Friday, August 11, 2023

Maryland, My Maryland

Rachel Morin
Kevin Downey Jr. at PJM warns us to Pay Attention to the Case of the Murdered Mother in Maryland

Rachel Morin, the 37-year-old mother recently killed in Maryland, wasn’t just pretty; she was a stun gun, especially considering she was a mother of five children. Many of her pictures in the headlines show her rocking skimpy clothes. She had dyed-blonde hair and what appears to be some “work done” to her lips and decolletage.

Morin made the headlines recently when she was reported missing after going for a hike on the Ma & Pa Heritage Trail in Bel Air, Md.

A lot of people, especially women, disappear every day. The media doesn’t report on all of them, but pretty blondes who vanish are hard to ignore.

The media released something very interesting today in regard to the demise of Rachel Morin. Morin was found dead and naked. Her body was hidden in a tunnel of some sort and was found by a dude who “had a feeling” she might be in a tunnel. Huh. Most importantly, half of her face was brutally bashed in.

“It looked like [the killer] was trying to erase her identity… the right side of her face was gone,” according to the man who found her. I disagree.

I believe whoever disfigured this poor woman’s face has an issue with her pulchritude or with pretty women in general. Morin was clearly dedicated to her appearance. Whoever did this to her wanted to deprive her of that beauty in death.

FACT-O-RAMA! Morin’s boyfriend has a history with law enforcement, including violating restraining orders, though he has maintained his innocence.

Perhaps her beauty made her a narcissist, and the killer hated her for it. She may have been killed by a woman (unlikely but possible) who found her beauty intimidating.

It’s possible she was killed by an unattractive incel. They are known to hate gorgeous women who won’t give them the time of day, like this miscreant who wanted to kill 3,000 women, including sorority girls, “out of hatred, jealousy, and revenge.”

Yuck. Duly noted. 

The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Potato On The Beach ready for prime time at the Other McCain.

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