Monday, September 2, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - American, Israeli Hostages Executed

A Labor Day edition dedicated to working women. Stacy McCain writes Jews Are Dead, Hamas Is Happy, and Podhoretz Has Got His Rage On "This was sadly predictable. Ever since last October, when dozens of hostages were kidnapped by the same Hamas terrorists who killed more than a thousand Israelis, I knew that the chances of any of the hostages surviving were practically non-existent, and any negotiations for their release were futile, because the raison d’être of Hamas is to kill Jews." Rick Moran at PJM, Israeli-American Hostage Murdered by Hamas as IDF Rescue Team Closed In. Capt. Ed at Hat Hair, Hamas Murders 6 Hostages, Including American. Reacting to the NYT headlines Aviva Klompas at Hat Hair, They're Not 'Dead' NYT - They Were ExecutedIsaac Schorr@isaac_schorr, "How the f*** do you start this tweet with "I've worked tirelessly." Quote President Biden@POTUS, "I've worked tirelessly to bring Hersh home, and Jill and I could not be more heartbroken by the news of his death. It is tragic and reprehensible." Althouse noticed

At Da Mail, Watch Tim Walz's shocking reaction when asked about Israeli hostages murdered in Gaza. Twitchy, THIS Is How LITTLE Tim Walz Cares About American Hostage Murdered by Hamas. Give him a couple of weeks, and his handlers will write a statement that will appease Dearbornistan. JNS, Trump: Hamas killed hostages because of ‘complete lack of US strength, leadership’ Virginia Kruta at Da Wire cites Bill Ackman: Biden-Harris Response To October 7 Made America Less Safe

From Althouse, Arlington Cemetery — "It is not a place for politics.... And I will never politicize them." "I've avoided discussing the topic, because I can see that to talk about it is to violate the principle that the military dead should not be politicized. And yet to follow that principle is to cramp political debate about war, and political debate about war should be central to every presidential campaign. And the assertion that this is no place for politics is itself political debate. . . . I haven't spelled out why Harris's tweet is an awful blunder, but if you need more context click through to her tweet and scroll down to see the responses which are right there under hers. That's how Twitter works." Insty, THAT WAS THE WEEK THAT WAS: Kamala Closes an Already Disastrous Week by Trashing Gold Star Families. 'Bonchie' at RedState, wants you to WATCH: Tom Cotton Takes Down NBC News Anchor After She Shamelessly Lies Defending Kamala Harris. Nick Sortor@nicksortor, "🚨 NEW: NBC’s Meet the Press LIED after Sen. Tom Cotton called out Kamala Harris for IGNORING the Gold Star families who lost loved ones during the Afghanistan withdrawal. The NBC host interrupted Cotton stating Kamala “met with them during the dignified transfer.” THIS NEVER HAPPENED. Only BIDEN was present when our fallen service members returned from Afghanistan. And he was more worried about checking his watch to see when he could get back to the beach." Sundance at CTH documents the exchange on Sunday Talks: Senator Tom Cotton -vs- Kirsten Welker (On Behalf of Kamala Harris Campaign). Dr, John at Flopping Aces, Harris attacks Trump for his Arlington visit with Gold Star families: multiple left-wing casualties ensue.  From the Babylon Bee, Woman Who Got Soldiers Killed Condemns Man Who Comforted Their Families. Too close to the truth to be satire. 

PJM's Matt Margolis, Body Language Experts Analyzed Kamala’s CNN Interview. Here’s What They Found. "Harris frequently looked down during the CNN interview, which suggested that she was “not confident in what she’s saying.” Constantine explained that Harris did not project the “presidential appearance” required to command her position, adding, “She definitely needs to make some tweaks into her body language to appear more confident.” Ed Driscoll at Insty, OLD AND BUSTED: “The 18 Minute Gap.” The New Hotness? The gaps in the 18 minutes!" "As Kate Hyde tweeted after Harris’ interview, “Forget whether Kamala is for or against banning fracking… I just want to hear [her] explain what fracking is.”"  Kyle Becker@kylenabecker, "BREAKING REPORT: @CNN had 41 MINUTES of Kamala Harris' and Tim Walz's joint interview and only released 18 minutes. One of the edited segments is reportedly about the Green New Deal and fracking. Only one way for us to know: RELEASE the unedited video and the FULL TRANSCRIPT!" From Twitchy, Of All the Threads Taking Kamala's BIG CNN Interview Apart, THIS One is the Most DAMNINGLY Spot-ON. "... and that it’s time to "turn the page" on Trump.What she failed to mention is that she's literally been in power for 3.5 years." Kurt Schlichter at TownHall explains why Dodging The Debate Would Be Smart, Because Kamala Isn’t

Roger Kimball at Am Great examines The Committee’s Candidate: Harris’s Inconsistent Campaign. "The chief obstacle of Kamala's "vaporware" campaign lies in the glaring disconnect between her upbeat rhetoric and the inescapable reality of the Biden-Harris administration's record." Althouse finds "Harris’s Team, With a Wink, Insists She’s an Underdog." "Headline at the NYT. Subheadline: "Her campaign’s message that Democrats are losing, which she never voiced when President Biden was tanking the ticket, is an artful attempt to lower expectations."" Matt Margolis, again, Is Kamala Worried About Losing Another Blue State? New Hampshire? “Our numbers are much less rosy than what you’re seeing in the public." Sarah Arnold at TownHall, Independent Candidate Reveals Harris Campaign Bribed Him to Drop Out of Race. Cornell "West claimed that the Harris campaign offered him a deal that resulted in him dropping out of the race. He said they bribed him by offering him a cushy job in Harris’ administration should she be elected and a promise to pay off his campaign debts." At Twitchy, Mandy Patinkin Haiku Inspires #Haikus4Harris. Gag me with a spoon.  Shooting News Weekly, reports Minnesota Gun Owners Tee Off on ‘Chameleon’ Tim Walz.

Elon Musk@elonmusk "Why not America? Those who oppose voter ID are doing so to commit fraud." From OTP, Pennsylvania Court Stops Incorrectly Dated Ballots From Being Tossed.

Robert Reich at the Guardian thinks Elon Musk is out of control. Here is how to rein him in. Hat Hair reacts Tiny Tyrant Bummed Government Can't Do Anything About That Damn Musk Guy. At Althouse, "Editors and reporters, with a few exceptions, really don’t see the problem as they normalize Trump." ""Nor do they appear to listen to valid criticism. They may not even be aware of it, or may think, 'well, when both sides are mad at us, we must be doing it right.' Maybe they simply fear being labeled liberal.  Writes Margaret Sullivan, in "An ugly case of 'false balance' in the New York Times/The mainstream media is still getting it wrong about Trump" (Substack). I disagree with her and appreciate when the NYT declines to indulge in the usual liberal-press assumption that Trump is too abnormal to be treated as the major-party candidate he plainly is... especially when the other party's candidate is quite abnormal in her own way." Also, "Certainly, in the history of narrative, there have been writers celebrated for their ability to be discursive only to cleverly tie together all their themes with a neat bow at the end — William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens..." "... and Larry David come to mind. But in the case of Mr. Trump, it is difficult to find the hermeneutic methods with which to parse the linguistic flights that take him from electrocuted sharks to Hannibal Lecter’s cannibalism, windmills and Rosie O’Donnell...."

Hat Hair's Jazz Shaw reports California to Ban Deepfakes, Regulate AI. Yeah? Good luck. 

The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Sunday Morning Coffee and FMJRA 2.0: Is It October Yet? up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

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