Monday, September 30, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Back Through the Rain

Yep, we're back. A lot of driving through rain, the slight remnants of Hurricane Helene. No real issues, just a lot of mist and spray, and clouds in the higher passes on US 68.

Mary Chastain at LI notes Biden Screams About 2nd Amendment, Repeats Lie About Vance Saying ‘Facts of Life’, "So many lies in less than a minute." VodkaPundit at PJM, Team Biden Can't Understand How It Blew Middle East Peace, and I Can't Stop Cry-Laughing. NY Sun, Trump, Republicans Attack Biden and Harris for Slow Federal Response to Appalachia Storm Damage "Search-and-rescue operations are underway following what some residents of the region are calling Appalachia’s own ‘Katrina moment.’" Emily Zanotti@emzanotti, "I feel like the victims of Helene dropped off the radar immediately. This is a Katrina-like situation with people shut off from help and dying on their rooftops. How is this only a local story?"

John Sexton at Hat Hair remembers Hunter Biden's Art Career Has About Four Months Left. "Could I see some of these selling for $2,500 bucks? Sure. Are any of them worth $50,000 or twice that amount. I don't think so." I feel a little sorry for Hunter, his daddy enabled him in all his follies.

John Sexton at Hat Hair, VIce President Visits Border, Promises to Get Tough on Immigration Next Year. NYPo, ‘Border czar’ Kamala Harris panned for wearing reported $62K necklace to southern border: ‘You look ridiculous’. Shawn Fleetwood at Da Fed, Report: 647K Noncitizens Convicted Or Suspected Of Homicide, Other Crimes Are Not In ICE Custody.  John Sexton has the ICE Data on the Number of Convicted Criminals Who Have Crossed the Border "The data says that, among those not in detention, there are 425,431 convicted criminals and 222,141 with pending criminal charges. . . Those include 62,231 convicted of assault, 14,301 convicted of burglary, 56,533 with drug convictions and 13,099 convicted of homicide. An additional 2,521 have kidnapping convictions and 15,811 have sexual assault convictions..." Jason Cohen at Da Caller, ‘There’s Nothing Funny Here’: Fox News Host Scolds Ex-DNC Official For Laughing During Migrant Crime SegmentVice President Kamala Harris@VP, "President Biden and I supported the toughest and fairest set of bipartisan border security reforms in decades. Congressional Republicans voted against them — twice. We took executive action to reduce unlawful border crossings, which are now lower than when we took office. Collin Rugg@CollinRugg "You released 425,000 convicted criminals into the public." WCYB News,  8 men arrested following alleged looting in Washington County, Tennessee Burglary: Jesus Leodan Garcia-Peneda, Josue Berardo Ortis-Valdez, Ersy Leonel Ortis-Valdez, Aggravated Burglary: Albin Nahun Vega-Rapalo, David Bairon Rapalo-Rapalo, Kevin Noe Martinez-Lopez, Marvin Hernandez-Martinez, Dayln Gabriel Guillen Guillen." IM1776 sees the Heartland Betrayed "Down the Corruption Rabbit Hole: On the ground in Springfield, Ohio."

Nick Arama at RedState, Kamala's Attempted Troll of Trump at Alabama Game Fails Miserably, While Trump Is Cheered Wildly. Dave Strom, Emhoff: Trump Is Antisemite Who Will Target Jews, despite having a Jewish daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren. Quite a statement from somebody whose party hosts most of the modern anti-semitism. As Charlotte Hazard at JTN reports Almost 80% of recent antisemitic incidents were from the far left: Combat Antisemitism Movement "Almost 8% of the antisemitic incidents were done by Islamists and 6.3% were done by the far right."

Rick Moran at PJM thinks Endorsing Kamala Harris Might Have Been the Worst Career Move Taylor Swift Has Ever Made. "Her personal ratings have dropped from +2 to -35 among Republicans." At OTP, Former Arizona GOP Sen Flake Endorses Harris, Latest In Bitter Tump Opposition. TNR whines about The Fear That’s Keeping Mitt Romney From Endorsing Harris. "The Utah senator has cited the dangers of Trump-inspired political violence many times over the years. They still worry him today." As Ed Driscoll at Insty notes "Harris’s party operatives with bylines compared him to Hitler, said he gave employees cancer, a sexist because he had “binders full of women,” and that he was needlessly cruel to his dog, in between screaming to him, “What about your gaffes??!!”, and joking about his “magic underwear.” Her boss shouted that he was a racist who would put black people “back in chains.” But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Sister." At Spec World Ben Domenech speculates Kamala is turning into a drag on the Democrats’ Senate hopes. "She’s making life more difficult for her party."

Hat Hair rephrases CNN, Too Delicious: Walz Is SPAZZING About Debating Vance and Gwen Mad He Has To. "Tim Walz is telling people he’s just as nervous about facing JD Vance as he was the Sunday afternoon in August when he warned Kamala Harris in his running mate interview that he was a bad debater." He should be. At Althouse, "The debate has been a source of anxiety for Walz, according to people close to him..." "The Washington Post sets the expectations low, in "Vance and Walz face contrasting pressures in much-anticipated debate/For Vance, Trump may be his most important viewer. For Walz, the task of introducing himself to voters looms large." Paul Bond at JTN, CBS announces moderators will not fact-check during the VP debate. "CBS said Friday that Vance and Walz will be free to point out alleged misinformation, and that microphones will remain on for both candidates even when it is not their turn to speak, which could facilitate their ability to fact-check one another, according to the Associated Press. CBS News did, however, say it reserves the right shut off a “hot mic” if it sees fit to do so, and it also said one of its units will provide real-time fact-checking during the debate on a live blog and on social media, and in its post-debate television analysis." Nick Arama at RedState wants you to WATCH: Walz Gets Booed at Michigan Game, Called 'Tampon Tim'—and What Was That He Did With His Finger?

According to WaEx's Paul Bedard, Trend holds: Trump up by 2 points over Harris, according to Rasmussen. Hat Hair's Jazz Shaw expresses wonder at The Mystery of the Disappearing Latinos "These voters are not disappearing entirely. They are simply no longer showing up in the polls as supporters of Kamala Harris the way they traditionally have turned out for other Democrats," and Salena Zito says New Poll Shows Voters Moving Right on Tax Cuts. Dave Bernstein at Insty, DEPARTMENT OF JUST MAKING S*** UP, MATT YGLESIAS EDITION:  "UPDATE (FROM GLENN): I know Matt just pulled this out of his ass, but if it’s true it would be terrible news for the Democrats. They’ve had a lock on the felon constituency forever, and if it’s abandoning them along with lots of black and Latino voters it’s a bad sign. . . ." Chaz Glasser at Insty, has a TRUTHBOMB: No matter who you are supporting in this election, one thing is for sure: Nobody knows nothing, and if they say they do, they are either lying, shilling, or just plain crazy.

John Lucas at Bravo Blue sees Election Interference by a Foreign Leader Is Now OK. "The Biden-Harris administration facilitates Zelensky's attempt to influence our election." Jazz Shaw thinks Zelensky Has Overplayed His Hand.

OTP, Campaign Stop At Popular Pennsylvania Eatery Again Sparks Drama, This Time For Vance  "Vance’s welcome was a far cry from the Primanti Brothers reception to Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate Gov. Tim Walz when the pair stopped by the business back in August. . . . The Ohio senator was initially stopped at the doors of the shop while attempting to make a campaign stop – as staff said they were not given advanced notice. The manager “just freaked out a little bit because there were a lot of people and she didn’t want to make her restaurant part of a campaign stop,” Vance said in the parking lot outside the 90-year-old business. “We went in there, we paid for everybody’s food, we gave them a nice tip, and of course when I gave them a nice tip.” Capt. Ed at Hat Hair, Lefty Journo Publishes Iran-Hacked Vance Dossier, Gets Booted by Twitter "Pop quiz, hotshot: You're an influential media figure in the political arena. Iranian hackers contact you to hand off intel about a candidate you detest. (Or Russian hackers, North Korean hackers, Columbia U hackers ... choose your own betes noires.) Do you wonder whether you're being played by malevolent foreign governments, or do you just hit 'publish'?"

Althouse, "The three [Arizona Democratic] state officials learned a computer glitch meant 98,000 voters had not provided proof of citizenship. In a candid phone call, they debated what to do." "The Washington Post reports (free-access link). Their predicament was “an urgent, a dire situation,” Gov. Katie Hobbs said, according to audio of the call obtained by The Washington Post. Secretary of State Adrian Fontes said critics would “beat us up no matter what the hell we do.” Attorney General Kris Mayes worried they would be accused of rigging the 2024 election in a crucial state...." Paul Bond at JTN, DOJ sues Alabama over attempt to remove noncitizens from voter rolls. "The DOJ’s argument also boils down to timing, since Alabama announced its intentions 84 days before the election," and RFK Jr. off the ballot in New York, stays on it in Wisconsin  Shaun Maguire @shaunmmaguire, “1% of voters in the bluest county in a swing state got duplicate ballots But don’t worry our political opponents caught us so we had to tell you all You can trust us that this won’t happen anywhere else” Charlotte Hazard at JTN, Judiciary Chairman Jordan requests info from Secretary Mayorkas about Ohio election integrity, ""In light of the open-borders policies of the Biden-Harris Administration, DHS's failure to comply with the Ohio Secretary of State's requests for federal citizenship information is deeply concerning," Jordan's letter reads." Reuters whines Republicans lay legal groundwork for election challenges. Sundance at CTH, Elon Musk Warns America: “if Trump is NOT elected, this will be the last election”…

Anna Paulina Luna
Charlotte Hazard again, Marjorie Taylor Greene predicts an election delay or more assassination attempts against Trump, ""We have entered the most dangerous phase of the election," Greene said on the social media platform, X." Insty, UNAFRAID, OR AT LEAST UNCOWEDALX@alx, "There have been two assassination attempts on this man in the past three months and he walks into a stadium full of 100,000 people like a boss. Next week he’s returning to the site where he was shot. Total badass." Center Square Penn,  Secret Service warned about roof at Trump rally shooting.  Sundance, Former Democrat Candidate Indicted for Threatening to Kill Republican Anna Paulina Luna Using Ukranian Hit Squad. "William Braddock, 41, of St. Petersburg, Fla. is accused of making the alleged threats on June 8, 2021 — including one where he threatened to “call up my Russian-Ukrainian hit squad” to take out his rival. (read more)."

Jack Smith attempts election interference, Paul Bond at JTN, Jack Smith seeks to release public version of major filing in Trump J6 case "In Friday’s filing, Smith seeks to release a version of the brief that will redact names of witnesses, except for former Vice President Mike Pence, along with other information not meant to be seen by the public." Of course, Judge Shitcan is likely to agree. Capt. Ed cites the NYT: Appeals Court Suuuuure Sounds Skeptical About Leticia James' Lawfare on Trump

Ace, FBI Deleted Video of J6 "Bomb" Footage  "Of course. Of course. It's always the "law enforcement officers" who destroy evidence, and the criminals who want to preserve it. Right? Right?"

Jordan Schachtel at The Dossier, decries The selective prosecution of Eric Adams "When the Biden-Harris Admin tells DOJ to "investigate," the feds interpret the order as a mandate to bring charges." Bryan Jung at PJM, NYC Mayor Adams Calls DOJ Investigation Retaliation for ‘Defending” City from Illegal Migrants. It sure looks that way.

Althouse, He seems to think what he is saying is perfectly bland. "It's hard to tell in the uncanny valley of his face (is that Botox?):"
Sundance at CTH, Sunday Talks – Former Secretary of State John Kerry Explains Intent of Next Administration to Eliminate First Amendment. At PJM, Stephen Kruiser, thinks However Sincere, Mark Zuckerberg's Mea Culpa Moment Is a Bit Late, and identifies Trump Derangement Syndrome Meltdown of the Week — New York Times Editorial Board Fills Its Diaper AGAIN.  Seth Dillon@SethDillon, "Yeah, that's kind of the point, John." Quote "End Wokeness@EndWokeness. "John Kerry calls for a Ministry of Truth: "The 1st Amendment stands as a major roadblock for us right now"Ed Driscoll at Insty, WHEN SATIRE MEETS REAL-LIFE: Titania McGrath (in reality British satirist Andrew Doyle) writes: Free speech is fascist. "What did Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Ivan the Terrible, Genghis Khan, Idi Amin and Caligula have in common? That’s right: they were all able to speak. This quite obviously proves that free speech is a tyrannical concept, one that can lead directly to murder, terrorism, genocide and — worst of all — misgendering. And so it is a relief to see that one of Keir Starmer’s key priorities as prime minister is to crack down on online speech. Already he has ingenuously granted early release from prison for drug dealers, sex offenders and violent criminals to free up space for bigots who have said nasty things on social media. . . " Dave Strom fears The Brainwashing of Democrat Kids Is ""He's like Hitler." A CNN study of 10 and 11 year-olds found that blue state kids held more polarized and extreme views than red state kids. Are you surprised?" At Bet On It, Bryan Caplan is Against Censorship and Its Academic Supporters. Sarah Arnold at TownHall sees Josh Hawley Just Went Scorched Earth on Liberal Reporter Who Published Fake 'Fact-Check'.

The College Fix is shocked, shocked, Zero Republican professors found in six humanities departments at UNC Chapel Hill. Jonathan Turley worries What Happens if We Hold College and Nobody Comes? "We are killing our institutions through an abundance of ideology and a paucity of courage."

Dave Strom notices the Culture War Makes For Strange Bedfellows "Gays have woken up to the reality that the alphabet crowd is trying to "trans the gay away," and lesbians, in particular, are horrified by the reality that transgender ideology is all about wiping the reality of womanhood off the maps. Women who are uncomfortable around men are now being forced to share their most intimate spaces with aggressive and mentally ill men." Also, This Clip Encapsulates So Much of What Is Scary About Progressive Democrats.

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