Sunday, December 10, 2023

Palm Sunday

The South American palm weevil has killed about 20 thousand trees since it was first detected in San Diego County in 2011. Its preferred host is the large Canary Island date palms that are planted all over San Diego and its surrounding areas.

The adult weevils lay their eggs in the crown, then larvae emerge and devour the tender growing top of the tree. After they have had their fill, the massive crown falls to the ground, obviously creating a safety hazard.

The weevils can be controlled with either traps or repeated applications of pesticides, but this is a job best suited for professionals because of the size of the trees. Once a tree has been infested, it should be removed (also not a do-it-yourself job).

How do you know if that beautiful palm tree is about to lose its top? The most obvious sign of impending doom is severely drooping fronds. Healthy date palm fronds grow upright, so avoid walking or parking under a sad-looking tree.

Linked at the Pirate's Cove in the weekly Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup and links. The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Outstanding In Her Field out at the Other McCain.

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