Thursday, November 30, 2023

Flotsam and Jetsam - Jack Smith Is Makin' a List, He's Checking it Twice

He's already found out whose naughty or nice. If you've liked, disliked, followed, unfollowed, or in any way had anything to do with President Trump's TwitterX account, you're in the Special Counsel's list as a person of interest. Not Orwellian at all, is it? Shawn Fleetwood at Da Fed, Special Counsel Jack Smith Sought Info On Anyone Who ‘Favorited Or Retweeted’ Trump Tweets

According to the heavily redacted document issued to then-Twitter in January, the court ordered the social media giant to forfeit a bevy of information regarding Trump’s account, including “advertising information, including advertising IDs, ad activity, and ad topic preferences,” as well as IP addresses “used to create, login, and use the account” and privacy and account settings.

The warrant also demanded information such as Trump’s search history, direct messages, and “content of all tweets created, drafted, favorited/liked, or retweeted” by his account from October 2020 to January 2021.

Though the warrant was first covered in August, it was again released as part of a court order after numerous media organizations filed to obtain the document to shed light on the Smith-led special counsel’s “investigation into Trump’s actions leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the US Capitol,” according to the New York Post. Smith previously indicted Trump in August on several bogus charges related to the former president’s challenging of the 2020 election results in the lead-up to Jan. 6, 2021.

But it wasn’t just Trump’s Twitter account that Smith and his cronies were targeting. The special counsel’s warrant also sought data on Twitter users who interacted with the former president’s account. Among the information Smith sought was a list of every user Trump “followed, unfollowed, muted, unmuted, blocked, or unblocked” during the aforementioned timeframe. Smith similarly demanded that Twitter, which has since rebranded as X, fork over a list of users who took any of the same actions with Trump’s account.

Smith and his team went even further, seeking to acquire data on Twitter users who engaged with Trump’s tweets in the months leading up to Jan. 6, 2021. This included “all lists of Twitter users who have favorited or retweeted tweets posted by [Trump], as well as all tweets that include the username associated with [Trump’s account] (i.e. ‘mentions’ or ‘replies’).”

According to the Post, Smith’s warrant was issued to then-Twitter “along with a nondisclosure order, instructing the company not to notify Trump about the search.” Twitter initially bucked Smith’s demand, arguing that to forfeit such information to the government constituted a violation of the First Amendment. The social media giant ultimately complied with the warrant but was fined $350,000 for failing to meet the special counsel’s demands by deadline.

Of course, Judge Shitcan agreed.  Dave Strom at Hat Hair, calls it More Police State BS. "Chances are good that you are on some watchlist, it appears, because you like Donald Trump." At Twitchy, Shocker! DOJ's Search Warrant for Trump's Twitter Account Wasn't ONLY About Trump. So, while I never liked, followed, etc, etc, Trump's Twitter account, I did occasionally embed one of his tweets in a blog post. I'm quite confident that Google and Facebook were sent a similar subpoenas regarding Trump.  At ABC, Attorney warned Trump 'it's going to be a crime' if he didn't comply with subpoena for classified docs. Capt Ed, no Trump fan, comments Interesting if true, for three reasons. "First, it corroborates Corcoran’s reported testimony. Second, it establishes a criminal intent, if the allegations themselves are proven. And most of all, Little *still represents Trump*. She’s one of his attorneys in the Georgia RICO case. I wonder how long that will last."

'Bonchie' at Red State records how Joe Biden Suffers Severe Confusion Over Donald Trump, and That Was Just the Beginning. Called Trump a congressman. Capt. Ed sees the White House Retreat on Biden Tweet Endorsing Cease-Fire. I can't believe he does his own Tweets. Spencer Brown at TownHall finds the White House in Disarray As TikTok Turns Against Biden. Dave Strom notes how Democrat Support for Israel Is Beginning to Crumble. Hat Hair's Jazz Shaw warns Republicans Stop Fighting Over Arab-American 'Defector' Votes. "There may or may not be some “defections” among these Arab-American voters next year, but before anyone gets too excited about it, they should consider where such defectors might go. The people out there marching in the streets and calling for Palestine to be “free” are not a collection of conservatives in waiting. These are the people of AOC and Ilhan Omar. They are so far to the left that even Bernie Sanders probably looks at them and wonders if they might be a little too socialist." Ace rolls over and notices the Deputy Director of Analysis at the CIA, One of Two Officials Responsible for the Presidential Daily Briefing, Publicly Posts Her Support of the Officially-Designated Terrorist Group Hamas. "Of course, of course." Hat Hair has the good headline when it cites JTN,  CIA to Employees: Maybe Just Stick with Kitten Memes on Social Media, mm-kay?

Phil Pilkington at Unherd sees Joe Biden is tanking the US Treasury. At MarketWatch, Treasury’s $39 billion auction of 7-year notes was poorly received, trader says. What happens when they stop buying altogether? Twitchy wonders What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Biden Tells Merchants To Lower Prices, Will Use Defense Production Act. "It's almost as if shutting down the economy for a long time has far-reaching, long-lasting consequences, no? It also shows Biden, and his administration, have no idea how businesses are run, or why prices are the way they are." American Made@Brain_Pwr, "The guy who caused inflation now asks businesses to sell merchandise at a loss to help him politically. That's some great leadership from our vegetable-in-chief."

But thank goodness, the climate crisis is over, as Kevin Killough at  JTN reports After criticism for Biden skipping global climate summit, White House to send Kamala Harris, "Biden reportedly decided to opt out of the conference to focus on the conflict in the Middle East and his reelection campaign." She'll fix it, just like the border. Tom Knighton at Bearing Arms, Biden Wants to 'Finish the Job' on Guns, but that pesky 2nd Amendment keeps getting in the way. At PJM VIP Matt Margolis explores How and When Could Democrats Dump Biden Before the Election?

Hat Hair's KT examines the important issues, like Jill Biden vs Melania Trump: Who Decorated the White House Better? Meanwhile, at Reason, Do You Still Have the Right to a Jury Trial? "The Supreme Court will consider whether federal agencies’ administrative judges violate the Seventh Amendment."

Althouse highlights Trump's op-ed in Newsweek: "I Will Make America Great Again for Young People." Link. Excerpt:

Under Joe Biden, we are a nation in decline and rapidly losing the American Dream. But Biden's destruction of the American economy is just the beginning of his war on young people. The Radical Left has also unleashed shocking waves of violent crime and bloodshed...
[T]he Democrats' radical promotion of Critical Race Theory, transgenderism, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, and political content in our schools has divided our communities and frayed the bonds of national unity....
I will also restore law and order in our nation's cities, empower our men and women in law enforcement, and stop the Radical Marxist prosecutors surrendering our cities to violent criminals.... American voters have it within their power to quickly return our country to peace, prosperity, and strength—and no one will benefit from bringing that change to our nation's capital more than young people.....

At the WSJ (archive) How Elon Became an ‘Antisemite’. "‘Tristram Shandy’ is the press’s handbook for whipping words to obey a narrative." Josh Kraushaar@JoshKraushaar, "One of the key lines from Schumer's landmark speech on antisemitism today: He emphasized the current wave of antisemitism isn't coming primarily from the far right, but from “people that most liberal Jewish Americans felt previously were their ideological fellow travelers."" From Behind the Black, Blacklisting is no longer enough, now the goal is justifying mass murder.

From the College Fix, After Iowa Board of Regents abolish higher ed DEI initiatives, high-paid deans on chopping block. Learn to plumb. As the James Martin Center notes in The Real World Confronts the Ivory Tower, "Campus ideology can go only so far before the public pushes back." 

At NYPo, Deadspin reporter blasted by mom of young Kansas City Chiefs fan he falsely shamed for wearing ‘blackface’: ‘He is Native American’. Capt. Ed says "Get ready for the smell of defamation lawsuits, Deadspin! And good luck on convincing a court to apply the Sullivan standard to a six-year-old football fan." I love the smell of defamation suits in the morning. 

Mary Margaret Olohan is outraged Google Maps Removed DC Pregnancy Center. They claim it was an accident

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