Sunday, October 1, 2023

Flotsam and Jetsam - Fire Bell Rings, Congress Keeps Spending

Our short national nightmare is over at least for a short while, as the House and Senate passed and the Preznit signed a "Clean Continuing Resolution"  to allow the Federal government to continue spending our money for 45 more days, at which point, we may have to revisit the whole process again. I haven't covered it much until now, because, well, all the fun traditionally happens at the last minute, and this time was no exception.  At some point in the House proceedings, Rep Jamal Bowman tripped a fire alarm and caused the chamber to be evacuated, claiming it was inadvertent because he was trying to open a door that is normally open, but many suspect was an effort to obstruct the proceedings. Meanwhile, Matt Gaetz is threatening  McCarthy's job for cooperating with Democrats. Stacy McCain, House Passes Spending Bill After Democrat (Allegedly) Pulls Fire Alarm.

It’s always “allegedly” with these people:
Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) allegedly pulled a fire alarm in the United States Capitol complex moments before the House was scheduled to vote on a bill preventing a government shutdown, according to the House Administration Committee.
U.S. Capitol Police and the House Administration Committee, which oversees House operations and Capitol security, are investigating. . . .
Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) gave a long filibuster speech minutes later as Democrats attempted to delay the vote on a 45-day extension of government funding. The bill eventually passed by a large margin after the incident.
Rep. Jim Banks is among those calling for Bowman’s arrest, tweeting the possibility that Bowman’s actions could be part of a conspiracy among Democrats.
J6 protesters were sentenced to years in federal prison for “interrupting official proceedings,” and yet a Democrat thinks he can pull a fire alarm to stop a congressional vote. “Allegedly,” I hasten to add.

Fox, House adopts 'clean' stopgap funding bill possibly averting shutdown. "The short-term spending bill is meant to last 45 days"  NRO,  Senate Passes Stopgap Spending Bill, Averting Shutdown. Ed Driscoll at Insty, BREAKING: Senate Approves Continuing Resolution to Avoid Government Shutdown, signed by Biden: Biden signs last-minute, short-term bipartisan bill to avert disastrous government shutdown

 Charlotte Hazzard at JTN, New York Democrat under investigation for pulling fire alarm during votes ""Rep. Jamaal Bowman pulled a fire alarm in Cannon this morning," House Administration Committee Chairman Bryan Steil wrote on X. "An investigation into why it was pulled is underway." At Red State 'Bonchie' thinks Rep. Jamaal Bowman Broke the Law, and He Needs to Be Charged and Nick Arama reports the GOP Now Taking Action to Boot Bowman After He Pulled Fire Alarm, as Old Tweet Comes Back to Haunt Him. Congressman Jamaal Bowman@RepBowman "No one in this country is above the law – including former President Trump." WaEx, Jamaal Bowman's obstruction of Congress is a crime, perhaps three times over. At Twitchy, Twitter/X reacts to Bowman fire alarm drama and #S30 is born. Jonathan@k2jonathan1,"#S30 will forever go down in history. I’d like to submit a request for a day of remembrance for S30. It reminds me of 9/11." At Town Hall Matt Vespa claims Matt Gaetz Hurls Serious Allegations at Speaker McCarthy Over How Shutdown-Averting Bill Got Passed "So, there is no shutdown, but Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is hurling some serious allegations that McCarthy struck a deal with Democrats to grease the wheels to pass the government shutdown-averting bill. Yes, I know this might not shock many people. It had to do with the House voting on a separate measure for Ukraine aid, which was announced after the CR passed." Gosh, you mean there's politics in Washington D.C.? I'm shocked, shocked. Leah Barkoukis at Town Hall, Rand Paul Explains What He'll Do to Avoid a Shutdown “To avoid a government shutdown, I will consent to an expedited vote on a clean CR without Ukraine aid on it. If leadership insists on funding another country’s government at the expense of our own government, all blame rests with their intransigence.” Eric Worrall at WUWT, Green Panic? Congress Strips Ukraine Aid From Interim Funding Bill

Matt Vespa again, Bob Menendez Wanted to Address Corruption Charges With Dem Colleagues. Here's How They Reacted.  "Menendez requested a super-secret, closed-door meeting with his Democratic colleagues, where he repeated his position of not resigning. There was no clapping, just a deafening silence as his colleagues listened respectfully, according to NBC News."

At WaEx, Trump shifts to attacking Nikki Haley after debates: 'Birdbrain'. Matt Margolis at PJM, There’s Only One Reason Why Donald Trump Turned on Nikki Haley. Basically, the nail that sticks up gets hit. From Da Caller, Donald Trump Says Looters ‘Should Expect To Be Shot’ If He Retakes White House In 2024. Sounds good to me, but as Preznit he wouldn't really have that much authority in the states. 'Bonchie' wants you to WATCH Ron DeSantis Kill It on Bill Maher, Has the Lib Audience Cheering. Hat Hair's KT, So, Ron DeSantis went on Bill Maher's show - here is what happened. Not surprisingly, Never-Anybody-But-Trump sundance at CTH sees it a little differently, Desperate DeSantis Appears on Bill Maher Show to Defend Joe Biden from 2020 Election Questioning.

Reliving what she imagines is her best moment, Katie Couric says Obama Owes Me a 'Big-Ass Bouquet' for 2008 Palin Attack Interview (NewsBusters).

Da Caller reports GOP Rep Says There Will Absolutely Be An ‘Impeachment’, Republican Wisconsin Rep. Scott Fitzgerald. NewsBusters, Go Figure: ABC, CBS, NBC Circle the Wagons Around Biden After First Impeachment Hearing. The Babylon Bee quips Democrats Criticize Republicans For Wasting Time Impeaching Biden When He's Probably Just Going To Be Dead In A Few Weeks Anyway. At NYPo, Biden’s brother Frank reportedly called him ‘the big guy’ when he called, as in "10% for 'the big guy.'" Also, Hunter Biden’s daughter Naomi repped Peru, lived in White House: public records. It must be handy to have an ambassador who lives in the White House. Larry Bell at NewsMax asks a silly question, Why Didn't Intel Protect Us from Hunter Biden? They were actively helping him at our expense!  More satire from the Free Bacon, EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: Here's What Joe Biden's Anti-Fall Physical Therapy Routine Looks Like. "The American people deserve to know the truth."

At 1945, ‘Not A Transition Candidate’: Joe Biden Is Worse Than We Could Ever Have Imagined "When Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election, he promised to be a “transition candidate.” What happened to that idea?" A transition to something worse. Byron York at WaEx says For millions, 'Bidenomics' is a painful joke. Joe Biden loves it. Not exactly a loyal Republican Ruy Teixeira warns The “Bidenomics” Pitch Falls Flat, "Never tell people they should be happy when they’re not." Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair observes Yes, they are coming for your gas furnaces too

Kevin Downey at PJM, Never Mind Those Hordes of Military-Aged Chinese Men With the Same Clothing, Haircuts, and Tattoos Swarming Our Southern Border, coming to a Chinese restaurant near you. "Retired U.S. Col. and a member of Devon Nunes’s staff, Derek Harvey, recently revealed to The Epoch Times that many of the Chinese men scrambling over the border are showing up with the same haircuts, tattoos, backpacks, and “pocket litter,” which he defined as the same wallet and the same type of ID cards. Even more harrowing, Harvey claims they are all a part of a special ops wing of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), and our intel officials are well aware of what is happening."

From the Messenger, New York Vs. Trump: Five Charts Explain the AG’s Fraud Case Against the Former President and His Business Empire. "The Messenger shows how the New York AG's charts of five of the former president's most storied assets lays out the case." WaEx, Donald Trump indictment: Fulton County prosecutors signal potential plea deals. "Special prosecutor Nathan Wade made the suggestion during a procedural hearing Friday for former Trump campaign lawyers Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro, the alleged brainchild of the fake elector scheme. The pair of defendants will head to trial on Oct. 23 on charges related to alleged attempts to subvert the 2020 general election results in the Peach State." 'Becca Downs at Town Hall thinks Top Georgia State Senator Removed From Caucus for Daring to Stand Up to Fulton County DA.

At ET, IRS Contractor Charged for Leaking Tax Returns of Trump, Thousands of Wealth Taxpayers.  "Federal authorities say the IRS consultant stole the tax return and tax information and leaked it to two unnamed media outlets between 2018 and 2020."

From Da Wire, Jury Finds Former Loudoun County Superintendent Guilty Of Crime Stemming From Trans Rape Coverup, "Former Superintendent Scott Ziegler used his position to retaliate against a teacher who cooperated with Virginia investigators." 

Hat Hair's Capt. Ed has  A conversation with Owen Strachan on "The War on Men."

Stacy McCain, Let’s Play, ‘Find the Hidden Racism’! 

Appalling is a word we don’t use often enough, but it’s perhaps the best word for what is going on in America’s public schools in the name of “social justice.” You may not be able to read the text in that screen-cap, but apparently academics have invented a term, “evaded racism.” Here’s a brief summary from a journal article:
Evaded Racism
Prominent race scholar, Richard Valencia (2012) argues that while in the past intellectual inferiority and cultural deprivation were prominent theories used to uphold racial inequity in schooling, today, individualized analysis of underachievement are tools that maintain the status quo. K. D. Brown & Brown (2012) contend that dominant rhetoric blames students of Color and their families for a lack of academic success, promoting a shift in their behavior as the solution (e.g., reminding parents to read more to their children; advocating for a growth mind-set), rather than suggesting shifts to structures or policies that systematically fail students of Color (e.g., limited resources, racial profiling; Malagon & Alvarez, 2010). Blaming communities of Color for educational inequality at the individual level invisiblizes institutional responsibility, thus providing a rationale to study race yet evade concrete analyses of racism (Bonilla Silva, 2006).
Got it? Now watch this short video clip . . . 
Mythinformed@MythinformedMKE  “Things that white families do, like reading to their children” Woke k-12 teacher is opposed to schools promoting positive activities like families reading to kids, because that’s what white people do. She thinks they should instead be focused on “oppressive and racist policies”. 

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