Friday, August 2, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - "How Dare We Speak Merry Christmas!"

Running late today. Elizabeth Stauffer at LI questions Harrismania: Is it Real? "An analysis of the early polling." She does generate more enthusiasm among Democrats  But, via the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.01.24, Mike LaChance reports Polling Analyst Nate Silver Not Buying Kamala Hype, Says Trump Remains Favorite to Win in 2024. “His election forecast model gives Trump a 61.3% chance of prevailing in the Electoral College, while Vice President Kamala Harris is at 38.1%.”,  American Thinker: Media Gaslighting Trump-Harris Polls, Dana Loesch, Looks Like Harris Has Picked A VP, The Federalist, What Does Kamala Harris Know About Biden Suddenly Dropping Out Of 2024? and New York Times Celebrates Democrats Adding ‘Weird’ To Neverending ‘Racist’ And ‘Sexist’ Smears.  Althouse has an update, "As of this afternoon’s model run, Harris’s odds had improved to 44.6 percent, as compared to 54.9 percent for Trump and a 0.5 percent chance of an Electoral College deadlock." "It’s not exactly 50/50, but close enough that a poker player would call it a 'flip': Democrats have ace-king suited, and Republicans have pocket jacks.... Writes Nate Silver, in "The presidential election is a toss-up/Kamala Harris is giving Democrats the race that Joe Biden couldn’t." At the Victory Girls, “Calibrating Her Policy Pitch” To Defeat Trump – Kamala Harris "You know what is next. Go ahead. Come on, you can say it. Pounce!" Jim Geraghty at NRO, So Is Kamala Harris Going with Shapiro or What? "The fact that Harris’s veep tour starts in Philadelphia on Tuesday tells us one of two things. Scenario one: Harris is going to pick Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro. Scenario two: Harris is going to pick someone else, and Shapiro will have to attend that rally and clap and smile like an Oscar nominee everyone has been raving about, only to have the Academy select someone else from an indie film that nobody saw." Capt. Ed at Hat Hair adds Scenario 3: Shapiro doesn't want it. 

 From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.01.24 American Thinker: Media Gaslighting Trump-Harris Polls, Dana Loesch, Looks Like Harris Has Picked A VP, The Federalist, What Does Kamala Harris Know About Biden Suddenly Dropping Out Of 2024? and New York Times Celebrates Democrats Adding ‘Weird’ To Neverending ‘Racist’ And ‘Sexist’ Smears.

Brent Scher@BrentScher "The unwillingness to take questions from perhaps the friendliest press in the history of the country is shocking", quote RNC Research@RNCResearch, "kamala ignores questions after reading a very brief statement directly from her binder. She hasn't taken a single question — no interviews nor press conferences — since she forced Biden off the ballot." From Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.01.24,  Shark Tank: Mast Criticizes Media For Gaslighting Americans BY Claiming VP Harris Was Never Border Czar. Althouse notices The Washington Post shines its sharp investigative journalism at Kamala Harris. "There's so little time left, but kudos to The Washington Post for hitting the ground running. On the front page right now: "Kamala Harris’s cooking wisdom: 7 tips from her kitchen videos." Featuring Indian food! Reagan Reese at Da Caller, ‘Failed The Community’: Indian-Americans Sound Off On Kamala Harris’ ‘Submerged’ Indian Heritage, Focus On Black ID. The redoubtable  Julie Kelly@julie_kelly2  documents "This is Loren Merchan’s business partner at Authentic Campaigns. He is heading up White Dudes for Kamala Harris. Here he claims Trump is “scared” of his operation and warns he won’t “quit” going after Trump. He and his partner, Judge Merchan’s daughter, banked $13 million so far this year as Trump’s trial proceeded in Merchan’s courtroom. Unbelievable." At TownHall Kurt Schlichter proposes White Dudes for Having Some Personal Dignity and Self-Respect. Althouse, "Democratic Party elites and billionaire donors are attempting to manipulate Black voters by anointing Kamala Harris..." "... and an unknown vice president as the new Democratic ticket without a primary vote by the public.... While the potential outcome of a Harris presidency may be historic, the process to achieve it must align with true democratic values. We have no idea where Kamala Harris stands on the issues." That is a statement from Black Lives Matter." Benny Johnson@bennyjohnson "BOOM. Senator Tom Cotton flips script on CNN: “Why did Kamala Harris serve as Vice President for a man she called racist and a segregationist?” This is how its done. 🔥The Babylon Bee@TheBabylonBee "Hillary Clinton Meets With Kamala To Help Her Improve Her Black Accent." Herr Professor Jacobson at LI, “How Dare We Speak Merry Christmas. How Dare We?” – Enraged Kamala 2017, "Unearthed video going viral. “In just seven seconds, you get the complete Harris, and it’s not pretty. “" "Via Bonchie on X: It’s just so perfect. What she’s saying is absurd, sure, but the mannerisms and facial expressions that come from her feigning righteous indignation? That’s something special." Mary Chastain at LI, J.D. Vance: Border Patrol Agents ‘Enraged that the Harris Administration Won’t Let Them Do Their Job’ "National Border Patrol Council President Paul Perez: “President Trump showed the American people that he can secure the border. All border czar Harris has shown is that they can create chaos on this border.”" From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.01.24, Eric Lendrum at Am Great reports Kamala Harris’ National Security Adviser Investigated for Ties to Iran.  At PJM Vicky Taft, Kamala's Ride on the Bright Yellow Economic Short Bus "She's hoping that what can be her presidency will be unburdened by what has been her abjectly awful record on the issues " and VodkaPundit, Guess Who Is Going to Steal the Election (or Tank the Economy!) This Time.

Not the Bee@Not_the_Bee "This man went to a Kamala event wearing a Trump shirt, and a Trump event wearing a Kamala shirt. The difference in how he was treated was stunning."

John Lott at RCP, Buttigieg’s Bold Crime Claim Doesn’t Hold Up. At gCaptain, Valor Ignored: Pete Buttigieg’s Shameful Neglect of US Sailors Under FireJohn É… Konrad V@johnkonrad |US Mariners: the Houthis are attacking us! Train engineers: the hours are brutal and tracks are in bad condition Tuckers: I can’t even park my truck to rest Car drivers: the traffic is insane Pilots: is my boeing plane even safe? Pete: Secretary Pete Buttigieg@SecretaryPete "Our proposed rule would end family seating junk fees. If you’re flying with your child, you should be able to sit next to them and with no extra fees attached. It’s common sense."

The Babylon Bee@TheBabylonBee "Americans Thankful That Socialists Rigging Elections Only Happens In Venezuela" From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.01.24, Twitchy, The Left Keeps Telling Us This Isn't Happening: Illegals in GA Apartment Are REGISTERED TO VOTE and The Federalist, Why Is Michigan’s Secretary Of State Working With Election Meddler David Becker? and, Sources Say Missouri AG ‘Stopped Working On’ Investigation Into ‘Zuckbucks’. AP, Kansas stops enforcing a law against impersonating election officials
|"I mean, Pelosi, her people knew about this. They knew about possible plans to breach the Capitol. And according to J. Michael Waller, there was not one law enforcement officer present on the west side of the Capitol. How can that possibly be? But of course, the Senate Committee, they didn't investigate that. The House January 6th committee obviously didn't investigate that. I mean, those were also just whitewashes, committees designed to not get to the truth, but to cover up what probably happened. Okay. To get Trump. So I completely understand the suspicion that's out there. It's legitimate suspicion, and that's why this has to be fully investigated. I'm not going to rest until we uncover things. " Said Senator Ron Johnson (text and audio at Real Clear Politics), asked about the assassination attempt."
@amuse@amuse "A declassified FBI document confirms longstanding suspicions of the agency's active involvement with Patriot Front for years. With 950 pages of details (heavily redacted), it’s evident that numerous federal assets are deeply embedded within the organization. Interestingly, the group's only documented criminal activity appears to be the illegal placement of posters on public and private property. I'll post links to the FBI's documents (again, not terribly interesting given the fact they've been heavily redacted)." @amuse@amuse "The FBI Blocked the Conviction of Patriot Front's Frontman Thomas Ryan Rousseau". Read the rest. At LifeNews, New Data Proves Biden Weaponized Justice System to Target Pro-Life Americans.

At FixHomelessness, Washington state spends $143 MILLION to get 126 out of homelessness—now Jay Inslee is asking for more. That money wasn't wasted. You can be sure it got spent by political friends and allies. The Telegraph reports Hillary Clinton-run group helps fund Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: An Inoffensive Offense up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

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