Saturday, May 11, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Stormy Weather Over in New York, Perjury Season Nears

In the Trump trial in Manhattan, we're now finished with porn star Stormy Daniels testimony, and getting ready for serial perjurer Michael Cohen's testilying. Matt Vespa at TownHall, The Latest Stormy Daniels Development Shows How This Trial Is a Total Circus. PJM's Vicky Taft, in best Falco voice, asks Just One More Thing, Stormy: Do You Know Anything About Trump's Business Records? Of course not, the point of having her on the stand was maximum luridness. TNP hears Stormy Daniels: ‘I’m Significantly More Crazy Now,’ Admits Being Sexual Aggressor With Trump, Told Story to ‘Make
Some Money.’
 Breitbart, Defense Paints Picture That Stormy Daniels Tried to Get Rich Off Trump. From Da Caller, Judge Again Denies Motion For Mistrial Over Stormy Daniels TestimonyDavis Shreds UK Reporter Over ‘Rights’ In Bragg Case, ‘Bimbo Porn Star’ Allegations. ET claims Key Takeaways From 4 Weeks of Trump on Trial

Kyle Becker@kylenabecker "BREAKING.  The Biden administration is now under investigation for ELECTION INTERFERENCE based on new evidence of illegal coordination between the Dept. of Justice and political prosecutors bringing charges against former President Donald Trump. . . ." Leading Report@LeadingReport "BREAKING: Missouri AG Andrew Bailey is demanding the DOJ turn over its communications between Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, New York AG Leticia James, and Fulton County DA Fani Willis. Bailey claims to have reason to believe Biden’s “corrupt DOJ is the HQ of the illicit prosecutions against President Trump.”" PJM's Matt Margolis, Biden Administration Is Now Under Investigation for 'Election Interference' 

At TNP, Here’s Why ‘Fact-Checkers’ Are FREAKING OUT About Biden’s Approval Numbers. "Biden’s approval rating at this stage in his presidency is significantly below that of Donald Trump. He is also rated below Richard Nixon, brought down by the Watergate scandal, and one-term Democratic president Jimmy Carter, whose administration has long been a byword for political failure. George H.W. Bush, the next-least popular president, had an approval rating of 41.8 percent in his 13th quarter. He was not reelected." NYPo, Biden tells a lie a minute during CNN interview. His connection to reality is getting ever more tenuous. At HE, New York's cost of living should turn the state red. Should, but won't. 

Liz Shield at Am Great, Hunter Biden’s Federal Gun Charges to Go to Trial After Appeal Dismissed

David Harsanyi at Da Fed says Joe Biden Is Selling Out Israel To The Antisemitic Mob. Dan Greenfiled at Front Page,  Biden Risks American Lives to Protect Hamas. Michael Makovsky and Blaise Misztal at NYPo think Biden’s Israel arms embargo will go down as one of the worst American betrayals. Insty,  calls “AMERICAN FECKLESSNESS:” THE BIDEN TRADEMARK. Da Wire, Netanyahu Responds To Biden’s Betrayal Of Israel: ‘If We Have To Stand Alone, We Will Stand Alone.’  At PJM VodkaPundit wonders Did Biden's Love for Hamas Just Lose Him the Jewish Vote? Some maybe, but not all. From the Free Bacon, Vulnerable Democratic Senators Mum on Biden's Israel Weapons Pause. "Five Democrats will help decide the Senate majority. None of them have weighed in on Biden weapons pause." From Breitbart, Hollywood Mogul, Democrat Donor Haim Saban Blasts Biden for Withholding Arms from Israel and Articles of Impeachment Drawn over Biden’s Withholding of Israeli Aid for Political Reasons. Insty, IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE SATIRE, BUT. . . The Babylon Bee@TheBabylonBee, "‘I’m Outraged At Accusations I’ve Taken The Side Of Hamas,’ Says Angry Biden Wearing New Keffiyeh"

From Ace, "Not the World People Are Living In:" James Carville Rejects Biden's Otherwordly Take on the Economy, "The economy is withering and shriveling as fast as Joe Biden's dying brain." Hat Hair cites Axelrod: Biden's Making a Big Mistake in Economy Messaging. Capt. Ed at Hat Hair, "Biden's economic messaging is built on the claim that he has reversed inflation and the erosion of buying power. He has done neither; he hasn't even effectively stopped either, although the rate of both has dropped. Axelrod won't go as far as the whole truth here, but he's correct that Biden's gaslighting won't work." Bob Bork at Am Great, on Biden’s Political Need for an Antitrust Orgy, "It is a desperate move, one unlikely to buy forgiveness from voters savaged by inflation. Until the election is over, however, businesses should expect to continue to be Biden’s antitrust piƱata." Scott McKay at Am Spec, Is It Even Possible to Keep Democrats’ Hands off Your Appliances? "This is about power." Mike Miller at RedState reports Republicans Plan to Use Little-Known Tool to Undo Biden Regulations – IF They Win November Elections. Sundance at CTH notices Imagine That – Biden Set to Increase Chinese EV Tariffs to 100%, With Additional Section 301 Tariffs on Chinese Steel and Aluminum Imports "Perhaps it’s just because the election is only a few months away, or perhaps it’s because President Trump’s trade and economic policies toward China were always the right approach for the USA. Whatever the reasoning, the Biden administration is now proposing to use tariffs against China just like President Trump."

At Fox, Trump urges Biden to follow through with debate promise: 'I'm ready to go anywhere'. "Both presidential candidates have expressed enthusiasm for the idea of a debate, but no progress has been made setting one up." WSJ finds Corporate America Is Sitting Out the Trump-Biden Rematch "Business leaders felt in 2020 that they couldn’t afford to stay silent on social and political issues. In 2024, many hope to take a quieter approach." TNP thinks Democrats Are TERRIFIED Their Convention Will Be a Pro-Hamas Sh*tshow. Seems likely. Beege Welborn, When the Evil Clowns Come to Town - Is Chicago Ready to Rumble? Nate Silver, The long, strange political shadow of 2020 "It was a peak moment for the left — and it happened on Trump’s watch."

HE, Senator Ron Johnson blasts Democrats for 'using Covid to exploit absentee balloting' Brianna Lyman at Da Fed is outraged that the Board Refuses To Have Fulton County Investigated For Double-Scanning 3,000 Ballots In 2020 Recount. PM, Georgia’s Fulton County reprimanded by election board after double counting ballots in 2020 presidential election, 2024 monitor appointed. "The board voted 2-1 to reprimand the county, as well as appoint an independent monitor to oversee the 2024 election." So, basically, they got away with it.

Dan Oliver at Am Great, Will the Real Dictator Please Stand Up?—If He’s Able. "President Biden routinely misrepresents Donald Trump as a dictator, but the evidence shows convincingly that it’s Biden who acts in dictatorial fashion." At I&I, a Letter From A Jan. 6 Political Prisoner. Sundance at CTH hosts Maria Bartiromo Questioning Rep. Russell Fry About Lack of Action from Government Weaponization Committee "In this video segment Ms Maria Bartiromo gets very angry with South Carolina Republican Representative Russell Fry who talks about the political attacks against President Trump. Congressman Fry outlines the problem, yet provides no solution." Politico whines FBI probes whether Iran envoy Malley committed crimes in handling of classified info "He has denied any wrongdoing, but Republicans want more information." At least they didn't seize or pounce. Patrick Webb@RealPatrickWebb, "BREAKING: The IRS will now target individuals who threaten the U.S. government’s 'ability to govern,' a vague new criterion for criminal investigations. This includes protesters of 'foreign relations' under the guise of 'national security,' according to its updated operating manual."

PJM's Rick Moran wonders Where in the World Is NPR Chair Katherine Maher? "In truth, Ms. Maher is a special case. She's not just a little biased. PJ Media's Stephen Green called her "a Censor-Happy Parody of Wokeness."" Defund NPR. Insty, NO ENEMIES TO THE LEFT: "Liberal media is still in denial about post-Oct. 7 antisemitism. Seven months of an unprecedented surge in antisemitism that has turned American college campuses and even K-12 schools into hostile environments for Jews has changed a lot of minds about the issue. The willingness of much of the political left to downplay or even justify the atrocities of Oct. 7—and then to flip the narrative about the war that Hamas started to one in which the victims of terrorism are somehow the real villains of the story—has shocked even many political liberals into rethinking their assumptions about where the real danger lies. But not The New York Times."

PM, Target pulls Pride Month collection from half of its stores following backlash: "The collection will be available on and in select stores, based on historical sales performance." Matt Walsh at Da Wire, The Public School System Is Covering Up A Massive Sex Abuse Scandal. Jane Coleman at LI, New EEOC Guidelines Force Employers to Allow Men in Women’s Bathrooms, Prohibit “Misgendering”. "Dissenting EEOC Commissioner: Women’s sex-based rights in the workplace are under attack—and from the EEOC, the very federal agency charged with protecting women from sexual harassment and sex-based discrimination at work."

Miss Israel Noa Cochva
PJM's Bob Spencer, Biden Regime's Department of Education Sues Columbia University, But Not For What You’d Expect. Cutie Pavlich at TownHall, Oh, So That's Why DOJ Isn't Going After Pro-Terrorism Agitators "From the New York Post: Top Justice Department official Kristen Clarke’s “history of association with known antisemites” may hamper her ability to properly investigate recent civil rights violations at Columbia University, House Republicans said Tuesday." Heather McDonald at CJ wonders about Hysterics for Hamas, "Why have young women been so prominent in the recent campus chaos?" New York Post@nypost, "Anti-Israel protesters beat man, steal Star of David headscarf near Met Gala: video" and Anti-Israel protester, 16, arrested for vandalizing Central Park WWI memorial. mrcTV, Black Supremacist at GWU Calls to Destroy Israel: 'Hamas is Me! Hamas is You! Hamas is Our Children!' Breitbart has a Report: Miss Israel Threatened, Harassed in NYC for Identifying Herself as IDF. From Ace, Tablet Exposes George Soros and the Tides Foundation and the Democrat Billionaires "Setting American on Fire", "Tablet is a Jewish publication, but they're writing that George Soros is funding destruction and chaos, so I guess they're all antisemites now," "Rage Rituals," the New Fad Among Mentally Ill Leftist White Women, "From Not the Be" and 
Glenn Reynolds: When They Push You, Push Back, "Interesting piece by Reynolds." Herr Professor Jacobson at LI, reports Cornell President Martha Pollack Resigning. "Pollack has been under pressure for her handling of antisemitism and anti-Israel protests on campus." Mark Tapson at Front Page, The Campus Intifadas Are Not ‘Anti-War Protests’ "What the protesters are really calling for." Hope from John Sexton at Hat Hair, Is the Tide Finally Turning Against Campus Leftism? Nick Arama at RedState, Letter From RI School of Design President to Occupying Protesters Is Something Else—So Is the Result. Leave, and clean up on the way out or be expelled. Rabbi Fischer at Am Spec, Colleges Must Stop Admitting Foreign Students for Two Years. "We have a country to protect, and tough times call for tough measures."

Linked at The Pirate's Cove in the weekly Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup and links. The Wombat has Early Morning Rule 5 Monday: Smokin’ Blonde and FMJRA 2.0: Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves ready and awaiting your attention at The Other McCain.

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