Friday, June 28, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Whew, That's Over

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.27.24
Breaking with long standing tradition of not watching Presidential speeches or debates, we sat through the full ordeal last night. We both agreed that Biden appears to be a doddering (I won't say kindly) old man with a poor memory. He stuck to his old lies to the extent that he remembered them, Beau died of brain cancer from snorting burn piles in Iraq (he was a lawyer, I doubt he ever got out of the AC), the great, freshly debunked "Good people on both sides" Charlottesville hoax, and inflation was high when I got into office, and illegal immigration is all Trump's fault. He lost his train of thought several times, at one point trailing off with "We beat Medicare"! Trump was firm in his convictions, but not the scary, raving lunatic liberal have sought to portray, clearly in command of his emotions and faculties. Stacy McCain had a  Prediction: Worst ‘Debate,’ Ever, then details a MELTDOWN: Democrats Panic After Biden Has the ‘Single Worst Debate Performance in American History’ with many illustrative links and videos. Insty, of course, had a ton of links. Althouse, a liberal with open eyes normally content to post ambiguous links, wrote a withering essay: I want the names of everyone who is covering their ass by acting surprised that Biden performed the way he did at the debate last night. "Biden beat my expectations. I expected the CNN panel to spin for Biden, just like his wife did: (video omitted). Those who have had access to Biden over the last 2 years knew what everyone could see last night, and they choose to gaslight America, saying he's just fine — he's very sharp. They kept him away from any serious interviews, anything that would expose his weakness, but they sent him out for this debate. My hypothesis is that the debate was a set up, and the panic response — reported by the CNN commentators immediately after the debate — was not sudden and emotional but a cold sober plan to cover up 2 years of lying about Biden's condition." I would say we are clearly in 25th Amendment territory for the next 7 months. In reality, nothing has changed, but the mask has been ripped off, and we can see that Biden can't actually be in charge at the White House.

I still have a bunch of less than relevant links from before the actual debate, for historical value. 

Also pre-debate, Ryan King at NYPo reports Famed polling expert Nate Silver makes Trump heavy favorite to beat Biden in November: ‘Not a toss-up’. Breitbart touts a WaPo Poll: Donald Trump Stronger than Joe Biden on Protecting Democracy. Hat Hair VIP's  KT hears Iranian Presidential Candidates Expect a Trump Victory in November - Ponder Who is Best to Handle Him. Matt Margolis at PJM thinks Democrat Strategists Accidentally Admit Biden's Record Is Garbage. "When a president seeks reelection, it stands to reason that he will run on his record of accomplishment to convince voters to support him again. Top Democrats are warning Joe Biden's campaign not to do that, and are, according to a report from CNN, "urging them to spend more time going directly after former President Donald Trump and less time – if any – pointing to the president’s policy record." Stephan Kruiser at PJM,  Denial Central: NY Times Says Biden Could Learn Lessons on Aging From Betty White.  NYPo, Ashley Biden mocked after struggling with LGBTQ acronym at White House event: ‘It runs in the family.

PJM's Chris Queen hosts a New Ad that Reminds Voters of Biden's Broken Promises as the President Arrives in Atlanta

At Am Think, Mark A. Hewitt says Buckle Up: CDC Lays Groundwork for Next Pandemic. Dengue? Nope, not communicable from human to human. 

From NYPo Tone-deaf Mayorkas claims ‘only the criminal’ to blame for slaughter of 12-year-old Texas girl, not Biden border policy. Da Caller, Authorities Had Detention Space To Hold Alleged Illegal Immigrant Killers — But They Released Them Anyway. Matt Margolis again,  Biden Admin Has the Nerve to Accuse Trump of Exploiting Migrant Crime Wave. Victory Girls note DHS Identifies 400 Illegals With ISIS Ties, Can’t Find 50 Of Them

At Stream, Our Elites Are Playing Russian Roulette in Ukraine, But the Gun Is to Your Head and Mine

CJ, sees The Nobel Laureates Strike Out "Prize-winning economists speak up for President Biden’s economic policies—the same policies they predicted would ease inflation and spur growth." The records of "prize-winning economists" aren't really that good. From TNP, This is The Chart Joe Biden Really Doesn’t Want Voters to See.

Am Thinks J. Kennerly Davis thinks The Fed Doesn’t Fight Inflation. I&I, You Won’t Believe How Elites Plan To Keep EVs From Overwhelming Power Grids. "EV advocates insist that massive EV adoption will be good for the electric grid because of something called “bidirectional charging.” The idea behind “bidirectional charging” is that all these electric cars are just energy-storage units. So, if the grid gets overloaded, all you have to do is tap into this energy reserve rolling around on city streets." You might be surprised by what I believe. But I do believe in the laws of thermodynamics, which tell me that's a bad idea. Energy get lost in every transfer.
Dan Greenfield at Front Page wants to know Why Did the FBI Turn Off Cameras During Trump Raid?
What was the FBI really afraid of? "Jack Smith admitted in a recent filing that the cameras were turned off at “out of concern for agent safety” before they were then turned on again by the request of the Trump attorneys. But what exactly was the nature of the threat to the agents from the cameras being on? Were the Feds worried about getting into a shootout with Trump security? Unlikely. The only alternative is that they were afraid of being identified. But the names and identities of FBI personnel are not supposed to be a state secret. So either the FBI was trying to keep the identities of its personnel taking part in the raid secret or it was trying to flout the terms of the search warrant. Either one is police state behavior." Hat Hair catches the NYT whining that Cannon to Revisit Attorney-Client Privilege Claim in Trump Case. Capt. Ed at Hat Hair, "The NYT coverage here is a bit snotty, but Trump's team has the right to challenge this issue, and it's well within Cannon's authority to hear arguments on it. A number of commentators objected to Beryl Howell's ruling 17 months ago, most notably Alan Dershowitz, as a politically motivated attack on legal representation." At Am Think, Tom  Swift (yeah, really) thinks about The real significance of Judge Merchan’s campaign contribution. "If, despite the strict rule against judicial money contributions to political campaigns, a judge gives however paltry an amount of money to a campaign, the contribution precisely signals to his party’s movers and shakers that he or she is willing to play politics from the bench, in as more or less Machiavellian a way as needed."

At Da Caller, Justice Alito Writes Blistering Dissent In Biden Admin Censorship Case:  ‘Blatantly Unconstitutional.’ John Davidson at Da Fed warns The Supreme Court Is Not Going To Save You. So now the 'Biden' administration is free to "recommend" to Google who to censor, and Google is free to follow their suggestions. I&I, Is This Payback For Calling Google Out?

James Bovard at Am Con notes Assange Is Free, But Feds’ War On Free Speech Continues "Unless we presume politicians have a divine right to deceive the governed, America should honor individuals who expose federal crimes."

Dan Greenfield at Front Page notices Every Leftist Cause Begins as Humanitarianism and Ends as Terrorism. "Those who care too much will eventually care enough to kill. . . . Leftists genuinely do care a lot. They care about rising oceans, polar bears, women in hijabs, men in dresses, drug dealers in the ghetto and eco-terrorists in prison, racist highways and dead terrorists, and if you think of something that they don’t care about yet, they will soon."

From Da Wire, EXCLUSIVE: Federal Guide On ‘Inclusive Language’ Tells Bureaucrats To Ditch Gendered Terms Like ‘Son,’ ‘Daughter’. "24-page internal document calls to replace terms like 'cockpit' with 'flight deck,' use 'they/them' as default pronouns to not assume gender." From Da Blaze, Ten Commandments out, Pride banners in. Capt. Ed adds "How about we all stop using classrooms as battlegrounds? The only flags that schools should display are the US, state, and local city flag (if applicable). Political interest-group flags don't belong there, and neither does political interest-group propaganda. I don't see an issue with posting the Ten Commandments, but we can probably live without them in K-12 classrooms as decorations. It's either that or everyone gets to post everything in those classrooms. Or maybe, just maybe, we should start home-schooling kids instead. "

James Nault at LI reports In Latest Blow to Military Effectiveness, U.S. Navy Will No Longer Require Sailors to Pass Physical Fitness Tests. "Old standard forcing sailors out after 2 failed PT tests rescinded; Navy claims new rule has nothing to do with recruiting challenges."

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: One Big Crunch ready for you digital pleasure at The Other McCain.

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