Thursday, June 13, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - House Holds Garland in Contempt, Nancy Accepts Blame for J6

Fox, House votes to hold Garland in contempt, refer him for criminal charges at own DOJ "Republicans went after Garland for not handing over the Hur-Biden audio tapes", to be prosecuted by Garland's DOJ. Nicholas Ballasay at JTN, GOP-led House votes to pass resolution holding Garland in contempt of Congress "The vote to advance the measure earlier in the day was 208-207 and the final vote was 216–207 to pass the resolution." NYPo, House Republicans hold AG Garland in contempt over Biden classified docs probe recordings. VodkaPundit at Insty, I HOPE THIS IS CLEAR ENOUGH: NOGarland Demands an End to ‘Attacks’ on the DOJ. Ace, John Solomon: The FBI Has Imposed a Political Test for Security Clearances -- Supporting Donald Trump or Questioning the Covid Vaccines Makes You a Threat to the National Security of the United States "James Comey was a former communist. So was John Brennan at the CIA. Some say they still are." From Da Fetched, DOJ Attorney Who Prosecuted Praying Grandma Drops Charges against Carjacker That Killed Elderly Woman, priorities. HE, In Biden’s America, defacing a Pride mural is a felony, but defacing national monuments goes unpunishedThe Babylon Bee@TheBabylonBee quips "Man Arrested For Urinating On New Pride Urinals" John Davidson at Da Fed says Unequal Application Of The Law In America Today Isn’t Hypocrisy, It’s Hierarchy "Institutional power in America today is concentrated on the left. They want you to know it and act accordingly." From Da Signal, House Democrats Create Task Force to Attack Conservative Plan to Defang Deep State

From Da Blaze, Nancy Pelosi panics when new Jan. 6 footage shows her make damning admission about Capitol security: 'Directly contradicts' Larry at Hat Hair says Let’s Talk About That Leaked Jan 6 Tape Featuring Nancy Pelosi. 'Becca Downs at Town Hall hears Turley Weigh in on How Pelosi's Admissions Highlight Credibility Issues of J6 CommitteeJonathan Turley@JonathanTurley "...Had Pelosi and other accepted National Guard support and installed fencing as was done at the White House, it is doubtful that the riot on January 6th would have occurred or any disruption would have been far more limited in scope." Jack Cashill at Front Page explains how How Hunter Biden’s Laptop Helped Trigger January 6 "And how the real criminals are still walking around freely."

 Virginia Kruta at Da Wire, Press Sec Won’t Say Whether President Will Consider Commuting Hunter’s Sentence. Hat Hair's Capt. Ed comments "If Hunter gets prison time, Biden will commute the sentence ... on November 6th. Bank on it. He will explain that "I love my son," and that commutation doesn't touch the jury's verdict. The problem for Biden is that he might have to do it again in the tax-evasion trial Hunter faces soon." Althouse cites NYT, "The president declared flatly last week that he would not pardon his son if convicted, but did not address a commutation..." "... which would leave the guilty verdict intact but wipe out some or all of the punishment. Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, told reporters on Wednesday that she could not say whether the president might consider such an action. 'He was very clear, very upfront, obviously very definitive' in ruling out a pardon.... But as for a commutation, she added, 'I just don’t have anything beyond that.'" Da Wire again, Hunter Biden And His Legal Team Respond To Felony Convictions “We respect the jury process, and as we have done throughout this case, we will continue to vigorously pursue all the legal challenges available to Hunter. Through all he has been through in his recovery, including this trial, Hunter has felt grateful for and blessed by the love and support of his family.” Jonathan Turley wonders Did the Defense Make Prison More Likely for Hunter Under the Sentencing Guidelines? "By pursuing the nullification strategy, Hunter lost that benefit (of a guilty plea) and now would have to belatedly accept responsibility just before sentencing after putting the court and public through a trial." Capt. Ed says "I suspect the judge in this case will be mindful of ensuring the appearance of fairness in sentencing, but there's usually a cost for forcing prosecutors to trial in a case this obvious. The time to avoid prison is before trial when the evidence is this strong. I wonder, though, whether the judge will consider and cite potential safety/security issues and use home confinement as an option instead." At Breitbart, Hunter Biden Gun Trial Verdict Will Be Used as Distraction from Biden Corruption. Dave Harsanyi at Da Fed says much the same The Martyring Of Hunter Biden Is A Distraction.  Mike Miller at RedState, Are Convicted Felon Hunter Biden's Legal Woes About to Get 'Much More Serious'? Jonathan Turley Says Yes. "His counsel has got to refocus on that tax case, they are going into that case now with a convicted felon. Now, these are very different types of claims, but there is a third front developing. Congress just referred what I consider to be a very strong case for a perjury investigation of Hunter Biden after his testimony before Congress." Jim Treacher, Hunter Biden Is Just Full of Surprises "And, of course, drugs . . . And unlike Donald Trump’s felony conviction, you can actually explain to people in 25 words or less what Hunter did wrong." From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.12.24 (Evening Edition), EBL: Felon Biden. Hat Hair reads Politico Playbook, Will Hunter's Felony Conviction Stop Biden From His Attack Line on Trump? 

At Fox, Biden reportedly blames re-election bid for Hunter's conviction: 'He would have gotten the plea deal'. Probably true. But if they hadn't been pursuing the lawfare strategy against Trump, the it's likely the public wouldn't have been as incensed. At the Truth About Guns, Oh the Irony: Biden Calls for Stricter Gun Laws Hours After Son’s Conviction on Gun Charges. Breitbart, Joe Biden Pushes More Gun Control For Americans Hours After Hunter Convicted on Firearm Charges. VodkaPundit at Insty, HE COULDN’T EVEN QUITE MANAGE A SHOUT: Old Man Yells at Gun Owners in Latest Biden Brain-Freeze. Dave Strom at Hat Hair, Biden Keeps Threatening Conservatives With F-15s. Karry at Hat Hair,  Biden's F-15s vs Americans, Voter Fraud Vindication, Kevin Spacey vs Piers Morgan! Virginia Kruta examines Joe Biden’s Disastrous Gun Control Speech, One Whopper At A Time. At Hat Hair, a Cam Edwards video, Media Bias on Full Display After Hunter's Conviction. Aaron Rupar@atrupar "You can feel the emotion in this photo, taken this afternoon. On a human level, the conviction of his only surviving son has to be gutting for Joe Biden. (Andrew Caballero/AFP via Getty)" At Twitchy, 'You Liars'! Miranda Devine Shreds NY Times for Clinging to Hunter Biden Laptop Denial. Miranda Devine@mirandadevine, "Here I was, thinking the @nytimes had recanted their laptop denial: "Hunter Biden’s Laptop, Revealed by New York Post, Comes Back to Haunt Him." But then came the sub-head: "Many claims about the laptop’s contents have not been proved, but it played a role in the prosecution of Mr. Biden over a firearm purchase." Have not been proved. Played a role. Cope. John Sexton, The Media Struggles to Accept They Got the Hunter Biden Laptop Wrong. Nick Arama at RedState reports Rep. Burchett Demands Investigation of Hunter Intel Letter, Then Destroys Dem 'Operative' in Laugh of Day. At PM, Trump calls Hunter trial 'distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family', Dave Strom at Hat Hair notices POLITICO Hints at the Obvious: The Biden Crime Family Is a Real Thing. POLITICO@politico "Joe Biden insists he's not involved in his family's business dealings. His aides are a different story. Many of Biden's closest staffers and advisers have doubled as his relatives’ business associates — both during and after their time working for him."

PJM's Bob Spencer, What Was Their First Clue? Poll Shows Most Voters Think Old Joe's Mental Decline Is Real and  Stephen Kruiser snarks Biden's Cardboard Cutout Stand-In Makes First Public Appearance.  From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.12.24 (Evening Edition), EBL Remember: Joe Biden Was Mentally Unfit To Stand Trial in Documents Case.

VodkaPundit at Insty sees the CRISIS BY DESIGN: Six suspected terrorists with ISIS ties arrested in sting operation in New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia. Da Caller, Feds Arrest Russian Nationals With Suspected ISIS Ties In Major Sting Operation. Ace, Now It's Eight Suspected ISIS Terrorists Who Illegally Crossed the Nonexistent Southern Border -- and All Were "Vetted" By the Biden Administration Before Being Allowed to Enter the US. Sundance at CTH, Eight ISIS Linked Illegal Alien Border Crossers Arrested in Philly, LA and New York. Breitbart has a Report: Joe Biden’s DHS Freed ISIS-Linked Migrant into U.S. from Southern Border. At the Strategy Page, On Point: Biden's CBP App Lunacy Fuels War on American Civil Society. NYPO ed board, With terror threats sky-high and the border wide open, brace for another 9/11. From TNP, ICYMI: Biden Orders Border Patrol to Release Most Adult Illegals and DATA: Majority Want ALL Illegals DEPORTED! Hat Hair's KT, Biden Works to Provide Legal Status to Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Aliens and Jazz Shaw notes Boston's Logan Airport is Now a Migrant Shelter. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.12.24 (Afternoon Edition), Twitchy, Here Are The People Cleared To Stay In The US After “Full Vetting” From DHS.

Michael Goodwin at NYPo says Joe Biden and the left must know better than to deal with the devil known as Hamas. Hat Hair cites the WSJ in Biden's Gaza Pier Plan Every Bit as Bad as You Imagined. Capt. Ed, "As Duane and David have both written before, this perfectly encapsulates Joe Biden's intellect and strategic capacity. He came up with a half-assed tactic out of spite toward the Israelis and committed to it without adequate research. Rather than admit his error, he put American troops in danger to force the solution, only to see it washed away almost immediately by reality. He then pretended that he could override reality, and his plan collapsed again. In the end, he wasted a Solyndra of money only to end up where we started ... in Ashdod working with the Israelis rather than grandstanding an attempt to work around them." Matt Vespa at TownHall thinks This Reporter Had the Perfect Response to the Leftist Lunacy Over Israel’s Hostage Raid

VodkaPundit at PJM, Bidenflation Sucks Slightly Less Than Expected, Left Dons Party Hats. Ace, Inflation Rises by 3.3% in May Compared to the Previous May, Bringing the Cumulative Total Inflation to Almost 20% Since Biden Was Elected "It was 9% when I was elected, Jack! My Puerto Rican/Jewish abuela Roger Staubach told me after I served my third tour in Iraq." Althouse finds"Something is wrecking Joe Biden, but it isn’t the economy—at least the economy that economists know how to measure—and it isn’t inflation...." "Writes Zacahry D. Carter, in "Inflation Is Not Destroying Joe Biden/But something is!"  Jeffrey Carter at Points and Figures on Jobs "It's Complicated." ET explains Why Nearly Half of US Online Job Postings Are Fake. "Recruitment professionals and victims of ‘ghost posting’ say the practice hurts everyone, including the companies that create them." PJM's Rick Moran finds a New Poll, Just 3 in 10 Americans Approve of Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness Plan. From the Free Bacon, White House 'Equity' Requirements Holding Back EV Charging Station Construction, Internal Docs Show "In 2021, the Biden administration pledged it would build 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations by 2030. So far, it’s built seven." At Da Caller, Biden Admin Shoots Down $24 Billion Pay Raise For Enlisted Troops — After Spending Seven Times More On Ukraine.

538, Who Is Favored To Win The 2024 Presidential Election? "538 uses polling, economic and demographic data to explore likely election outcomes. Biden wins 53 times out of 100 in oursimulations of the 2024 presidential election. Trump wins 47 times out of 100. There is a less than 1-in-100 chance of no Electoral College winner." But Matt Margolis claims There’s Something Fishy About FiveThirtyEight’s Election Projection Model. Paul Bedard at WaEx, reports Trump odds of winning hit new high, 19 points over Biden. Brian Joondeph at Am Think warns Don’t Overrely on National Presidential Polls. VodkaPundit at Hat Hair VIP is Wargaming the Electoral College: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is.

Sundance at CTH, thinks its an Exceptional Idea to Support Trump – President Trump Proposes Elimination of Taxes on Tips. Mediaite whines ‘HAUL OUT THE GUILLOTINE!’ Trump Campaign Uses Dark Imagery of Beheading in Email Attacking Rivals. “Remember when that Sicko Kathy Griffin made the rounds parading my BEHEADED head when I was President?!” the message reads. “The radical-left CHEERED! Obama and Biden were SILENT! And the Fake News BLASTED it everywhere!” WaEx reports RFK Jr. pulls from Biden more than twice than Trump among Latino voters. KT at Hat Hair VIP, thinks it's Unprecedented: Teamsters President Asks to Speak at GOP and Democrat Conventions. Ned Ryun at Am Great has An Urgent Call to Action for the 2024 Elections "We cannot afford to be complacent. The left is not going to hand us this election or even allow for a fair process to unfold. They are preparing for an all-out battle, and so must we." PJM's Lincoln Brown sees Doomsday Preppers: Dems Brace for Potential Trump 2.0. Breitbart is pleased that Trump-Backed Nancy Mace, Austin Theriault Win Congressional Primaries in South Carolina, Maine.

Breitbart, Joe Biden’s 2022 Vow to Use Constitution to Block Trump Sparked Eruption of Lawfare Linked to White House. HE notes Trump defied all post-conviction expectations, and it's glorious. Rabbi Fischer at Am Spec, Biden’s Lawfare Against Trump Ain’t Following the Script, "It is fascinating to watch the corruption of justice turn on its corrupters." From Breitbart, Lara Trump: Polling Shows Strategy of Media Calling Trump a ‘Convicted Felon’ Not Working. Brianna Lyman at Da Fed says the Media Pretend A Gun-Toting Addict’s Conviction Legitimizes Legal Gymnastics Of ‘Get Trump’ Lawfare. PM, New Jersey Dem AG investigates revoking Trump's liquor licenses at golf courses following NYC conviction. WaT, Senate Democrat probes Jared Kushner’s investment firm. "The effort is parallel to GOP probe of Hunter Biden's foreign business deals." Matt Margolis says It's Time to Arrest James Clapper and Antony Blinken, but The Dersh says Convictions of Hunter Biden and Trump Underscore Need for a Ceasefire in the Weaponization of Criminal Justice. Capt. Ed thinks "It's an interesting proposal that neither side will take seriously." Hat Hair's Dave Strom shares My Fantasy Starring Rachel Maddow, ugh. At Twitchy, Brian Stelter's Fear of a Second Trump Term is Evident. Tim Graham at Front Page warns Beware When Leftist Journalists Use Founders to Attack Trump

Newsweek reports Fani Willis Lawyers Get New Warning From Judge. "In a Tuesday order, Glanville asked Fulton County prosecutors, witness Lil Woody (real name Kenneth Copeland), and the witness's attorney, Kayla Bumpus, to appear at a June 25 hearing and show cause for why they "should not be held in contempt for disclosing information form the ex parte conversation to members of the Defense counsel."

Culture stuff going below the line, just because.

Covenant Killer Audrey Hale Wrote Journal Entries Blaming Her Brain for Planning Covenant School Attack - Tennessee Star
Covenant Killer Audrey Hale Wrote of Desire to 'Inflict Pain' to Share 'Same Fate' with Former Friend Who Became Local Celebrity - Tennessee Star
Matt Walsh Reveals More of the Nashville Transgender Shooter’s ‘Manifesto’ (LANGUAGE WARNING) – Twitchy
Nashville Trans Shooter Had Daddy Issues, Wanted to Kill Her Father, According to Leaked Journal Entries › American Greatness
New hearing ordered over more leaked writings from Covenant School shooter
Court Orders Texas Libraries to Restock Transgender, Controversial Books in Kids Section, But Not Sexually Explicit Material
Biden Casting Evidence Aside in Title IX 'Guidance' – HotAir
LGBT Group Even Crazier Than “Queers for Palestine” Spawns – WokeSpy – Unmasking Extremism, Empowering Awareness!
Federal Judge Overturns Key Parts of Florida Ban on Transgender Procedures For Minors - The Epoch Times
A Florida law blocking treatment for transgender children is thrown out by a federal judge - Breitbart
Federal Judge Shields Texas from Biden's Pro-Transgender Regulations
Lia Thomas disqualified from the women's swimming category at the Olympics because, well, you know - Not the Bee
Pride Decried - American Greatness
Casting Evidence Aside - City Journal
UCLA Was Poised To Launch Its Own Investigation of Medical School Admissions—But Refused To Protect Whistleblowers From Retaliation
Poll: Only 19% of Joe Biden Voters Say Society Benefits from Marriage, Having Children
Harvard Student Facing Criminal Charges for Accosting Israeli Classmate Lands Job in DC Public Defender's Office
DePaul University Fires Biology Prof Over Optional Course Assignment About ‘Genocide’ in Gaza
UCLA Chabad Rabbi Physically, Verbally Assaulted by Pro-Hamas Mob
Wisconsin superintendent, Rainey Briggs, breaks silence after Matthew Eddy shoveIs Fitness Fascist? | Frontpage Mag
Famous Comedian Bill Burr Says ‘He F*cking Hates Liberals,’ Jokes About Biden’s ‘Dementia’ At University Set - The Daily Caller
He Assaulted a Jewish Student at Harvard; Now He Works As DC Public Defender – HotAir
Casting Evidence Aside - City Journal
Bipartisan PA Legislators to Ban BDS from State Colleges and Universities – HotAir
Protesters are harassing Jews every day in NYC, when will pols protect them?
Columbia Administrators Fire Off Hostile and Dismissive Text Messages, Vomit Emojis During Alumni Reunion Panel on Jewish Life

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: No Surrender out more or less on time at The Other McCain.

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