Saturday, August 8, 2020

A Russiagate Buffet

Lots of articles, but not much to connect them all (except Donald Trump, of course). Pick what you like:

Chuck Ross at Da Caller on Sally Yates testimony: Sally Yates Says Comey Went ‘Rogue’ By Setting Up Michael Flynn Interview. So, like Bill Barr says, she admits the FBI had no proper predicate for interviewing Flynn to set up their perjury trap.

Newsmax interviews Ric Grenell, on Biden's likely VP choice and other things, Ric Grenell to Newsmax TV: Susan Rice Was 'Lying and Spying'

He puts the Russian election interference charge into perspective. Remember, if you hate Ric Grenell, your're homophobic.

Speaking of false stories planted in the press, John Solomon claims that Democrats planted false stories in effort to derail Biden investigations, 
“In the last few weeks, Democrats have falsely accused me and Senator Johnson of receiving packets of information, including tapes, from a Ukrainian,” Grassley said. “That’s false reporting based on leaks from a letter written by Senator Schumer, Senator Warner, Speaker Pelosi, and Representative Schiff, which is itself based on cherry picked innuendo from classified documents.”

In his forceful remarks, Grassley accused Democrats of acting in bad faith.

"This nonsense of orchestrated leaks to plant stories falsely accusing me of dealing in disinformation based on actual disinformation that I wasn’t even privy to serves only the interest of our shared adversaries," he said. "This is the behavior of cowards. And it has to stop."

Elsewhere, he countered the Democrats’ claims.

“Let me be clear, my investigation with Senator Johnson is based on how the Obama administration formulated its Ukraine policy, which then Vice President Biden oversaw while his son was on the board of a corrupt Ukrainian natural gas company that was under investigation,” Grassley said.
Dan Chaitin at WaEx reports that Top Mueller prosecutor urges DOJ officials to resist Barr investigations. Good old Andy Weissman. Put him in jail; I don't really care how.
Chuck Ross again, Steele Source Had Meeting In Russia At Crucial Point In Dossier Saga. Always remember that the DNC and Hillary campaign purchased Russian disinformation for the election. Mark Hemingway at NYPo, Bogus Russia scandal sourced to man with history of public drunkenness, working for a woman with a history of public drunkenness.

Via the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.06.20 (Evening Edition), the First Street Journal thinks It’d be a shame if someone hacked the DNC’s server again, and published all of those confidential e-mails about Joe Biden’s dementia. Wouldn't it?

Jerry Dunleavy at WaEx reports John Durham set to interview John Brennan
Brennan has acknowledged that he is in the "crosshairs" of the criminal inquiry into the Russia investigation led by Durham. He recently claimed, and the White House acknowledged, that he asked the CIA for his official records, including his personal notes and any classified CIA documents that he had signed to help him write his upcoming memoir, but the agency denied his request.

Last year, the New York Times reported that Durham asked for Brennan’s electronic communications, phone records, and other documents from the CIA, something NBC News confirmed on Wednesday.

Durham is looking into whether Brennan took politicized actions to pressure the rest of the intelligence community to match his conclusions about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s motivations, according to sources cited by the Wall Street Journal. These sources said Durham has been interviewing CIA officials this year, focusing on the National Intelligence Council, a center within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which oversaw the collaboration between the CIA, FBI, and National Security Agency in putting together the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment on Russian meddling. Barr confirmed Durham is scrutinizing the assessment.

“There was definitely Russian, uh, interference,” Barr said in June. “I think Durham is looking at the intelligence community’s ICA — the report that they did in December [2016]. And he’s sort of examining all the information that was based on, the basis for their conclusions. So to that extent, I still have an open mind, depending on what he finds.”
Via the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.07.20, Don Surber: Durham’s Investigation Drags On. Surber thinks it's being slow-walked.

This is probably worth watching, if not in real time. Fox News,  AG William Barr to sit down with Fox News host Mark Levin on ‘Life, Liberty & Levin’

Linked at Pirate's cove in the weekly Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinups and links.

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