Saturday, March 2, 2024

Beach Report 3/2/24

We hit the low, but not as low as yesterday, tide right after lunch. We had a rainstorm overnight, with 1.5 inches of rain,  and the sky was still overcast.  The temperature was a pretty tolerable low 50s, and what wind there was came from the SW, so it barely affected us.
Georgia got the morning off. 
We did amazingly well on teeth, 32 each, not counting my odd mammal tooth (below) and Georgia's fragodile.
Here's the one I'm playing stump the experts on Facebook with. A small mammal tooth, it looks broken (or shed), and either has a wear facet or a split.
Inside it's hollow. Most often, these things are dolphin teeth, but peccary or seal is also a possibility.

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