Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - CNN Practices Mic Cutting for Debate

Matt Margolis at PJM would like you to WATCH: CNN Anchor Has Tantrum After Trump Spokeswoman Calls Out Jake Tapper's Bias. Sundance at CTH, Completely Goofy – CNN Anchor Kasie Hunt Gets Randomly Unhinged About Upcoming Debate. At Althouse, The panic shows. ""CNN abruptly takes Trump campaign spokeswoman off the air mid-interview as network is set to host first presidential debate" (NY Post)(video at link). . . In overreacting to the mention of CNN bias, CNN's Hunt showed bias. Now, we're all looking at this clip, and I doubt if much of anyone was watching whatever little CNN show that was. I had to look it up." Ace, CNN's Kasie Hunt Cuts the Mic of a Trump Spokeswoman for Doubting the Objectivity of Former Democrat Aide and Gun Control Spokesman Jake Tapper "As Rand Paul's wife Kelley points out, Kasie Hunt (more like Hussie K*** amirite) previously called the savage beating of Rand Paul "her favorite story," with a lilting giggle in her voice." Steve Richards at JTN reports CNN's Jake Tapper at center of defamation lawsuit as he prepares to host presidential debate "The lawsuit and CNN’s defense -- that it produced opinion, not factual news -- may add fuel to the critics of the network which has long faced accusations of bias." I see this as a brush back pitch against Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, to try to keep them a little closer to the center line during their moderation of the debate against Trump.

Mary Rooke at Da Caller, The First Presidential Debate Is Obviously Rigged, And Poll Shows Americans Know It. Matt Vespa at TownHall says Biden's Debate Prep Includes This Physical Test. I Don't Think It's Going Well.  "Before they could review any of their attack lines or soundbites touting this administration's little legislative record, they need to ensure Biden can stand for at least 90 minutes. That’s not a good thing for a president we’ve been told is vivacious, a night owl, and sharp as a tack." At WaEx, Ronny Jackson demands Biden submit to drug test before debate with Trump. Won't happen of course, but the fact that they'll have to say no says something. KT at Hat Hair cites the WSJ, We Re-Watched the 2020 Trump-Biden Debates. Here’s What We Learned.  "Got popcorn? I'm ready to see what happens." Yeah, I might have to watch this one. 

KT again, Seven Years Too Late: Snopes Admits Trump did not Call Neo-Nazis 'Very Fine People." Ace, Seven Years Later, "Fact-Checking" Site Snopes Gets Around to Fact-Checking the "Fine People on Both Sides" Hoax. "Happy Monday, everyone! This is the week we win!* I'm sure Fake Jake Tapper will highlight this on his little-watched daily propaganda show." I'm more interested in whether it will be raised at the debate.

The Conservative Brief notices Trump’s Rising Support From Black Americans Leaves CNN Analyst ‘Speechless’. Dave Catron at Am Spec wonders Will Biden’s Pandering Fool Black Voters Again? "A spate of recent polls suggest that these voters are far less likely to fall for the same malarkey in 2024." Hat Hair's Dave Strom points out Trump Isn't Just Beating Biden in the Polls; He's Outraising Him Too. Sarah Arnold at TownHall, Looks Like Trump May Have Minnesota In the Bag. "If Trump takes home the gold in Minnesota, he would be the first Republican to win the state since Richard Nixon in 1972." Dan Chaitin at Da Wire is amused when Trump Leaves $500 Tip At Philly Cheesesteak Shop, Rallies Support For Getting Rid Of Taxes On Tips. At PJM VodkaPundit reports Senate Dems Threaten 'Tax Armageddon'. "The main goal here is this can’t just be a debate about the 2017 tax cuts,” Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) said, completely unshy about the threat. He told Bloomberg last week, "This is going to be Tax Armageddon.""

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.24.24 Frank Turner at L'Ombre de l'Olivier warns The #Resistance is Coming, "Bureaucrats Fighting in Defense of "Our Democracy".  Hat Hair's Jazz Shaw sees They're Making a List and Checking it Twice. Good.

Tom Jones of the AAF received a $100,000 grant from the Heritage Foundation to do some important research work. They are poring through the backgrounds of federal workers, starting with the Department of Homeland Security. They are checking public comments and social media posts, looking for swamp dwellers who may be opposed to the policies of Donald Trump should he return to office next year. They plan to publish a list of as many as 100 names later this summer, and those people may have to rethink their future career prospects if Trump returns to the White House. (Associated Press)
. . .
The AP describes this effort as "alarming" and potentially invasive of government workers' privacy, but I would say it's long overdue. When Donald Trump first took office in 2017, he seemed to blithely assume that the various workers throughout the executive branch would receive their new instructions and follow them. I know many of us assumed the same thing. Why wouldn't he believe that? The new boss comes in, announces each department's assignments and priorities, and the workers are supposed to execute them.

At Fox, Alabama Secretary of State says welfare agencies giving illegal immigrants voter registration forms under Biden executive order. "Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen told Fox News Digital that state welfare agencies are giving illegal immigrants and other non-citizens a "mechanism" to register to vote." Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair VIP, Yes, Illegal Migrants Are Receiving Voter Registration Forms. "The Democrats keep trying to deny this is happening, but as with so many other things this year, it's a lie. Every state in the union except for Arizona has been providing voter registration forms to illegal migrants without requiring proof of citizenship whenever they show up and apply for welfare benefits or driver's licenses. In some of the worst cases, they are allowed to request a mail-in ballot voter registration form without showing any form of ID. It's still technically illegal to cast a vote in a federal election if you are a noncitizen, but with nobody checking their ID before they submit a ballot, how are officials to know if this is happening? It is not a stretch to believe that this was the Democrats' plan all along when Joe Biden opened the borders and began making up immigration rules out of whole cloth to allow tens of millions of them into the country."  NY Post on How non-citizens are getting voter registration forms across the US — and how Republicans are trying to stop it. Mark Davies at Da Fed notices Brad Raffensperger Goes After Residency Fraud When It Takes Down Another Elected Republican. Dan Oliver at AmGreat details how Democrats Have Been Complaining about Election Fraud for Years "If you bother to look back at numerous elections you will discover that claiming election fraud is as American as . . . apple pie." Jack Gleason at Am Think thinks an Election Validity Group Files a Landmark Lawsuit in Pennsylvania. Da Caller, Biden Admin Weighed Using ‘School Children’ To Help Register Dem-Leaning Voters, Emails Show. Breitbart, Police: Temporary Election Worker for Maricopa County Arrested for Theft of Keys from Election Center. Gateway Pundit, Temp. Worker for Maricopa County Elections Arrested for Stealing “Security Fob and Keys” From MCTEC Tabulation Center "The stolen item has been recovered but to ensure the integrity of Maricopa County Elections, election workers are reprogramming and re-conducting logic and accuracy testing of all equipment."

At HE, Are the Democrats about to replace Joe Biden? "Can it happen? Yes, it can. It can happen because the primary system did not require a Constitutional amendment to operate and so does so at the discretion of the political parties. In other words, its results can be flagrantly ignored or overturned." John Wohlstetter at Am Spec, The Summer 2024 Presidential Succession Crisis "Despite a president whose inabilities are clear for all to see, no provision for involuntary removal can work smoothly." Shawn Fleetwood at Da Fed, Democrats Love ‘Democracy’ So Much, They’re Trying To Keep RFK Jr. Off The 2024 Ballot

NewsBusters, Scott Jennings DROPS CNN Host on Trump and Murdering, Raping Illegal Aliens "JENNINGS: Is he painting them as being violent? I mean, would Laken Riley think they were violent? Would Rachel Morin think they were violent? Would Jocelyn Nungaray in Texas think they were violent? How about the girl that was raped in broad daylight in New York City? How about the girl that was kidnapped in Missouri?" At Twitchy, Total Annihilation: Bill Melugin NUKES NPR 'Reporter' Accusing Him of 'Racist Propaganda'

Madeleine Hubbard at JTN reports Tom Cotton blasts Biden for 'deliberately misleading' the public about withholding weapons to Israel. "Cotton called on the Biden administration to provide answers about what weapons and ammunition are being withheld." Matt Margolis suggests Biden May Be About to Abandon Israel. At Da Wire, Pressure Builds For Biden To Secure Release Of American Held Hostage By Taliban. "As family pleads for Biden to take action, Trump campaign says former president would secure Ryan Corbett's release after two years of captivity." From Fox, Prosecutors state their case in Trump classified documents case in Florida. "Former President Trump’s legal team is back in court Monday after a hearing in which both sides argued the legality of Special Counsel Jack Smith's appointment in the classified document case against the former president. Proceedings continued well into Monday afternoon with a potential gag order against Trump." At NYPo, Jonathan Turley says The left unfairly smears ‘Trump judge’ in classified docs case: Cannon fodder. At Hat Hair Dave Strom snarks It is appalling that anybody criticizes a Judge in a Trump trial until it is appalling that a Judge is not determined to destroy Trump.  Bill Otis at the Ringside, explains Why Trump's Conviction Didn't Move the Needle. "Hint: Because voters understand it was a political vendetta poorly disguised as law. The damage is grave and will last a long time."

At Da Wire, Biden Admin Gives Julian Assange Sweetheart Deal To Avoid Prison In U.S. Pled out for time served (elsewhere). At Althouse, "Regardless of the views that people have about Julian Assange and his activities, the case has dragged on for too long..." ""... there is nothing to be gained by his continued incarceration and we want him brought home to Australia." Said Australian prime minister Anthony Albanese, quoted in "Julian Assange leaves UK after striking deal with US justice department/It is anticipated the WikiLeaks founder will plead guilty to violating US espionage law at a hearing in Saipan and will be allowed to return to Australia" (The Guardian)."

Ben Whedon at JTN reports GOP Rep. Luna to force vote requiring detention of AG Garland. She's rapidly becoming my favorite Congresscritter, no that that's a high bar. At Real Clear Politics: Nashville Shooter’s Manifesto Released Despite FBI Resistance. "The news media and the FBI under the Biden administration are attempting to control the information available to Americans about a mentally troubled woman who identified as a man. The Biden administration is free to argue against linking transgender issues to mental illness or mass murder, but censoring the information is not the right approach."

Monica Showalter at Am Think thinks about The snakery of Paul Ryan: One of the first to have the Steele dossier in hand as he sent investigators out to probe Trump. "The issue is important because Ryan knew the partisan origins of the Steele dossier and chose to not reveal that to the investigators. He preferred that the investigators get caught up in the document and in his mind, hopefully come up with the conclusion that the sleazy allegations were true, and not Russian drunkard stuff which is apparently how the invented trash got put together."

From I&I, Time To Admit It: Democrats Are The Party of Sexual Perverts. Not all, or even most, Democrats are pervs, but if you're gonna be one, the Democrats are the one's supporting you. At PJM Lincoln Brown relays the case where a Bully Cyberstalks Lesbian Couple After They Questioned a Man in Women's Room. mrcTV, Uh...What? WV Mayor Says He Wants To Take 'Pride' Mural Vandal 'Over My Knee and Wear Him Out'. WokeSpy, hears the White House Stands By Communications Director Despite Controversial Social Media Posts. Terrance Kible at LI reports SCOTUS to Hear Challenge to Tennessee State Law Banning Child Sex Transitions, "The Court will decide whether banning ‘medical treatments intended’ to transition a child ‘violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.’" Althouse, "Supreme Court Will Hear Challenge to Tennessee Law Banning Transition Care for Minors." "The NYT reports. . . .In the government’s petition to the court, Solicitor General Elizabeth B. Prelogar wrote that the law bans transgender medical care but that it “leaves the same treatments entirely unrestricted if they are prescribed for any other purpose.”..." Seems right to me. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.24.24 Twitchy: German Woman Jailed For “Offending” Migrant Accused Of Child Rape, Texas Childrens’ Hospital Doubles Down On Child Castration & Mutilation, and Texas Rangers Not Holding Pride Night, LGBTWTFBBQ Activists Predictably Butthurt.

Hat Hair links Hen Mazzig, In Case You Hadn't Seen What LAPD Allowed to Happen Outside a Synagogue in LA Yesterday. At Da Fed, Dave Harsanyi says There’s A Charlottesville Every Week,  And Most Democrats Are Fine With It. From the Freep, Dropping Charges Against Columbia Protesters is “Wrong,” Says Janitor "“You should be found guilty,” Lester Wilson told The Free Press. “We as the workers, y’all violated us.”

From Must Read Alaska Scientific American calls for federal regulation of homeschool families. The must regain control over students programming.

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: One Big Crunch ready for you digital pleasure at The Other McCain.

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