Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Biden Still Guilty, Guilty, Guilty!

Yep, we're still rubbing that in. Stacy McCain, with the appropriate gif says GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY! "A criminal named Biden convicted by a jury in Delaware? . . . This is incredible. I never thought it was possible. If you’re a Biden and you can’t beat the rap in Delaware? Man . . ." WaPoo whines Hunter Biden found guilty of lying during gun purchase. Also several more articles at the link. Matt Margolis at PJM, Verdict Reached in Hunter Biden Trial. Ace, Jury Verdict: Hunter Biden Guilty on All Three Gun Charges "He was obviously guilty. That doesn't keep it from being extraordinary that he was convicted." Hat Hair's John Sexton has some dirt on the jury, The Hunter Biden Verdict is In: Guilty on All Counts (Update: Juror #10). Cam Edwards at BA, finds it Awkward when Joe Biden Addresses Everytown Hours After Hunter's Conviction on Gun Charges. Nick Arama at Red State sees Biden's Massive Incoherence in Ironic New Remarks on 'Gun Sense' After Hunter's Conviction. "I don't know if you could have planned the coincidence and the irony better. On the very day that Joe Biden's son Hunter was convicted on three gun charges, Joe Biden gave a speech to the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund conference about "gun sense."" TownHall's Matt Vespa laughs at The Media's Laughable Take on the Hunter Biden Verdict. Just because justice was done in this case, doesn't mean it was done in Trump's New York trial.  Nicholas Fondacaro@ NickFondacaro, "ABC was seemingly upset that the guilty verdicts were read without Jill Biden in the courtroom and seemed to huff about a juror smiling before the verdict was read.  At Hat Hair VIP, John Sexton thinks The Biden Family Really Believed Hunter Would Be Acquitted. Larry at Hat Hair, Hunter Biden Guilty, Pelosi J6 Tapes Leaked, Mayorkas a Traitor?! From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.10.24, 357 Magnum: Biden May Be The Best Gun Salesman Of All Time, Don Surber, The real reason for the Hunter trial and Da Fed,  Despite Media Claims, Hunter Has Never Really Faced Repercussions For His Drug Antics. Jed Babbin at Am Spec, Hunter’s Laptop: The Other Story "With part of the laptop’s content deemed credible, there could be enough evidence to convict the Bidens."

NewsWeek? says a Video of Joe Biden Appearing to Freeze at Juneteenth Event Raises Questions. Chris Roach at Am Great sees Biden and the Left Demonize Trump Supporters. "Biden’s talk of Our Democracy™ is a smokescreen. He and the broader left have no faith in the electorate, voting, or majority rule, as well as absolute hatred for at least a plurality of voters."

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.10.24, Mary Chastain at LI reports the Biden Admin Tells San Diego Border Patrol to Continue Catch and Release for Most Illegal Aliens. "The administration told the San Diego sector to catch and release illegal aliens except those from a few far Eastern Europe countries…not China, the Middle East, or South America." Hat Hair's KT, Again. Judge Dismisses Riot Charges Against Illegal Aliens in Texas  and Jazz Shaw notes CE Nabs Another Child-Raping Illegal.  Breitbart, Sanctuary State Massachusetts: Illegal Alien ‘Got-Away’ Charged with Raping Child

Dallas Morning News, Homeownership costs in the U.S. have jumped 26% since the pandemic began

Matt Margolis, Nate Silver Issues Dire Warning to Democrats About BidenNate Silver Issues Dire Warning to Democrats About Biden  Ace sees Biden's Approval Rating Hits Fresh Low; Liberal Poll Analyst Nate Silver Renews Call for Biden to Drop Out "I've mentioned before that I'm worried about Biden's numbers dropping too low before the fall, which will result in the Democrat Party -- by which I mean Obama and his top socialists, as well as the Democrat billionaire donors -- telling Biden that he has to drop out. In a way, the Trump Fake Conviction is helpful to Trump, because it will tend to give Democrats some hope, and keep them from moving to take out Biden." I ain't sceered, the Democrat's don't have anyone else to run. Kamala? The Star Trib worries about a Minnesota Poll: Biden holds narrow lead over Trump, but GOP voters are more enthusiastic. TNP, ’DATA: 84% Expect to Be WORSE OFF Under 2nd Biden Term, Most Voters Say Trump Conviction ‘Not a Factor,’ And Most Say ‘No Retribution.’ Joel Kotkin at CJ wonders Are American Jews Moving Right?. "For now, at least, the Jewish vote is up for grabs."

At Da Wire, Trump Travels To Swing State For First Rally Since Conviction, Attracts Thousands Of Supporters. I&I asks  Will Trump’s Vice Presidential Pick Be A Complete Surprise To Voters? Dave Catron at Am Spec, asserts Tim Scott Is Trump’s Ideal Running Mate "We can only hope that Trump himself has the foresight to see that blindingly obvious reality." From NYPo, Rachel Maddow ‘worried’ Trump will send her to ‘camps’ if he’s elected president. What a maroon!  Saagar Enjeti@esaagar, "What is more likely if Trump wins: Rachel Maddow gets sent to a concentration camp....or....She makes another 100 million dollars peddling a BS Conspiracy theory?"

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.10.24, Shawn Fleetwood at Da Fed, Youngkin Orders Virginia Agencies To Strengthen Voter Roll Maintenance Ahead Of 2024 Election, Democrats cry. At Hat Hair. Dennis Prager explains Why Americans Mistrust Election Results More Than the Citizens of Any Other Democracy. Because they should. John Gault at Am Think thinks about Combatting the ‘Long Count’.

Ace,  Nancy Pelosi Caught on Videotape Admitting She Had Full Responsiblity for January 6th "Isn't it terribly strange we haven't seen this video for three and a half years? It was part of her Nepo Baby daughter's "documentary" which was being filmed the Day Our Precious Democracy Was Stabbed in the Back by RUSSIAN Agents." Ed Thompson at Am Think thinks about Combatting Our Homegrown Enemy. At Am Con,  Where Is Democrats’ Outrage at Biden’s Authoritarianism? "If you want to see the abuse of norms and standards, check out what the 46th president and his cronies are up to." Dan Chaitin at Da Wire hears Merrick Garland Pens Op-ed Declaring Criticism Of His DOJ ‘Dangerous’. The  Babylon Bee@TheBabylonBee "Merrick Garland Threatens To Arrest Anyone Who Says His DOJ Is Corrupt"

Jon Adler at The Volokh Conspiracy, Is the Clean Water Act Enforced Less Stringently in Battleground States? Politics in Environmentalism? Knock me over with a feather!

 NotTheBee has  A word about the worst Washington Post headline ever "They've given us some whoppers over the years, but I honestly think this one from 2021 — a headline that's been going viral yet again — might be the worst one of all. "Israel's Iron Dome defense system protects Israeli lives. It also perpetuates the Israel-Gaza conflict.""

Mary Chastain at LI, First Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds School ‘There are Only Two Genders’ Shirt Ban "Feels are more important than the First Amendment." Libs of TikTok@libsoftiktok, "HOLY SHLIT. Internal memo from 24 hour fitness @24hourfitness advises that BLM and pride symbols are always approved forms of “freedom of expression” but the American Flag and US logos are only allowed to be worn on Holidays."

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: No Surrender out more or less on time at The Other McCain.

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