Sunday, October 20, 2024

Science is Dead, Long Live Science!

Leslie Eastman at Legal Insurrection, The Left’s Grip on Science Tightens by Strangling Education, Conference Planning, Research "Climate cultism overtakes UCSD and “Nature” publishes two DEI-infused articles."

Now comes the chilling news that one of the more prestigious science institutions in this country plans to indoctrinate students into believing the “climate crisis” is real. The school has now implemented a graduation requirement for students: a course in climate change.
Courses must cover at least 30% climate-related content and address two of four areas, including scientific foundations, human impacts, mitigation strategies and project-based learning. About 7,000 students from the class of 2028 will be affected this year.

“The most important thing is that UC San Diego wants to make sure we’re preparing students for the future that they really will encounter,” says Sarah Gille, a physical oceanographer at Scripps Institution of Oceanography who was part of the committee to create the new plan.

The requirement won’t add any time to a student’s graduation schedule – it’s designed to be integrated into existing classwork. Forty one-quarter courses meet the goal, including “The Astronomy of Climate Change”, “Gender and Climate Justice”, “Indigenous Approaches to Climate Change” and “Environmentalism in Arts and Media”. Many of the classes that fall under the climate requirement overlap with courses that focus on diversity, equity and inclusion, the school says.

I have spent considerable effort providing solid science related to geologic history and solar research that counters all of these claims. I am pretty confident neither of the subjects nor serious fact-based counterarguments will be provided in these classes.

Rather than teaching young scholars how to approach science…

…UCSD is going to teach them what to think. I am glad I got my Master of Science degree in chemistry there when I did.
. . .
I will also note that progressive hiring has a snowball effect: Leftists will continually hire more leftists because theirs is the only correct position to hold. Since 2000, universities have taken a hard left turn, and the resulting short-shifting of potentially talented men in biology is one of its many toxic consequences. With the above information in mind, the “Nature” article is a nauseating bit of equity propaganda that should be insulting to all serious researchers…male and female (if biologists are still allowed to distinguish only by two genders).

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