Biden finally got around to admitting the obvious, he has 7 grandkids. Bravo. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.28.23, Herr Professor Jacobsen at LI Internal Polling Must Have Been Brutal: Biden Acknowledges Granddaughter For First Time thinks "The internal polling and focus groups must have been brutal. So “Grandpa” Joe tossed Hunter’s daughter Navy a verbal bone during an interview with People magazine. Just a bone, mentioning her name, nothing more " and at, Twitchy Sleepy Joe Finally Acknowledges His 7th Grandchild. At PM, Joe Biden FINALLY acknowledges Hunter's 4-year-old love child Navy. People puts a positive spin on it in President Biden Speaks Out on Hunter’s Daughter, 4, with Ark. Woman: ‘Jill and I Only Want What’s Best’. I'll give the final word to Nick Arama at Red State in Joe Biden Finally Gets Around to Acknowledging That Seventh Grandchild, Navy Roberts "I don’t think I believed that Joe Biden had any shame, given the history that I’ve seen, particularly over the last few years. But it turns out that he can be shamed, after all. At least when it comes to Navy Roberts, his grandchild by his son Hunter and Lunden Roberts."
Matt Margolis at PJM reports Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Calls Joe Biden ‘Very Dangerous,’ Says the Biden Family Targeted Him. The Delaware Mafia.
At Am Spec, George Parry has Three Cheers for Judge Noreika. "The formidable woman shattered Hunter’s sweet deal." At Da Fed Will Scharf explains How A Federal Judge Turned The Tables On Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart Plea Deal and John Davidson says Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal Wasn’t Supposed To Protect Him, It Was Supposed To Protect Joe. Well, duh. David Strom at Hat Hair, There ain't no justice at Justice, "Biden. Biden. Biden. It’s as if our legal system exists mainly to serve Joe Biden." Breitbart reports Hunter Biden Appeared Agitated, Worried as Plea Deal Fell Apart. From Fox, IRS whistleblower calls out Hunter Biden in new op-ed: 'Sweetheart deals shouldn't be handed out like candy', "Joseph Ziegler called on Attorney General Merrick Garland to appoint a special counsel to look into the Hunter Biden case." When you've lost gay Democrats. At the Daily Fetched, Swalwell Rushes to Defend Hunter Biden: He “Tried to Accept Responsibility” for Crimes. At Breitbart, NBC’s Mitchell Apologizes to Dem Sen., Biden Co-Chair for Mentioning Hunter and Trump Together. Sister Toldja at Red State wants you to WATCH an Underreported Press Briefing Moment on Biden’s Whereabouts Raises More Questions on the Hunter Issue. Tyler O'Neil at Da Wire, Secret Service Refuses to Hand Over ‘Known Pool of Individuals’ List in White House Cocaine Incident. I guess I don't blame them.
Matt Margolis, again, with Did Hunter Biden's Admission in Court Prove That Joe Biden Lied? From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.28.23, Jordon Boyd at Da Fed thinks Biden’s ‘My Son Has Not Made Money On China’ Debate Lie Isn’t Looking Too Good Right Now. Twitchy, Biden's debate assurance in 2020 is 'not what Hunter told a federal judge' this week. Dan Greenfield at Front Page thinks the Burisma deal was a bust, Bidens Wanted Billions, Not Millions, From Burisma, "Was Joe Biden planning to buy his way back into the White House using Burisma’s money?" 'Becca Downs at Town Hall reminds us that Hmm: Multiple Banks Filed Over 170 Suspicious Activity Reports on the Bidens. At Breitbart, James Comer Raises Concerns of Biden Racketeering.
Nick Arama again Biden Shows Just How Bad His Deterioration Has Gotten During Remarks in Maine. Ace, Regime Media: Ignore What You Can See and Hear With Your Own Eyes. We Have Indisputable Scientific Evidence, Declared by a Panel of "Experts," That Joe Biden Is As Healthy as a Communist Figurehead Can Be.
At Hat Hair Jazz Shaw worries Would Biden really shut down our uranium production? Yeah, he would, or at least the true believers in his circle would.
Atop Da Hill, RFK Jr. says DHS denied request for Secret Service protection. PJM's Bob Spencer, Outrageous: Biden Regime Denies RFK Secret Service Protection. Maybe they're hoping lightening will strike three times. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.28.23, Twitchy, Miranda Devine Notes Who Has & Hasn’t Gotten Secret Service Protection.
From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.28.23, The Geller reports Biden Bribery Ignored But Trump And His Maintenance Guy Slapped With New Charges, Republicans Furious, ‘We Cannot Allow This to Stand.’ At Breitbart, Mar-a-Lago Maintenance Man Added to Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Case Against Donald Trump. Squeeeeeeeeze! Also, Report: Trump’s Lawyers Told to Expect an Indictment Related to January 6 and Hurd: Anyone Who Defends Trump In the Document Case ‘Is Complicit in Endangering America’ Ace, Partisan Special Counsel Brings More Charges Against Trump, While the Special Counsel Investigating Joe and Hunter Biden Brings No Charges, Because He Does Not Exist "The Biden Special Prosecutor doesn't exist -- like antifa, he's more just an "idea." Maybe the non-existent Biden Special Prosecutor can investigate the non-existent terrorist group antifa. But in the meantime, Trump is not getting the benefit of the Hillary Clinton Standard." The problem with the Special Prosecutor for Biden it that he would be appointed by Merrick Garland.
Stacy McCain reading the tea leaves, If Trump Has Lost Ace of Spades … "Ace has very good instincts about who is or is not Down For The Agenda. If he ever starts taking shots at somebody, you can bet that sooner or later that person will prove himself to be an unprincipled quisling." I&I laughs about The Left’s Latest Trump Freakout — He Wants To Control The Executive Branch! It's kind of "the job." At HE, Richard Baris says Trump nomination is inevitable, primary is 'not even close', but Hat Hair's KT sees Sununu shock CNN host: Trump and Biden will not be on the 2024 ballot. TNP is amused that WaPo thinks Republicans Should Pick the Candidate Democrats Can Agree Most With. Jazz Shaw has (not) "Shocking" poll: Crime is still a major voter concern, "Bidenomics" not working. At Am Great, the great Victor Davis Hanson predicts A Wild 2024 Race. Da Caller has a New Forecast Says The 2024 Election Will Come Down To Four States, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Wisconsin. In Arizona Stacy McCain promotes Mark Lamb for U.S. Senate: The Candidate the Left Fears the Most. "Left-wing writer Matt Shuham has exactly one job at HuffPo, doing smear-jobs on Republicans, and if he’s attacking Lamb as “far right,” what more do you need to know?" Hat Hair's KT cites Elon Musk: Constitutional amendment is needed for age limits for members of Congress. Nah; the less they do, the better.
From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.28.23, Mary Chastain reports Facebook Removed COVID Posts, Memes Due to Pressure From Biden Admin “We were under pressure from the administration and others to do more.” Breitbart, Jim Jordan Obtains Facebook Files Showing White House Pressure to Censor Americans. Dave Strom at Hat Hair notes that the Surgeon General demanded Facebook remove TRUE information. Matt Taibbi at Racket says The Most Embarrassing "Facebook Files" Revelation? The Press, Exposed as Censors, "The "Facebook Files" show the press is part of the censhorship establishment, but that's not the worst part." Ace, The White House Demanded That FaceBook Censor Posts About Vanccines (sic) and a Post by America's Most Prominent Journalist and Commentator, Tucker Carlson, "There is no First Amendment. The Democrats have repealed it." Atop Da Summit a Video: Mitt Romney Argues That It Shouldn’t Be Illegal For Government To Use Big Tech For Censorship. More from the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.28.23, The Federalist: Alone And Confused, A Majority Of Americans Ditch Free Speech, and the Volokh Conspiracy: Court Rejects First Amendment Challenge to School District’s Ban on Students “Misgendering” Classmates. At Campus reform, evil right-wingers at the New College of Florida proposes 'Freedom Institute' to promote free speech, civil discourse. Dave Strom, WEF advisor: COVID is a model for making change. You must break eggs to make an omelet.
Richard Dawkins at the New Statesman Excerpted at Hat Hair, on Why biological sex matters; "Some argue that lived experience and personal choice trump biology – but they are wrong." At RCP, De-Transitioner Chloe Cole Tells Congress: Let Me Be Your Final Warning. OVERHEATED ☙ Friday, July 28, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS. Scroll down to the two videos of Kat Cammack trying to force Democrats to watch a video on sex reassignment surgeries for minors. Rick Moran at PJM asks (rhetorically) How Does a Sexual Assault Survivor Feel About Sharing a Locker Room With a Transgender Male? Julio Rosas at Town Hall is amused when Dem Accidentally Proves Men Using Women's Locker Rooms Is a Bad Idea, ""I think Penn didn't deal with your situation like they could've and should've. Putting up some barriers in the women's area of the locker room," Cohen proposed." Mick LaChance at LI reports California School Board President Allegedly Getting Death Threats Over New Transgender Policy “this person was going to kill me, and they said they were going to dismember my body parts, my limbs more specifically.” Lloyd Billingsley at Am Great, Nashville Forensic Files, Part Deux: March 27 Murder Victims Provide Evidence of ‘Transifa’ Violence to Come. Olivia Hajicek is concerned by Eventbrite Nuking Events Promoting Protection Of Kids As ‘Hateful’ And ‘Dangerous.’
Ace, Masculinity GAINZZZ
Politico has a masculinity issue. I mean, you knew that. Just... look at them.
But what I mean is, they now have a "Masculinity Issue." Via David Strom, Politico decided to take on a topic in which they have obviously no experience or grounding.
If you're thinking the men at Politico know very little about masculinity, except perhaps to admire a man's strength as he mounts his wife from the rear with a powerful thrust that reminds him of his first day at boarding school, don't even worry about it. Politico's men know they belong in the Cvck Closet.
So instead, the entire "Masculinity Issue" is written by "sneering feminist" women.
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The Progress Of Every Hot Button Social Issue |
Joan Jacobs is concerned about California Traumatizing math students "There's no evidence that "trauma-deformed pedagogy" (oops, "informed") helps students learn more, writes Max Eden, an American Enterprise Institute fellow, on Real Clear Education. Yet it's cited in support of California's controversial new math guidelines, which are full of dubious claims." Dave Strom, Our schools are not OK. "Test scores have been falling, enrollment has dropped like a rock, and many of the kids graduating don’t have even basic skills. Yet school boards and teachers are focused on alphabet ideology and pushing pornography in school. It’s good to know where their priorities lie."
Stacy McCain with yet another edition of Crazy People Are Dangerous (Special California Hate Crimes Edition) "It is not mercy to let crazy people run around the streets attacking innocent strangers, and certainly it is not justice. It is folly to permit our sympathy for those afflicted with mental illness to override the need to protect public safety, which is the first duty of any government." John Sexton at Hair has the details, San Fran man arrested for assaulting elderly Asian woman had prior hate crime charge dropped. At Ace's, THE MORNING RANT: Media Smear Merchants, Jason Aldean, and Racism By Historic Association (“Show Me the Man or Video, and I’ll Find You the Racism”).
Still more at the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.28.23, but I need to finish.
The Wombat has and FMJRA 2.0: SUUUURGE! up on time and under budget at The Other McCain.
Linked at Pirate's Cove in the weekly Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup and links.
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