Thursday, March 28, 2013

Puffy Ex-Porn Star Pulls Political Plans

Ashely Judd, the actress of many low budget flicks, wherein she manages to find numerous excuses to wet,  remove, or otherwise display her anatomy (NSFW links) has decided that maybe it's not such a good idea to run for the Senate from Kentucky, at least this time around.  From the almighty Allahpundit:

Damn: Ashley Judd decides she won’t run for Senate
I didn’t think defeating her was as much of a gimme as some righties did, but I did think she’d lose. And that there’d be at least one or two or twelve colorful meltdowns on the trail along the way. 2014 just got a lot less kooky, and political blogging is the poorer for it. Alas.

Admit it: Deep down, you wanted to see how she’d walk back that “mountaintop coal removal is like rape” analogy.
Ashley appear to fantasize about rape  quite a bit.  In addition to the mountain top coal analogy, the same screed contained this nugget lump of coal:
I used the word rape earlier. At the time this law that allowed coal companies to rape the land without consent, spousal rape was still legal in Kentucky. I remember learning that one morning in College, drinking my coffee in the kitchen at the Kappa house, and the shock and shame I felt. If I were married, it would be legal for my husband to rape.
and then just a few days ago:
Judd made her intentions clear at a private dinner last month at Brown’s Louisville home. Asked if she was tough enough to take on McConnell and the GOP national attack machine, Judd reportedly answered, “I have been raped twice, so I think I can handle Mitch McConnell.”

Does anyone else have the sense that she has trouble separating her film life from her real life? Like Allah, I'm going to miss her tittlscintillating presence in the race.

Linked at Proof Positive in the weekly "Best of the Web* Linkaround." Wombat-Socho at The Other McCain came through with 2 weeks worth of Rule 5 posts at "Rule 5 Sunday: Super Double Coverage Illness Makeup Edition."

1 comment:

  1. She is an idiot and terrible actress with funky boobs and droopy jowels like that cartoon dog "Droopy"!
    She is a big mouthed retard and has NEVER done ONE decent movie, they are all shit!
    I get why Dario kicked her to the curb!
    Even HE couldn't take her mouth no more!
    ci vediamo!
