Thursday, July 4, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam on Insurrection Day

The day the representatives of the American colonists openly declared their insurrection against the British crown. Independence didn't come until later, when they won it on the battlefield.

Brad Slager at RedState is amused by The Growing List of Desperately Comical Biden Debate Performance Excuses "He Had a Cold . . .  Poor Debate Preparation . . . Too Much Debate Preparation . . . Media Exaggeration . . . CNN Did Not Control Trump . . . Bad Setting and Camerawork . . . Poor Makeup . . . Jet Lag." Matt Vespa at TownHall, The Mystery of Biden's Debate Cold Just Got More Interesting. An astounding headline from the AP, Biden at 81: Often sharp and focused but sometimes confused and forgetful. Althouse, "President Biden acknowledged at a fundraiser Tuesday night in Virginia that he 'didn’t have my best debate night' last week." "Citing pre-debate travel, he told donors that he 'nearly fell asleep onstage.' At Breitbart, Dem Sen. Butler: If Biden ‘Needs’ ‘Schedule Accommodations’ Like Naps, ‘Let’s Find Those Accommodations’ At PJM Vicky Taft attempts to explain, What Happened to Joe Biden's Brain. "When air hits the brain, you're never the same." WSJ cited at Hat Hair, Biden's Judgment Is Worse Than His Cognitive Decline. He was never the sharpest tool in the Senate shed. Capt. Ed at Hat Hair comments "Read it all. As Robert Gates once wrote, Joe Biden has unerringly landed on the wrong side of every foreign-policy issue for the last 50 years (40 at the time Gates wrote it). Biden has always been twenty pounds of bull**** in a ten-pound bag, even before dementia began to set in." Rabbi Fischer at Am Spec, Dr. Jill Biden: Perfect Wife Amid the Panic of 2024. "She indeed has earned her right to run the country again for another four years." Sam Moyn at Compact, calls it Biden’s King Lear Moment. Matt Taibbi at Racket on Nancy Pelosi's About-Face. "Experience is an advantage, until it's a condition." At Da Signal, ‘AMERICA AT GREAT RISK’: Foreign Affairs Committee Members Warn Biden’s Lack of Mental Fitness Puts US in Danger. Putin, Xi, the Iranians and the Norks wouldn't take advantage, would they? From the Free Bacon, Dem Rep Compares Joe Biden to Jesus at Virginia Fundraiser.

Will he stay or will he go now. At NewsMax, CNN Report: Biden Privately Admits Campaign in Crisis. Nick Arama at RedState reports Democrat Governors Meet With Joe Biden. What They Say After Raises Big Questions. Hat Hair insists Dems Can't Survive a Contested Convention.  At Hair Hair, Capt. Ed has BREAKING news that the NYT Reports Biden Mulling Withdrawal -- If .... and Biden Weighs Dropping Out! Karine vs the Media!  Ace,  NYT Reports That Biden Is Considering Dropping Out of the Race.  Insty has a REPORT: BIDEN TELLS KEY ALLY HE IS CONSIDERING DROPPING OUT. [A] blistering new poll for President. But at Politico, Biden: ‘No one’s pushing me out’. Across da pond at Da Mail, Biden RESPONDS after reports he's mulling stepping down. 'Bonchie' at RedState, NEW: Joe Biden Gives Definitive Answer About His Future, and Democrats Are Going to Need a Stiff Drink, or maybe a fresh bottle. Jeff Lord at Am Spec thinks Biden Is Absolutely the New Thomas Eagleton. In until he was out. Anxious is anxious that Behind the Curtain: Democratic rage at Biden rises. The Free Beacon reports Baldwin Won't Campaign With Biden in Wisconsin as Vulnerable Dems Back Away From President  Sister Toldja at RedState sees The Next Shoe Drops in the Push to Get Joe Biden Off the Democrat Ticket. Rats leave the ship. Will Collier@willcollier, "It will probably come down to Jill and Hunter… and they can be bought." Chaz Lipson at Da Spec on If Joe stays in… "The hard choices facing Biden, his party and the country." Capt. Ed catches Carville to Donors: Cut Off Anyone Supporting Biden -- And Maybe Kamala Too.  At Hat Hair, Doing Nothing About Biden Is the Riskiest Plan of All. At Am Spec Scott McKay warns The Fall of Biden Portends Real Danger. "Given their worship of power, what happens when Team Biden/Obama realizes this election is unwinnable? Prepare for the inauguration riots.

At WaEx, James Antle examines Democrats’ top five Biden replacement roadblocks. KT at Hat Hair VIP, Welcome to the Summer of Kamala and Orange Brandon. Dave Strom at Hat Hair reports New Betting Odds Have Harris Ahead of Biden to Be Dem Nominee. Fox, Harris outperforms Biden in 2024 showdown with Trump. "New poll measures how Harris, Newsom and other top Democrats match up head-to-head with Trump in hypothetical showdowns." WaEx's Paul Bedard finds Kamala Harris is a dud, just 25% say she helps Biden. OTP, ‘President’ Harris is ‘future of Democratic Party,’ White House says. Stream has Al’s Afternoon Tea: As Joe Torches Supreme Court, the Question is Raised, ‘Did Jill Burn the Vice President?’  From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.03.24 (Afternoon Edition),  Don Surber thinks Eagleton is Kamala’s hope. Breitbart, Bill Maher Wants Open Democrat Convention, Endorses Gavin Newsom to Replace Biden. Sundance at CTH, Gavin Newsom Heads to White House to Rally Support for Joe Biden. "Oh, they’re good… the Pelosi clan are really good." Also, James Clyburn Heads to White House to Tell Joe Biden What’s Up "Clyburn is going to the White House today to tell Joe Biden whether he should exit or try and stay as the Democrat nominee." Yes, boss! From NotTheBee, Hero of the Democrats: Marianne Williamson boldly volunteers to replace President Biden. "Today, I throw my hat in the ring. I look forward to a meaningful campaign and an open convention in August." You go, girl!

Da Fed's Dave Harsanyi is amused at how How Biden’s Mental Decline Went From ‘Misinformation’ To Fact In A Week.  

Ace, After Literal Years of Gaslighting the Public, the New York Times Reports That White House Staff Have Noticed Joe Biden's "Lapses" and Moments of Incoherency. Dave Strom, Journalists: Don't Blame Us, We Were Just Following Orders. From Twitchy, Brian Stelter Commits Blasphemy Against Biden So Bad He Deletes Tweet. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.03.24 (Afternoon Edition), Twitchy: Here’s CNN’s Pathetic & Lame Defense Of Media Taking So Long To Report On Biden’s FeeblenessAfter Months Of Gaslighting, Biden Finally Has A Plan To Tackle Grocery Prices, and HACK ALERT! David Frum Bemoans Collapse Of Democracy Despite “Full Employment” and “Rapidly Climbing Wages” and  Dana Loesch  “The Great Biden Coverup”.  Cutie Pavlich hears KJP Double Down on Bogus 'Cheap Fakes' Claim. "Reporter: Do you have any regrets using that language? KJP: Not at all." As Reagan Reese at Da Caller notes Joe Biden Posts Videos Chock Full Of Edits While White House Decries ‘Cheap Fakes’

Matt Vespa at TownHall asks Notice Anything Different Regarding Trump Over the Past Couple of Days? Dave Strom notices The Silence of the Trumps. In the words of Napoleon Bonaparte, "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

From Da Wire, a reminder, Dem Leaders Of New Immigration Caucus Have Backed Amnesty, Opposed Border Security Efforts. "The caucus is attempting to shift the immigration debate away from border security concerns and towards the 'root causes' of immigration" At Da Fed, Jordan Boyd is Counting The Most Horrific Crimes Allegedly Committed By Illegals Who Crossed The Border Under Biden’s Watch "Illegal aliens have been convicted of more than 66,000 crimes under Biden’s watch." And how many more have they gotten away with? 

Hat Hair cites the NYT, NYT/Siena Poll: Trump Now Up by 6 Nationally. Center for Politics, Electoral College Rating Changes: Upper Midwest Moves After Biden’s Debate Disaster. "Michigan and Minnesota move to more competitive categories in our ratings. This is the second time in less than a month that we’ve downgraded Democrats in our Electoral College ratings." At Fox Hugh Hewitt opines Trump dominated the debate. "He doesn’t need a second one. Even if President Biden bows out, Trump holds all the debate cards." VodkaPundit at PJM wonders Was This President Trump's Ballsiest Play Ever? ""I want to leave Afghanistan," Trump is supposed to have said at a high-level meeting with the Taliban. "But it's going to be a conditions-based withdrawal." Hunt recalled Trump saying, "If you harm a hair on a single American, I'm going to kill you." After the translator did his bit — and Hunt indicated that the translator was shocked by Trump's statement and hesitated before passing it along — Trump pulled a picture of the Taliban leader's home out of his pocket, handed it to him, and then left. Statement. Made." Althouse reads WaPoo, "Yes, I think Donald Trump should step down as his party’s presidential nominee. He is manifestly unfit to serve, both dangerously incompetent and clearly out of his mind." "Said Dana Milbank, one of 5 Washington Post columnists participating in an exercise called "If not Biden, who? Five columnists rate the field of potential replacements for the Democratic presidential nominee" (WaPo). .  . There's much more at that WaPo link — so many crazy statements from people who smugly declare Donald Trump to be out of his mind. I could write 10 blog posts excerpting different quotes and riffing on them, but I need to spread the love around. Happy 4th of July!"

Mike LaChance at LI notes Biden's Address on SCOTUS Immunity Ruling Gets Mocked Across the Political Spectrum, “trashes the Supreme Court with prewritten remarks and then waddles away without taking questions.” Behind the Black thinks Democrats: You got what you asked for when the Supreme Court ruled presidents have absolute immunity for official actions. Jason Cohen at Da Caller finds an Ex-US Attorney who Suggests Biden ‘Take Advantage’ Of New Immunity ‘Power’ To ‘Protect American Democracy’ From Trump. At Hollywood in Toto, Joyce Carol Oates Imagines Tarantino-Style Attack on Supreme Court. At TNP WATCH a Hysterical Rachel Maddow Say SCOTUS Has Authorized Trump’s ‘Death Squads.’ HE finds a BBC presenter who urges Biden to 'hurry up and have Trump murdered' in now-deleted post. I&I, Did The Supreme Court Just Throw Biden A Lifeline? Joe Thinks So

Jonathan Turley disheartened that  Jack Smith is Willing to Try Trump Up to Inauguration Day
Smith has made trying Trump before the election the overriding priority in his two cases against the former president. He failed repeatedly to force a shorter schedule on appeal before the Supreme Court. His arguments were revealing. He suggested that the public should have a possible conviction before they cast their votes. It flipped the DOJ policy on its head in openly seeking to influence the election.

The Supreme Court was not persuaded, though Smith did succeed in effectively cutting the appellate process a bit shorter. He then lost in spectacular fashion before the Court on presidential immunity.

According to the Post, he is not giving up the ghost and is now committed to a trial running up to Inauguration Day: “Current officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, expressed … that if Trump wins the election, the clock on the two federal cases against him would keep ticking until Jan. 20, when he would be sworn in as the 47th president.”

Capt. Ed comments  "Smith may not last until then. If Judge Aileen Cannon reads what Justice Clarence Thomas wrote about Smith's appointment in the Trump v US ruling, she has plenty of reason to invalidate his special-counsel appointment. We'll see." From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.03.24 (Afternoon Edition), Dana Loesch: Trump Wins At SCOTUS, Last Week In Legal – Cannon Fire Edition.

At Da Caller, ‘They Know He Will Expose Them’: Tulsi Gabbard Says ‘Deep State’ Will Do ‘All They Can To Destroy Trump’

Da Wire, Judge Denies Biden Admin Attempt To Lock Up Peaceful Pro-Life Protester "Paul Vaughn, a pro-life father of 11, escaped prison time on Tuesday after he was sentenced in Nashville over his participation in a peaceful protest at a Tennessee abortion facility March 2021. "The Biden administration had asked for one year of prison time, but U.S. District Judge Aleta Trauger decided to impose no prison time or fine, sentencing Vaughn to three years of supervised release. Vaughn was convicted of violating the FACE Act and in participating in a conspiracy against rights.""

Da Caller, Americans Are Already Sticking It To The Permanent Bureaucracy Just Days After Landmark Supreme Court Ruling.

VodkaPundit,  Oh, You Naughty First Amendment. "The First Amendment is spinning out of control," Wu whined in a New York Times op-ed on Tuesday, and since my managing editor won't let me reply to Wu with any of Carlin's seven words you can't say on television — even though all seven would be appropriate and, I promise you, artfully arranged — I'll have to resort to reasoned analysis" Dan Oliver at Am Great is Fact-Checking the Fact-Checking New York Times "The New York Times gets an F in its attempts to fact-check Trump." At WaEx, There’s nothing new about the Democratic disinformation machine, but they have gotten more blatant. At Hollywood in Toto, Carolla: Bill Maher Corrupted by Trump Derangement "Podcaster, Dr. Drew Pinsky decry 'Real Time' hosts' Biden blind spot." Capt. Ed says "In fairness, that took place before the debate, but that's only a partial defense. Maher should have been more skeptical about Biden from the beginning."

mrcTV, Florida Teen Charged With a Felony For Leaving Tire Marks on 'Pride' Mural. Then why put it on a road? WaEx, White House contradicts itself on transgender surgeries for minors. "The Biden administration said gender-affirming surgical care should be reserved for adults, not minors. “These are deeply personal decisions and we believe these surgeries should be limited to adults,” a White House spokesperson told the 19th News." They know it's an election loser, and they're backing away temporarilly, knowing their trans-supporting friends have nowhere else to go. The occasionally sensible liberal Megan McArdle at WaPoo, The crucial questions about gender care are not political or legal "This is far too small a response. The allegations against Levine need to be investigated, and if they are true, she needs to be replaced — not only because she will have endangered children, but also to send the message that, when it comes to figuring out the proper medical treatment of children, politics never comes before science."

NY Jewish Week, New Columbia administrator texts show deans discussing Jewish student ‘privilege’ and ‘$$$$,’ and bashing Hillel leader as a ‘problem’. At Da Wire, The Dark Relationship Between U.S. Universities and An Anti-American School Controlled By Terrorists. "Everything you need to know about Birzeit University, the Palestinian school openly aligned with Hamas that's partnering with some of America's top universities." Mary Chastain at LI, One Arrested in Connection With Attack on Jews, Elderly Veteran at North Carolina Library. HE, Like all lousy leaders, Jamaal Bowman blames his loss on Jews

Da Wire, Affirmative Action Suit Details How Law School Blackballed Accomplished White Men, Opted For Unqualified Black Women, "Only 14% of law professor job offers went to white men due to affirmative action that blocked elite scholars in favor of incompetents, lawsuit says" at Northwestern. Althouse quibbles A new front in the battle against affirmative action? "I'm reading "Lawsuit: Northwestern’s law school is biased against White men in hiring/The complaint alleges that the private university’s law school gives hiring preference to 'mediocre' women and applicants of color" (WaPo).

This sounds not new but old to me, because I remember when the University of Wisconsin Law School was sued in exactly this way. The case went to trial, and I testified, because I'd served on the Appointments Committee. This was many years ago, and the jury found in our favor. It's very difficult to look at particular individuals who were hired and compare them to individuals who were not hired. This was decades ago, and the relevant case law has evolved since then.

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: Even Worse up and running at The Other McCain. 

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