Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Maryland, My Maryland

Kayla Hamilton
Fox 45, MS-13 gang member attends Maryland High School as murder suspect, school not told
A grieving mother has a powerful warning for Maryland parents after her daughter was murdered and the suspected killer was allowed to attend a public school.

“When I start from the very beginning and get to the very end, they’re like, ‘wow, that is a really crazy story,’” The victim's mother Tammy Nobles told Project Baltimore. “And I say, ‘it is a crazy story. But it’s a true story.’ It’s the worst pain that a parent can ever get.”

Nobles’ daughter Kayla Hamilton was killed on July 27, 2022. For more than two years her death made headlines. Hamilton was killed by a 16-year-old MS-13 gang member from El Salvador who was in United States of America illegally.

“She was just found with a cord wrapped around her neck and her mouth. Then just left her on the floor, like trash,” Nobles explained.
Walter Martinez
On the day Kayla died, Aberdeen Police quickly identified Walter Martinez as a primary suspect. According to charging documents, Martinez was detained by police and questioned. Detectives had surveillance video and an audio recording that placed Martinez at the scene of the crime. Martinez was read his Miranda Rights.

“They knew he was guilty. They just needed that DNA to really lock it in,” stated Nobles.

When police sent out Martinez’s DNA, it took six months to process. And Project Baltimore can confirm that after Kayla was murdered, and while police were waiting for the DNA results, Martinez was allowed to enroll as a student and was attending Edgewood High School in Harford County. 

But, but, DNA analysis only takes 20 min, I seen it on the boob tube!

 Also at Fox 45, 19-year-old illegal immigrant sentenced to 70 years for the murder of Kayla Hamilton

During a plea deal Wednesday, prosecutors presented a letter that was intercepted in the Harford County Detention Center.

In the letter, to a pastor in El Salvador, Martinez said he killed four other people and committed two additional rapes.

Thanks, Brandon! 

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