Sunday, September 15, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Kamala's Word Salad Days are Back

NYPo, Kamala Harris sticks with ABC for first solo interview since slanted debate — and still serves up word salad. Matt Margolis at PJM, Kamala’s First Solo Interview Was a Total Train Wreck. Capt. Ed at Hat Hair, Word Salad Returns: Kamala Still Can't Answer Questions. "It's a tour de force of vapidity." Fox, Harris dodges question on lowering prices by describing 'middle-class' roots: Neighbors 'proud of their lawn.' "Critics accused the vice president of sharing the same 'canned' answer from the ABC News debate." At Twitchy, 'Brutal'! Kamala Harris' First Solo Interview Went Even Worse Than We Predicted. Sundance at CTH, Kamala Harris Gives Bizarre “word salad” Interview Highlighting Why Campaign Director Brian Fallon Tries to Keep Her Hidden. At Hat Hair, Proof Positive ABC In the Editing Tank for Harris: Tom Elliott@tomselliott "Maybe someone has already mentioned this, but the rambling answer Kamala Harris gave last night on inflation is not what @6abc actually aired. Instead they edited her response so that it went straight to her "policies." Compare/contrast the two clips below." Matt Vespa at TownHall, Want to Guess What a Local Philly Outlet Did With Kamala's Trainwreck Interview?. WaEx has Four takeaways from Harris’s first solo campaign interview "1. No new explanation of policies . . . 2. Plans for elevated spending . . . 3. A renewed focus on guns . . . 4. Repeats belief about why voters don’t want Trump" From NewsMax, Rasmussen: 78 Percent Say Harris Must Give More Interviews. Hat Hair offers One Possible Reason Harris Can't Make Eye Contact: Stephen L. Miller@redsteeze, "She just cannot make eye contact because she's constantly searching for words that mean nothing. It's incredible."

Stacy McCain thinks Kamala Is Underperforming, "Keep that word in mind — “underperforming” — as you contemplate the fact that Kamala Harris is campaigning in Pennsylvania, a state that Joe Biden (allegedly) won by more than 80,000 votes in 2020." WEIS, Harris says she’s ‘feeling very good about Pennsylvania’ during campaign stop in battleground state, "because there are a lot of people in Pennsylvania," At WaEx, Salena Zito highlights a Newly registered Pennsylvania voter motivated by economic circumstances. Nick Arama at RedState, PA Cookie Poll Reveals Sweet Lead for Trump, but What People Are Telling the Bakery Drives It Home and Kamala Shows Just How Unfit She Is in PA, As Trump Supporters Come Out to Greet Her. End Wokeness@EndWokeness, "Kamala Harris can't say a single reason why Pennsylvania should vote for her . . ." Ward Clarke at RedState, Could Donald Trump's Poll Numbers Be Hiding a Silent Surge? 

At OTP, Vets’ Families Still Fuming About Kamala’s ‘No American Troops In War Zones’ Lie.

Matt Vespa sees The Left Is Powerless in Stopping the Haitians Eating Pets Story...And It's Amazing to Watch. At Hat Hair, PolitiFACT [fixed it] in Meltdown Over Federalist Goose-Killing Audio. Sean Davis @seanmdav, "Politifact is having a journo garbage baby meltdown over the @FDRLST exclusive that included police report and police audio about Haitian goose-hunting in Ohio. I particularly love the passive-aggressive threats from people who exist entirely to lie on behalf of the regime." Chris Rufo, The Cat Eaters of Ohio "The establishment media called it a racist myth, but is it?" WokeSpy, Springfield Residents “Displaced” As Landlords Triple Rent Prices To Accommodate Haitian Migrants. The "newcomers" are subsidized by NGOs who are in turn, subsidized by the Feds. From RVN, John Legend Lectures His Ohio Hometown On Haitian Illegals From His Beverly Hills Mansion. At NewsMax, Harris, Trump Campaign in Battlegrounds as Migrant Row Intensifies. Althouse, "We cannot get myopic or get focused based upon a knee-jerk reaction to something that is very titillating or very out there in the public right now." "Said Todd Chamberlain, the police chief in Aurora, Colorado, quoted in "How the False Story of a Gang 'Takeover' in Colorado Reached Trump/The claim that Aurora, Colo., has been overrun by gun-toting migrants stemmed from the city’s fight with a landlord. Now it is central to one of former President Donald J. Trump’s anti-immigrant campaign promises" (NYT) . . . I thought it was rich that the police chief was taking a stand against getting focused." ET, Trump Pledges Mass Deportations in Springfield and Aurora if He’s Elected. "In response to reporters’ questions, the former president says citizens of these two cities need relief from immigration crisis." NewsMax, DOJ Data Indicates Crime Up Under Biden-Harris

Harold Hutchinson has some words from one of our local mad men, Jamie Raskin Claims The Electoral College ‘Can Get You Killed’

Fox, Kamala Harris' new climate director said she is hesitant to have children because of climate change threats "Thorndike became the Harris campaign's climate engagement director in September." I wonder how many cats she has. From WokeSpy, Kamala Harris Was So Crazy Even Liberals Couldn’t Believe It. At Chicks on the Right, BREAKING: Democrats Prove They’re Huge Weirdos.

Matt Margolis, Bad Blood: Taylor Swift's Endorsement of Kamala Harris May Have Backfired Big Time. "A new post-debate poll from YouGov released Saturday found that 8% of voters said the pop superstar’s nod is either 'somewhat' or 'much more likely' to convince them to cast their ballot for the Democrat," reports the New York Post. "But a whopping 20% said they are 'somewhat' or 'much less likely' to vote for former President Donald Trump’s opponent now that Swift has spoken." My guess is Swifties are largely young female Democrats to begin with, and it's likely to drive away men and grown women. RVM, JD Vance Fires Back Following Unexpected Jab from Taylor Swift. “When grocery prices skyrocket by 20%, it’s the average American family feeling the pinch—not Taylor Swift,” At Breitbart, Whoopi Goldberg to JD Vance: ‘Stop Talking’ About Taylor Swift “You don’t know what affects her. You don’t know about her money. . . Shut up." PM, Ben & Jerry's founder launches Kamala themed ice cream flavors to 'scoop the vote', "Flavors include Kamala's Coconut Jubilee, Unburdened by What has Vanilla Bean, Inauguration Celebration Birthday Cake, Fight for Our Rights Sorbet, and MoveOn Mobilizer Milk Chocolate."

Breitbart, WATCH: President Biden Uses the Term ‘Black Jobs’ at African-American Event. It's only racist when Republicans do it. Hat Hair, Angry Old Man Yells at Clouds...Well, a Reporter. New York Post@nypost, "‘You be quiet’ Biden tells reporter asking about Putin’s threat of war with US" Jazz Shaw wonders, Is Biden Crossing One of Putin's 'Red Lines?' Well, yes, but most of them are for show. The question is which ones are real.

From Fox, IRS whistleblowers sue Hunter Biden’s attorney for $20M in defamation case: 'Clear malice'. "IRS investigators Gary Shapley and Joe Ziegler accuse attorney Abbe Lowell of retaliating against them for blowing the whistle on the politicization of the Hunter Biden investigation." TNP reports Hunter Biden’s Business Buddy Jumps Ship & Joins MAGA?! "Hunter Biden’s former business associate, best friend, and frequent Capitol Hill hearing witness, Devon Archer, has stepped across the partisan aisle to support former President Donald J. Trump in November’s election. Ventura County Republican Party committeewoman Lori Mills posted a photo of Archer at a Beverly Hills, California fundraiser for the Trump campaign Thursday evening on X (formerly Twitter)."

Nick Arama has a Bombshell Report: Cover-Up and Disturbing Info About Agent in Charge During Assassination Attempt. Jesse Watters@JesseBWatters "@SecretService BOMBSHELL: Sen Josh Hawley says the Lead Secret Service advance agent was a woman from Pittsburgh's field office. She FAILED a key exam, but disgraced former director Kim Cheatle promoted her anyway. Now Homeland Security is telling the Secret Service to cover the whole thing up." Bennetta Elliott@belliott123 "Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is telling the Secret Service not to comply with document requests. In other words, cover it up!!!" Althouse catches NYT, "Mr. Musk, 53, has long cultivated a devil-may-care persona..." "... traveling the world, hanging out with moguls, world leaders and celebrities, and smoking weed in public. But in private, he has increasingly barricaded himself behind a growing phalanx of armed bodyguards as he has become more wealthy, more famous and more outspoken — and as the threats against him have evolved.... His security team now operates like a mini-Secret Service, and he is guarded more like a head of state than a business executive, security experts said. . . . From "Inside Elon Musk’s Mushrooming Security Apparatus/As threats to his personal safety have become graver, the world’s richest man has barricaded himself behind a phalanx of bodyguards that operates like a mini-Secret Service" (NYT)."

Ben Bartee at Armageddon Prose reports Peaceful ‘J6 Granny’ Gets the Federal Shaft in Sentencing

"As punishment for taking a 27-minute nonviolent tour of the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, after being granted permission to enter by cops on site, grandmother and friend of Armageddon Prose Karen Jones has, over three years after the alleged insurrection and many thousands of retirement dollars squandered on defense attorneys, been sentenced to a three-year probation/house arrest regime — for a single misdemeanor charge of “Entering or Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds.”
 "Ray Epps, a former Arizona resident who was driven into hiding by death threats, pleaded guilty in September to a misdemeanor charge. He received no jail time, and there were no restrictions placed on his travel during his probation, but he will have to serve 100 hours of community service. He appeared remotely by video conference and wasn’t in the Washington, D.C., courtroom when Chief Judge James Boasberg sentenced him. Prosecutors had recommended a six-month term of imprisonment for Epps.”
Steve Collins at the Volokh Conspiracy dwells On the Missions of Academic Institutions. "As long as academic institutions place social justice goals ahead of truth seeking and knowledge creation, they will lose the respect of the public and will not live up to their potential." John Sexton at Hat Hair discourses on Viewpoint Diversity on Campus. "The problem with having entire faculty departments made up entirely of far left people goes beyond the issue of fairness. College professors are supposed to produce knowledge, but how can they do that if their departments become an exclusive club shut off from contradictory ideas." Greg Piper at JTN, Biden-Harris Title IX rewrite a nightmare for colleges after clarity of Trump rules, experts say "The patchwork of rules under court injunctions against the Democratic nominee's regulations "screams for a legislative intervention," outside advisor to colleges says, but "I don't know if we're capable of legislating anymore."" At the Free Bacon, The Right Weaponizes the Anti-Semitism of the Left. We’re for It. 
A little-known super PAC called Future Coalition PAC is airing ads highlighting Kamala Harris’s support for Israel, such as it is. "Vice President Harris has chosen a side—the right side," a narrator says. "Harris has made herself clear, she stands with Israel and the Jewish people."

notes that Harris’s husband, Doug Emhoff, would be "the first Jewish presidential spouse ever"—that Harris and Emhoff are "making history, standing up for what’s right, supporting Israel." In every way, they echo what Harris and Emhoff have said they stand for. But the New York Times doesn’t like these ads. Neither do they link to them and allow viewers to decide for themselves, but it tells readers they are "antisemitic," "intended to stoke more division," and that they "signal a new level of ugliness in the race."

Oh, we forgot to mention: The ads are airing in the Detroit area. Dearborn, Mich., is an inner-ring suburb of Detroit home to the country’s largest Muslim population, and what the Times report from Katie Glueck doesn’t say is that the 40,000 or so odd Arabs there don’t like Jews.

It’s not that the ads are anti-Semitic, it’s that the voters are. The ads are a bit of political chicanery aimed at turning that bigotry against the Democratic ticket. It’s cynicism, not anti-Semitism.

Breitbart, Federal Appeals Court Upholds Ruling to Block Arizona’s Ban on Transgender Athletes in Women’s Sports.

Scott Pinsker at PJM, Matt Walsh and The Daily Wire Strike Again: ‘Am I Racist?’ Is Borat-Style Humor for Conservatives. Da Signal, Robin DiAngelo Admits Getting Duped by Matt Walsh, Cites Smear Factory in Attacking Him, the SPLC. “I had been played.” At Breitbart, Kathy Griffin Freaks Out: Trump Will ‘Pick’ Comedians Off ‘One-by-One’ if He Wins. Mediaite whines Fox’s Gutfeld Outpacing Late Night Competition with Independents AND Democrats, Nielsen Data Shows.

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