Sunday, December 3, 2023

Flotsam and Jetsam - Joe Biden's Very Bad Report Card

Paul Bedard at WaEx has Joe Biden's weekly report card, and it's dismal, Weekly Biden Report Card: Fails in Israel, on border, with voters, a solid "D" average. From Da Caller, Pollster Breaks Down ‘Real Problem’ For 2024 Biden Campaign, Even As Republican Never Trumpers ‘Help’ Dem Ad Outreach. “Well, no I don’t think so. I mean, look, let’s look back to the old gimmicks in the past. They think it’s messaging, as you know Laura, they don’t think they have a problem with their policies.” At PJM VIP Matt Margolis says Joe Biden Reveals That He Doesn’t Understand Economics, but that's been clear for quite some time. He was never a good student. Insty notes a contradiction HOW IT STARTED: Wages are rising. Jobs are plentiful. Nobody’s happy. —Young Adult Website*, November 20th. How it’s going: Vox Media Lays Off 4% of Staff in 2nd Round of Cuts This Year." Heh, skip coding, learn to plumb. John Sexton at Hat Hair hears KJP Violated Hatch Act After Being Warned to Stop (But No Disciplinary Action Will Be Taken) 

Michael Chamberlain, a former Trump administration official who now runs a conservative watchdog group called Protect the Public’s Trust, said the OSC’s failure to enforce the Hatch Act after Jean-Pierre and Bates “doubled down” on political speech shows the law to be toothless against those who violate it when they serve at high levels of government. “Apparently, nobody takes the Hatch Act very seriously, at least nobody that matters. Ms. Jean-Pierre cites it frequently to avoid tough questions, but when she and her deputy received the initial warning from OSC, they doubled down,” Chamberlain said. “They probably guessed there would be no consequences, and the OSC appears to have proven them correct.”

From Althouse, "We’re looking into finding ways to build a mechanism of coordination between all the swing states so that... Muslim Americans will come out in all of these states, and that Mr. Biden will lose each and every one of them." "Said Hassan Abdel Salam, "a professor at the University of Minnesota and a member of the #AbandonBiden National Coalition," quoted in "Swing-state Muslim leaders launch campaign to ‘abandon’ Biden in 2024/The bubbling anger among Arab and Muslim Americans over the president’s handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict could threaten his chances of reelection" (Politico). They may not vote for Trump, but they won't vote for Biden. It matters. 

Althouse again, "I used to always hear Democrats saying, 'The election was all just Trump’s racist appeals,' but I actually went to the rallies in 2015." ""He would talk about bad trade deals. He promised to bring back Glass-Steagall, which is the bill regulating finance. He talked about health insurance. He was going to do a plan that actually would cover all Americans and wasn’t going to be like a rat’s maze. And if you compare the ads, his ads were overwhelmingly more policy-oriented than Clinton’s. She was really just attacking him as a bad guy and it didn’t work. Said John Judis, quoted in "Where Have All the Democrats Gone? John Judis and Ruy Teixeira explain how liberals lost their way" (The Free Press)(transcript and audio)(Judis and Teixeira are political analysts)." Also, "Trump attempts to spin anti-democracy, authoritarian criticism against Biden/The former president declared his 2024 campaign as a 'righteous crusade' against 'tyrants and villains.'" "That's the headline at The Washington Post. . . . But isn't it funny that those who have supported expansive executive power over the decades are now crying over the prospect of its falling into the hands of a President they loathe? You had a system of checks and balances, but you didn't like it."

Never-Anybody-But-Trump sundance at CTH chortles President Trump Widens GOP Primary Lead to 68% – No Other Republican in Double Digits – DeSantis 9%, Haley 7%, also, Chairman of Ron DeSantis Superpac, Never Back Down, QuitsReport – Team DeSantis Splitting from Superpac Amid Anger Over PAC Inability to Boost Florida Governor and Sad Meatball – Paul Ryan Tells Wisconsin GOP to Support Nikki Haley Over Ron DeSantis. At Sauron's unblinking eye, Chris Christie may not appear on Republican primary ballot in Maine. Beege Welborn snarks "Having a spot of trouble gathering those signatures, eh?" Fox News is sure pushing him, though. 

Hat Hair's KT hears a Campaign Source Reveal the Moment Team DeSantis Knew it Had Newsom, when his wife threw in the towel. 

Althouse catches Nancy Pelosi using a gay slur on George Santos We were kicking him, and he moved his ass. "Pelosi calls Santos a ‘coward’ for leaving chamber before expulsion vote closed" (The Hill). "
“This is not a casual vote for us. It’s something you take very seriously and and he should have taken it seriously,” Pelosi told reporters following the vote, adding that he “should have been man about it.”Be a man — I hadn't heard that in a while. Was that a one-time pot shot, just for Santos? He's gay, right? On any other day, you'd be canceled for advising the gay man... or any man... to "be a man." But on very special days, there's one person who liberates everyone to say what they really think."

At Da Signal, These 6 Election Fraud Scandals Saw Overturned Results, Indictments. But I heard there is no such thing as election fraud.

Sundance is outraged that the New York Appeals Court Reinstitutes President Trump Gag Order Without Any Explanation. Also, Putting It Together – The Forced Metadata Demand Inside the Jack Smith Court Order – They Are Showing Us the Govt Battlespace for 2024 and What We Will Face. At NewsMax, Judge Rejects Immunity Claim in Trump's Federal 2020 Election Case, Judge Shitcan. 

Stacy McCain sees the great battle as Matt Taibbi vs. the Borg

The work done by Taibbi and his “Twitter Files” colleague Michael Shellenberger in exposing the abuses of the “anti-misinformation” racket ought to be universally admired. Indeed, I would argue, it might have gotten a Pulitzer Prize were it not for the fact that the establishment media are now pro-censorship, insofar as that censorship is aimed at silencing “the far right” (i.e,, anyone who doesn’t vote Democrat) and other critics of the Biden administration. Establishment journalists generally have become “Democratic operatives with bylines,” so that questions about what is true and what is important are, in their minds, determined by the immediate interests of The Party. We see this partisan bias, for example, in discussions around Joe Biden’s fitness for office. There are lots of journalists now raising alarms about Biden’s advanced age and cognitive decline, topics they once would have dismissed as “right-wing disinformation” or “Fox New talking points.”

Why the change? Simple — polls indicate Biden would likely lose a 2024 rematch with Trump. Anything that jeopardizes Democratic Party control of the federal government is bad, according to the media hivemind, and so the idea of “pulling a Torricelli” (i.e., switching candidates to prevent a certain defeat) is now a topic the media is willing to discuss.

Sundance again, Walmart Joins List of Companies that Withdraws Advertising from Twitter – Looming Collapse of Platform Evident. I hope not. 

At Campus Reform, Nearly 3 in 4 Jewish students report experiencing anti-Semitism following Hamas attack "Before the attack, 67% of Jewish students said they felt physically safe on campus. Now that number has dropped to 46%." From the Cornell Daily Sun, Pro-Palestinian Demonstrators Occupy Campus Buildings, Stage Mock Trial of President Pollack. Hat Hair's Jazz Shaw sees Jewish High School Students Passing on Ivy League because of the overt anti-Semitism. The Chicks on the Right finds a VIDEO: White, Pro-Palestinian Karen Doesn’t Have a Clue…. Hat Hair's Dave Strom notices UN Women Condemn Hamas Rapes Only 55 Days Late

At Page 6, Susan Sarandon apologizes for anti-Jewish remark at NYC rally: ‘Terrible mistake’. Good for her. It's rare when a Hollywood denizen admits a mistake. 

“This phrasing was a terrible mistake, as it implies that until recently Jews have been strangers to persecution, when the opposite is true,” Sarandon, 77, said in a statement on Instagram Friday.

She then listed some of the horrific acts of violence Jews have had to endure like the “genocide in Europe” and “the Tree of Life shooting in Pittsburgh.”

“I deeply regret diminishing this reality and hurting people with this comment,” Sarandon added. “It was my intent to show solidarity in the struggle against bigotry of all kinds, and I am sorry I failed to do so.”
Speaking of mistakes, from the Free Bacon, Court Orders Jussie Smollett Back to Jail for Hate Crime Hoax.

Actress Julianna Margulies is feeling the heat after making some comments on the antisemitism she sees from black Americans. She dared to express her opinion about the lack of support by the Black and LGBTQ communities for Israel in the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack. 

Now she must be punished. I don’t make the rules. Margulies is Jewish. She was a guest on the Back Room podcast hosted by Andy Ostroy. Margulies commented that “the entire black community” may have been “brainwashed to hate Jews.” She pointed out that they would likely be the first people to be beheaded in a Muslim country. She went on to say that their heads would be used like soccer balls. Tough stuff, to be sure, but she didn’t say anything ground-breaking.

Her sweeping generalization that the entire black community is conditioned to hate Jews was what probably got her into trouble. White people aren’t allowed to criticize black people on just about anything.
RedState's Nick Arama sees Bud Light Throws Desperate Play Against Boycott With Two NFL Legends, but It's Not Looking Good. After you tell you're customers you hate them, it's hard to get them back. There are plenty of ordinary diet beers still available.

The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: For The Fallen and FMJRA 2.0: Dune up and awaiting your digital pleasure at The Other McCain. 

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