Sunday, May 19, 2024

Forget It Jake, It's Baltimore

 The Balmer Sun, Baltimore overreported 590 Election Day votes, skewing results in City Council race

The Baltimore City Board of Elections mistakenly counted an extra 590 votes on Election Day, an error that led to misleading results in the contest for the Baltimore City Council’s 11th District among others.

The overreporting was discovered Thursday during a routine double check of results, the Maryland State Board of Elections announced late Friday. When local officials found the discrepancy, a joint investigation was launched by the city and state election boards. Two verification audits were performed, and the overreporting was confirmed, the state board said.

Human error was responsible for the discrepancy, the state board said. The board’s news release did not elaborate on how.

“The State Board and Baltimore City Board of Elections are confident that all votes canvassed up to this point have been aggregated and tabulated accurately,” the board said in its news release.

Baltimore Election Director Armstead Jones said Thursday that one memory stick used to download vote totals from Election Day ballot scanners was found Wednesday. It had not been uploaded on election night, he said. The omission would not explain an overreporting of results.

I'm not shocked the Baltimore had 590 overvotes; for all I know Edgar Allen Poe is still voting the Democrat ticket. I'm a little surprised they found it and actually admitted to it.

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