Friday, September 20, 2024

Beach Report 9/20/24

Another fine fall day, with temperatures in the lower to mid 70s, light wind. The tide was on the way up, and the water was loaded with shredded leaf stuff from the storm two days ago.
On a sad note, I saw no Ospreys today, although I saw one yesterday. The adults are probably mostly gone, the young of the year will straggle out through early October, and we may see a few adults that stop by to fish on their way from further north.
We had a big storm two days ago, with high water, and lots of churn. Usually it takes a few days after such an event for fossil hunting to pick up; don't ask why, I don't quite understand, and today was not an exception to the rule. I managed 9 teeth, including this Snaggletooth and Georgia's 1 got us to double digits. 

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