Monday, October 16, 2023

Flotsam and Jetsam - A Conservative Conquers Louisiana

A lot of conservative pundits think a Republican winning the governorship in Louisiana is a big deal. Stacy McCain, for example writes Republicans Score ‘Major Victory’ as Trump-Backed Landry Wins in Louisiana. Hat Hair's Jazz Shaw, Jeff Landry quietly flips Louisiana back to red. PJM's Athena Thorne thinks Dems Blindsided as GOP Flips Louisiana Governorship. Even cynical sundance at CTH gushes Louisiana Republican Jeff Landry Wins Governor Race, Returns State to Republican Control. It's good, but Louisiana should be a Republican state.

I guess we have to get back to the battle for Speaker of the House. At WaEx, Jordan's plan to win the gavel runs through pressure on the floor and in backrooms. Atop Da Hill, McCarthy predicts Jordan can ‘get there’ on Speakership. At Hat Hair, a Kind of a Jordan-for-speaker campaign video, from Anna Paulina Luna. Mary Chastain at LI reports Rep. Austin Scott Withdraws From Speaker Race, Endorses Jordan, "Centrist Democrats said they would support a plan to temporarily expand House Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry’s powers." At Breitbart, a report of Jeffries saying ‘Informal Conversations’ Taking Place for Bipartisan Solution to Speakership. At TownHall Derek Hunter is disgusted with The Party Of Idiots "From there, a tiny group of House members decided that all the attention being focused on the failures of Democrats was bad and wandered into a field of rakes, stepping on them with glee as each handle smacked them in the face. “We need to rock the boat” is something people on the Titanic never said, but these Republicans chose to steer the ship into the iceberg for…reasons."

Althouse cites Joe Rogan, "It seems to me like the more time goes on, the more Trump is a shoo-in." Hat Hair's KT, DeSantis is a 'no' on the U.S. accepting Gaza refugees - 'They're all anti-Semitic'. Which odd, because they're Semites. We need a better word for Arab Jew-haters, or maybe just Jew-haters in general. At Twitchy, Megyn Kelly and Vivek Ramaswamy brawl over possible adverse blacklisting for Harvard students, and the sides were different than I expected. Kelly was pro and Vivek was con. 

Hat Hair's KT catches out an election denier, De Niro's sad trombone blows again: Trump didn't win in 2016, you know. SHE did.

At Fox, Menendez, now accused of acting as foreign agent, has a history of blocking FARA reform bills. "Menendez has blocked two FARA reform bills in the last two years." One can see why.

And speaking of people who need a FARA indictments, Hat Hair's Jazz Shaw cites an AP poll: Huh. People somehow seem to have gotten the idea that the Bidens may be corrupt. Da Caller reports Hunter Biden’s Attorney Negotiated Schedule With DOJ That Would Have Trial Start After January 2024, Filing Says, after the election, but the DOJ seems in quite a rush to try Trump during the election season.

At Townhall Sarah Arnold reports a Federal Judge Advances Lawsuit Claiming Biden Admin Knew US Funds Were Aiding Terrorists. Breitbart hears Biden say it's a‘Big Mistake’ for Israel to Occupy Gaza at This Point. Probably the strongest endorsement yet. Nick Arama at RedState points out how Biden Shows Full-on Cluelessness During '60 Minutes' Interview About Israel. From Da Caller, ‘Meet The Press’ Host Asks Biden Adviser Point-Blank Why He Was ‘So Off The Mark’ About Middle East. Hat Hair has TwitterHoly crap - has Tapper been red pilled, too?

PJM's Matt Margolis says Yikes! Biden Glitches so Badly During a Speech That His Wife Has to Rescue Him. That's not how I see it. To be fair, he was going to swear and stopped himself. 'Bonchie' at RedState, Joe Biden's Latest Speech Is a Buffet of Senility, Jill Biden Has to Come on Stage to Rescue Him. Breitbart, Democrats Worry About ‘Old, Slowing Down,’ and ‘Feeble’ Joe Biden. At Twitchy, '60 Minutes' asked Biden why he's running again (THIS was the answer? YIKES!) Whirled peas. John Green at Am Think thinks I Am All for Calling Joe’s Policies ‘Bidenomics’. Da Caller calls out Runaway Inflation ‘Unlikely’ To Be Reeled In Under Biden Administration, Experts Say. Hat Hair cites LOTT, "I pay my taxes to come to this park and you all have no right to make a blank decision to take it": Chicago residents red pilled? At PJM Milt Harris wonders (rhetorically) Why Is Biden Honoring George Floyd’s Birthday?

When great minds think alike, Jonathon Turley uses the same cliche I used yesterday, “Denial Ain’t Just a River in Egypt”: Panetta Repeats Debunked Russian Disinformation Claims on Laptop. At NYPo the divine Ms. Devine says It’s ‘1984’ all over again in Biden’s ‘Police State’. "The “Police State” being created by this president, or those pulling his strings, is the title of a chilling new documentary by conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, which opens next week in New York and theaters across the country."

Da Caller is upset that the Supreme Court Issues Another Temporary Pause On Injunction Against Biden Admin Censorship Efforts. "Alito’s administrative stay blocks the injunction originally issued by District of Louisiana Judge Terry A. Doughty until Oct. 20, giving the justices more time to consider the Biden administration’s request for a longer stay on the injunction and to take up the case. Alito has issued short stays against the injunction twice, with the last one expiring Sept. 27." Evita Alfonso-Duffy  finds an Expert who Says Congressional Republicans’ Plan To Curb CISA’s Criminal Censorship Practices Is Ineffective And ‘Sloppy.’ To be fair, they're generally ineffective and sloppy, but at least they're not mostly evil.

From Campus Reform, Pro-Hamas Stanford lecturer who allegedly rounded up Jews in class radicalized Colin Kaepernick. "San Francisco Magazine wrote that Kaepernick was Hasan Loggin's 'star pupil.'" At the Slantic, Conor Friedsdorf whines about Students for Pogroms in Israel "By excusing murder and kidnapping, activist groups have already changed campus politics in America." Hat Hair's KT decries Hollywood's slow response duly noted: SAG-AFTRA (finally) disavow Hamas. Insty, CHICKENS FOR KFC, Gay and Trans people for Hamas. Also, SO HERE’S A STORY BRIMMING WITH SYMPATHY FOR THE HARVARD STUDENTS WHO ENDORSED HAMAS. But it’s worth reading for what it reveals. Hugo Schwyzer at Da Fed notes Harvard Students Should Know Freedom Of Speech Is Not Freedom From Consequences. Some are learning the hard way. At the NY Daily News Teen who attacked Columbia student over Israeli war hit with hate crime charges. "Maxwell Friedman, who uses she/her pronouns, was charged with assault in the second and third degrees as a hate crime, as well as harassment and weapons possession for the Wednesday evening attack outside a Columbia University residential hall on W. 116th St. near the Butler Library. Friedman’s victim, 24, was putting up fliers regarding the number of causalities in Israel and a photograph of a family kidnapped by Hamas in a spot for campus new bulletins when Friedman, 19, began tearing the fliers down."

Hat Hair's Beege Welborn catches this in the San Fran Chronic, WAAH tantrum update: Now conservatives are ruining "progressive," too!  "Holy smokes – it’s hard to get much more pathetic than this. I hate to break it to them, but “Progressives” have ruined “progressive” and we just happened to have noticed. In fact, their progressive whining might be paywalled so the rest of you conservatives out there can’t gloat."

At Breitbart, Wis. Rep. Dave Considine Says Girls Who Lose to Trans Athletes Just Need to ‘Work Harder’. "Considine blasted parents who might be upset that their biological daughters might lose a scholarship to boys identifying as girls. “Boy, that doesn’t sound like community, that sounds like selfishness,” he said during the debate." Rich Cromwell at Da Fed feigns astonishment that CNN Discovers A Hormone It Doesn’t Want Teachers Giving Kids, melatonin. Well, teachers shouldn't be sneaking any kind of medicine to kids without parents consent, but melatonin is pretty benign.

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