Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Flotsam and Jetsam - CO Court Cans Trump Primary Bid

Despite never even have been formally accused of insurrection (not a charge that Jack Smith hoked up), let alone convicted, the Colorado Supreme Court in a 4-3 vote, at the behest of liberal petitioners, has ruled that, under the 14th Amendment Section 3, Donald Trump in ineligible to be President because of the Jan. 6 Capitol incursion. Several other states having decided otherwise already, I would expect the Supreme Court to take up the case expeditiously. At Althouse, "The Colorado Supreme Court has issued an unsigned opinion disqualifying Trump from the ballot...."

Hat Hair's John Sexton Colorado Supreme Court Bans Trump from the Ballot. Stephen Kruiser at PJM, The Morning Briefing: Colorado Supreme Court Hits Trump, Begs for SCOTUS Attention. Am Think's Andrea Widburg  Colorado’s Supreme Court has removed Trump from the state’s ballot. Bob Hoge at Red State, Reaction Continues to Pour in Over CO Court's Shock Decision to Bar Trump From Ballot, RFK Jr. Slams. Althouse again, "Will the U.S.Supreme Court Keep Donald Trump Off the Ballot ? Some Initial Thoughts." "From Rick Hasen at Election Law Blog.
It is... imperative for the political stability of the U.S. to get a definitive judicial resolution of these questions as soon as possible. Voters need to know if the candidate they are supporting for President is eligible....In the end the legal issues are close but the political ramifications of disqualification would be enormous....
Voters need to know if the candidate they are supporting for President is eligible.... and voters need to know if they need to fight for the candidate they are supporting on the substantive merits and not just rely on his opponent's being "disqualified" on some wild legal theory.

At Insty,  TODAYS JUDICIARY: UPDATE: Matt Taibbi: “This is a major escalation of the lawfare phenomenon that’s zoomed from simmer to boil in the seven short years since Trump was first elected in 2016. The glee of #Resistance dolts like Robert Reich and Dean Obeidallah at this decision shows that this was a move dreamed up at the very center of the bubble-within-a-bubble-within-a-bubble that is the blob of the modern Democratic Party.” I find this far more discrediting to the judiciary than anything the Supreme Court has done, or failed to do.

Althouse again! What's the connection between sounding like Hitler and having read "Mein Kampf"? I'm reading "Trump, Attacked for Echoing Hitler, Says He Never Read ‘Mein Kampf'" (NYT). "Shirer wrote that the world could have seen in Hitler's book "the kind of world he meant to create by armed German conquest." By contrast, Trump seems especially averse to military activity. His "blood" talk is in the context of securing American borders. That's the opposite of conquest. And we've already seen Trump in power. If he had a Hitleresque plan, wouldn't he have executed it in his first term? Consult a summary of what Hitler did in his first 4 years of power and compare." 

At Off the Press, ‘Likely’ Voters Prefer Biden: Poll. Hat Hair's Capt. Ed comments "This gets to a point I make more often in conversation than in writing. Most of the ground Biden has lost in recent polling has been from his own base, but those voters aren’t really leaving Biden, and they’re not crossing over to Trump. In a 2020 replay, the voters that Biden has ‘lost” in polling will come home in droves in a presidential election. We saw that in the 2022 midterms especially, as Democrats made Trump an effective bete noire for turnout purposes." All the more reason for the GOP to stress turnout, and engage in the kind of vote harvesting that the Dems have perfected, to the extent that it's legal, and crack down on illegal methods that flourished under the Covid regime. NYPo, China stepped up election meddling in midterms, didn’t fear Biden. Why would they? He's on the payroll. 

Victory Girls, Nikki Haley – The Trump Deal Breaker "I want Trump to be President again, but Haley is a definite deal breaker. I agree with Tucker Carlson on that one . . . " Capt. Ed, "I’m not sure *why* she’d be a deal breaker, as opposed to other choices. Trump chose Mike Pence in 2016 and no one called that a “deal breaker,” even though Pence was more establishment than Haley. But to be honest, I’m not sure why Trump would pick her anyway. She wouldn’t bring a significant bloc of voters her way, and her messaging on foreign policy will be a turn-off to his base. I’d guess that Kristi Noem would get an offer first."

Athena Thorne at PJM, George Santos Pours Piping Hot Tea About Former Congressional Colleagues

Stephen Kruiser thinks Elon Musk Is Making All the Right Enemies. Hat Hair cites PolitiFact Founder: Next-Gen Factchecking Should Include Big Tech Speech Suppression. Capt. Ed. "Just in case anyone thinks that the fact-check industry has been at all humbled by their repeated failures over the last few years, here’s the founder of PolitiFact demanding speech suppression based on his opinions. Nate Silver was stunned by the hubris, but who wants to bet that the Big Tech platforms aren’t thinking the same thing?"

Ace, Gay Pornster Senate Aide Was Previously Warned by Senator Cardin's Staff to "Stop Posting Nude and Semi-Nude Pictures" to His Social Media Accounts, "Was that wrong?" Matt Vespa at Town Hall, Here's a Hilarious Rage Bait/Satire Piece About the Senate's Recent Gay Sex Fiasco, Fired for his act of love in the senate, "Aidan Maese-Czeropski's act was symbolic and brave, because in a world full of hate, displays of love are rebellious. We shouldn't bend over to a party that hates; we must do the opposite." It's getting harder and harder to discriminate between satire and real life. But Hat Hair's Dave Strom has some hopeful news UK Government Backing Off Gender Transition in Schools

The Wombat had FMJRA 2.0: Our Annual Rogers Hornsby Moment up at The Other McCain in time for St. Nick.

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