Saturday, January 6, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Supes to Take On Trump Ballot Ban

Bear with me, I got a new computer, and the shift did not go as well as I hoped, but about how I feared.

Anyway,  From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 01.05.24 Herr Professor Jacobson at LI reports the Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Trump Challenge to Ballot Ban On Fast Track. At the Volokh Conspiracy Ilya Somin reports the  Supreme Court Will Consider Trump Section 3 Disqualification Case. "The justices will hear the case on an expedited schedule, and could potentially consider all the issues it raises." Althouse reads the NYT so you don't have to, "The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to decide whether former President Donald J. Trump is ineligible for Colorado’s Republican primary ballot..." "... because he had engaged in insurrection in his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. The case, which could alter the course of this year’s presidential election, will be argued on Feb. 8. The court will probably decide it quickly, as the primary season will soon be underway...." "I look forward to a quick resolution, and I hope it is unanimous and in Trump's favor. Let's get back to deciding the election on the merits, not disqualifying candidates." At ET, Supreme Court Takes Up Colorado Trump Ballot Disqualification Case. John Sexton at Hat Hair, Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Arguments Over Trump's Appearance on Colorado Ballots. Sundance at CTH, Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Colorado “Insurrection” Ballot Eligibility Case. At TNP, A Biden Appointee, Recently SCRUBBED From a Govt Website, is Behind Efforts to Boot Trump off The Ballot. "Bookbinder, also a former Obama-era appointee, was working through his CREW organization to remove former President Donald Trump from Colorado’s 2024 primary ballot while also serving as an appointee in the Biden government." Politico reports Liz Cheney backs push to bar Trump from ballot under 14th Amendment, "Cheney continues to flirt with the possibility of her own third-party presidential bid." 

At Insty, WHEN PROSECUTORS RABBLE ROUSE ABOUT THE THREAT OF RABBLE-ROUSING: Jack Poso@JackPosobiec "BREAKING: Jack Smith warns if Trump is re-elected he could use the State of the Union address to incite his supporters to kill opposing politicians." Sundance, It’s the Same People – Politico Confirms Robert Mueller Agents/Lawyers Are Jack Smith Agents/Lawyers.  At PM,  Letitia James seeks $370 MILLION from Donald Trump in New York civil case "Closing arguments in the case are scheduled for January 11."

H/T sundance
KT at Hat Hair Hunter Biden... Documentary Film Star? Hollywood in Toto, Will Hunter Biden Doc Offer More Damage Control Than Truth? "Biden's so-called 'Sugar Brother' plots film depicting another side of First Son"

WaEx lists Four times Biden's breakdown in support came from inside his White House. Hat Hair's KT, Morale is Low so Biden Administration is Throwing a Party For Itself. Will Hunter be bringing the party favors? 

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 01.05.24, EBL Lord Cornholio Biden to speak on January 6 at Valley Forge about “insurrectionists”, Twitchy: Biden’s Economic Delusions Of Grandeur Persist While Americans Continue To Suffer,American Greatness, House GOP Sets Date for Mayorkas Impeachment Hearing, and House Oversight and Judiciary Committees Move to Hold Hunter Biden in Contempt of Congress.

Fox, North Carolina goes all in with DNC in having Biden alone on primary ballot, flouting Democrat challengers. "Marianne Williamson rips North Carolina decision as 'crisis of democracy,' Dean Phillips adds 'Democratic Party decided an election wasn't desirable'" From Da Signal, How Biden’s Executive Order Is Turning Out the Federal Bureaucrat Vote. PJM's Kevin Downey thinks Democrat Desperation Smells Like Victory.

Two from sundance on the Republican race, Obama Campaign Strategist David Plouffe Recommends New Hampshire Democrats “Tactically” Vote for Nikki Haley and A Strong Advocate – SD Governor Kristi Noem Discusses DeSantis and Haley and Why She Supports Donald Trump. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 01.05.24, American Conservative, Tuberville Says Nikki Haley is a ‘Neocon’ and The Geller Report, TRUMP WON: Summary of Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election in the Swing States,

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 01.05.24, Legal Insurrection sends Appeals Court Upholds Jan. 6 Defendant Conviction for ‘Disorderly Conduct’ Despite His ‘Passive, Quiet and Nonviolent Conduct’,

Winkfield Twyman at News Week points out Claudine Gay Made a Career of Attacking Black Scholars. Don't Defend Her for Being Black. Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️@realchrisrufo "These people are insane. Now they're trying to insinuate that I'm some kind of Russian spy. The desire for revenge is driving them mad." And they have a limited playbook. At Twitchy, Harvard's Snooty Snobs SLAMMED for Denigrating Chris Rufo's Degree. Hahvahd "extension" isn't good enough for them. Kali Holloway@kalihollowayftw "Christoper Rufo claims his master's is from Harvard U. It's actually from Harvard *Extension.* Harvard U. doesn't even accept credits from Extension. I'm sure this isn't related to his barely contained rage toward Harvard U. grad and prez Claudine Gay." ThorChiggins PHD@ThorChiggins. "I read that whole thing and nowhere did it explain how Ex-President Gay didn’t break ethical standards and codes of conduct that everyone else at Harvard is bound by. Did I miss a paragraph?" Insty, HAMMER HITS NAIL ON HEAD: The Real Scandal of Claudine Gay Affair. "
Bates College Professor Tyler Austin Harper hit the nail on the head in his essay on the Claudine Gay affair in The Atlantic. Harper states what should have been obvious to the meanest intelligence: the biggest and most revealing part of the scandal is the lengths to which Gay’s defenders chose to go in order to defend a person manifestly guilty of the charges of which she had been accused. And her defenders did so not because of any particular allegiance to Gay, but because her accusors were conservatives whom the defenders despised." Mike Heller at Social Science Files longs for  Academic integrity: a turning point in its defence? "The Spectator interviews The National Association of Scholars" Worth the time. 

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 01.05.24, Legal Insurrection: Opposition to DEI Policies is Growing Rapidly,  The Idea That College Professors are Fleeing Red States is Mostly Media Hype

At PJM Paula Bolyard thinks Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine Has Lost His Mind on Transing Children, but Tyler O'Neal at Da Signal reports Ohio Gov. DeWine Signs ‘Emergency’ Executive Order Banning Transgender Surgeries for Minors After Vetoing Similar Bill "Ohio’s Republican governor, Mike DeWine, signed an “emergency” executive order Friday banning transgender surgeries for minors, one week after he vetoed a bill that would have had a similar effect. The bill would also have banned cross-sex hormones and so-called puberty blockers for children, measures DeWine’s executive order apparently omits. The bill would also have addressed fairness in women’s sports, an issue DeWine’s order also does not address."

Rusty Weiss at Bounding into Sports says Elon Musk Shows No Mercy To Mark Cuban In Debate Over DEI: When Y’all Gonna Put ‘A Short White/Asian Woman On The Mavs’? It's easy to play with someone else's money. At BIC, California Stores Now Legally Required To Keep Toy Aisles “Gender Neutral”, well, California, duh! Hat Hair's Dave Strom sees Yet Another Trans Shooter. "Once is an event. Twice may be a coincidence. Three times is a pattern. Four? Five? Six? At what point does it become a trend?"

The two most important things to know about “Tunnel Girl” a/k/a “Kala Engineer” are (a) she’s not an engineer and (b) she’s not a girl, either. For some reason — perhaps TikTok has a policy against “transphobia” — nobody has pointed out the (b) part of that, even though “Kala” used the #transition hashtag on this video. But now “she” is headline news:
Influencer excavating massive tunnel 22 feet beneath her Virginia home ordered to stop
A TikToker known as “Tunnel Girl” for her unpermitted tunnel digging project at her suburban Washington, DC home has been slapped with an order to abandon the elaborate project due to “potential violations.” . . . 

Followed by his mea culpa in  ‘Tunnel Girl’ Update: Why KiwiFarms Is Better Than Mainstream Journalism.

Linked at the Pirate's Cove in the weekly Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup and links. The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: I GOT NO FRIENDS ‘CAUSE THEY READ THE PAPERS up on time and under budget at The Other McCain.

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