Saturday, June 22, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Still Wheezing Along

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.21.24, Da Tech Guy thinks By This Time Next Week the Issue of Joe Biden Will be Decided: Update Van Jones Agrees. Steve Huntly at John Kass suspects Is the Debate To Be Biden’s Last Stand? Matt Margolis at PJM, wonder if he hears CBS Suggesting That Biden Will Be Drugged for the Debate With Trump? "But, I'm also told that we should expect some surprises as well, because this is such a critical performance for President Biden not only on the content, but on his physical performance as well." Althouse, Winning a coin flip, Biden's people chose to place him on right side of the screen at the debate... "... when they could have chosen the advantage of going second in the closing arguments. It's easy to see why it's good to go second in the closing arguments, but the Biden people ceded that advantage to Trump, because they saw a stronger advantage in appearing on the right side. What's so great about the right side? I found this answer in the Times of India . . ." Nick Arama at RedState hears More Tips on What Biden May Do in Debate, As His Walk to Marine One Raises Questions. Hat Hair's KT reports Kennedy Failed to Qualify for CNN Debate, Campaign Will Protest Outside NY Studio. At ET, Green Party’s Jill Stein Says She’s Filed FEC Complaint Over Debate Exclusion.

John Sexton finds out even NY Times Readers Aren't Buying the Democratic Talking Point About 'Cheap Fake" Videos, and they'll believe all kinds of bullshit. Reagan Reese at Da Caller finds Biden’s Public Decline Tests Limits Of White House Spin Operation. Twitchy is amused by LOOK on Nicolle Wallace’s Face As She Experiences a Biden 'Cheap Fake' in Real-Time Is PRICELESS (Watch). At Hat Hair, Woof - That POTATUS Clomp Clomp Clomp to Marine One Says It All and Don't Look at This Cheap Fake! RNC Research@RNCResearch, "Biden arrives at Camp David, where he'll be holed away — and heavily doped up — ahead of the debate. He has zero public events on his schedule until Thursday." Dave Strom, This was digitally altered. By definition, the camera has to turn the raw data into viewable form, meaning that the photons had to be turned into an image. "But manipulated? Obviously not. This is just how Biden is."  From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.21.24,, Legal Insurrection, Biden Freeze Videos: Democrats Fear the Public Will Believe Their Own Eyes, Not Media Lies. Ace, Adam Kinzinger Now Pushing the "Cheap Fakes" Lie on Jim Acosta. "The wormy NeverTrumper is now trying to make it as a Plus-Sized Influencer."

Kevin Downey at PJM snarks Guess Who Is One Shart Away From Mandatory Retirement? Politico whines Black Voters in This City Could Determine 2024. And It’s Not Looking Good for Biden, Milwaukee. "The Biden campaign is increasingly worried about a group that could determine an important chunk of Electoral College votes." Dave Strom This explains why the Biden folks jumped so hard on the (disputed) Trump Milwaukee comments.  Cathy Salgado at PJM reminds us Women’s Support for Democrats Hits a 20-Year Low with Biden. Hat Hair's KT says It's You, Joe. It's All You.

Dan Greenfield at Front Page reports Hunter Biden Was Courted by Top China Influence Operation Boss "Chinese Communist official behind targeting of US wanted to do business with Biden." John Solomon and Steve Richards at JTN report a possible Impeachment Game Changer? Congress presses to see if US intel warned Biden of son's business deals "The two chairmen leading Joe Biden's impeachment inquiry are zeroing in on a simple question that could transform their case: Was Joe Biden briefed by the intelligence community on his son's foreign business dealings?" If they're going to impeach him, they better hurry up. NewsMax highlights an Economist Poll: GOP, Dem Americans Approve Hunter Verdict.

I&I calls Biden’s Immigration Policy: Disaster By Design, Not By Accident. Harold Hutchinson at Da Caller cringes when Biden’s Treasury Sec Completely Fumbles Fox Host’s Basic Question: Should The Border Be Shut Down? Da Blaze, House Judiciary Committee investigates Biden's 'refugee' sponsorship program: 'Vulnerable to fraud and exploitation', a feature, not a bug. Breitbart, Biden Okays ‘Humanitarian’ Migrants from Wealthy Nations, Luxury Vacation Hotspots. Mary Chastain at LI reports Mexican Cartel ‘Travel Agencies’ Selling $15,000 Packages to Illegal Aliens for Help to Cross Border. "People from the local police to the higher echelons of the government play a part in the operation." From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.21.24, The Federalist Supreme Court’s Immigration Rebuke Suggests Biden’s Border Order Is Unconstitutional, EBL, Jocelyn Nungaray RIP – 12 Year Old Girl from Texas Raped and Murdered by Illegals From Venezuela and Victory Girls: Democrats Want Palestinian Refugees In The United States At PJM Grayson Bakich notes Biden's Ignoring His Own Executive Border Order, But You Knew That Already and Rick Moran hears Sirens Are Blaring and Red Warning Lights Are Blinking at the CIA. Is the White House Listening? Dan Greenfield again, Biden Has a 12-Year-Old Girl’s Blood on His Hands. "The alleged killer "crossed the border illegally less than a month before the shocking murder."   At Da Caller, 5 Illegal Immigrants Charged With Kidnapping 14-Year-Old Girl In American Heartland. At the Babylon Bee, Tropical Storm Alberto Crosses Into Texas, Immediately Registered To Vote As A Democrat

HE wonders, not without cause, Is the Biden administration sabotaging Israel from within? 

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.21.24, Twitchy says AYFKM? James Woods Puts Biden Administration on BLAST for Its New Communications Director  "'Praying for #Baltimore, but praying even harder for an end to a capitalistic police state motivated by explicit and implicit racial biases,' Cherry posted in 2015 amid riots that were sparked following the death of Freddie Gray, a Black man, in police custody in Baltimore."

Guy Benson at TownHall worries Biden Takes a National Polling Lead for the First Time in 2024...or Does He? But not the all important swing states. WaEx, Biden opens Obama’s playbook to flip state GOP has dominated for decades, NC. The race card? Emerson Polling for June 2024, State Polls: Trump Maintains Edge over Biden. Hat Hair notices Trump Tied Or Up 1 in...Minnesota? Mike Ortiz at Am Spec finds a Pollster who Says Trump Has a ‘Legitimate Shot’ at Winning New York "While voters are divided on Trump, most think Biden is too old." At Breitbart, a Poll shows Independents Back Donald Trump over Biden in New York by Double Digits. Anxious is anxious that Labor's GOP flirtation heightens Democrats' 2024 election nerves. From NewsMax, Trump Says Teamsters President Will Speak at GOP Convention. Liz Shield at Am Great has Morning Greatness: Latino Voters Trust Trump on Immigration Over Biden. Nick Arama at RedState has Good News: Trump Just Nuked One Advantage Biden Did Have in Campaign. PJM's Rick Moran reports Trump's Fundraising Haul Is Reshaping the Race. ET, Billionaire Timothy Mellon Donates $50 Million to Trump PAC." From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.21.24,  Don Surber: Garter Snake Mitt speaks. Stacy McCain  notices Another #NeverTrump Embarrassment: ‘Lewd and Lascivious Behavior’ by a chief strategist of Evan McMullin. 

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.21.24,  At Am Think, John  Di Leo thinks Trumps  'No Tax On Tips' Reveals the Chasm Between Left and Right . Alex Salter at CJ worries about Trump’s Tariff Trap "Replacing income taxes with tariffs doesn’t pencil out." Well, you could try to cut spending. Kenny Cody at HE thinks Trump's war on Biden is working. "President Trump is doing all of the right things leading up to November, honing in on all of Biden’s weaknesses while propping up his strengths on how he would implement meaningful policy change on issues such as mass illegal immigration deportation and how he would handle the war in Gaza. Mass deportation, a close relationship with Israel, and countering a shift in American culture towards those that despise the U.S. are all positions Trump will continue to capitalize on leading to the election. The former President’s strategy is working, consistently reflected in presidential polls in favor of Trump.

Sundance at CTH sees Deep State Pushing Trump VP Choices as Secret Service Ramps Up Security Detail "The DC system that created Mike Pence as the best option for Trump 2016 is the same system pushing Vance, Rubio and Burgum for 2024. [Example HERE] The intent with Pence 2016 is the same intent with Vance, Rubio and Burgum ’24. I’m cautiously optimistic President Trump is well aware of this."

NewsMax reports Biden Attorney Preparing for 2024 Voter Fraud Claims. Deny and obfuscate!

At Althouse, "The federal judge overseeing Donald Trump’s classified documents case grilled special counsel Jack Smith’s prosecutors Friday on how closely Attorney General Merrick Garland oversees their work." ""Under persistent questioning from U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, the prosecutors declined to divulge details and seemed caught off-guard by the inquiries. At one point, Smith deputy James Pearce said he was 'not authorized' to discuss the level of communication that occurred between the attorney general and the special counsel. 'I don’t want to make it seem like I’m hiding something,' Pearce then said." Politico reports." At Da Caller, Harold Hutchinson, hears ‘No Adult Supervision’: State Attorney Accuses Florida Judge Of Going Soft On Trump In Docs Case and a Former FBI Official Says Dems Are Targeting Federal Judge Because ‘Deck Isn’t Stacked’ Against Trump In Her Courtroom.

Breitbart reports Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey Will Sue New York for ‘Lawfare Against President Trump’. NewsMax, Mo. AG Bailey Suing N.Y. for 'Lawfare' in Trump Trial "We have to fight back against a rogue prosecutor who is trying to take a presidential candidate off the campaign trail," he added. "It sabotages Missourians' right to a free and fair election." It probably won't work, but it's fun to try. Now imagine 26-28 such suits. Becca Lower at Red State amazed at how Judge Judy Stuns CNN's Wallace With Quip on Trump Verdict, How Violent Manhattan Has Become Under Bragg. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.21.24, Legal Insurrection, Manhattan DA Drops Most Charges Against People Who Took Over Columbia U. Building and Allegedly Held Custodians Hostage. Victory Girls hear Columbia Protestors Are Above The Law Says Alvin Bragg. Beege Welborn at Hat Hair comments "The Dems keep piling on mistake after mistake and are so arrogant they believe they can continue to motor along with impunity. Hey, dudes - people are watching."

The Peacock cries over a Nevada judge who dismisses Trump 'fake electors' case "The judge’s decision comes after a grand jury in December indicted six Republicans as part of a probe into the 2020 presidential election." AP, Fake elector case in Nevada dismissed over venue question, state attorney general vows appeal

Paul Bedard at WaEx hears Lock Merrick Garland Up For Protecting Biden from Voters. "In the latest Rasmussen Reports survey shared with Secrets, voters said that like Trump advisers before him, Garland should be sent to prison for failing to give Congress Biden’s interview recordings, drawing a contempt of Congress charge." The Babylon Bee@TheBabylonBee "DOJ Opens New Tipline For Criminals To Report Whistleblowers" and The Babylon Bee@TheBabylonBee "FBI Firearm Training Facility Replaces Paper Targets With Copies Of The Constitution"

Newt Gingrich asserts The House Must Repudiate the J6 Committee. "The committee broke House rules, violated legal ethics, trampled the constitutional rights of witnesses, and established a systematic pattern of lying and misleading the Congress and the nation." From Twitchy, Sr. Technical Advisor to J6 Committee Tries Picking a Fight With ... Everyone, and Loses SPECTACULARLY

Ace, Biden's Now-Disbanded "Homeland Intelligence Experts Group" Plotted to Cultivate a Network of Spies Among Government School Teachers Who Would Inform on Parents and Children Who Resisted Their Trans and DEI Agendas. "Dark thoughts. They weren't just hoping to recruit spies among teachers. They hoped to also recruit AWFL mothers to inform on their family members." Julia Steinbert at the describes My First Job, at the Stanford Internet Observatory "The research center, which is shutting its doors, was supposed to tackle “misinformation. . . . Instead, they hired a bunch of interns to flag social media posts." In actuality, SIO hired a load of interns to scan social media for posts deemed to be mis- and disinformation. It turns out that the posts we students flagged were often sent along to moderators at Twitter (now X), Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, which took them down in order to quash dissenting viewpoints—viewpoints that sometimes ended up being right, as in the case of Covid likely being the result of a lab leak, or Hunter Biden’s hard drive being his actual hard drive—not Russian disinformation." 

From Behind the Black, on The intellectual dishonesty of Democrats proven once again "The Cleveland Plain Dealer was forced on June 18, 2024 to retract entirely a June 9th op-ed written by Democrat lawyer and political consultant Neil Baron when it was threatened with slander and libel lawsuits from three FBI whistleblowers because of the blatent false accusations Baron included in this op-ed. Baron’s op-ed, which can still read here, was mostly a partisan attack on Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and his effort to expose the FBI’s non-stop abuse of power. In doing so, however, Baron accused three FBI whistle-blowers of doing things they did not do."

Steve Greenhut at Am Spec, Surgeon General or America’s Nanny? "‘Top doctor’ Vivek Murthy calls for social media warning labels — an idea that won’t do much other than undermine the authority of his office."

Linked at The Pirate's Cove in the weekly Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup and links.  The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: One Big Crunch ready for you digital pleasure at The Other McCain.

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