Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Oregon, My Oregon

 Andy Ngo at NYPo, Mike Schmidt destroyed Portland with freed criminals, drug use and empty stores

Mike Schmidt, the leftist prosecutor in Portland, Ore., is asking voters to give him the opportunity to serve four more years as head of the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office.

In an interview with local media last October, he graded himself an “A” for his performance.

But if the past four years of record homicides, decriminalized antifa rioting and surging street overdoses represent Schmidt as his best, Portland may not survive another four years with him at the helm.

Schmidt’s re-election is being challenged by his subordinate, Nathan Vasquez, a senior deputy district attorney and moderate candidate who promises to prosecute crimes and restore the office’s relationship with police, which was broken by Schmidt’s open cop hatred.

Vasquez’s law-and-order message to Portland voters is resonating, even in the ultra-left-wing “City of Roses,” where residents have finally grown weary of crime and open drug abuse after tolerating them in 2020 following George Floyd’s death.

The effects of that period of collective insanity can still be seen today.

The population has declined for the first time in decades from outward migration.

From 2020 to 2022, Portland lost around 18,200 residents, or 2.8% of its population.

The decline has continued each year since, according to US Census Bureau data.

The city is a shell of itself, particularly in downtown, where businesses fled after dealing with the triple whammy of the pandemic lockdown, months of nightly rioting by Black Lives Matter-antifa and violent homeless encampments. . . .

 You get what you vote for, if you're lucky.

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