Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas Morning Stimulus

Are you drinking coffee while you read the newspaper today? Saturday, Dec. 16, 2023, is the semi-quincentennial of the reason that particular beverage is the one most likely in your cup.

That date marks the 250th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party.

Prior to the "party," 1.2 million pounds of tea were consumed in the 13 colonies each year, tea that was taxed by the British Empire to keep their economy afloat and to support the British East India Co. 

Most people can't even explain why they prefer coffee. They are adults. Adults drink coffee. They drink coffee. Few, if any, when questioned, would state that they are drinking coffee because they believe taxation without representation is unfair and they support the protesters.

I don't care if you drink coffee or tea or water or juice. That's really not the point. What is important is that whatever you do in life, do it because it is right for you, and not because it is the expected behavior, not because it is the accepted behavior, not because everyone else is doing it, and not because some people 250 years ago started a trend even if their cause was noble.

The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Happy New Year! ready at The Other McCain.


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