Saturday, March 15, 2025

Flotsam and Jetsam - CR Passes, Schumer Humiliated, Trump Visits DOJ

At Hat Hair John Sexton, House Democrats, Including Pelosi, Make Last Ditch Effort to Force Schumer to Reverse Course and Beege Welborn, Fetterman: Yeah, I'm Votin' for It and Chuck Schumer Caves on Shutdown: Humiliating House Floor Speech. Matt Margolis at PJM, Continuing Resolution Passes, Democrats Suffer Crushing Defeat. Matt Vespa at TownHall, ‘Total Trump Victory’ As Spending Bill Passes, Killing Far Left Hopes for a Gov't Shutdown and It's Pretty Simple Why Schumer Caved on the Shutdown Antics. Ace, After Vowing That Democrats Would Shut Down the Government, Chuch Schumer Caves Completely and Ten Democrats Cross the Line to Vote for Cloture on Continuing Resolution; Democrats Defeated. Dave Strom at Hat Hair thinks it's Hilarious: AOC May Primary Chuck Schumer. At Althouse, Fake outrage, isn't it?, "I'm reading, among other things, "Young Democrats’ Anger Boils Over as Schumer Retreats on Shutdown/A generational divide, seen in newer lawmakers’ impatience with bipartisanship and for colleagues who don’t understand new media, has emerged as one of the deepest rifts within the party" (NYT)(free-access link). The Democrats have to make a show of fighting Trump, but Schumer's move was more important anti-Trumpism, and I think they all know it:"

Sundance at CTH, President Trump Delivers a Speech from The Department of Justice. Also at Althouse, There's never been a speech like this: Trump's epic tirade at the Justice Department. "It was pure Trump and his critics are hot to portray it as the desecration of a place where decent Presidents dare not tread. There he is, for over an hour, in front of the Department of Justice sign, trashing his predecessors for weaponizing the justice system. He's out in the open, speaking his mind. Biden — we couldn't even tell if he had a mind."

They must have felt like the Commies waiting for the first one to stop clapping at Stalin's speech.

Dave Strom at Hat Hair, BREAKING: NATO Chief Says No NATO Membership for Ukraine; Ukraine Ceasefire Soon? At Responsible Statecraft, No, a ceasefire is not a ‘bad deal’ for Russia "Moscow may not accept immediately, but it has good reasons to seek an agreement, too." From the Free Bacon, Trump Admin Slaps Fresh Sanctions on Iran's Oil Minister and 'Shadow Fleet' Ferrying Illicit Iranian Crude. "'Treasury will fight and disrupt any attempts by the regime to fund its destabilizing activities,' says Bessent." Geiger Capital @Geiger_Capital "Incredible note from Jared Woodard, the Head of Global Research at Bank of America: He says the risks of Trump and Bessent’s plan are worth it, status quo is unsustainable." Dave Strom again, Marco Rubio's Ears, and the Rest of Him Too, Are Awesome. Robby Starbuck @robbystarbuck "Marco Rubio announces that he’s expelling the racist South African ambassador to the United States. A fantastic move to show America will not put up with anti-White racism coming out of South Africa. In my view, Rubio has really risen to the occasion so far as Secretary of State." Quote Secretary Marco Rubio@SecRubio, "South Africa's Ambassador to the United States is no longer welcome in our great country. Ebrahim Rasool is a race-baiting politician who hates America and hates @POTUS. We have nothing to discuss with him and so he is considered PERSONA NON GRATA.… Show more" Beege Welborn, Kinda Looks Like Trump Won the Election in Greenland. The Daily Signal@DailySignal, "@VDHanson: Donald Trump’s Tariff Diplomacy Is Working President Donald Trump is not using tariffs for their historical purpose, which is to protect and promote domestic industry. Instead, Trump, as Victor Davis Hanson argues, is using tariffs to hold countries, like Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, and China, accountable. And it’s working. On this edition of “Victor Davis Hanson: In His Own Words,” Hanson dispels the Left’s hysteria over President Trump’s tariff policies:" Video at link. NewsMax, Major US Toymaker Speeds up Plan to Move Manufacturing Out of China.

The Eloi of the DC region demonstrated their native class by booing JD and Usha Vance at the Kennedy Center. Beege Welborn, J.D., Usha and the Low Rent Kennedy Center Boo Birds. Trump should rename it after William McKinley, or some other Republican. At Insty, THE ATLANTIC: Wait, Who Is Posting Those Unflattering J. D. Vance Memes? "The online right is trolling one of its own." Mary Katharine Ham@mkhammer "Not understanding the concept of busting balls is one of many reasons they’re not reaching men." Quote Jeremy Kauffman @jeremykauffman "woman writes thousands of words on how she doesn't understand men."

Mia Cathell at TownHall has Everything We Know About the Tesla Attacks. Rich Lowry at NYPo, Tesla terrorism only reveals the left’s impotence. Beege Welborn connects Trashing Teslas, Trump Tower Tantrums and a Swatting Swarm. Vicky Taft at PJM, Domestic Terrorists Add Swatting Conservatives on X — And Murder?— to Their Terror Tactics. Nick Sortor @nicksortor "Both my dad and my sister were swatted tonight. A dozen cops attempted to kick my dad’s door in at gunpoint. This is literal fucking terrorism. And the FBI should treat it as such. Before calling in the swat, this dumbshit sent my sister an email calling me a Nazi, of course. So the motive is clear. In my dad’s case, the caller told police my dad was killing my entire family, requiring them to intervene with deadly force. This is nothing short of attempted murder. They wanted the police to kill my father." Ace, House DOGE Subcommittee Demands FBI/DOJ Investigation Into the Coordiated, Democrat-Financied Violent Terrorism Against Elon Musk and Tesla, "Open their books. Subpoena all of their financial records and emails." DC_Draino @DC_Draino, "Libs are committing acts of terror against Elon’s companies Meanwhile he’s sending a rescue mission rocket up to the International Space Station to save human lives We have the good guys on our side."

Ace, A New Beltway Mystery: Follow the Biden EPA Money. "The biggest heist in human history. Here's what makes this potentially criminal, according to the reporting of Real Clear Investigation's Jim Varney: They didn't just push out billions to their political cronies, but then they covered their tracks attempting to make it impossible to trace the money." at LI, Leslie Eastman EPA to Close Environmental Justice Offices, Complying With EO Eliminating DEI "EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin: “Our goal at EPA is going to be to remediate these environmental issues directly. We’re not going to discriminate.”" Not only do you save on salaries, but also the other inefficiencies they cause, and Mary Chastain, USPS Working With DOGE to Fix ‘Broken Business Model’, "DeJoy said the USPS plans to reduce its workforce by “10,000 people in the next 30 days through a Voluntary Early Retirement program.” Dave Strom, You Won't Believe Why Johns Hopkins is Cutting 2000 Employees. Oh yes I will, I was a soft-money employee at the Smithsonian. The College Fix editorializes, It’s time to dissolve the Department of Education. The Babylon Bee@TheBabylonBee, "Federal Judge Appoints Himself President" "There's nothing we can do," said legal experts. "He's a federal judge."

Rui Teixeira at the Liberal Patriot explains The Democrats’ Brahmin Left Problem. "It’s not going away." Jeff Charles at TownHall explains This Is How Democrats Plan to Regain Power, phoney-baloney town halls. Leftism @LeftismForU "So far I've found nearly identical tweets that are almost word for word from 49 DEMOCRAT CONGRESS MEMBERS posted within the last 12 hours!! FORTY NINE!!!! Do none of them think for themselves? Do none of them care to use their brains other than to spout the same talking points they're given? Do none of them actually give a crap about representing their constituents? This is Leftism for u. Absolutely no bit of critical thinking, repeated talking points.... It's almost zombie-like." At the Chronicles, How “Democracy” Lost Its Meaning. The left has a habit of adopting pleasant sounding words, twisting their definitions beyond recognition, beating them to death with a stick, and moving on. Hence, the meme "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." At Twitchy, Megyn Kelly Slams Senator Murphy Over Blatant Ambition and Shady New Girlfriend.

Stephen Kruiser at PJM, Let Mahmoud Khalil's Supporters Spend Quality Jail Time With Him. Christopher F. Rufo @realchrisrufo "Jennifer Manly, the Columbia professor who marched for Hamas and secured $100 million in public funds for pseudo-scientific research claiming that racism causes Alzheimer's in black people, has locked her account."   John Sexton at Hat Hair, Columbia Punishes 22 Students for Building Takeover (Update: Another Arrest by ICE). Leah Barkoukis at TownHall ask Did the Biden Administration 'Cook the Books' on ICE Arrests?, if they kept books, they cooked 'em. @RandoLand_us "Dept. of Education - Migrant Education State Grant program Award base year: 2024 Recipient: Department Of Education California Amount: $120,988,939 Purpose: Migrant education." Bet they don't get it this year. John Sexton, California Democrats Expanded Medicaid to Illegal Immigrants and It's Not Going Well. Rick Moran at PJM notes Immigration Accounted for All U.S. Population Growth in 2023 for the First Time Since 1850.

Wall Street Apes @WallStreetApes, "Kash Patel CONFIRMS Judge Juan Merchan should have never been assigned to Donald Trump’s case Kash Patel “I'm calling for the subpoenas to be issued to Judge Merchant's Daughter's company who made $15+ million dollars from the illicit information pouring out of her father's courtroom - I wanna know the bank records because money doesn't lie - I wanna know how deep it is and how much of it went to the family and how much of it is going to the family after this false conviction - Then we need to investigate the FEC actual violations that this judge and his family conducted Judge Juan Merchan should never have been overseeing this trial to begin with because of the illicit campaign money that was flowing through there and the unconstitutional due process violations are only the beginning. . . .“ Misty Severi at JTN reports Grassley, Johnson, drop records revealing FBI obtained cellphones of Trump, Pence. "The revelation was unveiled in legally protected whistleblower disclosures from Grassley and Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Chairman Ron Johnson, and was part of the FBI's Arctic Frost investigation.." From Seth Barrett Tillman at the New Reform Club, Trump-47 Judicial Vacancies and Trump-47 Judicial Nominations (UPDATED) "At the start of Trump-47, on January 20, 2025, there were 45 federal judicial vacancies—all were Article III vacancies. There are now 55 federal judicial vacancies, including, 54 Article III positions, one Article I position (USDC for the DISTRICT of the VIRGIN ISLANDS). There are 874 authorized Article III federal judicial positions, with 54 Article III vacancies, amounting to a 6% vacancy rate. To date, Trump-47 has sent ZERO nominations to fill vacant federal judicial positions to the U.S. Senate." He needs to start working on those. 

At Insty, HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: David Bernstein @ProfDBernstein, "We tend to think of the 1930s as the height of elite college antisemitism, but Harvard had a higher % of Jewish students then than it does now, and while antisemitism was common, no one was holding rallies glorifying Nazi rape, murder, torture, and kidnapping of Jews." David Bernstein  @ProfDBernstein, "(In fact, what was really common at Harvard in the 1930s was genteel social prejudice against Jews, we have lost the linguistic distinction between "mere" prejudice and various forms of hateful racism, including antisemitism. Prejudices can be harmful, too, but they are of a different level.)"  The Great Victor Davis Hanson at Am Great, wonders Is the Jig Up for Elite Higher Education? "Elite universities face a reckoning as public backlash and new legislation threaten their finances, admissions policies, and ideological excesses, forcing them to reform or risk irrelevance." At Campus Reform, ‘DEI IS DONE’: Virginia Gov. Youngkin praises University of Virginia's abolishing of DEI office. Learn to weld. 

Noam Blum@neontaster, "The Vagina Museum shutting down over trans controversy is a bit too on the nose for the writers room of reality, don't you think?"

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