Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - On the Cusp of the "Great Debate"

Tonight is the "Great Debate." between Vice (and acting) President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. I may have to watch. Salena Zito at Hat Hair, Trump Vows to Hold Harris Accountable and Take Country to Better Place. At Da Signal, ABC News Rejected The Daily Signal’s Access to Trump-Harris Debate, Then Conservatives Spoke Out. Regardless of how it goes, I fully expect both sides to claim a knock-out victory. Only history will decide, in the very long term.

Duane Patterson at Hat Hair, Kamala Harris Is Slip Slidin' Away. At PJM Matt Margolis notices Even CNN Is Panicking About Kamala’s Slide in the Polls and VodkaPundit says Vote for Kamala Harris, You Sexist Pig. 'Bonchie' at RedState, CNN Starts to Freak Out About Kamala Harris After Key Swing State Shifts Towards Trump. Twitchy thinks They're Desperate: CBS News Tries to Gin Up the 'Joy' With Poll About Kamala's 'Excitement Factor'. Ace, Trump Slips Ahead of Kamala Harris in New NYT Poll. At OTP, Trump Team: New NYT-Siena Poll Shows Harris ‘Honeymoon Is Officially Over’. VodkaPundit again is Wargaming the Electoral College: This Pollster Just Said Landslide. NewsMax trumpets Nate Silver's Latest Projection: Trump Wins Every Battleground. Da Fed's Shawn Fleetwood, Kamala Harris’ Debate Strategy Is Making Voters Forget She’s The Vice President. At Am Great Jim Fanell and Brad Thayer warn A Harris Victory in 2024 Makes the U.S. a One-Party State. Matt Vespa at TownHall has The One Tweet That Summed Up the Left's Likely Reaction to the Latest NYT PollAaron Rupar@atrupar, "Whether he ultimately gets 48 or 45 percent of the vote, Trump having this level of support is evidence of a profoundly sick society". Stephen Kruiser at PJM, There Are Three Kinds of Lies — Lies, Damned Lies, and Political Polls. Althouse documents polls Systematically undercounting Trump support through the years. Matt Vespa at TownHall, CNN Commentator Has a Total Meltdown When Scott Jennings Wrecks Her Point With One Question.

'Bonchie' again, Kamala Harris Finally Puts Some 'Policies' on Her Website, and Hoo Boy, Are They Bad. Matt Margolis again, Kamala’s New Policy Page Reveals What She’ll Do With Illegals She Let Into the U.S. "she knows that our immigration system is broken and needs comprehensive reform that includes strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship." Ace, Kamala Reveals Short, Vague Statement on Her Alleged "Positions" On Eve of Debate. "This is dishonest and purely tactical. She released a vague statement of what she is claiming her positions are this week so that when she's asked about her positions during the debate, she can just say "I released all my positions on my website, you can read about them there" knowing that Americans, particularly her AWFL camp followers, do not read unless it's on Twitter." So, even she doesn't really know what's there. Charles C. W. Cooke@charlescwcooke “They finally added an ‘Issues’ section to her website . . . Unfortunately for Harris, its release was undermined by a simple but telling error: The page’s source code revealed that parts of the platform were copied directly from Biden’s campaign page.”  Capt. Ed at Hat Hair notices Price 'Gauging' Is Alive and Well on Kamala's New Issues Page.  Hat Hair's John Sexton, CNN's KFile Uncovers a Few More Policy Positions for Kamala to Flip Flop On. From Rasmussen, Will Kamala Build a Wall? Most Voters Doubt It. Da Signal, Voters Unconvinced by Kamala Harris’ Flip-Flops, New Poll Reveals. NewsMax, Fmr Calif. Dem Flips to GOP: Harris 'Did Nothing' for Schools. I could shave two words off that headline. Hat Hair's Dave Strom cites Sanders: Kamala Is Lying to Get Elected. WaEx's Selena Zito, Kamala Harris’s choice: Divisiveness, spiced up. Capt. Ed comments "So much for turning the page on divisiveness or a new way forward. It is, however, a good reminder that Donald Trump was the product of a political environment of demonization, not its cause. Or has everyone forgot how Joe Biden claimed to black voters Mitt Romney would "put y'all back in chains," how Harry Reid smeared him as a tax evader, and how Barack Obama campaigned against him as a "vulture capitalist"?|

Anxious anxiously puts out a Scoop: Generals come to Harris' defense on Afghanistan. Althouse "Ten generals and admirals are mobilizing to defend Vice President Kamala Harris from Republican attempts to tie her to the chaotic 2021 U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan." "Axios reports. That sounds wrong, but at least they are all retired. What is the substance of the defense? "The group accused Trump of leaving Biden and Harris with no plans to execute a withdrawal and little time to do so."" Intended to counter, no doubt this from NYPo, Biden was hellbent on leaving Afghanistan — ignoring military advice, NATO objections and Afghan pleas: House report. Capt. Ed, "No one can possibly be surprised by this conclusion, and not just because Republicans ran the investigation. We saw it unfold in real time in August 2021, and what's more, voters recognized it for the abysmal moral cowardice it was. Biden's favorability went upside-down immediately and has never recovered." Insty, WORST PRESIDENT: Biden was hellbent on leaving Afghanistan — ignoring military advice, NATO objections and Afghan pleas: House report. Elon Musk@elonmusk "I keep forgetting that Biden is still technically in charge of the country."

CA Skeet at PJM explains Why Dick Cheney's Endorsement of Kamala Is Utterly Worthless.  "If he thinks he's now building bridges of reconciliation with the Left as a result of their fleeting approbations, he still doesn't understand what Lenin meant by the term "useful idiots."" Mark Steyn, The Uniparty Turns Literal. Capt. Ed, Cotton to CNN: You Know What the Biggest Intel Threat to the Election Is? "What did make a difference in the last election is the lies about Hunter Biden's laptop that more than four dozen former intelligence officials lied about in the middle of that campaign. And most networks, including this one, bought that lie hook, line and sinker. That did make a difference in the election." Stephen Kruiser says Good Riddance to the Cheneys and All Their Squishy Ilk

At WaEx, Byron York Remembers when Democrats (and everybody else) thought Kamala Harris was a bad vice president?  Am Great's the Great Victor Davis Hanson pens The Biden-Harris World Is Afire "A confused but also encouraged world of enemies watches the listless United States and wonders whether to try something stupid." SA McCarthy at Da Wire, ‘Coward’: Veterans Criticize Walz Over Military Record Falsehoods. The Bablylon Bee needles Harris Campaign Admits Tim Walz Was The Only Candidate That Answered Their Craigslist Ad. Capt. Ed adds, "Only barely satire. And honestly, wasn't Kamala the only one to answer the DNC's Craigslist ad?"

The Biden administration sent 20,000 Haitian "newcomers" to the town of Springfield, Ohio. Hat Hair's Beege Welborn, When Your Little Ohio Town Becomes Port Au Prince and No One Cares UPDATE. Ace, Biden-Harris Administration Airdrops Invasionary Force of Hatian Immigrants on Springfield, Ohio. Oli London@OliLondonTV, "Haitian migrant wanders around the streets of Springfield, Ohio carrying a dead goose after killing it at a local park." Well, they aren't planning on winning Ohio, this year at least. But on the bright side, Matt Vespa points out The Memes From the Haitian Invasion of Ohio Have Been Gold. From Da Signal, Fraud Permeates Biden-Harris’ Illegal Alien ‘Sponsorship’ Program: The BorderLine. "Multiple supporter applications came from the same address, email, or phone number, or used the same exact wording. Nearly 600 financial supporters applied using one Florida warehouse as an address. There were 3,200 mega-supporters who together applied to bring in a total of 100,000 applicants, or over 30 apiece. In short, the sponsorship application process was a joke, though that didn’t stop DHS from approving close to half a million financial supporters and the aliens they vouched for." Just like mail-in ballots, and democrat "donors". Terrrance Kibble at JTN reports Illegal immigrant to plead guilty to stealing US citizen's identity to vote in elections, DOJ, "The DOJ reached a plea agreement with the illegal immigrant, who will plead guilty."

From Reason, Republican Voters Got More Socially Liberal Under Trump, "Liberals spent the last decade moving leftward on questions of race and sexual orientation—and so did conservatives." IlYa Shapiro, Whom Should Trump Put on the Supreme Court? "The former/maybe future president keeps promising a new list. Whether he releases one or not, these are the people he should consider for the next high court vacancy." Twitchy, Check Out The Atlantic Cover Meant to Make Donald Trump Seem Scary, but Makes Him Look Bada** InsteadAesthetica@Anc_Aesthetics, "Trump whipping the democrats while dragging the RINOs over the finish line, incredible piece of art" Ed Driscoll at Insty says "If Trump wins in November (or whenever elections are decided these days), he should frame this cover and put it in the oval office. As Stephen Miller tweets, “I continue to implore you guys to stop making Donald Trump look metal and cool.”" Robert F. Kennedy Jr@RobertKennedyJr "Thank you @loanly_hipster. Yes, together @realDonaldTrump and I will Make America Healthy Again. #MAHA" Hans Von Spakowsky at Da Signal, The Easy, Cheap, Quick Solution to the RFK Jr. Ballot Issue. Democrats don't want an easy, cheap quick solution. 

Althouse, "Tulsi Gabbard Is on Terror Watchlist?" "Asks Snopes, with "Research In Progress." "Here's what Tulsi said that set off the Snopes investigation: "Kamala says she believes in freedom, but I was put on a secret terror watch list after I publicly criticized her. No one will be safe from political retaliation under a Harris administration. I put my life on the line for this country. Now the government calls me a terror threat.""
Paul Bedard at WaEx, Jan. 6 convicts greeted with cheers: ‘There’s a patriot!’

Eighteen-year-old Abbey proudly walked onto the campus of New York City's Barnard College for women in the fall of 2018, wearing a hot little mini-dress from Forever 21 and a pair of saucy wedges. She wanted to dress to impress. She was no longer in Brookfield, Ohio. This is the Big Apple. She was beautiful, and she felt it. Her long blonde hair was pulled into a bun to make her look sophisticated and intelligent. It was her first day of college and, for her, her first day as an adult. Also, her name was no longer Abbey. That's too girly, too "small-town Ohio." As of today, she was Abigail. Abigail the beautiful, intelligent, sophisticated adult living in New York City.

When Abigail graduated in May of 2022, she was unrecognizable. In the world of the communists—where she had spent the last four years—beauty is ugly. Make-up and pretty clothes are signs that you have too much money when others have too little. Most of Abigail's hair had been cropped off, and what was left was Ty D Bowl blue. Her multiple face piercings made her look like she had fallen face-first into Grandpa's tackle box. She wore a man's "wife beater" t-shirt because she wanted the world to see what looked like sea urchins in her armpits. And she is no longer Abigail. After a short stint as "Gail," she now insisted everyone call her "Gay," even though she was what her actual gay friends mockingly referred to as a "breeder."

Abigail was taught to hate herself, and she did. She had the cutting marks on her evil, white thigh to prove it. And like every other wealthy, white kid who goes to college to learn to hate their own race into extinction, she began directing her hatred at what she had been taught was the cause of all the world's problems: other white people like herself.

 The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: The Beatings Will Continue Until The Season Concludes ready and waiting at The Other McCain.

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