Friday, June 21, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Is Biden Losing His Touch with Women?

KT at Hat Hair, Warning, Will Robinson: Women Voters Are Abandoning Biden, Losing Steam With Black Voters "Mr. Biden’s lead among women has slid to about eight percentage points since the 2020 election, according to an average of more than 30 polls conducted over the last six months and compiled by The New York Times. That’s down from a lead among women of about 13 percentage points four years ago." Da Caller, ‘Be Concerned’: Dems Freaking Out That Reliable Interest Group Is Turning To GOP. PJM's Stephen Kruiser says it's Confirmed — Joe Biden Is No Ladies' Man. Ace, Biden Is Losing Support Among His Most Important Bloc: Women "Losing 10% of blacks, who make up 13% of the population, is one thing. Losing 5% of women, who make up, what, 52% of voters? That's worse." Dan Greenfield at Front Page, Biden’s Closest Black Ally Blames “Misinformation” for Black Voters Turning On Him

Tristan Justice at Da Fed, Press Panics Over Public’s Ability To See Through Activist Narratives. "“Misleading GOP videos of Biden are going viral. The fact-checks have trouble keeping up,” headlined NBC’s reporting." I&I, Is Biden Pulling A ‘Chung Ling Soo’ On America? Or Is It 25th Amendment Time? "We suspect the truth is that Biden is far worse in private than what he shows in public, that he needs a strange elixir cooked up by his team of doctors to function, and that the White House press is playing down how bad it knows Biden is so as not to help Trump." Dan Oliver at Am Great warns Wake up, Republicans, the Dark Is Rising "It has become increasingly clear that Biden will not be the Democrat nominee for president. The Republican Party needs to adjust its strategy now to prepare for a race against a different candidate." Rick Moran at PJM, 'It's Like It Was Written By a Committee of Chat GPTS': Biden Ad Campaign's Epic Fail  "It’s soulless," political strategist Steve Schmidt, a fierce Trump critic, recently said on his "The Warning" podcast. "It’s flat." So, a fair representation of the candidate. TNP reports  Axios: Biden’s Running a Fear Campaign, and Many Around Him Think It’s Not Working. Trump is a known quantity, and his era was pretty good except for Covid. At the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.20.24 the Shark Tank: Rep. Fine Calls For Jill Biden’s Arrest On Elder Abuse Charges and at Legal Insurrection: CBS News Beclowns Itself by Using ‘Wrong Version’ of Biden Video That Made Him Look Even Worse and Power Line, Here’s the Latest Cheap Fake,

From NYPo, Rachel Morin’s mom blasts DHS chief for calling slain daughter ‘individual,’ says Biden admin hasn’t reached out: ‘Depersonalizes her’. Sister Toldja at RedState, Trump Does What Biden Won't on the Rachel Morin Matter As Her Mother Unloads on Mayorkas. Hat Hair's KT, Say Her Name, Joe: Trump Calls Rachel Morin's Mother. Ace, The Illegal Alien Who Kidnapped and R*ped a 13-Year-Old Girl Filmed the Assault. At Hat Hair, Beege Welborn is concerned about 85,000 'Lost' Unaccompanied Migrant Children. From the Free Bacon, 'The Cartels Know This': Biden's Border Crisis Pushes Montana's Indian Country to the Brink, "'The Biden administration’s Bureau of Indian Affairs treats us worse than white people do,' Indian leader says."

Dave Strom at Hat Hair hears of Another Biden Success: Iran Producing Enough Enriched Uranium for 'Several' Bombs a Month, only for peaceful purposes, I suppose. PJM's Cathy Salgado, Biden Associate: Israel Must Let Hamas Win. Hat Hair's Jazz Shaw finds it a Shocker: The White House Doesn't Have a Plan for Gaza and Duane Patterson sees Anti-Zionists in a Funk After a Dunk at the Munk Debates. At Breitbart, Biden Administration Insists the $230M Gaza Pier Will Reopen This Week, Despite Reports It Is Failing, throwing good money after bad.

TNP reports U.S. Budget Deficit Balloons to $1.92 Trillion. Which means, according to John Stossel at Hat Hair, You Owe $100,000! Wall Street Silver@WallStreetSilv "Everyone is posting that the annualized number is about $1.059 trillion. However the interest on the debt for just May 2024 was $103 billion. Debt will grow another $2 trillion or more in the next 12 months. We are already on pace for over $1.2 trillion in annualized payments on the debt. Within the next few years, interest on the debt will exceed Social Security payments and become the largest item in the budget." WaPoo ed board (cited at Hat Hair) says On the National Debt, the U.S. Has a Leadership Deficit, Too. Oh, they're leading, just in the wrong direction. According to a Breitbart Poll: ‘Inflation and Economy’ Top Priority for Americans, Abortion Last.

Ace, looks at an Emerson College Poll: Trump Has Lost Some Support Among Independents, But Clings to a Small Lead in All Battleground States. Fox "News" Is Ecstatic As Their Left-Leaning Poll Shows Biden Taking a Small Lead "This is a post-"conviction" poll. It shows the "conviction" has hurt Trump, but not by enough to put Biden ahead."  Althouse, "New Emerson College Polling/The Hill state polls find former President Donald Trump with a slight edge on President Joe Biden in..." ""... Arizona (47% to 43%), Georgia (45% to 41%), Wisconsin (47% to 44%) Nevada (46% to 43%), Pennsylvania (47% to 45%), and Michigan (46% to 45%), while Biden splits with Trump in Minnesota (45% to 45%)." Emerson College Polling reports. It's that last one that caught my eye: They're tied in Minnesota now?!" Jason Cohen at Da Caller, ‘Oh My God’: Frank Luntz Impressed Trump ‘Making It Close’ In Reliable’ Dem State After Conviction. Steve McCann at Am Thinks thinks about Is the 2024 Election Trump’s to Lose? At Am Con James Antle wonders What Kind of Conservative Will Trump II Be? "The former President, despite some long standing preferences, is not a predictable ideologue." KT at Hat Hair, Trump Lowers Expectations for Debate As He Should

Breitbart, Exclusive — Chip Roy: There Is ‘Repeated Evidence’ of Non-Citizens Voting. Of course, non-citizens are voting, but the real question is whether there are enough to make a difference. The fact that one party wants to crack down, and the other party doesn't even want to check tells you what you need to know.  At the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.20.24 Da Fed, Election Integrity Groups Urge North Carolina To Pass Citizens-Only Voting Amendment.

At Da Wire, Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain, The Peacock, Pew Research Center revises report about 'racial conspiracy theories' after backlash "Critics said the report’s initial title referring to “racial conspiracy theories” implied that Black Americans’ distrust of U.S. institutions is irrational and without historical context."

Scott Pinsker at PJM explains why There Is No Equivalency Between 'Convicted Felons' Donald Trump and Hunter Biden. Ace, Oh My: Marlon Wayans Interviews Darius "Sweetdick" Honeycum, Esq. "I don't think this is the interview Sweetdick was expecting. For those of you who can't watch video, here's a written report from the NY Post." Hat Hair's John Sexton reports As Expected, Alvin Bragg's Office Drops Charges Against Columbia Trespassers.

Jack Cashill at Am Spec wants to know Who Had Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick ‘Murdered’? "His reported ‘death by fire extinguisher’ was no accident. Congress needs to find out pronto who ordered the hit."

Jordan Boyd at Da Fed, says Yes, Biden’s Department Of Justice Wants To Imprison Peaceful Pro-Lifers For Praying.

Vodka Pundit at PJM wonders Will Biden Help Soros Silence Dana Loesch and Mark Levin? by allowing him to buy the radio network that hosts them? "According to Tuesday's report in the New York Post, before Soros can take control of Audacity, "Soros Fund Management needs help from the FCC as the money funneled into buying the bankrupt network comes from abroad." Under current law, "foreign company ownership of U.S. radio stations is not allowed to exceed 25% — but a filing acquired by The Post details Soros’ asking the commission to make an exception." Soros is reportedly leaning hard on the FCC for approval, but, at least publicly, the commission remains mum."

At NYPo, another case of estrogen poisoning, Transgender woman guns down ‘parents’ in Utah home, sparking massive manhunt: police. Mia Cathell at TownHall notes DOJ Omits One Inconvenient Detail About the Club Q ShooterErik Herrera@photoswitherik "Mugshot of Club Q shooting suspect has been released. Andersen Lee Aldrich’s public defender has stated that Andersen is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns. #ClubQ" Breitbart, California Senate approves ban on requiring schools to notify parents of child’s pronoun change. Da Wire goes Inside The Fight To Shield Kids From Graphic Material In A Deep Red State. John Sexton, UK Police Investigate Activist Over a Tweet Critical of a Trans Doctor. From Twitchy, TikTok Bans Jennifer Sey for Ad Protecting Women's Sports, Riley Gaines Makes It Go Viral. Freep, This Company Believes in “Protecting Women’s Sports.” TikTok Banned Its Ad. From Da Caller, Pakistan Has The Perfect Solution To Pride Month Globe Eye News@ GlobeEyeNews "A man who tried to open Pakistan's first gay club was admitted to a mental hospital by Pakistani authorities."

Sister Toldja at RedState, want you to WATCH: Sen. John Kennedy Humiliates Two More Biden Judicial Nominees in Epic Fashion. Twitchy, Sen. John Kennedy Shames Judicial Nominee for Finding 'a Lot of Good' in Child Molester.

Nate Hochman at Am Spec, comes out Against Juneteenth. "The purpose of the holiday was abundantly clear from the outset, to anyone who cared enough to actually pay attention." James O'Keefe@ JamesOKeefeIII "BREAKING: Senior Vice President at The Walt Disney Company details discriminatory hiring practices: "Nobody else is going to tell you this, but they're not considering any white males for the job," says Michael Giordano, a Vice President of Business affairs, "there’s no way we’re hiring a white male.” Giordano reveals Disney uses "code words and buzzwords" to avoid legal action and even mentions a candidate being rejected for not looking black enough. Giordano also admits Disney gives bonuses to executives for practicing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), agreeing that "diversity helps with financial incentives." Giordano further claims he’s been denied promotions due to his race. Stay tuned for The Disney Tapes: Part 2..." Hat Hair, Disney VP Admits: Not Hiring White Males. Ace, Disney Executive: "There's No Way We're Hiring a White Male" Interviewer: "It's kind of unspoken?" Disney Executive: "Sometimes it's spoken." "Tell me more about the "it's sometimes spoken" part. Is it ever memorialized in emails? Because that would make for some sweet discovery."

David Atherton@DaveAtherton20 "American broadcaster @BenBergquam comes to London & meets pro-Palestine thugs at a London univeristy. One threatens to "shank" him the neck. Why are these people not deported?" NYPo, NY ‘Squad’ Rep. Jamaal Bowman finally apologizes for denying Hamas rape atrocities on Oct. 7. Jazz Shaw hears a Columbia Professor: Avoid MSM Because It's 'Owned by Jews'.

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: Bullpen Blues ready for business at The Other McCain.

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