Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Flotsam and Jetsam - Angry Old Man Yells at Clouds

Spencer Brown at Town Hall, Axios Has a New Nickname for Joe Biden and We Don't Think He's Going to Like ItOld yeller: Biden's private fury. Fox, Biden reportedly fumes and spews curses at staff in private: ‘No one is safe’, "President Biden's quick temper leaks out from behind the carefully curated 'Uncle Joe' persona." Bob Hoge at Red State, Biden the Angry: NY Mag Puff Piece Inadvertently Reveals He's Actually Pretty Nasty. Hat Hair's Beege Wellborn chimes in Whoda thunk? Rumor has it POTATUS really a cranky old geezer. Ace, Now They Tell Us: Joe Biden Has Frequent Angry Outbursts, Humiliates Staff, "The leftwing media which actually controls the Democrat Party is telling "Old Yeller," as it now calls Joe Biden, that it's time to shuffle off to the retirement home." At Twitchy, Who they REALLY are: Lefties GO THERE cheering Biden for bullying his staff because THEY had it coming. They're all liberals so it's hard to argue against that. PJM's Stephen Kruiser gets a different message, New Biden Spin—He's a Real Jerk So...No Dementia! From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.10.23  Mary Chastain at LI, Axios Tries to Water Down Biden’s Explosive Temper Towards Aides and Staff.  Althouse, "Some Biden aides think the president would be better off occasionally displaying his temper in public as a way to assuage voter concerns that the 80-year-old president is disengaged and too old for the office."

And that the answer to the question why we are getting this now: "Old yeller: Biden's private fury" (Axios), in which we are told that private Biden is very different from public Biden. He has "a quick-trigger temper" and says things like "God dammit, how the f**k don't you know this?!," "Don't f**king bullsh*t me!" and "Get the f**k out of here!"

When I first glanced at this article, I thought maybe it was the beginning of pushing Biden out of the 2024 race, but no. It's exactly the opposite. Biden has his public image as "a kindly uncle who loves Aviator sunglasses and ice cream," but his people want to "paint more complicated picture of Biden as a manager and president." 

At NYPo, Biden appears to wobble as he greets King Charles, reviews UK troops at Windsor Castle. Insty, TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE! Citizen Free Press@CitizenFreePres "King Charles wondering what the heck Biden is staring at before ushering him across the lawn." A pair of dunces. Ace, King Charles Is Forced to Drag Confused Joe Biden Away to Their Scheduled Photo Op. "Joe Biden, obviously confused, kept talking to a Welsh guardsman. King Charles appeared to "scold" the guard to get him to stop responding to Biden, so that Charles could pull Biden to his next scheduled event."

Nick Arama at Red State, Yikes: Biden Team Manages to Add More Confusion With New Gaffe on Ukraine. Mary Chastain at LI, "‘Sure Let Our Adversaries Know’: Anger Boils Over After Biden Reveals in Live Interview That America is Low on Ammunition, “Just Joe Biden admitting to China that we can’t defend Taiwan because we gave all of our ammunition to Ukraine.”

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.10.23  Da Tech Guy: It’s Important to Remember this about the Coke in the White House Story, …the only reason you know about it is because it was first thought that this “white powder” was some sort of anthrax like attack threatening the White House that might be blamed on conservatives. This is why you had the whole hasmat treatment." Also, Victory Girls: Special K – Mobile Coke and Shunned Grandaughters, also, King Charles III and Joe Biden Meet For First Time. At PJM Paula Bolyard goes there, What if They'd Found Anthrax in the White House Instead of Cocaine? I assume they're all vaccinated, right? Duane Patterson at Hat Hair VIP asks Cocaine in the White House? What cocaine? At WaEx, Darrell Issa: KJP is ‘deliberately telling lies’ to cover up White House cocaine. Well, that is her job, amirite? Ace, Karine Jean-Pierre: Hunter Biden Wasn't Even At the White House Last Friday. The Factual Record: Hunter Biden Was At the White House Last Friday. "People don't lie to cover for an innocent man. They don't have to."

A few days ago I posted the video of Gal Luft, the Israeli who claims to have come forward to the FBI about Joe's corruption with China, only to be accused of various crimes himself. Now, at Da Caller, DOJ Announces Slew Of Charges Against ‘Missing Witness’ Of Alleged Biden Corruption. PM, DOJ announces multiple indictments against whistleblower who alleged Biden received payments from CCP-affiliated individuals. Sundance at CTH, Biden DOJ Announces Criminal Charges Against Whistleblower Who Provided FBI Evidence Against Joe and Hunter Biden. At WisPolitics, Sen. Johnson: Statement on the key missing witness: “He needs to be granted immunity to be able to tell his side of the story. The unsinkable Mollie Hemingway Tweets "DOJ announces charges against witness who said he was prepared to testify against Biden family." Insty, MOVE ALONG, NOTHING TO SEE HERE: DOJ Announces Slew Of Charges Against Gal Luft, ‘Missing Witness’ Of Alleged Biden Corruption. Sean Davis@seanmdav "Remember that scene in the Shawshank Redemption, where one of the prisoners tells the warden he has evidence that Andy Dufresne didn’t murder his wife, and then the warden has that guy murdered? This reminded me of that."

At Hat Hair VIP, Jazz Shaw notes It's clear. People aren't buying the Biden Inc. denials. "A new poll from Rasmussen Reports refers to the whole affair as “Bidengate.” American voters are increasingly aware of what’s been revealed and the majority of them are not buying Joe Biden’s repeated denials at all." At Fox, Obama-era emails reveal Hunter's extensive ties to nearly a dozen senior-level Biden admin aides, "Hunter deeply connected to Biden's inner circle as whistleblowers cry foul over federal probe."

Insty, THIS IS CNN: Nicholas Fondacaro@NickFondacaro "Dana Bash claims that Joe Biden shunning his grandkid is "disturbing on so many levels" not because that's what the President is doing, but because "Republicans are using it." She says it goes against "the brand and the kind of person that we all know and believe Joe Biden to be" Steve Hayward at Power Line, Slow Joe’s Countdown Clock. "The drip-drip-drip of the water torture media campaign to force Joe Biden to step aside picked up steam in the last few days." Capt. Ed, "There is no way that Harris won’t get the nomination if Biden steps aside. Pushing the first black female VP aside for a white guy will get Democrats a raging internecine fight in the primaries, and perhaps a convention akin to 1968 without the riots outside." From NYPo, Leftists blast AOC for endorsing Biden reelection bid: ‘A betrayal of progressive interests’ NewNeo, So, are they preparing Joe’s retirement dinner? Hat Hair's Dave Strom catches New Republic whining the media is biased against liberals. I always think of these as brushback pitches from the charge that the media is liberally biased. Hat Hair's KT, DHS has a new pathway for Central Americans to enter the United States

Politico whines about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Real Motive "He’s not actually trying to become president. . .  What Kennedy does undeniably desire is public attention, something his presidential campaign is delivering, with critical profiles in the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time, the Atlantic and a particularly damning and comprehensive one by Rebecca Traister in New York magazine." Capt. Ed comments "Honestly, I looked at the headline and was prepared to skewer Shafer, but … he makes a pretty good argument in terms of dynasty politics. And it does seem surprising that the media is cooperating with this to the extent they are. That in itself is a signal that they see Biden as an anchor rather than a sail. Shafer is always worth a read, which this demonstrates." Insty, CENSORSHIPGlenn Greenwald@ggreenwald, "Google decided @jordanbpeterson's interview with
@RobertKennedyJr -- polling at 20% -- contained ideas that should not be heard, so simply banned it all from YouTube. This kind of policing of our political discourse by corporate giants should be shocking but is now normalized."

Eddie Scarry at Da Fed on Handling Trump Media Coverage: An Answer For Media Dummies. Nick Arama is amused when Liberals Lose Their Minds After Guy Fieri Meets With Donald Trump at UFC. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.10.23   Dana Loesch: White Stripes Frontman Loses His Mind Over Celebrities Shaking Donald Trump’s Hand Hat Hair's KT hears Utah's Spencer Cox hope a governor can defeat Trump in the primary - "Someone who can win". Matt Vespa at Town Hall thinks What Trump's Legal Team Just Filed Might Not Please Special Counsel Jack Smith, request for a delay until after the election. Matt Margolis at PJM highlights evidence that Biden and Other Obama Officials Sought to ‘Torpedo’ Incoming Trump Admin, "According to heavily redacted documents from the National Security Agency obtained by The Daily Signal, there was a coordinated effort by the outgoing Obama administration to “torpedo the incoming presidency of Donald Trump.” Through a Freedom of Information Act request, The Daily Signal acquired 217 pages of documents."

Two from Never-DeSantis sundance at CTH, DC Report – GOP Consultants Expect DeSantis Super PAC to Retool and Relaunch Momentarily and President Trump Crushing Ron DeSantis in Latest Florida Poll – Trump Leads in Miami-Dade 70% to 11% for DeSantis.  Liberty and Prosperity highlights Maria Bartiromo's interrogation of Gov. Ron DeSantis "Despite Ms. Bartiromo's badgering, Gov. DeSantis still looked poised." At Hat Hair, Capt. Ed wonders Why all the DeSantis panic? "we’re 44 days away from the first debate. We’re six months away from the first ballot being cast, too. The rush to declare this race over or even in crisis smells very much like a media narrative." Hat Hair's KT notes Ramaswamy launches “Vivek’s Kitchen Cabinet” as fundraising program, grumbling ensues. "I’ll be honest. I like the guy. I’m impressed with his ability to effectively communicate and get his message across to an audience. How many times a day do we ask ourselves, what did Biden say or what did Kamala say?" Fox, Christie stands by FBI director and calls out Trump for 2020 loss to Biden "Chris Christie has said he'd keep Christopher Wray in his administration if elected president" like I didn't already have good enough reasons not to vote for you. Paul Gottfried at Am Great thinks Republicans Must Prepare for MSM Praetorian Guard and Democratic Trickery. Good advice. 

Hat Hair's KT, (a busy girl) sees Another Democrat tries to turn Texas blue, enters primary to challenge Ted Cruz

John Hinderacker at Power Line is skeptical of A Jackson “Clarification.” "At any rate, the “clarification” is completely different from what the amicus brief originally said, and what Justice Jackson wrote. "The firm claimed that the study still supported Justice Jackson’s dissent, but it did not explain why she referred to black newborns as “high-risk” when that term did not appear in the study." Jackson just made that part up, but it doesn’t make her arithmetic make sense. Jackson will need to up her game considerably if she wants to be taken seriously as a Supreme Court justice." At Twitchy, Live Action HILARIOUSLY owns pro-aborts losing their MINDS in these 'dark times' after Roe (watch) "So these are dark times. “I live in constant fear of a baby somehow finding its way into my uterus.”" At Campus reform 'Pay your bills like adults!': Protesters take to White House after student debt ruling

Ace, Judge Denies Biden Administration's Motion to Stay His Injunction, Which Prohibits Biden's Censors From Contacting Social Media Companies to Urge or Pressure Them Into Censoring Protected Speech. "Boy when you put it like that, it's hard to see how the Biden Administration isn't just demanding the right to censor enemies' speech. Which is what the state AGs et al. argued in their brief opposing the government's motion:" Herr Professor Jacobsen at LI, Government Seeks Stay Of Injunction Against Censorship Collusion With Big Tech "The thrust of the motion for a stay focuses on the scope of the preliminary injunction, claiming it is overly broad and prohibits speech protected by the First Amendment. That may resonate with an appeals court, and specific injunctive language is the weakest link in defending this substantively strong decision."

The government now has filed an Emergency Motion for a Stay with the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, and has asked for an immediate “administrative stay” (for a short term while the motion for a stay is briefed) or at least a ruling on the motion by July 24. The government also indicates that if the 5th Circuit denies a stay, it will seek a stay from the Supreme Court:

Bill Otis at the Ringside, on Joe Biden's Ministry of Truth "It would still be ominous, but less annoying, if it actually told the truth." Capt. Ed, "This is straight-up fascism — coopting private sector companies to turn them into proxies for government, especially in an attempt to silence dissent and suppress the opposition. It is unprecedented in both its scope and in its endorsement from American media, which should know better but in reality could care less. Democracy dies in darkness, indeed." Michael Shellenberger at Public sees Unpopularity Behind Elite Demands For Spying And Censorship "French President calls for mass censorship after passing law for secret smartphone spying." From the College Fix, Law professor who spread disinformation has book coming out … on disinformation. Well, at least she knows her subject. 

Hat Hair's John Sexton, Psychology professor's paper on ROGD was withdrawn under pressure. ROGD = Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, presumed to be a social contagion. Michael Bailey at the Freep, My Research on Gender Dysphoria Was Censored. But I Won’t Be. "Trans activists forced the retraction of my paper. Their efforts have redoubled my commitment to the truth." At NottheBee, Watch: Dad goes on viral rant after doctor asks NINE-YEAR-OLD son for gender identity during football physical. "Apparently, it's now standard procedure for pediatricians and medical doctors to ask little children if they feel like a boy or a girl." At Da Blaze, Planned Parenthood pushes week-long 'sex ed summer camp'; entices teens with $150 gift card, free lunch.  Ace has a long post on Last Week In Woke, most of which would be no surprise if you've been keeping up with the reading. Life News, Satanic Temple Loses Lawsuit to Overturn Texas Abortion Ban. From the Babylon Bee, Satan Miraculously Turns Water Into Bud Light,

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.10.23 Hollywood in Toto has 5 Shocking Reasons Media Savaged ‘Sound of Freedom,’ "Reporters pummel fact-based film about heroic special agent saving children,"  Twitchy: Liberals Continue To Lie About Moms For Liberty “Standing With Hitler”, Louder With Crowder: Bud Light sinks even further, is no longer a Top 10 beer in America, also, Dad goes ballistic after pediatrician asks 9-year-old son if he’s non-binary or gender fluid, Vox Popoli, They Do Love Their Pedos, The Geller Reports Ben & Jerry’s Loses Billions in Stock Value Amid Boycott Calls, Legal Insurrection, Tribal Chief Responds To Ben & Jerry’s Call For U.S. To Return ‘Stolen Land’, Outkick, Riley Gaines Partners With OutKick To Launch ‘Gaines For Girls’ Podcast, Continues To Fight For Females, This Ain’t Hell, Anti-LGBTQ fallout, The Federalist: If You Think All Teachers Are ‘Heroes,’ You’re Part Of The ProblemCorrupt Media Care More About ‘Qanon’ Than Human Trafficking, Largest School District In Ohio Spent More Than $24,000 On Trainings About How To Hide The Transing Of Kids, and Corporate Media Try To Out-Lie America’s Biggest Liar Over His Terrible Track Record.

At Warroom, EXC: DOJ Removed ‘International Sex Trafficking Of Minors’ From Areas Of Concern. Ace notes The Media Campaigns Hard To Defend Child Exploiters. From the Free Bacon, REVIEW: ‘Sound of Freedom.’ "See it if you can. I couldn’t, and yet I saw it anyway—so you should too."

Insty, JUST NBC THE SCHIZOPHRENIA! Shot: COVID-19 and obesity: Doctors studying link between excess weight and severe disease.  —NBC News, September 8th, 2020. ChaserAre you fit? You are a fascist!

Terrence Kible at LI, NAACP to Universities: Sign ‘Diversity No Matter What’ Pledge After ‘Extreme’ Affirmative Action Decisions "To correct ‘the nation’s original sin,’ signatories pledge to abandon ‘racially biased entrance examinations’ and ‘legacy admissions’ while partnering with institutions ‘that have deeply rooted race-conscious missions.’" Joan Jacobs, Universities talk 'diversity,' demand conformity. Chris Queen at PJM reports on a British Social Worker Deemed 'Unemployable' Due to Christian Beliefs

David Strom is alarmed Woke military is the US' "strategic advantage" over our adversaries.

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: We Saw It, It Was Coming awaiting your digital delight at The Other McCain.

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