Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Trump Manhattan Sentencing Delayed Pending Immunity Appeal

John Solomon at JTN Trump moves to reverse verdict in New York case after historic Supreme Court ruling. "The letter asked for permission to file the motion and laid out a timetable for trying to resolve the issues before the court." Cutie Pavlich at TownHall reports There's a Major Update on Trump's Scheduled Sentencing in New York

New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg and his prosecution team have agreed to delay scheduled sentencing for former President Donald Trump on July 11 after the Supreme Court ruled Monday U.S. presidents have immunity for "official acts.” On Monday night Trump’s legal team filed a letter with Judge Juan Merchan to have 34 convictions in the case tossed out, citing the Supreme Court’s opinion. 

"Although the Manhattan case does not center on Mr. Trump’s presidency or official acts — but rather personal activity during his campaign — his lawyers argued on Monday that prosecutors had built their case partly on evidence from his time in the White House,” the New York Times reports. “And under the Supreme Court’s new ruling, prosecutors not only cannot charge a president for any official acts, but also cannot cite evidence involving official acts to bolster other accusations."

The delay is from July 11 to Sept 18. CNN whines Trump sentencing in hush money case is postponed until September after Supreme Court immunity ruling. Althouse, "Manhattan Prosecutors Agree to Delay Trump’s Sentencing/Donald J. Trump’s lawyers want to argue that a Supreme Court decision giving presidents immunity for official acts..." ""... should void his felony conviction for covering up hush money paid to a porn star," The NYT reports." Sundance at CTH, New York Prosecutor Asks Judge to Delay Trump Sentencing – SCOTUS Immunity Ruling Changes Everything. RVM, Judge Merchan Has Delayed Trump’s Sentencing In Manhattan ‘Hush Money’ Case "'This case is toast." - Mike Davis" Ace, Trump Files Motion to Toss Manhattan Conviction, Citing Presidential Immunity. "This is not a winning motion. In the Manhattan case, he's accused -- falsely -- of mis-categorizing payments to Stormy Barn-Vagina as a private citizen, before he was president. This is a delaying maneuver only. But there will be a delay. Alvin Bragg has agreed that the motion should be argued before sentencing, which had been scheduled for July 11." Knowing Merchan's penchant for denying Trump motions, I agree that he will probably ignore the ruling and decide to sentence Trump anyway, although to my non-lawyer mind, the argument for dismissal is pretty strong.

ET, Supreme Court Ruling Means Trump Trial Likely Won’t Happen Before Election, Ex-Prosecutors Say, at which point Jack Smith will be out on his ass, we hope. Steve Richards at JTN, Supreme Court immunity ruling could delay or undermine prosecution of Trump’s other cases. "The wide-ranging ruling on immunity, at the very least, will delay Trump’s remaining trials." Matt Vespa at TownHall notes Liberal America's Reaction to the Trump Immunity Decision Was Unhinged As Usual.  Sundance, Andrew Weissmann Apoplectic at Immunity Decision – SCOTUS: The President IS The Executive Branch. NewsBusters, Tapper Insists SCOTUS Ruled Presidents Can Assassinate Political Rivals. At Da Fetched, MSNBC’s Joy Reid Releases Bizarre Unhinged Video after Trump Immunity Ruling. The Hollywood Reporter ‘OITNB’ Actress Lea DeLaria Calls on Biden to Assassinate Trump: “This Is a War” "DeLaria posted a provocative message in the wake of the Supreme Court's immunity ruling: "Trump is Hitler, and this is 1940. Take him the f*** out."" Capt. Ed at Hat Hair comments Hmmm. What would the Secret Service and the FBI do if the political affiliations were reversed? The Center Square,  Biden: Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity 'dangerous precedent'. Hat Hair video, Biden Attacks Trump, SCOTUS in Last-Minute Evening Address. Jonathan Turley, No, President Biden, the Supreme Court Did Not Remove All Limits on the Presidency. Capt. Ed comments "You know, this debate would be much more well-informed if people actually read the court opinion first before declaring it the basis for a monarchy in America. I may write more on this later, but Professor Turley has a fairly comprehensive look at the nonsense arguments that have emerged over the last 24 hours, most notably from Biden."   At the Wombats In The Mailbox: 07.02.24 (Morning Edition)
MSNBC’s Kyle Griffin Plays Stupid Games & Wins Stupid Prizes.

Althouse, "I’m not a journalist. I’m not in the media. This is a military headquarters for a populist revolt." "This is how we motivate people. This show is an activist show. If you watch this show, you’re a foot soldier. We call it the Army of the Awakened.... Immigration, spending — it’s the lack of confidence and self-loathing of their own civilization and their own culture. That’s the spiritual part that’s at the base. Immigration is just the manifestation of a loss of self-confidence. And it’s shocking...." Said Steve Bannon, quoted in "My Unsettling Interview With Steve Bannon" (NYT) (free access link). The "me" is David Brooks . . ." The Peacock crows Rudy Giuliani is disbarred in New York for spreading Donald Trump's 2020 election lies "The former New York City mayor had no "good faith basis" to believe lies about widespread voter fraud, the order said." Capt. Ed, "Giuliani wasn't really practicing law over the last several years before the election anyway, so it won't necessarily impact him financially. However, Giuliani still has a $148 million defamation award over some of his false statements in the election challenge hanging over his head." Larry Lessig at WSJ, The Constitution Protects ‘Fake Electors’ "Efforts to prosecute them constitute election interference."

Dave Strom at Hat Hair, Beyond Parody: Rachel Maddow's 'Exclusive' 2-Hour Stormy Daniels Interview Tonight. Stormy isn't above some lesbian action.

And then there's the Biden problem. The current President for seven months, and presumptive candidate of the Democrat party for the following 4 years is clearly not up to the job anymore, at least outside some very restrictive hours, and it appears there's no likelihood of forcing him out of office before his term expires, and the Democrats are having a very hard time finding a way to ease him off the ticket. Stacy McCain, When You’ve Lost Nate Silver …. Tom Knighton at TAW, When you lose Jake Tapper.... Matt Margolis at PJM, Jake Tapper Blows Whistle on Private Meeting Democrat Governors Held About Joe Biden. Puck, Biden Plunges in Swing States in Leaked Post-Debate Poll. At OutKick, Leaked Internal Democrat Polling Shows Battleground States Turned on Biden Post-Debate. Ace has Polls: Trump Jumps Out to Big Lead Over Biden.

At the Freep. Emily Yoffe says The President Needs Medical Attention "Something is wrong with Joe Biden. It’s time for him to be assessed by doctors who will tell the American public the truth." Charles Lipson at Da Spec Slowly, then suddenly: the sad story of Joe Biden’s decline. "His apparent decision to stay in the race is a national tragedy and a palpable danger" Dave Strom cites the NYT: Insiders Have Seen Biden Declining For 'Months. At CJ Heather McDonald calls it Poetic Justice. "Ancient philosophers and tragedians would have understood the human folly—from the media, the president, and his party—that led to last week’s debate debacle." Reagan Reese at Da Caller, Biden’s Debate Night Was Bad — His Tuesday May Have Been Even Worse "First, Democratic Texas Rep. Lloyd Doggett became the first congressional Democrat to publicly call for Biden to drop out of the race." Hat Hair's KT hears Private Calls Between Team Biden and Big Donors are Not Going Well at All. TownHall's Larry hosts Tucker Carlson's 'Unusually Good Source' Spills What's Going on Behind the Scenes With Jill Biden and Obama. At RedState Nick Arama hears Biden Remarks on Extreme Weather Go From Utter Confusion to Creepy Weirdness. NewsMax hears a New Excuse: Biden Says He 'Nearly Fell Asleep' During Debate After World Travel. BBC, Biden blames jet lag and travel for poor debate performance. Mark Hemingway at Da Fed says Democrat Media Aren’t Upset Biden Is Senile, They’re Mad They Can’t Hide It Anymore. At Breitbart hear Bill Maher say Biden ‘Sh*t the Bed So Hard, His New Secret Service Code Name Is Amber Heard’.  Tom Knighton again, So about those 'cheap faked' videos of Biden... Capt. Ed, 'Freaking the F*** Out': White House Has Blame-Game Meltdown Over Biden Crisis. Matt Vespa at TownHall, Veteran Reporter Reveals How Many Mental Health Incidents Biden Suffered Over the Past 18 Months. At the Wombats In The Mailbox: 07.02.24 (Morning Edition) Twitchy: Randi Weingarten Faceplants Trying To Show Support For The Biden-Harris Campaign, Louder With Crowder, They sent Nancy Pelosi out to defend Biden’s cognitive ability, she lacked the cognitive ability to do so.

Biden emerged from the weekend with a brand new spray tan. Newsweek, Biden Family Angry About Joe Biden's Make Up at Debate. Twitchy, Orange Man BAD Takes on HILARIOUS New Meaning After Bronzed Biden Appearance and X Takes are Comedy GOLD. OTP, Biden Mocked For Overdone Spray-Tan Look After His Cadaver Debate Appearance

Ryan King at NYPo reports WH staffers reportedly ‘scared s–tless’ of erratic Biden, tiptoe around ‘isolated’ president during briefings: ‘Not a pleasant person to be around’. 'Becca Downs at TownHall, POLITICO Dumps Cold Water All Over Biden's 'Nice Old Man' Image in Yet Another Damning Report. Mike Miller at RedState, Politico Drops Another Bomb on Biden: 'People Are Scared 'S******s of Him' in Briefings. Ace, Old Yeller: Politico Reports That the White House Staff is Afraid of Biden's Bursts of Demented Anger, and "Curate" -- Soften, Fictionalize -- His Briefings So That He Doesn't Scream. "From John Sexton." OTP,  Staff: Joe’s A Jerk, "Prickly, Profane Biden, Not 'Regular Joe.'" He was never a nice man, but this is probably another sign of advancing senility.

Politico, It’s Not Too Late to Replace Biden and Defeat Trump "A former White House counsel and prominent Democrat explains how to do it." Fox, CNN’s Dana Bash reveals Biden ‘war room’ may urge president to drop out if polling craters: 'So desperate' "Bash criticized the Biden campaign for putting out polling data showing the president leading other candidates against Trump." Da Fetched, Desperate Biden Camp to Put President in Sit-Down Interview to Prove he Can Talk Coherently. Ace, Biden Will Sit Down for an "Interview" with Former Bill Clinton Spokesman George Stephanopolous. "As RNC Research points out, this interview will not be live. It will be recorded -- and then heavily edited to cover up Biden's stumbles, slurring, incredible football hero stories, authentic frontier gibberish, and episodes of lost time." The Divine Ms. Devine at NYPo thinks Jill Biden’s delusional if she believes she can save her husband, the country after debate debacle. Insider Paper@TheInsiderPaper "JUST IN - Hunter Biden has joined meetings with President Biden and his top aides this week at the White House, reportedly the reaction from some senior White House staff has been, “What the hell is happening?” - NBC News." The Peacock, Hunter Biden has joined White House meetings as he stays close to the president post-debate. The grift must go on!  Dave Strom, yesterday, Biden Is Meeting With Democrat Governors Tomorrow. Capt. Ed, Here We Go: House Dem Defies Debate Spin, Calls for Biden to Withdraw. Maggie Clark at RedState sees Another House Democrat Jumps Ship on Biden: 'Trump Is Going to Win. And I'm Okay With That.' NewsMax Reports 25 House Dems Poised to Call for Biden to Leave Race.

Ace, Biden's Not the Candidate Yet: Democrat Donors Threaten to Close Their Wallets; Privately, Obama Wants Biden Out of the Race. Althouse, "To suggest that the donor community could do that is scary. Money plays too much of a role in politics already." "Said Craig Kaplan, a Democratic Party donor, quoted in "Big Donors Turn on Biden. Quietly. Some of the president’s past supporters want a new candidate, but they are leery of going public" (NYT)," and How can anyone but Kamala Harris get their hands on the money contributed to the Biden campaign?, "I'm reading "Campaign Finance Laws Give Harris Big Boost in Biden Dropout Scenario/If Biden were to withdraw his candidacy, only Kamala Harris could seamlessly use funds raised by the Biden-Harris campaign committee" (American Prospect)." Twitchy, DELIGHTFUL! Black Democrat Warns ‘We Gon' Blow The Party Up' if They Choose White Man Over Kamala (Watch). Sundance, Key Biden Control Officer Says Kamala Harris “Must NOT Be Worked Around” if Biden Removes Himself, James Clyburn. Don Surber thinks Eagleton is Kamala's hope. "He's why Democrats shouldn't pass her over if FJB quits." Athena Thorne at PJM amused when Trump Spox Sneaks Onto Collapsing Biden Campaign's Conference Call "the saddest thing I’ve ever listened to."

Dave Strom at Hat Hair VIP, New Spin: Trust the Deep State and Dave Strom cites Slate on Team Biden's Contempt for Democracy. At Hat Hair, Larry, Liberal Media Collapses Before Our Eyes! Dump Biden or Hold the Line?. PJM's Stephen Kruiser predicts Mainstream Media Hacks Will Have No Problem Pivoting Back to Biden. Matt Funicello at RedState, Biden Campaign Official Accuses Media of ‘Election Interference’ in Biden Debate Coverage

OTP, More Mush From The Fed As Powell Says He Wants To See More Deflation. Kevin Killough at JTN reports a Federal judge issues injunction against Biden’s pause on liquified natural gas export permits. "The federal judge in his ruling stated that the plaintiffs’ case is likely to succeed and will suffer irreparable harm if the pause stays in place while the courts consider the states’ lawsuit."

Steve Richards and John Solomon at JTN, Bombshell: FBI supervisor alleges bureau improperly pulling conservative agents' security clearances. "New whistleblower complaint follows a Just the News report in June that revealed the FBI’s shocking litmus test for one agency employee’s security review." Logan Washburn at Da Fed reveals the Ex-FBI Counsel Behind Russiagate, Biden Laptop Censorship Now Part Of Left-Wing Election Network

From Twitchy, IT'LL BE ANARCHY: New York Times Op-Ed Warns That the First Amendment Is 'Out of Control', people shouldn't be free to disagree with us! Chaz Cooke at NRO notes Axios Bungles the ‘Imperial Presidency’. Capt. Ed, "Also: Axios is just engaging in fearmongering as a coping mechanism for what happened on Thursday night. This is part of the Biden may be senile but he's not Trump!!11!1! narrative adopted by Democrats and their media allies. It does not surprise me in the least that Axios has no idea about what an 'imperial presidency' is. Or what duties the Constitution assigns to presidents, either."

Ace, Biden's Cross-Dressing, Women's-Clothes-Stealing, Puppy-Sex-Playing Former Nuclear Materials Safety Chief Escapes a Prison Sentence -- For the Third Time "He's been to trial three times for three separate incidents of stealing luggage in an airport. He's three-for-three in getting no time. But you know they're going to sentence Trump to jail." Mia Cathell at TownHall, Is This How This Horrific Story Ends? "Almost two years after the alleged ringleaders of a child prostitution conspiracy in suburban Atlanta were arrested, the gay Georgia couple could strike a plea deal with prosecutors and avoid trial."

AlphaNews, Minneapolis protesters call for Israel to be banned from Olympics. At the Free Bacon, Meet the Rich Kids, Professors, and Activists Arrested at Columbia in April/ "The Washington Free Beacon’s guide to occupying a Columbia campus building." Capt. Ed, "It's not a grassroots movement. It's a rebellion of elites against an already somewhat progressive establishment. We could solve the whole problem by cutting off funding to Academia and forcing these people to experience the cleansing effect of normal price signals."

The Wombat has Rule Five Sunday: All American Girl and FMJRA 2.0: Even Worse up and running at The Other McCain.

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