sarah Huckabee Sanders Remove a Cross Drawn by Her Kids. Here's Her Response.
CLOWN ALERT: AP Claims Canada's Smoke Is Now Racist – PJ Media

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