Monday, July 8, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - The Biden Preference Cascade Begins

It's pretty clear now that public opinion among the Democrat leaders, media and the public at large have begun to acknowledge what has been obvious to many of us for a long time, Joe Biden is in a state of advanced aging, with his cognitive powers waning rapidly. There's certainly no chance of maintain the illusion that he is compos mentis for another term, the real question is whether he should be allowed to finish this one.

Dan Chaitin at Da Wire reports White House Visitor Logs Show Parkinson’s Expert Met With Biden’s Doc. "Cannard travelled to the White House at least nine other times for appointments in the past year, stretching as far back as August 25, the visitor logs show. However, the purpose for each visit — including the one with O’Connor in January — is not shown in the records."  Once or twice means they ruled it out. Multiple times means they diagnosed it, and are treating it. Until Dr, Cannard comes out and tells us he doesn't, we should presume he does. Matt Margolis at PJM, REPORT: Joe Biden May Be Hiding Another Illness From the Public. Matt Vespa at TownHall, Why We Need to See the Visitor Logs for Biden's Delaware Home. Yes, It Relates to His Health. Parkinson's is no joke. One of the symptoms is hallucinations and delusions which would explain a lot. Is this who we want with his finger on the button? Athena Thorne at PJM wonders about a New Biden Campaign Nightmare: Is Dementia Joe Losing His Filter? His was never very good. Reagan Reese at Da Caller,  Joe Biden Repeatedly Denies Reality In Primetime ABC Interview .At Am Think, Thomas Buckley has An obvious prediction "At some point in the near future, President Joe Biden will announce he has Parkinson’s disease and, true or not, it will make life much simpler for the Democrats to shuffle him away." 

Twitchy says WOW: What Shannon Bream Revealed This Morning About Dems is NOT Good for Biden ... Like, At All (Watch). Trump War Room@TrumpWarRoom, "SHANNON BREAM: Our team spent days reaching out to dozens of lawmakers, Biden advocates, and allies, but not a single guest was willing or able to come on to defend Joe Biden." Da Caller, Four More House Dems Reportedly Call For Biden To Step Aside Following Hours-Long Phone Conference. Harold Hutchinson at Da Caller hears a House Dem Calls For Biden To End Reelection Bid After ABC Interview.  NewsMax, Embattled Biden Heads to Battleground Pennsylvania as Key Democrats Mull His Candidacy.  I&I notices Biden’s Pants-On-Fire Lie That Nobody Noticed In His ABC News Interview. Breitbart, Murphy: ABC Interview Did Not Answer All Voter Questions on Biden. Mike LaChance at LI hears Pollster Nate Silver Calls on Joe Biden to Resign the Presidency After ABC News Interview. "Meanwhile, there is a growing list of Democrats who want Biden to at least drop out of the race." Jeff Charles at Da Caller, Dem Donors Pledge $2 Million To Fund New Debates If Joe Biden Drops Out: Report. Athena Thorne again, Oh, the Irony: Leftists Fret That Trump Would Refuse to Leave the White House. Meanwhile… At Am Great Jim Fanell and Brad Thayer argue Biden’s Dénouement Hurts U.S. Standing. "The world witnessed the coverup of a president that is in sharp decline and our enemies are not going to wait for a new president to be selected before continuing the pursuit of their strategic goals." Dan Greefield at Front Page wonders Is the Coup Against Biden Coming Out of Europe? "Foreign election interference." Well, there's plenty coming from within our borders. Europeans have plenty to worry about, when the America sneezes, Europe catches a cold. Margot Cleveland at Da Fed claims Invoking The 25th Amendment Is Constitutional — And Democrats’ Best Hope. Dick Morris to Newsmax: Best for Trump If Biden Stays in Race.Jeff Davidson at Front Page calls Joe Biden the Poster Senior for Elder Abuse. "He was merely a prop for the Democrats to collect votes in 2020. Nothing more." At Da Caller, ‘Unplug Your Life Support In Order To Charge Their Cellphone’: Sen. John Kennedy Breaks Down Biden’s Political Future. He does have a way with words. Stephen Kruiser at PJM says The DNC's Trump Derangement Syndrome Has Been the Problem All Along. The Babylon Bee snarks Jill Biden Refuses To Drop Out Of Presidential Race. "Over my husband's dead body!" Mrs. Biden declared." Larry at Hat Hair, Tucker Carlson's 'Unusually Good Source' Spills What's Going on Behind the Scenes With Jill Biden and Obama.  But the Divine Ms. Devine at NYPo suspects Hunter Biden’s the real point person in Joe’s White House — don’t underestimate the first son.

Herr Professor Jacobson at LI claims Biden’s Cognitive Collapse: Greatest Media Scandal We’ve Ever Seen "With Russia collusion, they were inventing things we couldn’t see and trying to convince us that they happened. With the Biden cognitive failures, they were trying to convince us that something we all saw didn’t happen and wasn’t happening." Matt Yglesias, I was wrong about Biden "The worst feeling in the world." Dan Greenfield at Front Page isn't buying it, All the President’s Liars "The media pretends it didn’t know about Biden’s mental state." The Great Victor Davis Hanson at Am Great discourses on  Bidengate and the Doom Loop. "The more Biden avoids the media, the more the public considers him an inadequate president. Yet the more he might welcome more exposure, the more his ensuing dementia becomes apparent." Jeff Blehar at NRO says The Media Want the Flaming Wreckage of the Biden Campaign to Explode — to Cover Their Tracks. Ben Shapiro at Spec World explains How Biden’s bad debate exposed the legacy media. At Althouse, "[American media] have become a stampeding herd producing an avalanche of stories suggesting Biden is unfit, will lose and should go away..." "Writes Rebecca Solnit, in "Why is the pundit class so desperate to push Biden out of the race?" (The Guardian)." At Twitchy, Media Was DUPED! Jarvis and Brian Stelter Back-and-Forth the FUNNIEST Damn Thing You'll Read Today. They fell for the con because they wanted to be conned. At Am Great  Rick Truesdell and Keith Lehmann explore The Divorce of the Democrat Party and the Legacy Media – What it Means "Embarrassed and humiliated by four years of gaslighting Joe Biden's deteriorating condition, the media turns on the Democrat Party in a CYA move." Sally Zelikovsky at Am Think thinks Hell Hath No Fury Like A Voter Scorned. "The real Joe Biden is too mentally compromised to hold office. DC is more of a Potemkin Village and the White House a hall of mirrors than the seat of government. Even worse, the Biden administration and campaign, the DNC, and the mainstream media have all emerged as con artists whose marks have been the American people." 

Da Mail reports Biden's disastrous radio interview where he called himself a black woman was scripted, with radio hosts sent questions he'd answer ahead of time. Da Wire, Biden Officials Gave Radio Stations Questions They Could Ask Biden During Interviews; They Complied. Fuzzy Slippers at LI, Radio Show Hosts: Team Biden Sent Us Questions To Ask Biden. “if the White House is trying now to prove the vim, vigor, acuity of the president. I don‘t know how they do that by sending questions first before the interview so that the president knows what‘s coming.” Da Caller, The White House, While Defending Biden’s Mental State, Sent Prewritten Interview Questions, Radio Host Claims. Matt Vespa at TownHall thinks an ABC News Reporter's Reaction to Biden's Highly Scripted Interviews Is Priceless "ABC News’ Jon Karl was aghast at the news, tweeting “say what,” upon hearing this old news on CNN this weekend, but who are you kidding, sir?" At Da Caller, Radio Station Cuts Ties With Host Who Fed Biden Pre-Screened Questions In Interview. Just one more job loss for Joe.

I&I wonders (rhetorically) How Did 250,000 Jobs Suddenly Vanish This Year?. Downward revisions and double counting. Hat Hair, #Bidenomics Update: Sorry About Seeing 'Despicable Me' Kids...Maybe Next PresidentJoe Benson@joebensonx, "Hey kids, let’s go see Despicable Me 4 at the… Wait, what?! $152.69 No. This can’t be sustainable." Dan Greenfield at Front Page, Biden Admin to Kill 470,000 Owls to Save the Owls "A government bureaucracy will kill half a million owls to protect its authority."

Charlotte Hazzard at JTN, Oklahoma becomes latest state in court over illegal immigration, arguing it's a state issue "Iowa, Texas and Oklahoma are currently being sued by the Department of Justice over immigration legislation." Joseph Ford Cotto at Am Think thinks about Economic Stability at Stake: Why Trump’s Border Policy Matters.  

At Am Con, Kennedy Could Play the Spoiler—If He Gets Onto the Ballot. Matt Vespa, How James Carville Made This WaPo Reporter a Little Uneasy. "As Carville noted, people have lives to lead, and when you say you can’t watch football, drink beer, and eat hamburgers—you’re going to lose. It’s a point that made The Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart, who led this discussion, very uncomfortable:" CDB at Ace, It's The Same Old Story From The Republican Party: Lots Of Talk But Very Little Action, "The Democrats do many things well, and one of those things is grassroots organizing. They slither their slimy tentacles everywhere, because that's how to win elections. Republicans eye liberal bastion with polls saying Granite State is brittle for Democrats."

MailChi, Fact Check: Nevada’s Election Laws are Failing Voters – Here’s How. “In an average state, undeliverable mail for active voters is usually between 1 and 1.5%,” he told the SUN.  “But in Nevada, it’s 8%.” Matt Margolis, Wow! Did You Hear What Elon Musk Said About Opponents of Election Integrity? Elon Musk@elonmusk,  "Those who oppose this are traitors. All Caps: TRAITORS. What is the penalty for traitors again? The NYPo ed board says British elections show the virtues of the Electoral College and ALL the Founders’ checks and balances.

Susie Moore at RedState thinks Donald Trump's Legal Team Has the Audacity to 'Latch on to' Supreme Court Ruling - and It's Glorious. "Can you believe the nerve of these people? Citing a case involving their client, directly on point as to defenses he's raised in the cavalcade of politically motivated cases brought against him?! If your sarcasm meter is pegging, congratulations — it's functioning properly. I'm employing it here in response to this headline from The Hill: "Trump latches on to Supreme Court immunity ruling in documents case." Shmuel Katzkin at Am Spec, calls it A Brilliant Rendering of Presidential Power. "To ensure the executive branch is co-equal, the president is given absolute immunity in his core constitutional functions." Harold Hutchinson at Da Caller, ‘Delay Is Her Middle Name’: Dem State Attorney Rips Judge For Granting Trump Request In Docs Case. How dare she interfere in the legal lynching!

Da Caller claims Trans Kids Are The New Fashion Accessories Among Hollywood’s Most Deranged Moms. From the Free Bacon, 'Didn't Know Greek Statues Could Jizz': Interior Department Comms Staffer Spends His Workdays Posting Sexual Comments Online "Former Department of the Interior officials say Bergling made young male staff feel uncomfortable at work"

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: The Beatings Continue garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

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