Friday, January 10, 2025

Flotsam and Jetsam - Where's the Water Gavin? Trump Sentenced to Nothing.

The multiple wildfires in the Los Angeles area continue to rage, with thousands of houses and business burned, and at least 6 fatalities (and likely to increase), although yesterday was a relatively good day with the Santa Ana winds relenting a bit, not driving the flames quite as fast, and allowing aircraft to get airborne for water and fire retardant drops. Vicky Taft at PJM, wonders Where's the Water, Gavin? Chef Andrew Gruel@ChefGruel "Per NY Times regarding LA County “The bulk of the roughly $1 billion collected from Los Angeles County taxpayers over the past four years to store more water has gone largely unspent.“ $1 billion taken, they dump water then we get placed on water restrictions." Jack Hibbs@RealJackHibbs "This post is true. Every single time the California voter had the opportunity to bring water not only to all of California but to our farmers and our growers, Newsom stood against it. For anyone who has ever driven north or southbound on Interstate 5 or California 99 sees the signs from growers and farmers condemning Gavin Newsom‘s water policies. Trump is not making this up." An oldy (201) at LAT, Readers React: Gov. Pete Wilson: California had a plan to store storm water, but Democrats blew it. NewsMax, Trump: Newsom Should Resign Over Wildfires. Althouse, Gavin Newsom literally lies to a woman about the fires, and we can literally see that it is a lie, "You know in Los Angeles, you can't get proper amounts of water... In order to protect a tiny little fish, the water up north gets routed into the Pacific Ocean," ""Donald Trump was mocked for sounding the alarm on the California water/fire crisis during his interview with Joe Rogan." Matt Vespa at Town Hall thinks Gavin Newsom's Whining About Trump As Homes Burn Behind Him Perfectly Captures Dem Incompetence.

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 01.08.25 EBL, CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATS HELP BURN DOWN THE STATE, Twitchy: No Words – LA Mayor Karen Bass Stands Silent As Reporter Bombards Her With Questions and Bulwark Toady Sam Stein Tries Blaming LA Fires On Trump & Gets Rekt, Vox Popoli, Burn Hollywood Burn, American Greatness, Trump Blames ‘Governor Newscum’ For Nightmare Firestorm in Southern California,The Geller Reports, “APOCALYPTIC SCENES”: Los Angeles Wildfires Rage Out of Control Due to Catastrophic Failure of Democrat Policies, Hollywood In Toto: Adam Carolla’s DEI Firefighter Story Goes Viral, Legal Insurrection, Palisades Fire Incinerates Future Career of Mayor Karen Bass, Gavin Newsom’s Presidential Aspirations, Power Line, Is Newsom to Blame for California’s Wildfires?, Watts Up With That, Why California Wildfires are NOT Climate Driven: A Historical and Meteorological Perspective,The Federalist, LA Already Shipped Firefighting Equipment To Ukraine, And Now Biden Is Planning Another Handout As California Burns.

At Twitchy, WOW: Leaked Letter from Fire Chief Kristin Crowley Makes Mayor Karen Bass Look Even WORSE (Screenshot): Ryan Saavedra@RealSaavedra, "L.A. Fire Chief Kristin Crowley warned Mayor Karen Bass (D) last month the $17+ million she cut from the department's budget "severely limited the department's capacity to prepare for, train for, and respond to large-scale emergencies, including wildfires."" Insty, GETTING THE JOB DONE IS THEIR LOWEST PRIORITY: Mickey Kaus@kausmickey, "Charlie Peters' "Fireman First" principle says you always threaten to cut firemen in order to create a public outcry against budget cuts. You're not supposed to actually do it." Mickey Kaus@kausmickey "$17.6 million doesn't seem a huge cut ( $837 million remained). Surely there's that much flab. But a second prong of the Fireman First principle, IIRC, is that the people at the bottom who do the real work (not the people at HQ) are the ones who'll actually get cut if it comes to that." at Hat Hair Duane Patterson, Turn Out The Lights, Gavin's Party's Over Capt. Ed, Celebs to Newsom, Bass: Resign and Dave Strom, Of Course: It Was Arson: johnny maga@_johnnymaga, "HOLY SMOKES. Los Angeles Police have arrested an individual for suspected arson after 800 acres has been burned in the West Hills. The canyon is now officially a crime scene."

Ace,  DEI In a Fire: LA's Obese Female Assistant Fire Chief Says, No, I'm Not Able to Carry Your Husband Out of a Fire, But If You Think About It, Isn't That His Fault?. Hat Hair's Dave Strom thinks it's Delusional: Pride Magazine Celebrates Lesbian Fire Chief of L.A. As City Burns Down and Beege Welborn notes how the Black Lesbian LAFD Asst Chief Sums Up Everything Wrong With DEI in One Snark

VodkaPundit at Insty, CALIFORNIANS ARE FED UP. Twitchy, Time for CA to Demand NEW Leaders! Michael Shellenberger Just Goes OFF on CA Democrats in EPIC Throwdown. Duane Patterson at Hat Hair, Lessons, Painful At Times, Are Only Lessons If They're Eventually Learned and John Sexton, LA Officials Accidentally Send Emergency Evacuation Alert to All of LA County. At Irrational Fears, Dr. Wielicki sees a Firestorm of Lies, "The Real Reasons Behind California’s Pacific Palisades Fire." Ace, As It Becomes Clear That California's Insane "Environmental" Policies Resulted in the Fires, Media Insists We Are Not Permitted to Talk About the Causes of the Inferno. VodkaPundit at PJM, So I Just Discovered Another Way California Sucks Nick Arama at RedState is amused by ABC's David Muir's 'Narcissistic' Moment at the LA Fires Goes Viral As People React. Clothespinned his faux firefighting coat back to make him look thinner. At Althouse, Held together with nothing but clothespins and hairspray. Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrump Jr "David Muir, the supposed moderator of my father‘s presidential debate, who instead chose to be a participant, is so vain that as people in Los Angeles are losing everything, he used clothes pins to make his fake fireman’s jacket more form fitting. Sick!" From Da Mail, Biden uses awkward expression as he gets LA wildfire update "President Joe Biden kept telling officials to 'fire away' as he was briefed Thursday on the devastating Los Angeles wildfires." I think of that a more of a shooting reference, but, whatevs. AP, Biden cancels trip to Italy, meant as final foreign visit of presidency, as fires rage in California. John Sexton at Hat Hair, 20 Looters Arrested in LA So Far But Reports Suggest Many More Are Out There

Sundance at CTH features Actor James Woods Describes Evacuating from Epicenter of Los Angeles Fires. Eric Abbenante@EricAbbenante "Epic Adam Carolla rant from a hotel after the LA wildfires forced to evacuate from his home, where he predicts Hollywood leftists will be so frustrated by the rebuild effort that they will not vote Democrat: "You guys all voted for Karen Bass, the mayor of Los Angeles. You all voted for Gavin Newsom, and now you fucking get what you get. now that your house is on fire. So here's what's going to happen. All these people who are deep blue Democrats are now going to have to pull a permit to rebuild, and they're going to get the 28 year old bitch from the Coastal Commission telling them to go fuck off and then they're going to vote for Trump or whoever's Trumpian next. . . " Althouse, "So I’m like, Okay, what do we take? I have a curio cabinet of memories, and I just emptied all of that into a laundry basket.... I took all the ashes — my dad, my mom, my dogs, my best friend Ed." ""And I went through some of my expensive suits and grabbed those and the shoes because I work, and I grabbed my laptop and my Wyland watercolor. That’s about all that could fit in the car...." Said Marika Erdley, who had to evacuate, quoted in "Watching Your House Burn on a Ring Camera" (New York Magazine)."

Jimmy Carter is still dead, so they decided to have service for him in the Capitol yesterday. All the big wigs (except Michelle, who refused to interrupt her Hawaiian vacation) were there, and the interactions among them were amusing. Nick Arama at RedState, thinks you should WATCH: Priceless Moments Between Obama, Trump, Pence, Jill and Kamala at Carter Funeral/ Althouse hosts The funeral for President Jimmy Carter. At Hat Hair, Mama Kamala Gives the Noisy Boys a Dirty Look in Church Eric Daugherty@EricLDaugh "SEE IT: Trump starts speaking into Barack Obama's ear. Obama starts cracking up. Kamala Harris turns around and looks at them in disgust." A Larry video at Hat Hair, Kamala Humiliated by Ex-Presidents! Obama Loves Trump? Twitchy, She's MAD! Check Out the Look on Kamala's Face When She Spots Obama and Trump Chatting at Carter Funeral. Insty, AMERICA’S NEWSPAPER OF RECORD: Obama And Trump Separated At Carter Funeral For Disruptive Behavior. "“Believe me, we weren’t disrupting anything at all,” Trump reportedly complained, as Obama obediently went to take his seat at the other end of the pew. “I’m the quietest person at this funeral. So quiet — you’d never even know I’m here, because I’m grieving so much. Mucho quiet. Now, if you want to talk about disruption, Jill, how about the smells that have been drifting up from your husband’s seat? Why don’t you make him go sit somewhere else? Sad! Unfair!”" Ace, Obama Bros Admit All the Talk of "Democracy" and "Institutions" Was Just Pure Political Posturing; Now That the Public Has Told Them They Don't Care (or Don't Believe Them), It's Time to Stop Pretending We're Saving Muh "Sacred" Democracy. "We need a welfare check on Allahpundit. He'll be crushed!" Glenn Greenwald@ggreenwald, "It's slowly dawning on the absolute dumbest liberals in media that nothing Democratic Party operatives have been ordering them to say for years is anything those Democrats actually believed. They just found gullible partisan idiots in media to say it for them on command." Insty, OF COURSE HE DIDN’T: Jake Tapper Never Apologized for ‘Devastating’ Report That Falsely Accused Navy Vet of Operating in ‘Black Market,’ Testimony Reveals.

Matt Margolis watches CNN: Joe Biden 'Flat-Out Bonkers' for Thinking He Could Have Beaten Trump. Well, he is demented, but the real problem is that he's been shielded from the truth. PJM's Stephen Kruiser wonders What Will Hamas Do Without Its Friends the Democrats in Power?

Capt. Ed wonders Has Trump Crossed the Streams? Aaron Blake@AaronBlake "Trump is on the verge of having a net-positive favorable rating -- something he never had in his first term. (via @FiveThirtyEight)." At Insty, NIALL FERGUSON: The Monarch of Mar-a-Lago. "
Alexander Hamilton, famously, was among the strongest supporters of a monarchical order. He himself proposed that the president be elected for life—a position supported by James Madison, John Adams, and George Washington himself. And Hamilton wanted the president to have “an absolute negative (i.e., unlimited veto) on the laws” passed by Congress. . . ." From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 01.08.25 EBL: MAGA Greenland. NewsMax, Canadian Lawmaker Urges US States to Join Canada. Trade you B.C and Alberta for California and NY. Vodka Pundit at Insty, sees WINNING: Six big US banks quit net zero alliance before Trump inauguration. "JP Morgan is the latest to withdraw from the UN-sponsored net zero banking alliance (NZBA), following Citigroup, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs. All six have left since the start of December." Nick Arama at RedState, NEW: Fetterman Gets the Media Going With 'Appointment' He Wants From Trump "I demand that I need to be made Pope of Greenland." Nick Sortor@nicksortor, "#BREAKING: John Fetterman will be visiting President Trump at Mar-a-Lago He’ll be the first sitting Democrat Senator to do so. “I think it's pretty reasonable that if the president would like to have a conversation, or invite someone to have a conversation, to have it. And no one is my gatekeeper,” Fetterman said. Based!"

NewsMax, Schumer Wants Senate Fireworks for Trump Cabinet Hearings. "Republicans spent four years attacking the Democratic brand, and we need to use the hearings to begin returning the favor," Schumer told top committee Democrats in a meeting Wednesday afternoon, Axios reported." Sundance is worried that Deep Elements of U.S. Intel Start to Move Against Tulsi Gabbard. VodkaPundit at Insty, ALL WE ARE SAYING IS GIVE LONG A CHANCE: Elizabeth Warren@SenWarren, "Trump tapped Billy Long to head up the IRS. But Long’s only tax experience seems to be as an aggressive salesman for a fraud-riddled tax credit. I have questions." The Redheaded libertarian,@TRHLofficial, "You have zero experience being a Native American but were the first tenured Native American at Harvard, give him a chance." RCE, How to Reform, Rather Than Abolish, the Department of Education. No. Abolish it! At Ace's Quick Hits.

Sundance, 11th Circuit Court of Appeals Allows Release of Jack Smith Lawfare Report Against Donald Trump. Ace, Floppy Cooch Hangar Fani Willis Ordered to Pay $20,000 for Attorney's Fees to Judicial Watch for Hiding Documents. "Judicial Watch lawfully used Georgia's FOIA laws to request documents, the bulbous female John Fani Willis hid them. A judge has ordered her to pay $20,000 in legal costs to get the documents she illegally refused to disclose. Unfortunately, it seems that the judge ordered her office to pay the $20,000, so it's really the taxpayers who are once again damaged by this rotten DEI criminal perjurer."

At Althouse, "But is Zuckerberg’s claim that 'fact-checkers have just been too politically biased' correct?", "Asks Nate Silver, at Silver Bulletin", and Has Zuckerberg gone MAGA? NYT tech columnist Kevin Roose has 2 theories — either he's hollow or this is for real. "I'm reading "What’s Behind Meta’s MAGA Makeover? Mark Zuckerberg is positioning his company for a second Trump term — and revealing the hollow identity at its core."" At Da Wire, Pro-Life Accounts Demand Meta Lift Suspensions After Free Speech Promises, 'If Meta is truly committed to the free-speech principles that it recently announced, it will act swiftly.' Driscoll at Insty, WASHINGTON POST STILL LOOKING IN THE REARVIEW MIRROR: "WaPo Seeks Advice on Trump Coverage from Katie Couric, Don Lemon, and Lyin’ Brian!" "Finally, it’s quite funny to turn to Lyin’ Brian Williams for journalism advice, but he turned the focus back on Biden."

Sarah Parshall Perry @SarahPPerry, "BREAKING: Massive Title 9 victory: Virginia's suit against the Biden Administration (together w. 5 other states) has resulted in suspension of illegal Title IX rule across the country. This is the 1st clear nationwide injunction against a re-write of decades-old civil rights law opening women's sports, spaces, & bathrooms to men." WAVY, Judge scraps Biden’s Title IX rules, reversing expansion of protections for LGBTQ+ students. Capt. Ed, 'Violate the Constitution': Federal Judge Shoots Down Biden's Title IX Trans Rewrite. From WokeSpy, Utah College Girl Confronted With Male “Dorm Mom,” And SHE Has to Move. 

At Campus Reform, Cal State East Bay has woke language guide, warns not to use ‘non-inclusive’ terms like ‘Civilized,’ ‘Illegal Alien,’ ‘Native.’ "Targeted terms include ‘Primitive,’ ‘Civilized,’ ‘Illegal alien,’ ‘Native,’ and ‘Homeless,’ among many others. The guide also calls on readers to capitalized 'Black' but not do the same for 'dominant identities such as white.'"

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: New York, New York up on time and under budget at The Other McCain.

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