Monday, September 9, 2024

The Monday Morning Stimulus

The owner of a chain of Seattle-area bikini barista coffee stands pleaded guilty last week to tax fraud and faces up to three years in prison.

In a plea agreement, 47-year-old Assad Baragzai of Auburn, Washington, admitted that between 2016 and 2020, he failed to report as much as $6 million worth of income on his tax returns, according to investigators.

Baragzai, who owns a string of coffee stands in Washington State under the name Ladybug Espresso, is the second defendant to enter a guilty plea in the investigation. His brother-in-law, Rajesh Mathew of Auburn, also pleaded guilty to tax fraud.

Prosecutors say Matthew also “underreported a substantial amount of income over a period of several years.” Matthew’s sentencing is scheduled for Oct. 9, while Baragzai’s sentencing is scheduled for Nov. 18.

The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Enthusiasm! ready and waiting at The Other McCain.

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