Monday, December 30, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Only the Good Die Young, Jimmy Carter Dead at 100

Until recently, he was the worst president in my lifetime. He absolutely killed the economy until Ronald Reagan was forced to squeeze it to death to bring it back, caused the energy crisis and allowed/encouraged the mullahs to take over Iran, the current source of much of the worlds strife. That said, he was never really evil in the way Biden administration is, just wrong headed in almost everything. Atlanta J Con, Former President Jimmy Carter dies at 100. Fox, Jimmy Carter, 39th president of the United States, dead at 100. Capt. Ed at Hat Hair, RIP, James Earl Carter (1924-2024). "We will no doubt have time tomorrow to open a debate over Carter’s legacy, which remains controversial even in his post-presidential years. For today, we do best to recognize his service to his country in multiple ways." Driscoll at Insty BREAKING: Former President Jimmy Carter Has Passed Away with a collection of links. "I think I got the second-shot blahs. I felt dull and fuzzy…The best word to describe it: malaise. Once I realized that was the best word, I wondered whether it could be due to gas lines, Mideast unrest or the return of inflation." and JIMMY CARTER, ELECTION DENIER, RUSSIA HOAX ENABLER. Phil Klein at NRO, Jimmy Carter Was a Terrible President — and an Even Worse Former President. JNS, Don’t believe the Jimmy Carter revisionists, "Despite the natural sympathy for a dying man, the revisionist attempt to erase his failures and their consequences should not prevail." Bob Spencer at PJM thinks it's It’s Too Bad That Jimmy Carter Didn’t Live Even Longer. "The second Trump administration promises to put an end to the long, slow decline of the United States and the now well-established habit of betraying our allies that Carter did so much to initiate, and it’s too bad that Carter won’t be around to witness America’s resurgence — if, that is, the late president’s friends and ideological kin don’t manage to block any such rebound." Steve Hayward at Power Line on The Under- and Over-Estimated Jimmy Carter, RIP. Althouse says Goodbye to Jimmy Carter. " In 1980, with that monster Ronald Reagan threatening us, I had to vote for him," and "We in the news media and chattering class mocked Jimmy Carter as a country bumpkin..." "Writes Nicholas Kristof, in "Jimmy Carter Deserved Our Thanks and Respect, Not Our Sneers" (NYT)." At NYPo, Donald Trump reacts to Jimmy Carter’s death with heartfelt statement: ‘We all owe him a debt of gratitude.’

Insty reads Althouse, YA THINK? |“This feels like an effort to puff up Biden. Few analysts deny Biden’s accomplishments?! Maybe the trick is to ascribe special meaning to the word ‘analysts’ — if you don’t think this is an impressive accomplishment, you’re not an analyst. Or maybe the idea is that any accomplishment is an accomplishment, so what’s to deny? But look how clearly the article states that Biden intended to use the Justice Department to destroy his political adversary!” UPDATE: “This episode demonstrates that this notion of the Department of Justice as “independent” has always been a ruse. " The Guardian, Biden reportedly regrets ending re-election campaign and says he’d have defeated Trump. "President also regrets picking Merrick Garland for attorney general, as he was slow to prosecute Trump for January 6." Josh Blackmun at the Volokh Report, President Biden Regrets Selecting Merrick Garland As Attorney General, "By the way, when is Garland going to resign? Garland should have stepped down when Biden criticized him for the Hunter Biden prosecution, but didn't." Nick Arama at RedState, Biden Has Two More Truly Warped Regrets About His Time in the WH. MAZE@mazemoore, "He knows. He just loves lying." Quote MAZE@mazemoore, "Biden is now saying that he regrets withdrawing from the race because he thinks that he would have beaten Trump. Two weeks after his disastrous debate, Biden said that the only reason he would exit the race was if he was convinced that there was no way he could beat Trump." Show more Ryan King at NYPo hosts as GOP pundit Scott Jennings slaps down CNN commentator’s rosy view of Biden presidency: ‘He’s going to leave office in disgrace.’ Twitchy, 9-1-1? We'd Like to Report a Murder: Scott Jennings DISMANTLES CNN Panel Defending Biden's Legacy (Watch). Matt Vespa at TownHall, The Media's Last Defense of Biden Blows Up in Their Faces. SweetPeaBelle @SweetPeaBell326 "Clyp Keeper: “All of those that spent the last four years lying repeatedly about Joe Biden's mental acuity should be run out of Washington and never be heard from again! "Joe Biden is SHARP" - The MAGACLIP”" Neil McCabe at RedState pens the tale of Two Laptops: FBI Flaunts Ulbricht's Laptop Before Trump's Clemency; Free Man Hunter Hits St. Croix.

At NewsMax, Trump Questions Democrats' Paid Celebrity Endorsements

The Free Bacon provides an Analysis: Democrats' Campaign To Win Back Normal Americans Going as Poorly as Expected. Matt Margolis at PJM, Democrats Are Failing Hard at Winning Over the Normies. At Hat Hair, Lucky for Us, None of Them Will Listen: One Democrat Gets Itdan turrentine @danturrentine "Hard as a D to read the Wash Post story and not laugh/cry. Amidst the talk of communication failure and message choices, no mention of the central reason for all these struggles: Biden’s declining mental acuity and the iron handcuffs it produced. He was the least public-facing and publicly engaged President of the modern TV era, not because they thought it was good politics, but out of necessity to hide his condition. For so many to omit, let alone focus on, this fact is embarrassing. The D Party will struggle to regain public trust and confidence until it comes to public terms with the charade." WaEx, People can’t flee blue states fast enough. Matt Vespa, What Shocked a Dem Strategist When Speaking With Hispanic Voters in South Texas, “I would sit in focus group was with Hispanic voters,” Pollock said. “They would talk about immigration, and you would swear to God you were sitting in a room with a bunch of cranky white guys from Missouri.” 

DC_Draino@DC_Draino "Exposed: The UN & Clinton Foundation occupy an old US base in Panama to help supply illegal aliens on their way to America This is an organized human trafficking operation invading our southern border & the *Clintons* are funding it Isn’t that Treason?" At Hat Hair, NYC Dept of Corrections Says They Will NOT Honor ICE Detainer for Illegal Who Torched Sleeping Woman. I don't want him deported, I want him executed, and NY won't.

if you go to the Dept of Labor website, search or download the database of H1B employment, specifically filtering to Trump’s various companies, what you will discover is that Trump Inc doesn’t use the H1B visa system at all. [Check for Yourself Here]

How does this reconcile? Well, having previously looked at the visa use by President Trump in his various companies {SEE HERE}, I can confidently assert (Occam’s Razor) that within the interview President Trump conflated H2B temporary worker visas, which he does use in his service industry, with H1B visas which he does not use.

The H-1B program applies to employers seeking to hire nonimmigrant aliens as workers in specialty occupations of distinguished merit and ability. At least that was the intent of the program before it was abused by companies who saw the opportunity to avoid domestic market wages and find alternative cheap sources of skilled labor in the tech sector. That abusive ‘labor diversion’ process has now expanded to find H1B claims in other sectors. So much so, there are now a myriad of companies requesting H1B status employees for their various interests.

The H2B program applies to employers seeking to hire nonimmigrant aliens as “temporary workers” mostly in the service industry where extreme seasonal fluctuations in business make it challenging to hire from a very limited market base. H2B workers are found in hotels, resorts, restaurants and service companies anywhere you find big seasonal shifts in service businesses, like Trump resorts.

And Rob Schmitt Gives Solid Summary of H1B Debate. Althouse, Flying home from Texas on Friday, I avoided getting sucked into the hysteria of the day, the intra-MAGA discord over H-1B visas. "And now it looks like it's over, more or less: "Trump backs H-1B visas, aligning with Musk on immigration/'I’ve always liked the visas,' he said, siding with tech leaders against anti-immigration hard-liners" (WaPo)." . . . . but I do think that Trump antagonists are rooting for a snake pit." Ryan King at NYPo, Elon Musk changes his tune on H1-B visas as he tries to cool raging MAGA civil war over skilled immigration. Charlotte Hazard at JTN, Trump picks sides in MAGA feud, backs Musk on H-1B immigrant visas. At NewsMax, Dick Morris to Newsmax: Trump Will Stop the Grift With H-1Bs. Dave Marcus at Fox opines MAGA’s H-1B ‘civil war’ is exactly how politics is supposed to work, "This is how things get ironed out under a big tent." Cernovich @Cernovich, "The low grade racism is bot activity and maybe even being boosted by H-1B mills. Vivek gets standing ovations at events. Harmeet is propped up. Kash is king. And not in a token way. REAL LOVE. I know MAGA and nobody real talks in the vulgar way seen these last 48-72 hours."

At WaEx, How Trump won a second term and delivered DC to the GOP. "Trump rode a wave of public anger over rising grocery and gas prices that helped reinstate him as president and gave Republicans control over the House and Senate, along with previous majority control of the Supreme Court, in a backlash against President Joe Biden’s administration." Althouse wonders Are you enjoying the happy good times of the Trump transition? "From Real Clear Politics:" NewsBusters hear As Team Trump Takes Over, MSNBC Leftists Scream ‘Oligarchy!’ Twitchy, a Trash-Talking Ad: Rogue Transit Poster Depicts MAGA Supporters as Garbage in Washington, D.C Derrick Evans @DerrickEvans4WV,  "Spotted on Capitol Hill this morning: "Keep DC Trash Free" with a picture of Trump & a Project 2025 book. Paid for by DC Mayor's office, aka tax dollars." 'Streif' at RedState fears They Are at It Again. Prominent 'Public Health' Voices Lay the Groundwork for a New Pandemic for Trump. Bird flu. Jessica Rojas@catsscareme2021 "Farmers need to say NO, get off my property. Do not comply. Deborah Birx Says We Must Test Every Cow in America (On a Weekly Basis) for "Bird Flu" using PCR."

NewsMax, Trump's First Actions and Job Data to Test Market in January and Trump: Barring Biden From Selling Border Wall Material 'Crucial Win.' and Kari Lake: Passing on Race Against 'Corrupt' Ariz. Machine. At Da Caller, DAVID BLACKMON thinks Trump Should Consider Adding Another Globalist Org To Funding Chopping Block. "Trump perhaps should add U.S. support for the International Energy Agency to his growing list of cancellation opportunities."

From WaEx, Raskin doubts Republicans’ abilities to pursue charges against Cheney, Hutchinson. But can they make their lives hell on earth with the process? Twitchy, Jamie Raskin Getting All Big and BAD About RESISTING Trump's Politicization of the DOJ Goes REALLY Wrong. The Redoubtable Julie Kelly, Julie Kelly@julie_kelly2 "Another article confirming DOJ officials including the bottom feeding J6 line prosecutors are looking for new jobs and worried about prosecutorial payback. As @StarChamberMaid and I have discussed--white shoe law firms who either (1) hire these thugs or (2) offer pro bono assistance will be called out and shamed. Firms who help should lose government and political contracts; lawyers who represent prosecutors accused of misconduct should be subjected to bar complaints. NEW RULES

Althouse, "Mr. Trump told CNBC in March that he still considered TikTok a national security threat, but that young people 'will go crazy without it.'" ""He also said moves against TikTok would benefit Facebook, which he called an 'enemy of the people.' Mr. Trump went on to use TikTok with great success during the campaign, and has said that it was a key vehicle for reaching young people this year. . . From "How Donald Trump Went From Backing a TikTok Ban to Backing Off/In 2020, he moved to ban the Chinese-owned app. Now, he is opposing the Biden administration’s effort to do just that" (NYT)."

Rob Schneider@RobSchneider "ONCE you LEARN HOW VACCINES ARE MADE, you will never feel the same way EVER again about the drug… The last 25 minutes of this interview is absolutely disturbing and devastating…" Long, like most Tucker, but well worth it. From the College Fix, There were 21 campus hate crime hoaxes uncovered in 2024, and 2 days still to go. TWC celebrates The Twelve Woke Days of Christmas, British version.

Ace, The Progressives Love Lawfare...Payback Is A B*tch!, "The NCAA is all in on trans lunacy, and even when the athletes themselves push back, citing absolutely reasonable objections like fear of being injured and the outrageousness of being forced to disrobe in front of men pretending to be women, the sleazy tools of the progressive movement that control the NCAA tell them to stuff it. But sanity prevails in Texas! And the technique that Ken Paxton is using is delicious. It's false advertising! Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Sues NCAA To Pro­tect Women's Sports and Pre­vent Bio­log­i­cal Men from Decep­tive­ly Com­pet­ing in Sex-Spe­cif­ic Competitions." At the Telegraph, Finally sport is fighting back against cult of gender self-identification. Campus Reform adds Tufts University offering ‘Transcestors’ course next semester "Two concepts for the course will be trans oppression and trans erasure." WaEx considers What’s on Trump’s transgender agenda for 2025 "“My sense is that President Trump is very likely to do something on so-called gender-affirming care for minors in the very beginning of his presidency,” Jay Richards, a researcher at the Heritage Foundation specializing in cultural matters, told the Washington Examiner. Richards said he thinks this will likely take the form of blocking federal funding for youth transgender medicine and may also include an official definition of sex and gender as solely male and female."

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: Giant Killers up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

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