Thursday, June 27, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam Before the 'Great Debate'

Today's the day. I might even have to break my long standing rule and watch this one. At Am Great, Steve Gruber calls it The Not So Great Debate, "After Thursday, no matter what Democrats say or how hard they cheat, the case for change—the need to change who is in the White House—will be undeniable," and Chris Roach says The Presidential Debate Should Expose a Fragile Biden "It remains to be seen how CNN intends to put its thumb on the scale, but even in the face of such interference, I suspect Trump will do circles around the mediocre figurehead now in the Oval Office."  Am Thinks Brian Joondeph thinks Trump Needs to Hammer This During the Debate. "Trump can really win the debate bigly by asking the question Ronald Reagan asked the hapless Jimmy Carter during a 1980 presidential debate, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”" Bill Otis at the Ringside has Debate Tips for Trump, "The voters Trump should try to persuade care about themselves, their families, and the future of the country. They don't care about his battles or the past." At PJM Athena Thorne gives us The Receipts: All Three of Trump's Debate Opponents Have Compared Him to Hitler. Dan Chaitin at Da Wire, Trump Shares Backstory On Agreeing To CNN Debate Moderated By ‘Fake Tapper’. From Twitchy, 'The Switch Is On'! Here's One of Biden's Surrogates at Tomorrow's Debate "Newsom will be there according to media reports."

 Ace is pretty pleased with the New Quinippiac Poll Has Trump Taking a "Slight," "Small" Lead. "Please don't complain about this being a poll post. Everyone has been wondering how the Fake Conviction of Trump would wind up affecting the race. The Fox News poll, which has always skewed to the left because Fox is a garbage corporation run by staunch New York liberals who literally hate your guts and want you to die, showed Biden creeping ahead, 50-48, after previously being behind by one. This "movement" was all within the margin of error and could not be said to be truly meaningful, but it was cause for concern. The new Quinippiac poll has Trump "pulling ahead" -- the previous poll, before the Fake Conviction, had Biden ahead by 1." Don Surber sees Journalists are panicking.

Althouse, What did Trump do wrong lately that's getting the most attention right now on X? "He said that Taylor Swift is beautiful — and he repeated it too many times and with a weird intensity:" Well, he just likes to call things beautiful, including dogs. 

At Am Spec Deroy Murdock plumps for Tim Scott for Veep!  "He would consolidate the rightward shift of black voters." Not the worst possible choice. Cam Edwards at BA, notices a WaPo Columnist Clueless About the Reason Rural Voters are Rejecting Democrats. Eight wasted words in that title. 

TNP reminds us 49 States Are Now Supplying ‘Non-Citizens’ With Voter Registration Forms, but don't worry, non-citizens hardly ever vote, am I right?

VodkaPundit at PJM thinks You'll Never Believe Who Biden Is Using Now to Buy Votes in November. "Let me slip into Editor Mode and propose an alternative headline: "Biden Wants to Buy Votes with Russian and Iranian Oil While Still Appearing Tough on Russia and Iran."" He might be surprised at what we believe.  From Da Caller, Liberal Dark Money Powerhouse Behind Group Seeding Media Coverage With Pro-Biden Quotes, Report Finds and Biden Admin Housing Measures Could Add More Gasoline To Home Shortage Fire, Experts Say

TNP wonders Why Did Joe Biden Remortgage His Properties 35 Times? NewsMax reports Speaker Johnson Vows to Sue to Access Hur Tapes. Ron Hart at Da Caller I’m With Hur "No matter what you think of either candidate, only one has been deemed mentally competent to stand trial, and that is Trump. And stand trial he has, facing the Dems’ lawfare offensive."

Arianna Villareal at Da Fed reports Under Biden Administration, Border Patrol Officers Pressured To Allow Border Crossing Without Vetting. Jim Thompson at RedState, WATCH: Texas Official Lays Blame for Brutal Rape and Murder of 12-Year-Old Jocelyn Nungaray on Trump. Matt Vespa at TownHall thinks The Look on This Liberal Judge's Face When a Reporter Demolished Her Narrative Is Priceless. NewsMax, House Votes to Defund Mayorkas' Salary, but can they make it stick? I doubt it. 

Dave Harsanyi at Da Fed, Surgeon General’s ‘Public Health Emergency’ Is Anti-Second Amendment Scaremongering.

Tristan Justice at Da Fed, Court Docs Show Pics From Mar-A-Lago Raid Were Part Of Media Stunt.  "The FBI purchased glossy cover sheets to use in photos of authorities’ unprecedented raid of former President Donald Trump." And they're doing it again. Henry Rogers at Da Caller claims an EXCLUSIVE: DNC Sent Millions To Law Firms Behind ‘Unprecedented Lawfare’ Campaign Against Trump. From Althouse, "Roberta A. Kaplan, the celebrated lawyer who took on former President Donald J. Trump... is stepping down from the law firm she founded..." ""... after clashing with her partners over her treatment of colleagues... Her departure was announced after The Times informed her personal lawyers that it was preparing to publish an article about Ms. Kaplan that would shine a light on complaints about what some employees said was an unprofessional office culture that she presided over...."

From Da Caller, FINALLY: Clapper Allegedly Caught Lying About Leak To CNN. "Clapper reportedly admitted during a July 2017 deposition he leaked the dossier in early Jan. 2017 with CNN’s Jake Tapper, who will moderate Thursday’s first 2024 presidential debate, according to RealClearInvestigations." The Tax Prof catches  IRS ‘Sincerely Apologizes To Ken Griffin And Thousands Of Other Taxpayers Whose Personal Information Was Leaked To The Press’. And how much is their sincere apology worth? Nick Pope at Da Caller, Ex-Biden Admin Official Hit With Ethics Complaint After Allegedly Funneling Billions To His Current Org “Based on recent reporting, there is reason to believe that former White House Special Assistant to the President for Climate Policy David Hayes may have breached his ethics obligations by engaging in influence peddling to funnel billions of dollars in Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund funds to an organization where he serves as board member,” the complaint states. “To uphold the integrity of the White House and the EPA, avoid a loss of public trust in the government’s mission and impartiality, and ensure tens of billions of dollars of taxpayer dollars are not misdirected for private gain, we request that you immediately investigate Mr. Hayes’s conduct.” It's a grift.

Sundance at CTH on the news Biden's DOJ Strikes Plea Deal With Julian Assange, Wikileaks Founder Released from London Prison Heading Back to Australia. "There is absolutely no deal between the DOJ-NSD and Julian Assange that could be against the interests of Joe Biden or his administration. Do not pretend such a construct is even possible.  Assange is released ONLY because the terms mean he is not a threat to Biden." Mary Dejevsky at The Spec, says The Assange deal is ethically dubious. "The balance sheet is probably as even as it could realistically be."

Very disappointed, Tyler O'Neal at Da Signal reports the Supreme Court Strikes Down Injunction Preventing Government From Pressuring Big Tech to Suppress Free Speech. At PJM, Cathy Salgado calls it a ‘Gut Punch’: Free Speech Lovers Lament SCOTUS Ruling. Ace, Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh Join John Roberts and the Liberals to Uphold the Biden Administration's Persistent Unconstitutional Censorship of Americans.

Mike LaChance at LI says Democrats and the Media Have Spent Years Pushing Real ‘Cheap Fakes’, "The same people who pushed every anti-Trump hoax that crossed their desks now suddenly want context and careful analysis for Biden’s sake." At Breitbart, Watch: Whoopi Goldberg Spits After Saying Trump’s Name. A thing of beauty at Twitchy, WATCH: Tucker Carlson Absolutely ROASTS an Australian 'Journo' on the Barbie.

Stacy McCain, is pretty pleased with the NY16 Primary Results: Challenger Latimer Defeats Jew-Hater Jamaal Bowman. At Hat Hair VIP Duane Patterson discusses America's Antisemitic Problem, and the Democratic Party's Drive To Win Them Over. From Campus Reform, Conservative students allege tyranny, intimidation by Tarleton State. WaEx reports a Harvard dean threatens faculty who protest school’s mistreatment of Jews. Matt Vespa thinks a CNN Commentator Had the Perfect Word to Describe What Happened at an LA Synagogue. Pogrom. From the Free Bacon, 'Al Jazeera on the Potomac': WaPo Reporter Taylor Lorenz Boosts Defenses of Los Angeles Synagogue Protest. "Taylor Lorenz pushed false claim LA synagogue was auctioning Palestinian land." At Front Page, Mark Tapson calls Democrats The Party of Political Violence "From the Weather Underground and Black Panthers to Antifa and Black Lives Matter."

NYPo reports Biden admin official pressured medical experts to nix age limit guidelines for transgender surgery: court doc, "Adm." Rachel Levine. NYT, Biden Officials Pushed to Remove Age Limits for Trans Surgery, Documents Show "Newly released emails from an influential group issuing transgender medical guidelines indicate that U.S. health officials lobbied to remove age minimums for surgery in minors because of concerns over political fallout." Capt. Ed at Hat Hair says "The age limits are already objectionable. WPATH considers 14 as an age where children can access hormonal treatments, and can access mastectomies at 15. You can't even get a tattoo until you're 18 most places in the US, if not all places. This is an absurd set of guidelines, and the effort to eliminate them altogether is particularly pernicious." Ace, NYT: The Biden Administration Pressured Trans Surgery Lobbying Group WPATH to Drop Minimum Age Requirements For Trans Mutilations. "During Pride Month, NYT? DURING PRIDE MONTH?!!?" Mark Tapscott, this time at PJM says Guess Who Is Funding the Radical Transgender Movement? "Big Pharma". There's plenty good money to be made depriving kids of the tools of the trade. Mia Cathell at TownHall asks if you Remember Those Gay Activists Accused of Abusing Their Adopted Kids? A real life horror show still winding it's way through the courts.

At Da Caller, Mary Rooke, Meet The Organization Responsible For Pride Rainbows All Over Your City’s Sidewalks "The movement is not an organic explosion of “inclusivity” but rather a city’s admission that it adheres to a secret project pushed by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), a left-wing organization." Matt Margolis fears Our Military Needs to Be Rebuilt From Scratch or America Is Finished.

Thom Nickols at Front Page thinks there are Too Many ‘Creep Show’ Federal Holidays "Woke Democrats will try to add another 50 by century’s end."

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: One Big Crunch ready for you digital pleasure at The Other McCain.

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