Friday, March 22, 2024

Beach Report 3/22/24

It was cool and overcast today, about 45 F, with a 10+ kt south wind; not too bad for March.
I saw my first Osprey from the beach today. No picture, it was too far out by the time I got the phone out. Traditionally, St. Patrick's Day is considered the arrival date for Ospreys in MD, but of course, they're really staggered, and it seems our beach tends to be relatively late.
I started right around high tide, but the beach had a fair amount of shell and gravel, and I did pretty well. Pictured,  a small and worn, but complete White Shark tooth, a lower and upper Snaggletooth, a worn dolphin tooth, a piece of stingray barb,  a tiny ray plate and a piece of cobalt blue beach glass were among the better of the 15 teeth and misc. 

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