Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Freeze!

Herr Professor Jacobson at LI, FREEZE! Mainstream Media Insists You Not Believe Your Eyes. "The freeze would not mean much if it were the first time. But it’s not. The lights are on, maybe someone is home, maybe not. Let the voters decide. But instead the mainstream media is swarming to Biden’s defense, a sure signal that the real campaign season has started." Guy Benson at TownHall say Let's Talk About That Weird Viral Video of Obama Escorting a 'Frozen' Biden Off StageBill Ackman @BillAckman, I have been criticized by some for sharing these @POTUS Biden videos which appear almost every day. I have read numerous articles which somehow suggest that the camera angle, the duration of the clip or some form of right wing manipulation explains Biden’s behavior on camera. Some people are old at 81 and others are sharp, vigorous, and impressive. Compare Warren Buffett at 93 and Biden at 81. Biden is an old 81 who can’t find his way off a stage or stay present and focused at a G7 conference. Is that who should be the leader of the free world for the next five years? A president should not have to be led off stage by hand or with an arm wrapped around him. That is the not the image of strength and leadership we need as a country." Dave Strom at Hat Hair, Turning the Gaslighting Up to 11. From the Wombats  In The Mailbox: 06.18.24 (Afternoon Edition),Twitchy: The Gaslight Is Strong With This OneWH attacks conservatives, claims new video of senile-looking Biden being led off stage by Obama isn’t what it looks like Louder With Crowder, WH attacks conservatives, claims new video of senile-looking Biden being led off stage by Obama isn’t what it looks like, and Dana Loesch, Special K Calls Videos Of Struggling Biden “Deep Fakes”  PJM's Stephen Kruiser, Dems' 2024 Platform — Your Reality Is Wrong, Stupid Voters. Matt Taibbi at Racket says We Called It: Karine Jean-Pierre Blames AI "Deepfakes" for Joe Biden's Real Infirmity "Last week, Racket showed an intelligence-crafted game blaming AI for suggesting "one of the candidates may have dementia." Yesterday, Biden spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre played that exact card. Ace, Update: The Biden-Media Op Is On "This is a full-court press throughout all the Regime media -- they're all claiming, at once, all using the same language, that all the videos showing Biden wandering off, freezing, and sitting (or shitting) in invisible chairs are "cheap fakes" spread by "right-wing media," and Latrine John-Pissoir Spreads Disinformation About Biden's Degenerated Brain. "Latrine John-Pissoir is now claiming that all videos -- all -- that show Biden freezing or wandering or pooping his pants or trying to sit in invisible chairs are "cheap fakes." They're not fake in any way, of course. The White House has created this knock-off term "cheap fakes" to rhyme with "deep fakes" to suggest to their audience of literal imbeciles that these videos are CGI fakes. This is obviously complete disinformation.The social media monopolies should ban this disinformation." At Althouse, "The Biden campaign seems to believe that journalists should stop reporting on polls, rallies, and other tentpoles of traditional presidential races..." "... and instead devote their resources to telling Americans that Trump wants to be a dictator, over and over again. If that means ignoring Biden’s missteps and weaknesses, well, the Biden campaign can accept that...." Sister Toldja at RedState, Greg Gutfeld Puts Biden/Media Collusion on 'Cheap Fakes' Scandal in Perspective As Only He Can

The Babylon Bee@TheBabylonBee "White House Claims Terrible Economy Is Just A Deepfake"

John Solomon and Steve Richards at JTN reports FBI knew since 2016 Hunter Biden’s team nearly scored $120 million Ukrainian deal while Joe was VP. "Hunter Biden slated to serve on board of new venture to be incorporated in Liechtenstein and funded by controversial Ukrainian oligarch, memos show." MXM News, House Republicans to probe special counsel’s office over Hunter Biden whistleblower retaliation. From Breitbart, Impeachment Inquiry: Hunter’s Lawyer Used Joe Biden’s Position to Discourage SEC Probe. Kaelen Deese at WaEx reports Hunter Biden law license suspended after gun crime guilty verdict. Cutie Pavlich at TownHall wonders Did DOJ Destroy the Special Counsel Audio Interview With Biden?  From the Wombats  In The Mailbox: 06.18.24 (Afternoon Edition)Axios Looks At How Biden’s Historic Presidency Has Doubled As A Family Tragedy.  Anxious Anxiously whines about the Biden backstory: Runs darkened by family trauma, addiction. Cami Mondeaux at WaEx, House Democrats back out of White House ethics bill after allegedly being contacted by Biden officials. No ethics in this White House!

Nicholas Ballasay at JTN, WH releases details on Biden amnesty plan, Johnson says it will incentivize more illegal immigration. Mary Chastain at LI sees  Biden Signs Another Useless Border Executive Order as Illegal Alien Arrested for Rape of NYC Teen Girl. "Maryland’s Democrat governor recently demanded an end to Biden’s open borders policy." Stephen Kruiser  'Glitch' Biden Unveils His Illegal Alien Dem Voter Registration Plan. From the Right Scoop, UGH: How Biden illegals are getting voter registration forms across the US. At NYPo, Biden official reveals unaccompanied migrant juveniles aren’t getting proper background checks in bombshell admission. NewsMax Reports  a Spike in Chinese Migrants Crossing Border to Calif. From the Wombats  In The Mailbox: 06.18.24 (Afternoon Edition), EBL: Rachel Morin, RIP: Murdered by Illegal Alien From El Salvador. Da Caller, Police Arrest Serially Deported Illegal Immigrant After Crash Kills 64-Year-Old. Ace, An Illegal Alien Allowed in the Country By Biden Rapes and Murders a Mother of Five. And Today, Biden Encourages More Illegal Immigration By Proposing an (Illegal) Grant of Amnesty to Hundreds of Thousands. "Is it an invasion if the Usurper on the throne lets the invaders in?" Kevin Downey at PJM, How Many 'Random' Sexual Assaults by Illegals Before Liberals Rethink the Way They Vote? One each? 

Hat Hair's John Sexton maintains Biden's Pier in Gaza Has Been a Complete Failure. Only if it didn't win him any votes in Minnesota.

John Sexton again, CBO: National Debt Will Pass $50 Trillion in 10 Years. Thanks, Brandon! VodkaPundit at PJM, wants you to Guess How Many High-Speed Internet Connections Biden Built With $42.45 billion. Zero, but I bet they funded a lot of DEI officers. Niall Ferguson at The FP, worries that We’re All Soviets Now "A government with a permanent deficit and a bloated military. A bogus ideology pushed by elites. Poor health among ordinary people. Senescent leaders. Sound familiar?"

NPR whines Biden vs. Trump remains close, so next week's debate offers them an opportunity "According to the latest NPR/PBS News/Marist poll, out Tuesday, Biden and Trump both received 49% support among registered voters nationally. That includes undecided voters who are leaning toward one candidate." At PJM VIP, VodkaPundit has a Contrary Take: Maybe Trump Was Right to Accept Biden's Sundowner Debate Rules. Rusty Weiss at RedState notices Democrats Desperately Downplaying Trump’s Support From Black Voters – Trust Me, They’re Terrified. WaEx's Paul Bedard hears ‘What the f***?’: Celebrities baffled voters like Trump for sounding ‘normal’. Matt Vespa has the whole thing, and some clips, Here's the Part of Dr. Phil's Trump Interview That Would Probably Make Libs Vomit. Althouse, "The Democrats are making up stories that I said Milwaukee is a 'horrible city.' This is false, a complete lie..." ""... just like the Laptop from Hell was a lie, Russia … was a lie, and so much more.... It’s called disinformation, and that’s all they know how to do. I picked Milwaukee, I know it well. It should therefore lead to my winning Wisconsin. But the Dems come out with this fake story, just like all of the others. It never ends. Don’t be duped. Who would say such a thing with that important state in the balance?" Said Trump, on Truth Social, quoted in "Trump to stage Wisconsin rally days after calling Milwaukee a 'horrible city'/Ticket-only event follows unflattering remark about state’s biggest city that will host Republican national convention" (The Guardian)."

At Twitchy, Second Whistleblower Exposes Texas Children's Hospital ... and Guess Who Came A-Knocking? Matt Vespa at TownHall, We Had Another Creepy Incident Where FBI Agents Accosted Law-Abiding Americans Again "The agents told Sivadge that she was a “person of interest” in an investigation targeting the whistleblower who had exposed the child sex-change program. They told her that the whistleblower had broken federal privacy laws. “They threatened me,” Sivadge said. “They promised they would make life difficult for me if I was trying to protect the leaker. They said I was ‘not safe’ at work and claimed that someone at my workplace had given my name to the FBI.”" 

Judicial Watch: New Records Detail Federal-State Censorship Coordination in 2020 Election. At Outkick, Joy Behar, Rachel Maddow Warn Donald Trump Could Cancel 'The View' If He Wins Election. Stop! I already like him enough!

MxM News reports a Judge blocks Biden’s new Title IX rule in six more states Riley Gaines@ Riley_Gaines_" Great news! Biden's illegal rewrite of Title IX won't go into effect in TN, KY, VA, WV, OH, & IN A federal court granted an injunction for the Title IX lawsuit filed by mentioned states. This is a huge win. The gender ideology house of cards is falling fast."

Hat Hair's John Sexton, Suspect Arrested in Pro-Palestinian Arson Attacks on Berkeley Campus (Update). At NYPo Rich Lowry opines Hateful pro-Hamas protests create another antisemitic Charlottesville rally every day. From the Jewish Insider, No more bridges left to burn in Jewish Westchester "As Rep. Jamaal Bowman fights for his political life, Jewish leaders in the district say he's left a long trail of betrayal in his wake."

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: Bullpen Blues ready for business at The Other McCain.

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