Saturday, July 20, 2024

Rule 5 Saturday - Rachel Whitlock

This week's Rule 5 winner is Rachel Whitlock,@rayraywhit
I am a recent graduate of the MUMA School of Business at the University of South Florida. As an extremely outgoing, passionate, driven, and creative person, I knew from the start that I would thrive in marketing and sales. The part of graduation I look forward to the most is being able to put my all into a company I am passionate about.

My expertise is in digital marketing, social media management, building successful customer relationships, and content creation which is essential in telling the story of a brand while attracting and engaging customers. I believe in kindness and treating all people with respect, enjoy forming and nurturing authentic customer relationships, and establishing meaningful connections with customers.

Side hobbies include weightlifting (being the strongest version of myself is very fulfilling to me), spending time in nature with my canine best friends, and enjoying the beautiful beaches I've grown up around my entire life. Always trying to be a better human, spread positivity, and learn new things everyday.

 The Wombat makes up time with Rule 5 Sunday: Hangar Queen Double-Scoop Sunday!  Linked at The Right Way in the weekly Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama.


1 comment:

  1. I don't think she needs a diploma to sell anything...
