Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Jimmy Carter Still Dead

Know your memes! Matt Vespa at TownHall calls it Unreal: Jimmy Carter Outlived His NYT Obituary Writer, if not the paper itself. At PJM, Stephen Kruiser has the Obligatory 'Say Something Nice About Jimmy Carter' Post. "It's the antisemitism that I remember more than Habitat for Humanity or any of the other fluffy post-presidency stuff. I've thought about it a lot while the Democrats have been turning blind eyes to all of the "Free Palestine" protests this past year. That's Jimmy Carter's legacy," and, Hope for America — We Survived Carter and Now (Almost) Biden. Twitchy has an Eye-Opening Thread that Takes Apart Media's Sugarcoated Narrative About Jimmy Carter's Post-Presidential Work. Ron Coleman@RonColeman, "Carter “INVENTED the jealous, manipulative ex-President model that Obama put on steroids in 2016”", Quote Cynical Publius@CynicalPublius, "I promised to myself that I would not comment further on Jimmy Carter’s death, but it bothers me to see so many otherwise sensible conservatives spouting the “Bad President, good man” line that the Democrat/Media Complex has been spinning for 40+ years. Thus, I feel the need to Show more." Althouse finds what her hero Bob Dylan, Said about Jimmy Carter, "He's a kindred spirit to me of a rare kind — the kind of man you don't meet every day and that you're lucky to meet if you ever do." So, he said a lot of nonsense, and expected people to take it seriously? Also, "Toward the end of their time in office, Mr. Mondale said he and Mr. Carter talked about how they wanted their tenure to be remembered." "'We came up with this sentence, which to me remains an important summary of what we were trying to do: "We told the truth, we obeyed the law, and we kept the peace,"' Mr. Mondale wrote. 'That we did, Mr. President.'"  Ace, being Ace, America's Worst Previous President, Jimmy Carter, Dead at 100 "America's current president is the worst. Jimmy Carter's passing opens an easy lane for Biden's entry into the Hall of Shame on the first ballot. "Jimmy Carter is a good Christian man" is a lie I've heard my whole life. He wasn't. He was a Terrorist Simp."

At PJM, VodkaPundit says Yes, Absolutely Biden Should Have Stayed in the Race. "Given the opportunity, Americans might have repudiated Biden's Cateresque single disaster of a term with a 344-194 drubbing. Or even 345-193 if Biden had failed to carry Nebraska's lone blue district." Insty, PERHAPS THESE “SOURCES” ARE NOT AS USEFUL AS YOU THINK:, "Bonchie @bonchieredstate, "In which Matt Yglesias admits he was incapable of assessing and investigating Biden’s condition on his own and needed “insiders” to feed him talking points so he could function as a “journalist.” What a thing to say out loud." 'Becca Downs at TownHall sees Biden Laughably Boasts About ‘Getting to Show Up for the American People’ 40% of time on vacation, and even when he was there he wasn't, if you know what I mean. Ward Clark at RedState lists Five 'Accomplishments' Joe Biden Touts As Successes - but Which Were Failures. Capt. Ed at Hat Hair notes even Politico Wonders: What Happened to $50 Billion in Biden's 'Green New Deal'? "A $42 billion expansion of broadband internet service has yet to connect a single household. . . . Back in May, Pete Buttigieg tried to explain the failure to build more than "seven or eight" stations in the three-plus years that his Department of Transportation had $7.5 billion:" They're up to 48. The money went somewhere. Buck Throckmorton at Ace's Morning Rant notes Government is Paying Manufacturers to Produce Electric School Buses, and Then Paying School Districts to Buy Them. At OTP, Biden To Bar Oil, Gas, Geothermal Development In Nevada Mountain Range For 20 Years. Beege Welborn at Hat Hair, Credit Card Delinquencies Doing the #Bidenomics 'Jump'. Just emulating the Feds. Wall Street Mav@WallStreetMav, "Another 653,000 fake jobs revised away by govt statisticians. They were faking the data during 2023 and 2024 to try to boost Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. In the revisions, they have also admitted to 818,000 fake jobs being removed from the 2023 data. Now the truth is coming out. Plus as soon as Trump takes office expect the entrenched left wing staff will start portraying the economic data has negative. We won't find out till much later during the revisions." OTP, US Electorate Now Has More Republicans Than Democrats: 2024 Exit Polls.

Reuters, US announces $5.9 billion in military and budget aid to Ukraine. But at least the Biden family stays bought.Alex Langlois at Am Great says Biden Is Wrong to Double Down on Syria, "The Pentagon's revelation of a significantly higher troop count in Syria underscores the perils of unchecked mission creep and the erosion of transparency in U.S. foreign policy."

Insty, at his NYPo gig, Merrick Garland corrupted the Justice Department with political persecutions. Ace, Washington Post: Biden and Democrats Blame Election Loss on Merrick Garland, Believing He Wasn't Partisan Enough In His Lawfare Against Trump. "Mollie Hemingway had a reason for championing Trump over any of his primary rivals: We had to show that the left's lawfare and politics of personal destruction would not be allowed to work. The left had to be repudiated in the worst way possible, and for the left, that meant the re-election of Trump. The left, meanwhile, grumbles that what they really needed was MOAR LAWFARE." Pop Times has Sources: Federal Prosecutors in Trump Witchhunts Fleeing in Droves, Afraid of Bankruptcy and Defending Themselves in CourtRon Filipkowski@RonFilipkowski "Trump: “Doing what they did - using the DOJ & FBI to go after their political opponent .. that means that I can do it too. In other words, the Pandora’s box is open, and that means that I can do it too.”" Dave Strom says Blackball Them, At Least.  Bob Moffitt at RCP thinks Pardoning Fauci Would Be Disservice to Him and Americans. Ben Bartee at PJM, Help Get This Simple Fauci Prosecution Playbook to Trump, Please.

'Becca Downs warns We've Been Warned: We May Not Have Seen the Last of Kamala Harris. Nick Arama says Scott Jennings and Other Americans Have Thoughts When Tim Walz and Wife Post About a Box. "Here's a thought: You can throw out a box without making a video about it." Scott Jennings @ScottJenningsKY, "The fact that this absolute buffoon was Kamala Harris’s first major decision as “nominee” really was the biggest red flag of all." Jester Politics asks Democrats: The 2024 Election And Where To Go? Ross Barkan bemoans the Twilight of the Liberal Left. "An era decisively ends." Don't turn your back on them. Ace read "The Twilight of the Liberal Left:" A Liberal Bemoans the Catastrophic Failure of the Anti-Trump "Resistance" "I'm just here for the gloating."

At NewsMax John Gizzi opines Conservatives Must Back Mike Johnson for Speaker. Ace reports Trump Gives Mike Johnson His "Complete and Total Endorsement" to Remain Speaker, "I guess it's the expected action." Dave Strom at Hat Hair VIP has an Unpopular Take: With Such a Slim Majority It Doesn't Matter Who the Speaker Is. Cat herder in-chief. Cutie Pavlich at TownHall wonders Are You Ready for Acting President Chuck Grassley? "With a non-functioning House, Trump, Vance and the House Speaker are out of the chain-of-command, which puts the Senate pro tempore in as acting president. On January 20, 2025, that will be Republican Senator Chuck Grassley." PJM's Paula Bolyard also looks at Acting President Grassley?. C'mon Republicans, get your shit together.

Ace thinks Elon Musk and Vivek Appear to Step Back From Foreigner Triumphalism im Fight Over Immigration "David Marcus has the same reaction to the MAGA fight over immigration that I did: At least we're finally able to discuss policies that impact our lives." Jim Hoft at GatewayPundit hears Elon Musk Calls for Major Reform of Broken H-1B Visa Program — Proposes to Make it More Expensive to Hire Overseas Than Domestically. At Da Fetched, Steve Bannon Torches H1-B Visa Program: “It’s a Total Scam!” Aesthetica@Anc_Aesthetics, "Just got a dm from someone who works in recruiting at one of big tech companies. He said it's internal policy within the team he works for to reserve roles for what they call “outside talent”. They are not allowed to recruit Americans for these roles but must go through the motions of setting up interviews with Americans. He said he and his colleagues try to keep these calls short 10-15min or some of them just ghost the call completely. . . " From TNP, DATA: H1-B Visa ‘Caps’ Exceeded, 99.9% Approval Rate, Chain Migration Increasing. An eye-opening thread from Robert Sterling@RobertMSterling, H-1B DATA MEGA-THREAD "To start with, this program is MASSIVELY popular with employers. The program has a statutory limit of 85,000 visas per year, but employers routinely receive approval for more than 800k applications per year (868k, or 10x the limit, in 2024)." Sundance dons his tin foil hat and asserts Elon Musk Changes Twitter Algorithm to Diminish MAGA Opposition to Silicon Valley Group and Support Influence Over Trump Policy.

BrownStone decries Congress’ Shield against Trump’s Hammer of Justice "Somewhere amid the 1,500+ pages of legislative clutter in the latest Continuing Resolution—the bill apparently killed by public exposure alone—lies a provision so audacious, so shameless, I can only assume it was drafted by a cabal of Congressional career criminals. Section 605—a sterile title masking its true intent—amounts to nothing less than a legislative fortress erected to shield Congress from the Justice Department, the FBI, and, most troubling of all, accountability."

At Da Caller, Trump Driving Foreign Policy Blob Crazy By Daring To Put America First and Why Trump’s Right On Panama Canal And Greenland. Liz Mair at WaEx opines that To make America great, Trump can enable the Nippon Steel acquisition. "It should surprise exactly no one that an economically illiterate administration, which is headed by a barely compos mentis individual and has gravely mismanaged America’s relationships around the globe, might have failed to notice that Japan is a key U.S. ally and we’re 80 years on from World War II."

The Great Victor Davis Hanson at Am Great sees Devin Nunes Reemerges. "2024 marked the comeback of figures once dismissed, with Elon Musk and Donald Trump reclaiming dominance and Devin Nunes solidifying his role as a stalwart in intelligence oversight."

Ward Clark, Rachel Maddow 'Thought People Would Be More Unnerved by JD Vance' and Both of Her Viewers Agree. Matt Taibbi@mtaibbi "JD Vance was born to “immense privilege”?" Quote, Current Affairs@curaffairs, "Right-wing populism usually consists of men who were born to immense privilege and went to elite schools railing against people who are, in fact, many times less powerful and influential than they are. https://currentaffairs.org/news/2022/04/r" Rusty Weiss at RedState, Jasmine Crockett Tried to Pick a Fight With Tom Homan Only to Get Nuked Back to Reality: 'Not Real Smart'Department of Decline@LeoMars75 "Sweden has now turned its immigration into a net outflow. They did this very complicated trick. 1, Stop letting people in 2. Stop giving any money to the ones already there. So hard, I doubt any developed nation could copy it."

Althouse, "The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a written opinion upholding the $5 million award that the Manhattan jury granted to E. Jean Carroll for defamation and sexual abuse...." ABC, Special counsel Jack Smith withdraws from appeal of classified docs case against Trump's co-defendants. "The special counsel has referred the case to federal prosecutors in Florida." Where the judge ruled Smith was illegally appointed. 

Just Facts Daily has 50 Examples of Fake News in 2024. Da Fetched, CBS Reporter Admits Joe Biden’s Mental Decline Was Covered Up by Media and Don Lemon Suffers Another Anti-Trump Meltdown: “You Dumb MAGA Idiots, You F**king Deserve It”. The NewsBusters note ZERO Airtime to Just-Released Pics Showing Biden Lied About Hunter Biz. Jonathan Turley calls it the Silence of the Labs: How a Censorship Campaign Failed to Kill a COVID Origin Theory. Twitchy wants you to WATCH: Wikipedia Co-Founder Describes How the Site Turned to Leftist Garbage. OK, here it is.

At NYPo, Charles Gasparino says Wokeness is in retreat, but Nasdaq’s ‘diversity rules’ show its awful stench will be hard to eliminate. At Behind the Black, Bob Zimmerman warns Beware the DEI shell game. Victory Girls on Liberal Fires: Time To Put Them OutGeneral Mike Flynn@GenFlynn, "How much more convincing do we need to demonstrate that our military is not a trained and ready force for WAR? Our U.S. Navy has “insufficient gender experts?” I’ll tell you what, how about ensuring our ships don’t crash into each other at sea or not shooting our own damn planes out of the sky?. . ." Matt Margolis at PJM says J.K. Rowling Is Right: There Are No Trans KidsJ.K. Rowling@jk_rowling, "There are no trans kids. No child is 'born in the wrong body'. There are only adults like you, prepared to sacrifice the health of minors to bolster your belief in an ideology that will end up wreaking more harm than lobotomies and false memory syndrome combined." John Sexton at Hat Hair has another example of why Putting Trans Women in Women's Prisons is a Terrible Idea

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: Giant Killers up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

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