Thursday, July 20, 2023

I'm Back

Another sunrise at Mike's Rocks on Hoopers Island, where we were fishing for Speckled Trout, but were greeted with a few pesky Striped Bass. We left shortly to head south looking for Bluefish and hopefully, the giant Red Drum (aka Redfish, aka Channel Bass) which are sometime found nearby.
We found Blues in several places, with a bigger class being found in huge schools near the middle grounds, and we rapidly caught our fill.
We did locate the big Reds, under a school of boats. All four of us hooked up on them within seconds. We managed to land 2 of the 4. Mine pulled free after a couple minutes of fighting.


  1. Great report fritz! If you don’t mind me asking we’re reds caught metal or plastics?

  2. Both. Like I said, 4 anglers, 4 hookups in seconds. I had a white paddletail (Z-man, which are almost, but not quite, Bluefish proof), another, the first above, was on a small pink metal. I don't think they care much what it is when they're in an eating mood. The trick is finding them, they're in small, tight pods in a big area. These were in the general area of blues rampaging on Bay Anchovies, but not right under them, as I've seen before.
