Wednesday, September 25, 2024

More Flotsam and Jetsam - President Zelenskyy Stumps for Kamala

Foreign interference in our election?  From Breitbart, Zelensky Attacks Trump and Vance to U.S. Media, Tours Ammo Plant in PA at Taxpayers’ Expense. Ace, Foreign Election Interference: Democrats Airlift Ukranian Dictator Zelensky to Campaign for Kamala Harris and the Chinese Communist Agent Tim Walz. At Am Think, Monica Showalter thinks Zelensky joins Putin, campaigning and advocating for Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania. 'Becca Downs at Hat Hair, House Republicans Are Investigating Zelensky's Visit to Pennsylvania.

Nick Arama at RedState, Biden's UN Remarks Are a Sad Ending to His Political Career As He Slurs, Struggles and Lies. From the Free Bacon, Biden Thinks No One Made Mistakes in Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal: Report and 'It Sure Looks Like This Administration Is Colluding With Iran': Lawmaker Calls for Probe Into State Department Following Robert Malley Revelations, "Biden-Harris admin sought to 'cover up' Malley's suspension for mishandling classified info, Jim Banks says." NY Sun, Biden Justice Department, in Filing in Federal Court, Sides With the UN Against Victims of October 7. "Immunities of the United Nations from lawsuits in America are likely to be tested by 101 victims of terror seeking damages from the UN agency dealing with Palestinian Arab refugees."

From Da Fetched, Tucker Carlson Says Kamala Harris Has No Real Support: ‘Purely a Media Creation’. At PJM, Matt Margolis, Law Enforcement Group Backing Kamala Harris Exposed as a ShamDanishova@Danishova, "This Amazon gift card story is fake, but this is real. Actors posing as Republicans for Harris."  At Hat Hair Capt. Ed, Team Kamala: Word Salads All The Way Down? and Dave Strom, Kamala's Surrogates Have No Idea What to Say. Matt Margolis at PJM would like you to WATCH: Kamala Surrogate Actually Humiliates Kamala During Train Wreck Interview. Sister Toldja at RedState,  Ouch: Cardinal Raises Eyebrows After Sharing What Schumer Told Him About Kamala Skipping Al Smith Dinner. "Sen. Schumer had told him that he didn't believe Harris had made the decision to bow out directly but that her schedulers have been saying she cannot make it." Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog explores The Creepy Commie Origins of Kamala’s Catchphrase, “What can be, unburdened by what has been.”

Ace, Kamala Harris: I'll Scrap the Senate Filibuster to Write Pro-Abortion Extremism Into US Law, "Wait, so she's saying the federal government does have the power to intrude into abortion policy? So she must equally believe the US government can forbid or restrict abortion as well? Her values haven't changed. Wink." Charlie Kirk@charliekirk11, "BREAKING: Joe Manchin says "Shame on her" after Kamala Harris promises to gut the Senate filibuster to pass a national law on abortion after the issue was sent back to the states following Dobbs. Manchin now refuses to endorse Kamala Harris for president. Good for him." Hat Hair's John Sexton, 'Shame on Her': Harris Backs Ending Filibuster to Codify Roe, Manchin and Sinema React. 'Bonchie' at RedState, Joe Manchin Throws Kamala Harris Overboard After She Makes Dangerous AnnouncementKyrsten Sinema@kyrstensinema, "To state the supremely obvious, eliminating the filibuster to codify Roe v Wade also enables a future Congress to ban all abortion nationwide. What an absolutely terrible, shortsighted idea."

Guy Benson at TownHall, 'Her Campaign Declined to Say'Alex Thompson@AlexThomp "New w/ @StefWKight In 2019, Harris pledged a series of executive actions to unilaterally give 2 million “Dreamers” a path to citizenship through parole-in-place. We asked if she still supported those actions. Her campaign declined to say either way." Spec World, Kamala punts on amnesty for ‘DREAMers’. John Sexton, Harris Camp Considers Sending Her to the Border for a Photo Op. At OTP, Video: Harris Paraded With Jussie Smollett And Chanted ‘Down, Down With Deportation’ and Media Scared To Confirm If Kamala Harris Worked At McDonald’s. Cam at Bearing Arms, MSNBC Columnists Wants More Gun Talk From Kamala

From The Babylon Bee, '共产主义是最好的! 好好好!' Says Tim Walz In Eloquent Rebuttal Of Alleged Ties To China. Adds Capt. Ed, "I have no idea what that means, but when I do a search for it on DuckDuckGo, I get a lot of images of Mao. I'm sure that must be a coincidence."

Beege Welborn, Perfect Biden-HARRIS Metaphor: Only Navy Oiler in ME Runs Aground, Springs Leaks and Continuing Our #Kamalanomics Kick: Consumer Confidence Tanked. From ET, Yellen Warns That ‘Veering Off Course’ Could Harm ‘Economic Trajectory.’

At WaEx, Trump fights Jack Smith efforts to ‘litter’ Jan. 6 case with evidence dump. John Solomon at JTN reports Bombshell transcripts: Trump urged use of troops to protect Capitol on Jan. 6 , but was rebuffed "Key lawmaker says interviews prove Pentagon wrongly allowed optics to overwhelm security concerns in lead-up to fateful day. The Pentagon's top brass did not comply with Trump's orders because of political concerns and "optics." Charles Glasser at Insty, BUT THE NARRATIVE! A lie goes around the world before the truth is even out of bed.  At Pop Times, Jamie Raskin Reveals Disturbing Plot to Limit Trump’s Power if Elected President Again

Capt. Ed hears Zuckerberg: I'm Done With Politics. I don't believe him, do you? Dave Strom, Wikipedia Employs Left-Wing Groups to Edit Controversial Topics. Da Caller, Wikipedia Donations Go Toward Embedding Feminism And Racial Justice In World’s Largest Encyclopedia.

At Campus Reform, Group attacks University of Michigan student for being Jewish: Police. Twitchy, Cornell University PhD Student Very Shocked America Won't Allow Him to Harass Jewish Students Any Longer. Jonathan Turley shocked that a Fired Machete-Wielding Professor Leads Protesters in Chilling Chant: “Slitting the Master’s Throat”. Insty is alarmed by the CRUSHING OF DISSENT: "Penn Law Suspends Tenured Prof Amy Wax For One-Year With Half-Pay For Making Racist Remarks. “Racist” remarks on their admissions program that are more inconvenient than racist. Notice the difference in the way her criticism of affirmative action has been treated, as compared to others’ expression in support of genocide against Jews."

Breitbart is unsurprised when a Transgender Fencer Dominates Female Opponents Six Months After Taking Up Sport. Da Signal, 9th Circuit Again Drops Ball on Title IX, Males in Women’s Sports

Dave Strom, Public Health Is Totally Corrupt. Ace, New York's Covid Czar Arranged Group Sex Parties During the Lockdowns He Demanded and Enforced. "You can't attend a funeral, but damn it all, the Regime Perverts aren't going to stop their illegal-drug-fueled wife-swapping gang-bang parties. Remember Monkeypox? Remember that our "health experts" would not even tell people -- gay men, in this case, one of the most protected of all protected classes -- to not join in anonymous gang-bang orgies? They couldn't even say that. For my friends, everything. For my enemies -- the law. The spirit of Lenin is the spirit of our age."

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