Monday, September 23, 2024

Beach Report 9/23/24

A couple of cormorants (probably Double Crested Cormorants on the south jetty
Today was totally overcast, and even raining a bit much of the time, but the bay was still and glassy. The tide was officially low, but not very, and the beach was mostly sand.

A Great Blue Heron held the posing post today. Gerald Winegrad has a nice puff piece on them today in the Annapolis Capital Gazette, Treasure the remarkable great blue heron
A very nice Physogaleus contortus tooth. This shark is thought to be a relative of the modern Tiger Shark, but, we're really not sure. 
A pretty nice 1 inch White Shark (Carcharodon hastalis). By far the best of 10 teeth, plus a drum and a porgy teeth, and a crab claw.
The Great Blue Herons were out in numbers today.

I was wrong a few days ago, the Ospreys, at least the young of the year, are still here. This one was diving on the abundant peanut bunker (small Menhaden) in the shallows.
Success! They have a very high success rate.
This Great Blue Heron went up the beach to avoid me, and encountered a dried Menhaden up on the beach (a few seem to wash up, for some reason). It took the fish down to the water and dipped it in; maybe an attempt to soften it up before eating it.

Oh yeah, the Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds are still here, at least some females. This one is fattening up for the long trek to Mexico or Central America for the winter.

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