Monday, September 9, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - The Race is On

At Da Caller, Trump Pulls Ahead Of Harris In Major National Poll, New York Times/Siena College poll, 48/47%. 'Bonchie' at RedState sees Hilarious Cope Flows Like Fine Wine After Times Poll Shows Trump Beating Harris. Matt Margolis at PJM, The New York Times Writes Eulogy for Kamala's Momentum. NRO, The New NYT/Siena Poll Hammers Home the Reality that Harris Is Running Out of Gas  Nat Silver thinks The mistakes of 2019 could cost Harris the election "Voters think she’s too far to the left — but there’s plenty of room to define Trump as radical." At Twitchy, Cue the Lefty MELTDOWNS: Nate Silver Forecast Has Trump Up BIGLY Over Kamala HarrisThe Joyful Momentum Is GONE: NYT/Siena Poll Shows Trump With Lead (and the Not Shocking Reasons WHY) and UH OH: Guess Which Age Group Identifies LEAST With Democrats (And It Doesn't Bode Well for the Left)Stephen L. Miller@redsteeze "She has the same problem Biden had but for different reasons and they know it, which is they have to put her out there more, but can't put her out there more", Quote Kyle Smith@rkylesmith  "A couple more polls like this one and Dem insiders are gonna start turning up in Politico saying “maybe we shoulda had an actual primary instead of a coronation?” Then the inevitable “staffers are being fired” story." Althouse, "A near majority of voters say Mr. Trump is 'not too far' to the left or right on the issues, while only around one-third say he’s 'too far to the right.'" ""Nearly half of voters, in contrast, say Ms. Harris is too far to the left; only 41 percent say she’s 'not too far either way.' This is one of Mr. Trump’s overlooked advantages. . . Writes Nate Cohn in "New Poll Suggests Harris’s Support Has Stalled After a Euphoric August," and "In February 2023, the New York Times published an article titled, 'Kamala Harris Is Trying to Define Her Vice Presidency. Even Her Allies Are Tired of Waiting.'" Hat Hair's Jazz Shaw wonders Should the 25th Amendment be Amended to Include Vice Presidents? Yeah, probably. 

John Kass is looking forward to The Thunderdome Debate "She’ll go for the face and for the throat. The media will support and shield her. If she survives, yet makes a fool of herself with her trademark word salads and mentally wanders all over the place as she did in her disastrous CNN interview, the media I mentioned will proclaim her the winner. They’ll cheer her name and recast her as Obama 2.0. We’ll be washed with Democrat feelings. We’ll be required to “feel the joy.”" At WaEx, ‘Happy’ Trump, composed Harris: How advisers want their candidate to act in Tuesday’s debate. Nick Arama at RedState notices NBC Dishes Some Hilarious Details About What Harris Is Planning for the Debate “It’s not beyond the pale that he will mumble ‘this b----,’” one of the sources said. “That’s not unreasonable to assume. You have to be prepared for anything.” Derek Hunter at TownHall, This Is Why Democrats Won’t Let Harris Or Walz Do Any Real Interviews. WokeSpy, Michael Malice Perfectly Explains Why Kamala Harris Is America’s Wine Mom. "“I think of her as America’s wine mom,” Malice told Rogan, adding that Harris has the “three phases” of wine mom; happy drunk, drunk at work [sic], and “I’m being stern, so you don’t realize how plastered I am” drunk, all of which he breaks down with quotes from Harris."  Stephen Kruiser at PJM, Dems' 2024 Platform — Your Reality Is Wrong, Stupid Voters.

The Great Victor Davis Hanson at NYPo looks back on A decade of untruth: Adding up the media’s lies about Trump and Biden. WokeSpy, thinks Kennedy Jr.’s Trump Endorsement Sparks Bad News For Kamala Harris. NewsMax wants RFK, Jr. to Help DJT Make Free Speech Great Again. ET reports the Nation’s Largest Police Union Endorses Trump

Hat Hair's Dave Strom hears Democrats Freaking Out Because Trump Says He Will Jail Election Cheaters. "Trump, on his Truth Social platform last night, threatened to jail adversaries, including Democratic donors. "WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED" in elections of 2020 or 2024, he wrote, "will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences ... Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials." If you haven't done anything illegal, you have nothing to fear, right? Alex Thompson @AlexThomp, "Trump is now proposing two of the largest-ever federal arrests of people living in America, including U.S. citizens, if he's re-elected. /newsletters/ax". David Strom@DavidStrom "You object to imprisoning people who cheated in an election, and that the numbers are huge? Quite the admission" Sundance at CTH, “Cease and Desist” – President Trump Accurately Identifies the Institution at the Epicenter of Government Controlled Voter Fraud.

Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair sees Kamala's Latest Flip-Flop. Plastic Straw Ban. Twitchy notes even Dana Bash finds Kamala 'EVASIVE' --> Dana Bash Gives DAMNINGLY Honest Review of Her Kamala/Tim Walz Interview and WOW (Watch). From Real Clear Defense, What is the Kamala Harris Doctrine? "Based on her brief remarks about foreign policy in her acceptance speech, we know Harris favors a Palestinian state (“self-determination” for the Palestinian people) and a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, i.e., Israel stopping its offensive in Gaza. We know she favors continuing to provide military aid to Ukraine. She said nothing about Taiwan, and next to nothing about China. The latter is a glaring omission because the U.S. and China, as Niall Ferguson and others have explained, are waging Cold War II against each other." Charles Gasparino at NYPo, Kamala Harris won’t articulate her economic plan – so Trump put on a master class. The Free Bacon accuses her of 'Completely Reinventing Reality': California Lawmakers and Former Cops Slam Harris for Touting Her 'Tough on Drugs' Record as DA. WaEx says Democrats’ rule of law rhetoric doesn’t match reality. Liberty Unyielding is pretty upset Kamala Harris called for restricting online speech and pressuring social media companies to restrict speech. Warner Todd at Da Lid, Kamala Harris Admits She Intends to Use Dept. of Justice to Censor Free Speech. At TownHall Ashley Herzog hits Kamala’s Uncontrolled Price Control Hypocrisy. Greg Price @greg_price11 "Welker: "Do you think Kamala is abandoning her progressive ideals?" Bernie: "No... I think she is trying to be pragmatic and do what she thinks is right in order to win the election." Oops, you weren't supposed to say that part out loud!" PJM's Matt Margolis says Bernie Sanders Just Exposed Kamala Harris as a Fraud Scamming the Voters. 'Fuzzy Slippers' at LI, Bernie: “Pragmatic” Kamala Not Abandoning Her Progressive Ideals, Just “Doing What She Thinks Is Right To Win The Election,” "The quiet part out loud"

'Becca Lower at RedState, Pure Fire: Gov. Sarah Sanders Hits the Big Issue With the Cheneys, Other 'Republicans' Endorsing HarrisThis Week@ThisWeekABC "Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders on former Rep. Liz Cheney endorsing Kamala Harris: “I’m not trying to be rude, but you don't get to call yourself a conservative or a Republican when you support the most radical nominee that the Democrats have ever put up.”" At Am Great, Roger Kimball, thinks Liz Cheney’s Kamala Endorsement is A Symptom of Elite Panic. "The rush of people like the Cheneys to Harris's banner is not a sign of strength; it is a sign of desperation.". That's fine with me. MAZE@mazemoore "According to Joe Biden, Dick Cheney is the most dangerous Vice President in American history. Cheney supports Kamala Harris. Seems about right." James Lynch at NRO, George W. Bush Will Not Be Endorsing Presidential Candidate This Cycle. WokeSpy notices Kamala Harris Fan Says Anyone Endorsed by Russia Shouldn’t Be Elected… Less Than One Day Before Putin Endorses Harris. The Babylon Bee@TheBabylonBee "'Maybe We Took A Wrong Turn Somewhere,' Thinks Party Whose Candidate Just Got Endorsed By Dick Cheney And Vladimir Putin"

Matt Margolis, Biden’s Excessive Vacationing Looks Even Worse When You Put It This Way "The 81-year-old commander-in-chief has racked up 532 vacation days in less than four years in office — the rough equivalent to 48 years of vacations, according to shocking data compiled by the Republican National Committee," reports the New York Post. "The total was crunched using Expedia’s Annual Vacation Deprivation Report, which is based on the average vacation time taken by Americans — 11 days a year, the Washington Examiner reported." But, then, he's not really working when he's working, is he? Leslie Eastman at LI,  Biden Ignored Vineyard Wind Blade Failure in Recent Remarks about Green Schemes. "Meanwhile, Massachusetts and Rhode Island go forward with major offshore wind projects as one in New Jersey is facing major headwinds."

YaHoo! Finance notices A recession indicator with a perfect track record has started flashing this week. "The yield curve disinverted this week, suggesting an economic recession may be near. Historically, yield curve disinversions have preceded every economic recession since 1976."

From Fox, Stefanik files ethics complaint against Trump trial judge alleging Harris campaign paid his daughter’s company, "Stefanik says Harris campaign is doing business with Authentic, a company led in part by Judge Juan Merchan’s daughter."

Da Fed's John Davidson, Desperate Democrats Are Pushing Yet Another Version Of The Russia Collusion Hoax. TNP, KASSAM: Russian Influence Probe a Distraction from CCP Sway on the Left & Foreign Cash in Corporate Media. Matt Taibbi at Racket is not really Embracing the Joy, "With new Russiagate charges and raids all around, learning to love police, paranoia, and surveillance is the new self-help program." Paul Watson tells The Truth About the Tenet Media Scandal. Sundance at CTH, Sunday Talks – CNN’s Dana Bash Attempts to Resuscitate the “Russia, Russia, Russia” Election Year Narrative.

Owen Gregorian@OwenGregorian "BREAKING: Trump promises free speech executive order, pledges to fire any bureaucrat engaging in censorship under Harris regime  "I will sign an executive order banning any federal employee from colluding to limit speech." As debates over free speech heat up in the United States, former president and GOP contender for the White House Donald Trump announced that he would defend the First Amendment from the federal level, should he gain a second term. "I will sign an executive order banning any federal employee from colluding to limit speech, and we will fire every federal bureaucrat who is engaged in domestic censorship under the Harris regime," Donald Trump said at a campaign rally in Wisconsin on Saturday. . ."  Professor Ornery Dragon discusses Censorship, Speech, and Calling the Cops "today I want to point out the massive contradictions between the words of those on the left who insist that they are trying to “save democracy” and their actions… their lived experiences if you will. They are willing to kill democracy and individual freedoms in the name of “saving” them and “creating safe spaces.” So off we go!" WSJ astonished that Brazilians Take to Streets to Protest Ban on Elon Musk’s X. "Demonstrations follow a showdown between Brazil’s Supreme Court and the tech mogul over allegations of hate speech on his social-media platform." Charlie Kirk@charliekirk11, "If you’re tempted to lose faith in humanity, watch this: A sea of Brazilians gather in support of free speech after the banning of 𝕏 in that country. The human spirit longs for freedom."

Campus Reform, Stanford profs condemn DEI at school, say it can lead to anti-Semitism, "‘Rather than correcting stereotypes, diversity training too often reinforces them and breeds resentment,’ the professors wrote." Madeline Leesman at TownHall is outraged that a Teacher Who Refused to Refer to Students by 'Preferred Pronouns' Jailed for the Third Time, in Ireland. I hope it can't happen in America, yet. Victory Girls catch more projection from liberals, Salon: The (Far) Right Hates America.

The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Enthusiasm! and FMJRA 2.0: The Beatings Will Continue Until The Season Concludes ready and waiting at The Other McCain.

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