Saturday, August 31, 2024

Maryland, My Maryland

 Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair, Stolen Valor in Maryland Governor's Office?

This is a rather peculiar story involving current Democratic Maryland Governor Wes Moore, and I will offer a rare tip of my hat to the New York Times for uncovering it because they had to follow an obscure paperwork trail down the rabbit hole to find it. As a young man, Moore attended Valley Forge Military Academy and later joined the United States Army Reserve. Unlike Kamala's running mate, Wes Moore served a tour of duty fighting in Afghanistan. None of this appears to be in doubt and we thank him for his service. But that's where the story becomes a bit more "complicated." After completing his service and doing some work in the private sector, Moore applied for a White House fellowship in 2006 serving under Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. On his application, he included a detail saying that he had been awarded the Bronze Star for heroic or meritorious achievement or service. The problem is, he was never actually awarded the Bronze Star. So was this a case of stolen valor? Moore claims that it was an honest misunderstanding. (CBS News)  
Maryland Gov. Wes Moore said Thursday he made "an honest mistake" in failing to correct a White House fellowship application 18 years ago when he wrote he had received a Bronze Star for his military service in Afghanistan though he never ended up receiving it, after the New York Times obtained a copy of the application and reported on it.

The newspaper, which obtained the document as part of a Freedom of Information Act request, reported that Moore made the claim on the application in 2006 when he was 27.

In a statement, the governor wrote that he had been encouraged to fill out the application for the fellowship by his deputy brigade commander serving overseas in the Army.
If this were simply some whopper of a fictional tale that Moore made up out of whole cloth, that would definitely be a case of stolen valor. We should honor the service of all of our military veterans, particularly those who served in combat. (We're looking at you, Tim Walz.) But earning the Bronze Star, the Silver Star, any of the Service Crosses, the Purple Heart, or the Medal of Honor puts you in a class that towers above the rest. It means that you demonstrated bravery and leadership in the face of peril. Being a pretender in that fashion could arguably be considered far worse an act of stolen valor than what Walz did.

But that simply may not be the case with Wes Moore. When he was initially applying for the fellowship, his deputy brigade commander informed him that he had been nominated to receive the Bronze Star. Two other senior combat officers reportedly signed off on the nomination. It looked like a sure thing, so the deputy brigade commander suggested that he include the award on his fellowship application to improve his chances of being accepted. It was only later that Moore learned that he had not received final approval and had never been granted the award. By then he had already begun his fellowship at the White House, but he never went back and corrected his application after the fact.

Moore described the news that he hadn't received the Bronze Star as a "disappointment," but is this really all that big of a deal? It's not as if he was out on the campaign trail boasting about his meritorious wartime service. He was filling out an application for a junior position in politics and he'd already been awarded the position anyway. How many of us can honestly say that if we learned of such a disappointing detail we would rack our brains trying to think of any place and every place we might have written down a claim to receiving the award and retroactively correct the record? Sure, that would be the correct thing to do if you're a serious stickler for details, but the longer we travel down the road of life, the more of a paper trail we tend to leave behind. That sort of thing could make for a lot of work dealing with corrections.

I'm honestly having a hard time ginning up much anger over this news. It seems more like an unintentional foul than any attempt at inflating his legend or an attempt at deception. Wes Moore served his country honorably in the military and even went into combat for us. The fact that his deputy brigade commander put in his name for the award and two other senior officers endorsed him suggests that his service was indeed honorable and perhaps even heroic, even if he didn't eventually wind up receiving the award. We shouldn't be raking him over the coals too badly for what essentially boils down to a bookkeeping error, at least in my opinion.

Yep, I don't see it as an issue. Who among us has not screwed up the paperwork. I'm shocked, though, that Presidents Obama or Biden didn't get the Bronze Star awarded. There's still time for Kamala to get it done. 

What I Saw at the Beach Today


ARA Libertad (Q-2) 

ARA Libertad (Q-2) is a steel-hulled, full-rigged, class "A" sailing ship that serves as a school vessel in the Argentine Navy. One of the largest and fastest tall ships in the world,  holder of several speed records, she was designed and built in the 1950s by the RΓ­o Santiago Shipyard, Ensenada, Argentina. Her maiden voyage was in 1961, and she continues to be a training ship with yearly instruction trips for the graduating naval cadets as well as a traveling goodwill ambassador, having covered more than 800,000 nautical miles (1,500,000 km) across all seas, visited about 500 ports in more than 60 countries,  and trained more than 11,000 navy graduates. 
She was under power, with her sails down, headed for Baltimore.

Fun fact, she was held hostage in Ghana in 2012, for debts allegedly owed to a hedge fund by the Argentine government.

Flotsam and Jetsam - The Kamala and Tim Show Revisited

More fallout from the Kamala and Tim comedy 18 minutes on CNN. At the Free Bacon, Kamala Harris Comes Out of Hiding, "Harris's interview left more questions than answers." Dan Flynn at Am Spec, America Waited 39 Days for This? "The Blah-ness of CNN’s Kamala & Tim Show, It was neither helpful nor damaging but blah." From Althouse, Vague, vacuous, and not flustered... 2 looks at that Kamala Harris interview. ""Kamala Harris didn’t hurt herself in her interview this week with CNN’s Dana Bash. She didn’t particularly help herself, either." Writes Bret Stephens in a NYT piece with a meaner headline: "A Vague, Vacuous TV Interview Didn’t Help Kamala Harris,"", "You've had two Democratic candidates who've not been able to give unscripted interviews, which is extraordinary." and "Kamala Harris' Election Odds Slide With Bookmakers After CNN Interview." Spiked explains Why Kween Kamala is still dodging democratic scrutiny, "Kamala Harris’s interview with CNN was dull, lifeless and insipid – just as she wanted." Newt Gingrich@newtgingrich, "After watching the CNN interview of Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz it is clear that Walz is the first “emotional support candidate” in history. . ." NYPo says Harris lacked ‘confidence’ and ‘authenticity’ in first interview since Biden’s exit: body language expert. Capt. Ed at Hat Hair, 'That's It?': The Most Stunning Reveal of the Harris Interview. "Harris doesn't fight. It's not in her. Harris retreats when challenged and avoids confrontation when possible. She lacks a fighting instinct, and her entire campaign thus far demonstrates it." Ace finds a Claim: CNN Taped 41 Minutes of Puffball Interview With Kamala But Edited It Down to Just 18 Minutes. "The filthy Gaslight Media are just corrupt fonts of endless propaganda and disinformation." Sundance at CTH, CNN Delivers Kamala Harris First Interview in Three Heavily Edited Segments and Kamala Harris Segment – Everything About This is a Lie. At WaEx, Byron York wonders Will CNN interview be Harris’s last? Ay Libery Unyielding ‘She Ain’t Made For This’: Harris Aides, White House Staffers Vilify Her In Expository Book. From Breitbart's Nolte: CNN’s Kamala Harris Interview Optics Ridiculed — ‘Child at Adult Table.’ Bad Hombre@joma_gc "Kamala malfunctioned like a McDonald’s soft serve machine when confronted with the mildest of adversarial questions in a controlled environment. That was with the added luxury of splitting the “heat” with her sidekick. They won’t let her do a solo interview." Bad Hombre@joma_gc, "Trump’s last four interviews: -57 minutes (Dr. Phil) -57 minutes (Theo Von) -2 hours and 3 minutes (Elon Musk) -1 hour and 11 minutes (Shawn Ryan) Kamala’s first interview in 40 days as the Democrat nominee: 18 minutes, edited, no transcript, and with a chaperone." Insurrection Barbie@DefiyantlyFree "This analysis of Harris interview is pretty spot on. And this is not from a Trump supporter. Kamala’s Kalamity." Vivek Ramaswamy@VivekGRamaswamy, "Kamala’s interview last night was a reminder that we’re not running against a candidate. We’re running against a *system*. They require a candidate they can control, which means having original ideas is a disqualification. That’s exactly why we get Biden, then Kamala, and so on." At Jewish World Review, The Great Victor Davis Hanson writes New rules for radicals -- How to reinvent Kamala Harris "The complete Harris makeover requires 15 radical rules followed to the letter . . . " Charles Gasparino@CGasparino, "Dem strategist know how to win elections, and I'm actually in awe of their abilities. But the cover-up of the manifold weaknesses of @KamalaHarris is very dangerous for the country. Even a softball interview like last night's shows she doesnt have a clue when it comes to basic issues and no core beliefs. . ." From the Bablyon Bee, ‘What Do YOU Think My Policies Might Be?’ Kamala Harris Asks CNN’s Dana Bash During Interview and Democrats Consider Replacing Kamala Harris With More Coherent Joe Biden. Capt. Ed snarks "This may not be satire." Leah Barkoukis at TownHall, Trump-Vance Campaign Rolls Out Brutal New Ad Using This Line From Harris' CNN Interview. Matt Margolis at PJM, Trump-Vance Campaign Uses Kamala's CNN Interview in Devastating New Ad.

Matt Margolis, again, Tim Walz Made Kamala's First Interview Worse, Not Better. From NYPo, Tim Walz fabricated key details of political ‘origin story’ that involved being turned away at George W. Bush rally. Capt. Ed, Did Walz Fib About His Political 'Origin Story'? I'm starting to see a pattern.
PJM's Rick Moran explores the question, Why Isn't Kamala Harris Farther Ahead? "For the last six weeks, Kamala Harris has basked in the glow of the most positive and loving media coverage I've ever seen in a campaign. And I've seen a lot of campaigns." Because nobody trusts the press anymore; why would they? PJM's Stephen Kruiser swears Kamala Harris IS Election Interference. NYPo, Kamala Harris tied with Green Party candidate Jill Stein among Muslim voters, damning poll reveals. 

Sarah Arnold at TownHall has Experts who Warn Kamala Harris' Tax Proposal Would Destroy America. Maybe that's the point. Paul Sperry@paulsperry_, "DEVELOPING: Kamala campaign has stopped referencing her alleged job at McDonald's and won't respond to media questions seeking the location of the McDonald's store and the dates of her employment at McDonald's, which appears nowhere in her memoirs or early resumes...developing..." Leslie Eastman at LI sees In Latest Folly, Biden-Harris Bans Drilling On 28 Million Acres of Public Lands in Alaska. "Interior Secretary Den Haaland reverses a Trump-era decision opening up millions of acres of federal land in Alaska to energy development and mining." Ace, Biden-Harris Administration Brings Joy to Employers By Depressing White Collar and Blue Collar Wages. "As your wages contract in the midst of high, unstoppable inflation, please remember: Kamala Harris is practicing the "politics of joy," as her media propagandists have dubbed it. She is above petty concerns about real wage losses and stagflation: She's all about bringing joy. This is "vibes" election, not a "facts" election. Racists." OTP, Biden-Harris Admin To Resume Migrant Flight Program. Sarah Arnold, Progressive Denver Mayor Defends 'Newcomers' Gang Violence. Joy! From the Free Bacon, Kamala's Criminal Justice Reform Comrade Accused Israel and America of 'Apartheid' in Fiery Sermon After Hamas Attack. "The Rev. Frederick Haynes has also praised anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan as a 'wonderful and great man'"

And from the In The Mailbox: 08.30.24 (Evening Edition) EBL, anti MAGA Biden-Harris, Twitchy: At This Point We Should Just List The Things Tim Walz Hasn’t Lied About, , According To Hoyt: Lines of Departure 2-2: The Choice isn’t Trump or Harris [by Tom Kratman], American Conservative, The Non-Entity Who Would Be President, American Greatness: Kamala-Flip Flops on Fracking in Softball CNN Interview, Cafe Hayek: Yes, Harris Is Calling for Price Controls, Dana Loesch: Kamala’s Trainwreck Interview, First Street Journal: Politico Seems Unclear That Kamala Harris Is Part Of The Biden-Harris Admin, Kamala Drops Word Salad On ‘Climate Change’, Power Line: State of the Race, Tim Walz Lies Again, and She didn’t do fries, Transterrestrial Musings, The Rhetoric Of “Joy”, New Rules For Radicals, and Who Are The Racists, Again?, Victory Girls: Brat Kamala Rewriting Personal History To Fit The Vibe – Coconuts, also, Biden-Harris Open Border Threatens School Children, Volokh Conspiracy: Biden Administration Restarts CHNV Immigration Parole Program for Migrants From Four Latin American Nations, The Federalist: Dishonest Media Dismiss Illegal Immigrant Cartel Violence Near Denver, Dems Keep RFK Jr. On North Carolina Ballot As Swing State Spoiler To Hurt Trump Campaign, If Donald Trump’s Sex Life Is Fair Game For The Election, So Is Kamala Harris’, Lawsuit Alleges Fulton County Fails To Maintain Accurate Voter Rolls, Violating State And Federal Law, Walz Says He Lied About Going To War Because He Struggles With Grammar.

Althouse, "And I figured I was going to come here and we were going to make a speech. I had a speech all set for you — I was ready — and they said, sir, you're actually doing a town hall." "Said Donald Trump, quite chaotically . . ." Paula Bolyard at PJM wonders What Will Pro-Life Voters Do Now That Trump Has Stabbed Them in the Back? "The current law of the land in Florida is a six-week abortion ban. “I think the six weeks is too short,” Trump told NBC News. “It has to be more time. I told them that I want more weeks.” A video at Hat Hair, Are Black Men Leaning Trump? Steve Sailer, Democrats are finally noticing Karl Rove wasn't right about the Hispanic Vote.

Ace, Is RFKJr. the Key to Attracting Suburban "Health Moms"? "The realignment of left and right has broken a lot of the political ice that kept people frozen into positions they've held so long they've forgotten why they adopted them in the first place."  Insty, WELL, DAMN. This new ad from RFK, Jr.
At Spiked, Beware politicians posing as paragons of ‘decency.’ "Words like kindness, compassion and inclusivity are a form of linguistic blackmail against would-be dissenters."

KanekoaTheGreat@KanekoaTheGreat, "In September 2019, Senator Kamala Harris called on Twitter to censor the sitting President Donald Trump. This was after the Democrat Party's Russiagate hoax was exposed as a multi-year disinformation campaign run against the American people. She's a vindictive authoritarian who will do irreparable harm to our rights and freedoms." From WaEx, Trump raged about ‘plot’ by Zuckerberg to topple him in 2020 in new book. Stephen Kruiser, NPR Offers Up Two More Great Reasons to Nuke Its Taxpayer Funding. Graham Allen@GrahamAllen_1, "NBC SHOULD BE ASHAMED. NBC News asked Gold Star mom Kelly Hoover if it was “appropriate” for President Trump to visit Arlington National Cemetery "Are you in my shoes? I invited him. My son was murdered under the Biden-Harris administration." Hat Hair cites the NYT, NEW: Brazilian Judge Orders Block on Twitter/X Over Refusal to Censor Content. Capt. Ed comments, "There was a time when American media outlets would band together to fight censorship like this. I suspect that their impulse will now be to side with Justice Moraes." At the Blaze, 'LFG!' Texas judge sets stage for Elon Musk to drag leftist Media Matters before a jury. Capt. Ed thinks Elon certainly seems pleased

Jonathan Turley is pissed that the Human Rights Campaign President Calls for Rejection of “the Little Piece of Paper” of the Founders. "Before we start “reimagining” our way out of the most stable constitutional system in history, we may want to consider how the alternatives have been faring around the world."

From the College Fix, Scholars panel tells radiologists: Don’t call first-trimester babies ‘living’. You can call an amoeba living, but don't you dare call a fetus living. 

Ace, James Varney: Public Schools Have Adopted the Same Strategy With Repeat Pedophiles That the Catholic Church Did -- Just Ship 'em Off to a Different District "Weird how the leftwing Marxist media was so outraged that the Catholic Church simply moved child-molesting priests to different dioceses, but when their political allies the teachers unions take the exact same strategy of playing Hide the Pedophile, they take zero interest." This has been true a very long time, but so has the disparate treatment by the press. 

Tom Knighton at TAW, Because of course she did "White Fragility" author "Robin DiAngelo may have plagiarized multiple scholars, including minority writers, in her 2004 Ph.D. thesis, according to a report Monday." As I've said before, nobody really reads that shit, so it seemed safe. Too bad computers can comb through theses and papers looking for it so easily. Campus Reform, NSF grants LSU $4.5 million for ‘equity center’ to study alleged bias against minority faculty members "The money from the NSF grant could have paid tuition and other costs for more than 100 students." Or a few scientists. Hat Hair John Sexton hears Stanford Academics: DEI Is Not Working on College Campuses. Well, it really wasn't meant to, it was meant to fuck things up. Also, Three More Schools Show Enrollment Shift After Affirmative Action Ruling

Linked at The Pirate's Cove in the weekly Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup and links. The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: Is It October Yet? up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

Rule 5 Saturday - Instaisabella

This week it's Instabella, aka Isabella Leeb More  
User Rating: 8.79/10 (77 votes) Current rank: #5185 

Seems a little low, but it's a big world. 


♡ Physiotherapy student ♡Austria/GermanyπŸ“ Sportsbabecode: Bella015 πŸ‹️‍♀️ ★ Fitness and style Account:

Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, X 

Linked at The Pirate's Cove in the weekly Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup and links. The Wombat has Rule Five Sunday: My Next Ex-Wife and FMJRA 2.0: A Token of My Extreme up on time and under budget at the Other McCain. Linked at The Right Way in the weekly Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Oregon, My Oregon

The Statesman Journal, Oregon measles outbreak grows to state's largest since 1991

Oregon's measles outbreak is now the largest reported outbreak in the state since 1991, according to data from the Oregon Health Authority.

The number of cases in the state since mid-June increased to 30 as of Sunday, surpassing the last outbreak in 2019 when 28 cases were reported.
Oregon's 2024 measles outbreak

This summer's outbreak is centered in Marion County, which has seen 20 cases, with additional cases in Clackamas and Multnomah counties. In 2019, the majority of cases were reported in Multnomah and Clackamas counties.

All cases have been unvaccinated individuals, and two have been hospitalized.

“Our measles outbreak continues, with two new cases identified since Friday," said Paul Cieslak, medical director for communicable diseases and immunizations at the Oregon Health Authority's Public Health Division. "The disease is among the most contagious known, and the only way we know to stop it is to maintain very high immunization rates — upwards of 95%. Two doses of vaccine provide lifelong protection for about 97% of recipients. ”

When I was a kid, it was just assumed you'd get measles. Once it started going around in our school, my parents arranged for us to get gamma globulin injections that were supposed to mitigate the effects of the disease. Of course, I got it, as scheduled, and still remember being miserable for at least a week, with a high temperature and a headache, and the rash. The first measles vaccine was introduced in 1963, and virtually eliminate measles a rite of childhood, too late for me. Good riddance.

Even Catfish Get the Blues

From the Southern Maryland Chronicle, Musician Crafts Songs to Combat Chesapeake Bay Invaders

Silver Spring resident Rick Bowers has taken an innovative approach to conservation by blending his love for fishing and music into a new creative project. Bowers, a dedicated angler and musician, recently released two country songs that focus on Maryland’s most aggressive invasive fish species: the blue catfish and the Chesapeake channa, previously known as the snakehead.

The songs, titled “Blue Cat Blues” and “Chesapeake Channa,” are available for streaming on Spotify. Bowers, who performs with the Rick Bowers Band, aims to raise awareness about the environmental impact of these species on the Chesapeake Bay through his music. The links to the songs are as follows:

“Blue Cat Blues”: Spotify
“Chesapeake Channa”: Spotify


“These two songs combine my passions for fishing and songwriting,” said Bowers. “I hope people around the Bay can relate and feel inspired. Let’s get out there! Catching these invasive species is fun, flavorful, and good for the Bay.”

Bowers, who also serves as a Clean Water Captain with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) and is a member of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ Blue Catfish Advisory Committee, uses his songs to highlight the significance of targeting invasive fish to maintain the health of the Bay.

According to Allison Colden, CBF Maryland Executive Director, targeting invasive species like blue catfish and snakeheads by fishing is a critical method for reducing their negative impact on the native ecosystem. “Rick’s songs perfectly reflect that, while also highlighting the fun that comes along with it,” she commented.

They're also on YouTube,  

OK, they weren't that great, and I'll never use "Chesapeake Channa." 

The Wombat has Rule Five Sunday: My Next Ex-Wife up on time and under budget at the Other McCain.

Flotsam and Jetsam - Kamala Speaks, Do You Want Fries With That?

Capt. Ed at Hat Hair, Too Bad to Check: CNN's Big Kamala-Walz Interview Will Be ... 18 Minutes? "Well, so much for substance!" Jason Miller@JasonMillerinDC "Hearing that @CNN will NOT be releasing the full transcript of all 18-minutes (total) of the interview with Kamala Harris and Human Blocking Dummy Coach Walz. What’s being cut out???" From Breitbart ‘Will CNN Edit out Kamala’s Flubs?’ — Harris Ripped for Scheduling Pre-Taped First InterviewDavid Sacks@DavidSacks, "Kamala Harris’ only job in the interview is not to embarrass herself. Dana Bash’s job is to pitch softballs so she doesn’t embarrass herself. Tim Walz’s job is to jump in and save her if it looks like she will embarrass herself. Kamala Harris will still embarrass herself." Cutie Pavlich at TownHall, The First Quote From Kamala's CNN Interview Is Here. ""My values have not changed," Harris said when asked about her far-left policy positions from the 2020 presidential election cycle." PJM's Matt Margolis thinks Kamala's First 'Interview' Was the Dumpster Fire You Expected It Would Be. Jen Van Laar at RedState sees Kamala Harris Lets Her Radical Freak Flag Fly in CNN Interview. At NewsMax, Harris Explains Flip-Flopping: 'Values Have Not Changed'. NYPo, Kamala Harris shows true lefty colors in CNN interview, admits her ‘values have not changed’ despite major policy flip-flops.  Althouse, "Harris explains in exclusive CNN interview why she’s shifted her position on key issues since her first run for president." "CNN teases, in advance of its airing of the edited, prerecorded interview." Hat Hair's Beege Welborn says To Be Clear: Kamala's CNN Campaign Couples Conversation Kabuki Is Not Craven Cowardice. Matt Vespa at TownHall, Did You Miss These Two Things About Kamala Harris' Disastrous Interview on CNN?.  "Portions of the transcript showed host Dana Bash answering the questions for Harris, along with word salads that provide her camp’s reasoning behind keeping the VP in the bunker." Taxing unrealized gains, "Harris says she has no regrets about lying to voters about Biden’s fitness to serve. "No, not at all."" At CTH Sundance  want you to Check Picture of Dana Bash Interviewing Kamala Harris (her cheat sheet), and President Trump Notes Kamala Cannot Risk Live Interview Ahead of CNN Broadcast Tonight, “She’s Not Very Smart”… Bob Hoge at RedState, HOT TAKES: Internet Reacts to Weird Staging of Kamala's CNN Interview and Hulking Tim Walz.  Insty takes on #JOURNALISMKimberly Klacik@kimKBaltimore, "Kamala is clearly reading notes for many questions from @DanaBashCNN. Why is this important? She had the questions prior to this interview, crafted notes with staff/experts, and is still struggling. This is hard to watch. Wow. #KamalaAndTim Capt. Ed clears his tabs with Thursday's Final Word

Stacy McCain wonders, rhetorically, Why Would Kamala Harris Lie About Working at McDonald’s Circa 1983? "Other than the fact that she lies about everything . . ." Capt. Ed, You Deserve a Fake Today: Did Kamala Lie About McDonald's? 'Bonchie' at RedState, It Sure Looks Like Kamala Harris Made Up Her Hard Knock Tale of Working at McDonald's. The Free Bacon, ‘I Did Fries’: Kamala Harris Claims She Worked at McDonald's, but She Never Mentioned It Until She Ran for President. Did She Really Toil Beneath the Golden Arches? "Harris's rΓ©sumΓ© a year after she graduated college makes no mention of McDonald's." Matt Walsh@MattWalshBlog, "This is like stolen valor but with fast food."

VodkaPundit at PJM, Kamala Harris Goes Full MAGA, Endorses This Signature Trump Policy. "You'd think I've got to be making this one up, but no: Harris flip-flops on building the border wall." Fash@gopfashionista, "Thank you #KamalaHarris for endorsing all of @realDonaldTrump’s policies. Welcome to #MAGA, girl!" Ace, JD Vance Hits Kamala Harris for Stealing Trump's Policies, "This is the wrong line of attack. Completely, utterly wrong. If you say she's stealing Trump's policies, that mean she is going to implement the policies people want. Which is much more important to them than squabbling about who gets credit." Yep, She's lying. Once she get in office it will be back to flying the liberal freak flag. From Da Signal, Is Kamala Harris Lying About Backing EV Mandates? Almost certainly. Although reality will force them to push the mandate back into the indefinite future. 

Paul Bedard at WaEx, White House Report Card: Biden, Harris hiding instead of building ‘Big Mo’. At NewsBusters, Kamala Scrubs Berkeley and Canada Out of Her Life Story. NewsMax claims Harris Inflated Prosecutorial Record in 2003 Campaign. Twitchy, Kamala Harris Says Trump Has Called for the Termination of 'The Supreme Land of Our Nation'. Chardonnay is a hell of a drug. From the Free Bacon, Kamala Harris's New Arab Outreach Director Said 'Zionists' Are 'Controlling' American Politics. "Brenda Abdelall comments came at a convention featuring prominent anti-Semite Cynthia McKinney." Anxious anxiously reports from Inside the tension in Harris' "Frankenstein" team. Ace, Kamala Harris Posts Fake, AI-Generated Letter from "Tucker" Praising Her Efforts on Common-Sense Gun Control;
The "Disinformation Expert" Media Allows Her to Lie With Impunity
. "Must be nice to have carte blanche to post whatever election-interference lies you like. Must be nice." Tom Knighton at Bearing Arms sees Tucker Fire Back Over AI-Generated Anti-Gun Letter to Kamala Harris with his own AI fake; it's hysterical. Stella Morabito at Da Fed thinks ‘Joy’ Rhetoric Is An Orwellian Attempt To Hide Democrats’ Hatred. "The formula always seems to be two parts deflection, five parts hypnosis, and ten parts deception. The Democrat machine has not yet come out openly to declare that “hate is love,” but they might as well." John Sexton at Hat Hair cites McWhorter: Joy is a Euphemism for Black, "I've argued before that I think the whole "joy" thing was cooked up by Harris' handlers as a way to recontextualize her worst tic as a candidate, i.e. her habit of bursting into hysterics when she is losing her audience's attention. I still think that's likely the truth of it, but Blake's take adds a very DiAngelo-esque spin on that effort. By framing this as "black joy" and a revolutionary act, he frames anyone who dares to criticizes Harris' cackling as a bunch of racist white folks." VodkaPundit is Revisiting the 'Kamala Harris as Sacrificial Lamb' Theory "If they are putting on a show right now and hoping to usher Ms. Harris off the stage quickly, it would indicate they're back on their game." Sundance notes Mark Halprin Has a Pragmatic Warning for Kamala Harris Supporters “I’m warning those of you who want Trump to lose that by the middle of next month, there’s a real possibility, based on what I’ve seen in terms of public and private data … that Kamala Harris could be where Joe Biden was,” says Mark Halperin. “Only one electoral college path and not a particularly strong hold on it.” Matt Walsh@MattWalshBlog, "What we’ve learned from Biden’s tenure is that apparently it’s an option to just not have a president. We’d always imagined that the presidency is a rather essential job. I guess not. We can go 4 years without one. Maybe that should be an option on the ballot in future elections."

Joy Pullman at Da Fed claims that Under Tim Walz, Minnesota Banned Christians From Teaching In Public Schools. Althouse, "The room erupted when Harris and Walz walked in, and the band played the school fight song with football players and cheerleaders in the back of the room." "Why does a public school herd its students into campaign events — replete with student musicians repurposing the school's fight song to support a political candidate? It's compulsory schooling and compulsory participation in politics. The purpose is openly political." Benny Johnson@bennyjohnson "DANA: "You had said that you and your wife used IVF but it turned out you used a different kind of fertility in order to have children." WALZ: "I certainly own my mistakes when I make em.. I think people know who I am." Benny Johnson@bennyjohnson, "DANA: "You said you carried weapons in war but you have never deployed actually in a war zone." WALZ: "The one thing I'm never going to do is.. I'll never demean another member's service." WOW."

Ace, Video Shows Illegal Alien Venezuelan Sex-Trafficking Gangs in Aurora, Colorado All Armed With "Assault Rifles," Taking Over an Apartment Building (and Reportedly, Then Demanding "Rent" from People Lawfully Living There). "I say "assault rifles" because that's what the media would call them if the weapons were carried by people who "look Republican." Is this America?" Sundance, Colorado Mayor Admits Police Have Lost Control of Part of Community to Venezuelan Illegal Migrant Gang “Tren de Aragua”. NYPo, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis dismisses migrant gang takeover of apartments as ‘imagination’ — despite video, mayor confirming truth. Da Blaze, Massachusetts staying mum about $1 billion in 'secret' spending for illegal aliens, state GOP alleges

At Reason, SCOTUS Keeps Block on Biden's Student Debt Forgiveness Program, "The ruling marks yet another defeat for Biden's loan forgiveness agenda." Matt Vespa sees Harris' Economic Adviser Got Taken to the Cleaners on CNBC Over Unrealized Capital Gains Proposal. Hat Hair excerpts WSJ, Blue-Collar Wage Deflation Is Here, and Capt. Ed comments "We can thank Bidenomics for this. We experienced some level of wage-price cycling during the two-plus years of high inflation. Now that the jobs market has cooled off, those wage hikes will get rolled back ... but the price hikes will still remain." Beege Welborn issues a  'We Did It, Joe' Update: Dollar General's Earnings Crash, Record Drop in Sales. And it's not because it's customers are going to fancier stores. "But in the era of Kamala and the ongoing carnage of #Bidenomics, they're apparently not doing as much business, even at their minimal price point. And the company is quite clear why. Inflationary pressures are eating their customers alive."

Mark Tapscott at Insty, on the MISSING BOUNCE: "Vice-President Kamala Harris was supposed to get a big bounce in the polls as a result of the DNC Lovefest in Chicago. The Issues & Insights guys say they are having a hard time finding that bounce." Matt Margolis thinks The Left Is Going to Freak Out Over Nate Silver's Latest Election Model. Hat Hair reframes Nate Silver, Don't Look Now, but Trump's Back to Being the Favorite. Capt. Ed, "The betting markets shifted slightly in Trump's direction today too, but Harris still has a very narrow lead there. Silver sees a convention bounce, but thinks it will evaporate soon. In the Pinpoint Policy battleground polls Silver links (the other is Emerson, which I covered this morning), Trump leads Harris head-to-head in both PA (47/46) and in Michigan (48/46)." Sarah Arnold at TownHall, Trump Takes the Lead While Harris Can't Answer a Simple Interview Question. At NewsMax, Trump: All IVF Costs Will Be Covered; We Want More Babies. I don't like subsidies, but I agree with the sentiment. We spend lots more on lots worse. 

Chicago Trib, Trump campaign was warned not to take photos at Arlington before altercation, defense official says. Just ignore all those old videos of Barack and Joe weepy eyed at Arlington. Ace, Deep State #Resistance Stars Another Fake News Operation Against Trump, This Time Filing a Complaint Claiming It's Illegal for a Former President to Visit Arlington National Ceremony at Fallen Soldiers' Families' Request

Sundance at CTH, RFK Jr States 57% of His Supporters Were Pulling Votes from President Trump – Video Recorded 8/23/24. Battleswarn, Bret Weinstein Calls The Democratic Party “An Existential Threat To The Republic”. Capt. Ed, NYT: Don't Look Now, But Here Comes Elon. To be fair, they have George Soros and clan. 

At Da Fed, the Unsinkable Mollie Hemingway sees J.D. Vance’s D.C. Suburb Is Only ‘Hate-Free’ If You Agree With Democrat Authoritarians. Twitchy, Mollie Hemingway NUKES Hateful Suburban Lefty White Women Trying to Terrorize JD Vance and His Family. At Da Wire, Former Dem Politician Found Guilty Of Murdering Longtime Vegas Reporter. "After three days of deliberation, the jury returned a guilty verdict in the trial of 47-year-old Robert Telles, who is now convicted of stabbing German to death after the reporter wrote about scandals within Telles’ office before he lost a primary election in June 2022, CNN reported."

Chicago Trib, Gunman in Trump assassination attempt saw rally as ‘target of opportunity,’ FBI official says. Sundance is skeptical, FBI Says Trump Attempted Assassin Acted Alone and There’s No Motive Behind “Why”. "How about just accepting, the friggin’ guy was trying to kill President Donald Trump!  This is not a super challenging motive to identify."

Spiked sees The ‘Get Trump’ show returns for another season. "The new charges against the former president are as specious and partisan as we’ve come to expect." CA Skeet at PJM explains why Alexander Vindman Represents Everything That's Wrong With Our Officer Class. "Unfortunately, when it comes to our military's officer class, I fear Vindman is merely an ugly symptom of a deeper foundational rot. His gleeful participation in the Trump impeachment sham introduced us not to a selfless patriot courageously playing the part of a whistleblower but rather to a narcissistic mid-level bureaucrat who felt that he himself, rather than the commander-in-chief to whom he swore an oath, should dictate foreign policy."

Althouse,  "Mr. Zuckerberg isn't denying that the government caused some of Meta's censorship decisions. The letter is too carefully drafted..." "... to say something so obviously untrue.... Mr. Zuckerberg's phrasing... avoids any overt concession that the efforts to influence the company actually caused Meta to suppress speech. ... Writes Philip Hamburger, in "The ‘Tell’ in Zuckerberg’s Letter to Congress/He neither admits nor denies that Meta bowed to government censorship pressure" (Wall Street Journal)." Matt Taibbi at Racket, Activism, Uncensored: At DNC Protests, the Unseen Flip Side of Joy. "In Chicago last week, Democrats reversed the legacy of 1968 by smothering protest and restoring the smoke-filled room. This time, the whole world wasn't watching - it couldn't." Capt. Ed, "Had Republicans pulled this kind of switcheroo without a single vote being cast, the Protection Racket Media would still be howling about it as an "attack on democracy." Instead, the same media are obsessing over "Joy" and "vibes." Matt hits the nail on the head here." TNP, MSNBC Host Locks X Account After Humiliating Exchange With Corey Lewandowski. From Reason, These Democrats Want the FEC To Crack Down on Elon Musk's Grok "Seven congressional Democrats called on the FEC to stop deepfakes. But is there really much to worry about?" They're looking for an excuse to jail Elon Musk. 

At the College Fix, International ‘equity’ scholars can’t define ‘gender’ after 5 years of research, "International scholars concluded a five-year “equity” project by determining the concept of “gender” cannot be defined but should be incorporated into all aspects of scientific research nonetheless." The more they talk and write, the more confusing the concept gets. That's by design. Campus Reform U of Wisconsin offers LGBT courses on ‘Queering Ecofeminism’ and ‘performance activism’. Easy As. At Hat Hair, Reporter Gets More Than He Bargained for After Asking DeSantis About the 'Trans Care Ban.'  "DESANTIS: "It is the MUTILATION OF MINORS that's harming people! It is WRONG to do this!""

Tax Prof opines California Law Schools Must Encourage Viewpoint Diversity. Good luck with that.

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: A Token of My Extreme up on time and under budget at the Other McCain.

Fish Pic Friday - Molly Dixon

 Full time Australian travel blogger, occasional fisherwoman:

Molly Dixon@molly_dixon_ πŸŒ΄ SOMEWHERE IN AUSTRALIA πŸš˜ Solo travelling in my 4x4 πŸ‘‡πŸΌ I make YouTube’s πŸŽ₯

Linked at The Right Way in the weekly Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama. The Wombat has Rule Five Sunday: My Next Ex-Wife up on time and under budget at the Other McCain.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Key Bridge Builder Selected

Balmer Sun, Baltimore, we have a builder. Nebraska-based company selected to construct new Key Bridge.

The Maryland Transportation Authority took the first step Thursday toward building a replacement for the toppled Francis Scott Key Bridge when it awarded a contract to construction giant Kiewit Infrastructure Co. for the project’s first phase.

The agency’s board approved a contract that will allow pre-construction and design work to start next week, marking a notable chapter in the five-months-long saga of the Key Bridge collapse and aftermath.

“It’s really good that we are at this stage to have that partner on board with us to advance the project,” MDTA Executive Director Bruce Gartner said after the vote.
. . .
The $73 million design phase contract awarded to Omaha, Nebraska-based Kiewit Corp. is a down payment on what is expected to be at least a $1.7 billion project to replace the Key Bridge over the Patapsco River.

A spokesman for the contractor said it will work in partnership with the MDTA, local subcontractors and suppliers and its workforce “to safely deliver and restore this vital transportation link in the city of Baltimore and the greater region.”

The original bridge was allegedly built for $141 million, which would translate to approximately $750 million today. Given that the new bridge will presumably be bolstered to withstand possible ship strikes, that seems a reasonable sum.

Maryland, My Maryland

 Balmer Sun, New Maryland test scores for English, math show little change across schools

Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program standardized test results from spring 2024 reflected little overall improvement in English language arts and math, according to data released Tuesday by the Maryland State Department of Education.

The percentage of MCAP English and math test takers scoring proficient each rose by less than a percentage point. About 48.4% of students scored proficient in English language arts, and 24.1% scored proficient in math.

Though scores were flat overall, there were some shifts among districts, including Baltimore City improving math scores to no longer be the lowest-ranked system in that subject.

This installment marked the third time the full MCAP was administered. Test scores from the 2022-23 school year reflected improvement in both English and math by over two percentage points.

Given annually to third through eighth graders as well as to high schoolers, who take Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry and 10th grade English assessments, the MCAP math and English language arts tests provide a statewide snapshot of the academic progress of Maryland public school students. Science exams are administered at only two grade levels. While the state did not release detailed data for science, officials reported a 10 percentage point decline among fifth graders, with 23.9% proficient, and a 1.5 percentage decline among eighth graders, with 24.9% proficient.

Disgraceful.  But I bet they learn about pronouns. 

Flotsam and Jetsam - Kamala to Speak, with "Dad" Present to Keep Her Out of Trouble

Tonight is the night Kamala Harris is going to break radio silence, and allow CNN to air a pre=recorded interview, with Tim Walz sitting in to co-moderate. Mary Chastain at LI notes Harris’s Pre-Taped CNN Interview Will Include Walz "Can…can she not do an interview on her own?" At Hat Hair John Sexton, Kamala Harris Has Agreed to a Joint Interview on CNN (Bringing Her Dad to Her Job Interview), and Capt. Ed finds a CNN Analyst who Agrees: Kamala 'Incredibly Weak' to Bring Chaperone to CNN Interview. Althouse, Last June, we learned of a study that found that 25% of Gen Z job applicants brought a parent along with them to a job interview. "See "So what if Gen Z applicants bring their parents to a job interview?" (L.A. Times). This week, we learn that the Democratic Party nominee for President of the United States is bringing "America's Dad" to her first interview." The Babylon Bee@TheBabylonBee, "Strong, Capable Woman Asks Man To Come With Her To Job Interview In Case They Ask Any Hard Questions" Capt. Ed hears Politico thinks Walz Not Doing Interviews Because Kamala Has No Agenda. When has that stopped a politician from talking? Abigail Shrier@AbigailShrier, "Any interviewer who doesn't hold Kamala's feet to the fire over this has abandoned journalism." Quote Kamala Harris@KamalaHarris, Apr 21, 2017, "Trump’s border wall is just a stupid use of money. I will block any funding for it." From NewsMax, Ric Grenell Offers 10 Questions for CNN to Ask Harris. John Ocasio-Rodham Nolte@NolteNC, "Republicans prefer live interviews because they know the media will screw them in the edit. Democrats prefer taped interviews because they know the media will Protect them in the edit." Quote Joe Concha@JoeConchaTV "Why did CNN agree to do a pre-taped interview with Harris and Walz instead of going live? And why isn't Harris doing this solo?"

Michael Shellenberger at substack, "Kamala Harris was not a DEI hire, was not the border czar, and supports fracking, say the media. But Biden had promised a black woman VP, the media called Harris "border czar," and she opposed fracking until a few days ago. We're nearing totalitarian levels of media gaslighting." Kira Davis, Does It Matter If Kamala Is Really Black Or Not? "Trump has been questioning Harris' racial he being too petty? . . . I’ve thought about that for a while now and I’ve come to the conclusion that, yes, it does matter. And yes, Trump is right to bring it up." She's more Indian than Black, but Blank ranks higher on the DEI scale than Indian, so she chose to be "Black." At PJM Rick Moranthinks History Is Against a Kamala Harris Victory, (Does history cast mail-in ballots?) and Matt Margolis sees the The Biden-Harris Administration Is Acting Like Trump Is Going to Win. From Insty, BILL WHITTLE: How to beat Harris, Part 2: POLLS. At Ace, Real Politico Headline: " Vance tries to tether Harris to Biden during Michigan rally" "Tries to tether? Tries to link the acting Vice President to the acting President, you mean?" Matt Vespa at TownHall, Politico Got Owned by This Fact Check About Kamala Harris. JD Vance@JDVance, "The thing is: she's Biden's Vice President." Quote, POLITICO@politico "Our corrupt leadership’: Vance tries to tether Harris to Biden during Michigan rally" Charles C. W. Cooke@charlescwcooke, "She really is a couple of days away from saying that she's never been vice president." Quote Amber Duke@ambermarieduke, "The Harris campaign is now claiming that she doesn't support an Electric Vehicle (EV) mandate. When she was a senator, Harris cosponsored the Zero-Emissions Vehicle Act of 2019, which contained a requirement for car manufacturers to sell only zero-emission vehicles by 2040." At Spec World, Kamala campaign flip-flops on EV mandates, "The former senator cosponsored legislation banning gas-powered cars by 2040." VodkaPundit at PJM, Biden-Harris Throws Even More $$$ at This Problem They Made Up. Rohin Dhar@rohindhar "New York City implemented vacancy control, banned Airbnb, has rent control, etc And the monthly rent on a one bedroom apartment Just hit $4500." Larry at Hat Hair, Is This the Best Anti-Kamala Harris Ad Donald Trump Has Ever Made? From the Free Bacon, Crazed Kamala Supporters Attack Arlington National Cemetery Director for Allowing Trump To Lay Wreaths on Soldiers’ Graves. From Twitchy, Bitter, Angry Left Remains LIVID After Trump HUMILIATED Biden-Harris on Third Anniversary of Abbey Gate. Jimmy Failla@jimmyfailla, "I wanna live in an America where the media is madder at the President who got 13 service members killed than the President who shows up to mourn them." Victory Girls note Gold Star Families Still Have Not Heard From Biden or Harris. The Babylon Bee@TheBabylonBee, "Kamala Solemnly Places 'Joy' Sticker On Tomb Of Marine Killed In Afghanistan" NewsMax, Watchdog: Biden Pushed Gaza Pier Despite Warnings it Would Undercut Other Aid Routes. Capt. Ed comments "This episode proved Biden's complete lack of competence in military and logistics strategies, even though the shameful Afghanistan bug-out already made that clear. This was Biden's attempt to embarrass the Israelis into backing off their intent to fight Hamas to a real conclusion, and it backfired in an utterly predictable manner."

Via the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.28.24 EB, Kamala Chameleon, Twitchy: J.D. Vance Tells Kamala She Can Go To Hell, Louder With Crowder, Politico gets so fact-checked into oblivion over hackish pro-Kamala Harris headline they change it, American Greatness, Harris Reverses Stance on Border Wall, Now Says She’s in Favor, Government Shutdown Possible Next Month if Proof of Citizenship Bill Added to Must-Pass Continuing Resolution, Supreme Court Refuses Biden-Harris Regime’s Plea to Lift Nationwide Injunction Against Its Unconstitutional Student Loan Cancellation Scheme, and The Democrats’ Mixed Messages, American Thinker, Evidence Mounts for Kamala Role in J6 Plot, BattleSwarm: Bret Weinstein Calls The Democratic Party “An Existential Threat To The Republic”, Don Surber, Democrats are fractured, infighting, and preparing for defeat, First Street Journal: Cackles Harris Suddenly Wants To Build The Border Wall, also, Surprise! Harris Flip-Flops On EV Mandate, The Political Hat, The Mostly Peaceful Political Trap, and Victory Girls: Abbey Gate Families Push Back Regarding Trump At Arlington, and at Da Fed, Marine Who Guarded Kabul Airport: ‘Somebody Should Have Held Somebody Accountable’. Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair VIP, In Boston, Buses for Migrant Children, but Not Yours

From NewsMax, YouGov Poll: Trump Tops Harris by 5 Points Among Independents, which is where the action is. But don't trust polls. At TCW, Why I’m backing Trump: Brave RFK’s scathing indictment of Democrat dirty tricks. Atop Da Hill, Rape, drugs, adultery, DUI all OK. But if you back Trump, the Kennedys will disown you. At NewsMax again, RFK Jr. Might Remain on Some Swing State Ballots. End Wokeness@EndWokeness "In the past 24 hours: -Dems force RFK Jr. to stay on the ballot -Dems remove Cornel West off the ballot -DOJ files an upgraded Trump indictment -Facebook admits they censored posts in compliance with Biden-Harris requests. Saving democracy by ending it." Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair, Cornel West to Remain on Ballot in Wisconsin. Duane Patterson at Hat Hair, Here's What Protecting Election Integrity and Defending Democracy Looks Like in Michigan. From Insty, TURNABOUT IS FAIR PLAY: John Ocasio-Rodham Nolte@NolteNC "Now Republican governors need to keep Biden on the ballot." Quote johnny maga@_johnnymaga, "This is Michigan's Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson She's refusing to remove RFK Jr. from the ballot after he suspended his campaign and endorsed Trump."

Elizabeth Nickson at Welcome to Absurdistan, The 2024 Cheat and What's Being Done About It, "There are 1000 ways to commit election fraud and we know all of them." Cutie Pavlich at Hat Hair, Democrats Are Freaking Out Over Republicans' Efforts to Stop Illegal Aliens From Voting. Nice Deb at Am Great, DNC Files Lawsuit Against Georgia Election Board to Block New Rule Requiring Counties to Ensure the Accuracy of Votes.

John Sexton at Hat Hair, Jack Smith Unveils Revised Trump Indictment. Jake Sullum at Reason, A Revised Trump Indictment Tries To Overcome the 'Presumption' of Presidential Immunity. "In charging the former president with illegal election interference, Special Counsel Jack Smith emphasizes the defendant's personal motivation and private means." As usual, Althouse presents the NYT view, "The tone of the new charges was apparent from the first paragraph of Mr. Smith’s filing, which described Mr. Trump as 'a candidate for president of the United States in 2020.'" ""The original indictment had referred to him as 'the 45th President of the United States and a candidate for re-election in 2020.'... Perhaps the most significant change between the 36-page superseding indictment and the original 45-page indictment was that Mr. Smith’s deputies removed all allegations concerning Mr. Trump’s attempts to strong-arm the Justice Department into supporting his false claims that the election had been rigged against him." From Harold Hutchinson at Da Caller, ‘How’s The Government Gonna Prove That?’: Dershowitz Explains Why Jack Smith Has ‘Uphill Fight’ With New Trump Charges “The indictment charges that Donald Trump knew, knew and believed that he had actually lost the election. How’s the government gonna prove that?” Dershowitz asked. “He never said that to anybody. He never wrote that anywhere. Did he ever think it? I don’t know. Did he say it on a phone call that was illegally overheard? I doubt it.”

Matt Vespa, Here's Another Clip of Nancy Pelosi Undercutting a Main January 6 Narrative. Jazz Shaw, J6 Trespasser Gets Four Years in Prison. "They set out to make an example of Michael Sparks as a message to others. That is not equal justice under the law. What Sparks actually did amounted to little more than trespassing. This is disgraceful." 

Cathy Salgado at PJM thinks Zuck’s Apology MUST Spur Congress to Defund Government Agencies, No, it should spur them to put some in jail. Tom Knighton at TAW says Forgive me, Mark Zuckerberg, if I question your sincerity. Jonathan Turley calls Zuckerberg’s Censorship Admission is More Contrived than Contrite. "Now forced to admit what many of us have long alleged, Zuckerberg is really, really sorry. . . As I write in my book, President Joe Biden is arguably the most anti-free speech president since John Adams. His administration helped create a censorship system that was described by one federal judge as “Orwellian.” Vice President Kamala Harris has been entirely supportive of that effort." Capt. Ed, "Turley feels even more strongly about this than I do. I'm happy to see some form of contrition, but without any atonement, it's tough to take it seriously." I take it as evidence Zuckerberg fears a substantial chance of a Trump victory. Chief Nerd@TheChiefNerd, "What is the difference between a "conspiracy theory" and the truth? About 18 months." NewsMax, Rep. Kiley to Newsmax: Biden Admin Unleashed 'Censorship Regime.

At NYPo, Joe Rogan blasts MSNBC for ‘deceptively editing’ comments that made it seem like he backs Kamala Harris. Hat Hair's Beege Welborn, NYT Wonders If 'Former Prosecutor' Two Tier Keir Starmer Can 'Show' Kamala 'the Way' to impose speech restrictions. Herr Professor Jacobson at LI thinks you should Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid, of European Social Media Censorship. "Our Op-Ed in The NY Post: Unlike things that happen in Vegas, European social media censorship doesn’t stay in Europe."

From Insty, THIS JUST IN: The Second Circuit has reinstated Sarah Palin’s libel case against The New York Times. "Bloomberg is reporting that: “The piece, published after a gunman opened fire on members of Congress on a baseball field, described a “‘link’” between the shooting and “‘political incitement.’” It referenced a digital graphic published in 2010 by Palin’s political action committee. The graphic was a map showing crosshairs over congressional districts represented by Democrats—including the district of former Rep. Gabby Giffords, who was shot in 2011.”" John Sexton, Sarah Palin Will Get Another Chance at Suing the NY Times. Ace, Second Circuit Court of Appeals Reinstates Sarah Palin's Defamation Lawsuit Against the New York Times, Reversing the Improper Verdict Engineered By the Lower Hawaiian Judge "Sarah Palin sued the New York Times for claiming that her "target" map spurred the shooting of Gabbie Giffords. She did not sue for the first time they falsely claimed that, back in 2011. She sued when the New York Times again reasserted this lie in 2017, even after the New York Times had previously retracted the false claim. As many pointed out: The New York Times doesn't even trust the New York Times' reportage. "The Nation's Paper of Record," indeed! The New York Times isn't even the Paper of Record at the New York Times." 

Irons in the Fire, Project Veritas strikes again. "BREAKING: Doctors tells @Project_Veritas undercover that MILLIONS of excess deaths resulted from the FDA’s pandemic-era "horse medicine" tweets against ivermectin. Now we have the lawyer who defended the FDA in court ADMITTING on undercover video that the FDA abused its authority! Basically, there is no federal agency that can be trusted."

Leslie Eastman at LI reports Harley-Davidson Drops DEI Initiatives After Customer Outrage Over Inane Policies "One Harley-Davidson owner protested the firm’s embrace of DEI by destroying his motorcycle with machine guns and a canon."

Linked at 357 Magnum in Saturday Roundup of Link Roundups - 31 August. The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: A Token of My Extreme up on time and under budget at the Other McCain.